Voice of Self-Advocates 21 - Making decisions

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Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

Topic of the issue:

Making decisions

Issue 21

EDITORIAL Dear self-advocates, In the new issue of the Voice of Self-Advocates. we write about making decisions. Making decisions is very important for you because when you decide you can live the way you want. Enjoy reading and learn more about making good decisions.

MAKING DECISIONS To make a decision or to decide means to choose between two or more things. Decisions are choices that you make every day. For example, you have a choice to go for a walk or to stay at home. Decision is that what you have chosen. Try to remember what choices have you made today and wright them down on the lines below.

Urednica Senada Halilčević Novinari Hrvoje Forner Snježana Kanjir Fadil Špuren Nera Bajzec Gordana Huzek Tomislav Ivašković Asistenti Sanja Martinovsky Ivana Poslon Hrvoj Damjan Janjušević Mladen Katanić Glas samozastupnika tiskan je uz financijsku podršku Fondacije otvoreno društvo i Grada Zagreba. This newsletter was supported by a grant from the Open Society Fundations and the City of Zagreb.

After you make a decision, consequences happen. Consequences are events that affect your life. Big and small decisions When you make a small decision consequences last short and do not change your life. Small decisions are for example: what will you have for lunch will you go to sleep or will you watch a film will you wear a sweater or a sports t-shirt.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

If you have chosen to wear the sweater then you will feel warm. Such decision does not change your life. Some decisions are big and change your life. Big decisions are for example: in which city you want to live will you marry your partner will you have a baby When making big decisions you need to think about the consequences. It is good to talk to a person you know and trust when you make a big decision. Such person can help you explain what consequences can occur if you make a big decision. You will like some consequences of your decision and some you will not like. First example: Maggie has earned her salary and she wants to buy new TV. Maggie has a choice: to buy TV right away and spend all salary or to save money for a few months and then buy TV f Maggie buys the TV right away and spends all her salary, she can watch TV series, but she will not be able to buy food, pay rent or hygiene accessories. If Maggie decides to save money for a few months, she will have money for food, rent and hygiene accessories but she will not be able to watch TV series. What would you do if you were Maggie? Second example: Jure and Maja are a couple in love. Maja lives in Zadar and Jure lives in Pula. They want to live together. Jure can decide: to go to Zadar and live with Maja or to stay living in Pula.

Voice of Self-Advocates


If Jure decides to leave Pula in order to live in Zadar, the good consequence is that he will live with Maja. Bad consequence is that he will lose his job and he will rarely see his friends from Pula. If Jure decides to stay living in Pula, he will keep his job and he will see his friends, but he will not live with Maja. How would you decide in this situation?

Easy and hard decisions Some decisions we make easy. Those are decisions when we are sure what we want. For example. Senada has always fought for her rights. When she was offered a job in the Association for Self-Advocacy, it was easy for her to decide to accept the job because she got an opportunity to fight for her rights and the rights of other people. Some decisions are hard. Those are decisions when we are not sure what we want and what will be the consequences. When you have to make hard decision remember these suggestions: 1. Get to know information important for the decision. You can get correct information from a person who is an expert in that field. For example, if you want to start a procedure in the court, talk to your lawyer. If you do not need an expert for making a decision, talk to a person with experience in making similar decision. Ask everything you consider important for


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

making a decision and check what you think you already know. Ask for explanation if you do not understand something. 2. Talk to persons that know you and whom you trust. Those persons can be your friends, family members or some other support person who might know how to deal with consequences of the decision you make. Listen to advice from those persons, but make your decision by yourself. 3. Think about the consequences that could happen. Consequences can make many changes in your life. Some decisions bring also big responsibilities. Think about what you want in your life and how the decision will affect the life you imagine it. Weigh which consequences are good for your life and which ones are bad. Do you have the will to deal with those consequences? 4. Imagine you have made a decision. How do you feel? Inner feeling is very important for making decisions. You can make a small exercise: Bring your decision down to two choices. Write one choice on one piece of paper, and wright another choice on another piece of paper. Mix the papers, choose one and read it. Are you glad you have chosen precisely that paper? Or would you rather be happier if you pulled that other paper? Do not let papers decide instead of you. This exercise can only help you understand your feelings better because of the decision. 5. Do not make decisions nervous, angry or tired. If you are in a bad mood, you will make a bad decision. After you learned all information, take some time and then decide. When we need to decide something, we are often scared.

Voice of Self-Advocates


We are afraid that we do not make a wrong decision, we are afraid of change, we are afraid that other people will not approve our decision. This fear prevents us to make a good decision. 6. Do not let others decide for you. The decision is yours! After you make a decision pay attention to how the consequences of your decision affect your life. Let your decisions be the experience that can help you in making new decisions. When you’re not sure should you make a certain decision these 3 questions can help you: 1. What will happen if I make a decision? 2. How will the decision affect my life? 3. What will happen if I make a different decision? What are habits? Decisions that you often make can become your habits. Habits are actions that you have decided to do and which you repeatedly do without thinking. Navike mogu biti dobre ili loťe. For example: if you decide to brush your teeth every evening, that will become good habit and you will have healthy teeth. if you often choose to smoke a cigarette, that will become bad habit because you will be addicted to smoking. What are your habits?


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

Habits can be changed. If you want to change some of your habits, you need to make different decisions. For example: You have a habit to drink a lot of coffee every day. If you want to change that habit, it means that you have to decide to drink less coffee. When is legal capacity important for making decisions. For making decisions is important to have legal capacity. Legal capacity means that you can make decisions by which you acquire rights and duties. To have a right means you can decide something and do it. For example, when you have the right to sign work contract it means you can decide where you will get a job. To have a duty means you have to do something in order to acquire certain right. For example, you have the duty to do your work tasks in order to receive salary. Some people are deprived of legal capacity. This means they do not have the right to make decisions by which you acquire rights and duties. Guardians decide for them. For example, persons deprived of legal capacity cannot decide: will they sell an apartment on how to manage their money will they sign a work contract with whom or where they will live Guardian must support person to make hers or his own decisions. Guardian is obliged to take into account person’s opinion and accept person’s wishes except if they were bad for a person.

Voice of Self-Advocates


EXPERIENCE OF SELF-ADVOCATES IN MAKING DECISIONS Tomislav Ivašković I like to train Judo very much. Judo helps me to feel good and to be healthy. When I fight I have to carefully observe movement of my opponent. This helps me to improve my attention in everyday life. Judo learns me to be non-violent and to use my strength to help other people. That is why I have decided to train this sport. In the beginning I was not sure whether I want to train Judo. Judo was interesting to me because I wanted to learn how to defend myself in case somebody attacks me, but I was also a little scared because it is very dangerous sport. Trainer explained to me everything about Judo. Finally I have decided to conquer my fear and to train Judo. I am very happy for making that decision. I practice and train regularly. I fight in competitions around Europe and meet many new people. Every man should have his decisions. It is not good when others decide for you. That means you cannot live the way you want.

Snježana Kanjir I have been working for a long time at Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. I was preparing hot drinks and serving them to faculty personnel. I was going every week to meetings at Association for Self-Advocacy. One day in Association for Self-Advocacy they asked me do I want to work with them. Then I had to make a decision will I stay


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

at the faculty or will I work in Association for Self Advocacy. It was a difficult decision for me. I had to thoroughly think it through what would I decide. I had decided to work in Association for Self Advocacy I had made this decision because I wanted a change in my life. I also wanted to participate at conferences and speak about rights of persons with intellectual disabilities. In Association for Self Advocacy I express my opinion, learn about human rights and take part in public events. I am satisfied with my decision.

BoŞidar Kobasić In my life I decide. I decide when will I go out, where will I go. I buy to myself what I need. I choose my friends and choose the way I live. Important decision that I made in my life was to leave the institution. I did not like it there and that is why I decided to live in the community. I made this decision easily because I was often being punished in the institution. The decision to leave the institution was a good decision because my life is better now. I could not make decisions there. Now I have more freedom in making decisions. There are some decisions which I cannot make by myself. If I wanted to sell a house, I would have to ask for permission from my guardian.

Voice of Self-Advocates


Ivo Pala I decide when I want to take a walk, what will I buy in a store, what will I wear, how will I spend my money. I have been wanting for a long time to go to work. I made a decision to get a job. I would like to work in DM. I want to earn my own money and do my job. This decision I made it by myself. People have to think with their own heads when they make decisions. It is important that people make their own decisions, to be able to go where they want and do job they choose to do.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

NEWS Education for Italian self-advocates in Rome Organisation ANFASS from Italy carries out the project „Io Cittadino“ meaning „Me the Citizen“. As part of this project a workshop for Italian self-advocates from all parts of Italy was held from 22 to 24 February 2016. They want to start local self-advocacy groups. Self-advocates could have hear a lot of good ideas and suggestions on how to organize their self-advocacy groups and what activities can they do to achieve their goals. Senada Halilčevič, the President of EPSA, participated at the workshop as an educator. Senada talked to self-advocated about starting self-advocacy groups and nhers experience. Sehe presented the work of EPSA and invited Italian self-advocates to join European self-advocacy movements. We wish a succesfull start of their work to all self-advocates from Italy. Proposals to the Family Act In November 2015 changed Family Act came into effect. Many citizens, lawyers and various associations think that this Family Act is not in line with Croatian Constitution. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Policy and Youth collected opinions, views and proposals related to this act. Association for Self-Advocates submitted 10 recommendations for changing the Family Act. Our recommendations relate to legal capacity and guardianship. Ministry has reached a decision to go into drafting new Family Act proposal. Association for Self-Advocacy is a part of the working group responsible for drafting of the new Family Act.

Voice of Self-Advocates


Education for assistants In the period from 4 to 8 April 2016 we held an education for new assistants who will support self-advocates at their meetings. At the education we talked about self-advocacy and self-determination. New assistants will provide support to self-advocates in following cities: Koprivnica Siska Rijeka Ĺ ibenik ÄŒakovec Pakrac Karlovac Europe in Action 2016: Family Action in Inclusive Education Europe in Action conference was held this year from 26 to 28 May. The conference was held in the city Lisbon in Portugal. ZABAVNIK It was organized in cooperation by Inclusion Europe and Fenacerci. Fenacerci is Portuguese organisation of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families. Europe in Action conference is held every year. This year we talked about how can we ensure that persons with intellectual disabilities get the same education as all other students and how can their families help them in achieving that.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

SPORT Qualifications for FIFA World Cup in Russia 2018 Qualifications for FIFA World Cup in the group F start on 4 September 2016. Turkey, Island and Ukraine are in our group. We play the first match in Russia against Turkey on 5 September 2016. On 9 September 2016 at 18:00 we play against Finland. On 12 November 2016 at 18:00 we play against Island. We hope to win. In 2017 Croatia plays 5 matches: On 24 March 2017 at 20:45 we play against Ukraine. On 11 June 2017 at 20:45 we play against Island. On 5 September 2017 at 20:45 we play against Turkey. On 6 October 2017 at 20:45 we play against Finland. On 9 October 2017 at 20:45 we play against Ukraine.

Voice of Self-Advocates


QUIZ FITTING PIECES The cup is broken. Fit the missing piece?




b) soldiers

c) citizens

QUIZ 1. Who comprises civil society?

a) politicians

2. What is the name of the satellite which circles around the Earth?

a) Saturn


b) Sun

c) Moon

Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

3. Who wrote the novel Grička vještica?

a) Miroslav Krleža

b) Marija Jurić Zagorka

c) A. G. Matoš

GOGA’S RIDDLE On my back my house I bear, crawling for days, slowly I go, always getting everywhere.

Voice of Self-Advocates



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Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

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