Heidi Fosli - Silent Emotions

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silent emotions


The passage from the imbalances of our lives to new balances is expressed on canvas by the artist Heidi Fosli, who through her creative experience, which is an automatic and spontaneous “action” as well as a deep psychological introspection, allows the most authentic truth to escape her and to come up to her consciousness. A truth that is essence of a universal subconscious, impossible to deny, which speaks through symbols and styles outside the artist’s control or imagination and wants to resolve the injustices surrounding us by giving us a formula, a solution written in the harmony and secret messages intrinsic to the new reality and structure of the painting. The results are literally “conscious shifting” artworks, showing us all our contradictions, however allowing at the same time a way out from a violent, hypocritical and ambiguous society which we would dare not look at if not through the window of art and beauty. Environmental disorders (Exposed Globe, 2015), social discrimination and conformity (Conformity, 2016), isolation, disparity and confused identities especially between genders (Prima Ballerina, 2016), lack of communication (Communication, 2013) and empathy (Empathy, 2013) as well as appearance dominating over essence are issues that the artist feels deeply and needs to unveil. While blending disparate styles together, from Northern-European Expressionism to French Pointillism, Heidi Fosli is free to disentangle her artwork from pre-conceived theories and to create a new language in which the many influences on her art, the strongest being Expressionism and Impressionism, transform themselves through her hand and become new visual path-

ways for the emersion of a new reality, transcending their original aesthetics. In contrast with the illusion of the old, which was a reconstructed reality, Heidi presents a “New Impressionism”, capable of showing us our true faces, emerging mysteriously on the canvas as in the painting Identity, 2016 and inspiring us to be our real selves. Heidi Fosli was born in 1961 in Sandefjord, Norway where she lived with her mother and brothers. Her father died in a car accident when she was only a year old and her mother was only twenty-two, bringing her to spend a lot of time, while growing up, with her grandparents who lived nearby and to endure a never-ending void throughout her life. Heidi’s mother, who remarried when Heidi was nine years old, was a very gifted drawing artist but never managed to express her talent publicly and Heidi always felt the need to represent her while exhibiting her art. Her whole family was very artistic and there were also artists on her father’s side. Her paternal grandfather was born in Kragerø, the same town where Edvard Munch spent many years of his life and painted from 1909 until 1915. Her next-door neighbour in Sandefjord was renowned sculptor Knut Steen, who then moved to Carrara, Italy in After college, in 1985, Heidi started courses to prepare for medical school, but later decided to go to California instead, where she studied first at the American Conservatory Theatre and then at the Academy of Art University of San Francisco, graduating in Drawing and Painting. She then went on to take her degree in Psychology, Social Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Oslo in 1996. Heidi’s artistic debut took place in Oslo in 2006. She is member of the com2Art Association of Cannes and of the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists. The artist lives between Oslo and Arpino. Collectors, galleries, companies and art lovers from all over the world admire her works. Daniela Fraioli


Heidi Fosli Prima Ballerina, 2016, oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm

silent emotions Fondazione Umberto Mastroianni International Centre of Visual Arts / Castle of Ladislaus piazza Caduti dell'Aria / 03033 Arpino (FR) Italy telephone: 0776 848105 / info@fondazionemastroianni.it www.fondazionemastroianni.it Facebook: FondazioneUmbertoMastroianni


silent emotions

graphic design: Giovanni D’Amico

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