Voice of Self Advocates

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Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


Number 5

EDITORIAL Dear readers, I would like to wish you a happy New Year and I hope it is better than the previous one! Topic of this issue is the right to vote. Parliamentary election is behind us, and the EU referendum is already here. In this issue you can find out more about that subject. We also prepared some fun pages. I hope you will enjoy reading our newsletter!

Editor Senada Halilcevic Journalists Hrvoje Forner Fadil Spuren Braco Nera Bajzec Snjezana Kanjir Assistants Ivana Poslon Ivana Kramaric Damjan Janjusevic This newsletter was supported by a grant from the Open Society Fundations.

TOPIC OF THIS ISSUE: THE RIGHT TO VOTE What does the right to vote mean? The right to vote means that a person can go to the election and vote. In the Republic of Croatia citizens who are 18 or older can vote. Persons deprived of legal capacity do not have the right to vote. Why is voting important? Voting is important because you can choose people you want to run the country and make decisions important for your life. When you vote, you are included in the community. It means you are respected as a citizen. Article 29 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Persons with disabilities have the right to participate in elections. Participating in elections must be made easy so that every person with disabilities could participate in elections. Persons with disabilities have the right to vote as they want.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

No one can force them to vote for something they do not want. No one has the right to ask them to say how they are going to vote. Persons with disabilities who want to vote have the right to ask for support to participate in elections. They have the right to determine the person who will help them vote.

Situation in the Republic of Croatia Many persons with intellectual disabilities in Croatia unfortunately do not have the right to vote because they are deprived of legal capacity. In our meetings we heard from self-advocates that they cannot vote because they do not have legal capacity. Many self-advocates complained there is no easy to read information on programmes of political parties. Pre-election campaigns are also not easy to understand or accessible to persons with intellectual disabilities. A small number of self-advocates who have the right to vote told us there are no workshops where they can learn how to vote. A big problem is that persons with intellectual disabilities do not have necessary support to participate in elections. Many persons with intellectual disabilities who live in institutions, and have legal capacity did not have the opportunity to vote. Written by Senada Halilcevic

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


Good practices from Europe Persons with intellectual disabilities need to be informed in order to participate in elections equally to others. Information should be written in a simple way and give different examples from everyday life. Unfortunately, in Croatia there is no such information. That means persons with intellectual disabilities are in worse position compared to other citizens. Below you can read about what kind of information on election European self-advocates can get. In 15 European countries there is easy to read information on election. Organization Inclusion Europe wrote an easy to read text on European election 2009. In the text they explained in a simple way: • why voting is important, • what kinds of elections there are, • how to vote, • how to find results of the election. This text was translated into 13 European languages. In 2010 in Great Britain 3 largest political parties wrote their programmes in an easy to read format. Also, in Great Britain a group of self-advocates made an easy to read internet site. On the site they showed short films on elections and how to vote. In some European countries, organizations of persons with disabilities organized public campaigns.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

In the campaigns they asked political parties to write their programmes in an easy to read format. They also asked them to make easy to read materials on elections for persons with intellectual disabilities. In France and Scotland guides for politicians were made. The guides told politicians how to make their campaigns more accessible for persons with intellectual disabilities. Written by Ivana Poslon Source: Inclusion Europe

Interview Snjezana Kanjir Snjezana Kanjir is a long-time self-advocate in the Association for Self Advocacy. She works at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. She lives with her parents in Zagreb. In her spare time she likes to spend time with her niece Ana. Also, in her spare time she likes to search the internet. We talked about elections and the right to vote with Snjezana. Did you vote in the parliamentary election on December 4, 2012? Yes, of course. Where did you vote? In Dubrava, that is where I live. Was it the first time you voted? No, I voted several times before. Last time I voted in the presidential election. Who do you go to vote with? Before, I always went with my dad. This time I decided to go all alone. Was it difficult for you? No, it wasn't difficult. I got a ballot paper, read it and circled the party I wanted.

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


How did you know what to vote for? Before election I followed pre-election campaign on TV and internet. I followed what was being said. Sometimes it is hard to understand what politicians are saying, I decided myself who to vote for. What does voting mean to you? It is important to me. First, you vote for who you want. Second, every vote counts. Every vote is a deciding vote. What do you think about the fact that not everyone can vote? You can vote if you have legal capacity. I can vote because my name is on the electoral register. Those who don't have legal capacity can't vote. That isn't good. I want all my friends to get their legal capacity back so they can vote for who they want. The Convention also says that! Interviewed by Fadil Spuren

Interview Gordana Huzek Gordana Huzek was born in Zagreb on July 28, 1954. She writes poetry, likes singing and handicrafts. We spoke to Gordana about elections and the right to vote. Did you vote in the parliamentary election on December 4, 2011? No, I did not. Why not? Because I was deprived of legal capacity. Do you remember when you were deprived of legal capacity? Not really. While my late father was still alive. Did anyone explain to you why are you deprived of legal capacity? No, they didn't. I think it's because I'm ill. I'm disabled. How did it make you feel when you couldn't vote? Very bad. It's hard for me. Would you like to vote? Yes.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

What does voting mean to you? It means a lot. I would like my voice to be heard. I live in Croatia like everyone else. Is it ok that people cannot vote if they are deprived of legal capacity? That's not fair. Everyone should have the right to vote. I could vote with support, why not. I would like to go to next election. Interviewed by Fadil Spuren

Referendum on European Union accession of Croatia On January 22, 2012, there will be a referendum on accession of Croatia to the European Union. In a referendum citizens decide on matters important to them and their country. Voting in a referendum is actually similar to voting in election. In referendum on January 22, 2012, citizens will decide if they want Croatia to be part of the European Union or not. In order to decide on this important question it is important to have reliable information.

European Union European Union is a community of 27 European countries. We call the European Union EU for short. European Union has a flag. It is a circle of 12 yellow stars on a blue background. The flag is a symbol of unity, solidarity and harmony among people from Europe. Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


European Union has many documents and agreements. Important things about functioning of the European Union are written in them. The Lisbon Treaty is the most important document of the European Union. European Union has its bodies. In the European Union bodies, member states agree on their rights, obligations, interests, finances and all other things important for member states and the European Union. Some important European Union bodies are: • European Parliament • European Council • Council of the European Union • European Commission • Court of Justice of the European Union • European Central Bank • Court of Auditors of the European Union The European Commission and European Parliament are in Brussels, Belgium. States which are members of the European Union agree on some common things or laws. That means some of the things and laws are valid equally in the European Union. For example, the European Union has a common market. That means in those states you can freely buy and sell goods without paying customs duty. In some states of the European Union, common money called euro is used. In the European Union there is freedom of movement of people. That means people can freely move and live or look for a job in all member states of the European Union. Member states of the European Union have a common policy on agriculture, fisheries, environment protection and safety.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

That means the European Union determines how member states have to act in these areas. The European Union does not decide on everything. States which are members of the European Union still make many decisions and laws on their own. For example, every state decides on its own on education or social politics. To make sure laws are not completely different, states consult European Union. For example, the European Union made a document called the European Disability Strategy. This document advises countries how to improve the situation of persons with disabilities. However, states do not have to comply with this document. Each member state of the European Union still keeps its name, flag, anthem, and all other values and laws. Written by Ivana Poslon

WHAT ASA DOES IN TERMS OF VOTING Election workshop On Saturday, December 3, 2011, together with other self-advocates I went to a workshop on elections and voting. Our support staff were there. The workshop was organized by the Association for Self Advocacy. There we prepared to go to the election for the Parliament on December 4, 2011. At the workshop we talked about: • what election is, • what the Croatian Parliament is, • why it is important to vote, • who has the right to vote in Croatia.

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


We said many people do not have the right to vote. It is because they do not have legal capacity. That is wrong. All people should have the right to vote. At the workshop we also practiced how to vote. Some voted, some didn't. Support staff helped them vote. We had a ballot box where we put our ballot papers. We also had a commission and observers who supervised voting. At the end people talked with their support about where they will vote in the real election. The workshop was filmed by television. The atmosphere was great, active and cheerful.

Fight for the vote

Written by Fadil Spuren

Fight for the vote In the middle of November 2011, Bozidar Cicic made a request to be registered in the electoral register. Bozidar is fully deprived of legal capacity and that is why he can not register to vote. They find out they cannot vote when election comes. Unfortunately, no one tells them they can appeal or go to court and demand the right to vote. Association for Self Advocacy offered its members help fighting for their right to vote. Bozidar Cicic is the first member of the Association for Self Advocacy who decided to fight for his right to vote. Together with association GONG and Association for Promoting Inclusion, we helped Bozidar write a demand to register in the electoral register.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

We submitted this demand to a state body in charge of the electoral register. The state body in charge of the electoral register refused to register Bozidar in the electoral register. That is why we decided to go to court and submit a claim. We hope that the court will recognize our claim. If the court refuses to give Bozidar the right to vote, we will go to European Court of Human Rights. We will ask European Court of Human Rights to ensure implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Croatia. We hope Bozidar and all other self-advocates will get the right to vote at the next election. Written by Damjan Janjusevic

Meeting with State Election Commission Members of the Association for Self Advocacy had a meeting with State Election Commission. The meeting was held on October 31, 2011. State Election Commission deals with many things concerning the implementation of election and the right to vote. For example, State Election Commission: • participates in development of electoral and voting law • submits reports on the implementation of election • does other important things concerning election and the right to vote.

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


At the meeting we said many persons with intellectual disabilities are deprived of legal capacity and do not have the right to vote. We said that was not right because people who do not have the right to vote are not equal to other citizens. We warned the Commission about problems of persons with intellectual disabilities who live in institutions. Some of them have the right to vote, but do not have support to go to the election and vote. We also told State Election Commission about the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Convention says persons with disabilities have the same right to vote as all other citizens. That is why we asked State Election Commission to try to influence changes of the law. Croatian laws need to be harmonised with the Convention so that all persons with disabilities have the same right to vote as other citizens. Written by Damjan Janjusevic

NEWS Press conference on the International Day of Persons with Disabilities On December 2, 2011, at the Human Rights Center in Zagreba press conference was held. The conference was organized by the Coalition for Community Living on International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Four members from the Coalition told their life stories and how they fought for their rights. They spoke about problems people with disabilities still face. Written by Senada Halilcevic


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

Activism in action – Coalition 112 On December 22, 2011, representatives of the Association for Self Advocacy participated in an action by the Coalition 112. The action was held on St. Marko Square in Zagreb on the first day Croatian Parliament met. Activists from 20 organizations handed out Platform 112 to members of the Croatian Parliament. In Platform 112 we ask for better protection of human rights of all citizens. Written by Ivana Poslon

PROJECTS Project Pathways 'Pathways' is a project started by Inclusion Europe. Persons with intellectual disabilities often cannot go to school because there are no easy to read materials for them. The objective of project Pathways is to make instructions for people who want to make easy to read materials for persons with intellectual disabilities. Project has two parts. Part one is finished. In part one instructions in English were written. In part two, instructions will be translated in 9 languages. That way everyone will be able to write materials for persons with intellectual disabilities. Persons with intellectual disabilities will tell them if they have done a good job. Association for Self Advocacy is a partner on this project and represents our country. That means the Association will translate instructions into Croatian. Then we will have trainings for people who will use those instructions and for persons with intellectual disabilities.

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy


The first meeting was on November 28 and 29. Everyone introduced themselves and heard what they need to do. Assistant Ivana Kramaric was at that meeting. Written by Ivana Kramaric Computer workshops In 2011 City of Zagreb gave us money for project 'With a computer towards new knowledge'. Within project we held computer workshops where self-advocates could learn how to use a computer. Although the project finished we decided to continue with the workshop because of interest from self-advocates. Workshops are on Wednesdays. If you are interested, contact us. Written by Ivana Poslon

FUN SECTION Cultural events in Zagreb January My Son just Walks a little slower Zagreb Youth Theatre A play on falling in love, mishaps of growing up and all other things that follow us in life. February Lea and Darija – Croatian film In Cinestar cinema see a story of friendship interrupted by the beginning of World War II in Zagreb. March Concert Viva latino! Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall Symphony Orchestra


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

University of Zagreb Music Academy Programme: opus by Spanish, Mexican and South-American composers Chosen by Hrvoje Forner

SPORTS European Football Championship European Football Championship 2012 will be held in Poland and Ukraine. 16 football teams will play in the championship. Matches will be played in 8 stadiums, 4 stadiums in Poland and 4 stadiums in Ukraine. Croatia is in group C. That means they will play against Spain, Italy, and Ireland. Here is the timetable. Written by Nera Bajzec

Date June 10, 2012 June 14, 2012 June 18, 2012

Match Croatia : Ireland Croatia : Italy Croatia : Spain

Time 8.45 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 8.45 p.m

QUIZ 1. Which town is on the coast? a) Osijek

b) Rovinj

c) Vinkovci

2. If you want to see a play, where do you go? a) To the doctor's

b) To the theatre

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

c) To the post office


3. Which food is healthy? b) Kebab

a) Vegetables and fruits

c) Chocolate

Created by Fadil Spuren and Hrvoje Forner

WORDSEARCH Find these 4 words in the word search below. The words can be written in all directions. ICE



Created by Ivana Kramaric



















































RECIPE BOILED RICE 1. Put rice in cold water and rinse 2 or 3 times. 2. Put twice as much water as there is rice. 3. Do not add salt or oil. 4. Boil for 12 -15 minutes. Check occasionally. Time of boiling depends on the type of rice. 5. When rice is done, remove from stove, drain and rinse lightly in cold water (but very slightly). 6. Rice will continue to boil for another minute or two, warm in the bowl. 7. After draining for 10 minutes, put rice in a bowl and gently break up with a fork. Written by Snjezana Kanjir


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

ADVICE CORNER From this issue you can ask us questions on everything you want to know about, and you don't know the answer. We will try to find answers for you. You can send questions by mail or e-mail. We received the first question. I am very lonely. How can I find a girlfriend? If you want to find a girlfriend, think about where you can meet new people. The best thing would be to join in some activity. Are you interested in sports, music, painting, or spending time outdoors? If you can, join a club or workshop. There are many sports clubs, art classes, and hiking clubs where members meet regularly. You can go to a meeting of the self-advocacy group. Even if you don't find a girlfriend, you will meet a lot of new people and learn new things. That will help you feel better.


Bleiweisova 13, 10 000 Zagreb Tel: 01 555 66 80, Fax: 01 555 66 89 E- mail: kontakt@samozastupanje.hr Visit our web site: www.samozastupanje.hr You can contact us Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m.

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