Voice of Self-Advocates, summer 2014

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You are getting vitamins, minerals and fibers shown in isfrom shown the vegetables figure in the Healthy figure Healthy Pyramid. Eating Pyramid. andEating fruits.

Dear Readers, SUMMER 2014 EALTHYHEALTHY EATING PYRAMID EATING PYRAMID On the next Pyramid floor you can see this issue of the Voice of Self-Advocates meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. we dedicated to the preservation of health. This kind of food you need to eat We pay attention to lessspecially than fruits and vegetables. health protection during the meat summer. It is healthier to eat less fatty Isuch wishas you all and fish. chicken pleasant summer days. Meat andand eggsfun build your muscles, milk and products Iand hope you getdairy a good rest are good for the bones. Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy and see you in the fall. On the top of the Healthy Eating Pyramid are sugar and fatty food and that is the food you should eat the least. HEALTHY EATING For example those are: chocolate, cakes and butter.

Topic of the issue:

One of the most important things In summer, you should eat the food that is not greasy. to be careful about in maintaining your health Also, due to the extreme heat in the summer is to eat healthy. you need to drink more water. Eating healthy means moderate consummation It would be good to drink 2 liters of water a day. of diverse and freshly prepared foods. Written by Snježana Kanjir and Ana Janjušević It is also important to eat at least three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Dear Rea this issue we dedi We spec health p Issue 15I wish yo pleasant I hope yo and see



Wethe often saybiggest that thepart breakfast is t the lowest At and lowest the and the biggest part thethe most important meal the Healthy of Eating Healthy Pyramid Eating Pyramid In order to be in a good physical shape because we start themade day with it.them. e grainsare andgrains other and products other products from made from them. you need to exercise regularly. The best time for breakfast hat is theThat foodisyou the should food you eatshould the most. eat the most. This way you take care of your body health. is half an hour to anare: hour after waking up. or example, For example, these are:these

read, rice, bread, pastarice, or oat pasta meal. or oat meal. Lunch should the largest meal of the day. hese types These of products types ofbe are products healthier are healthier hen theywhen are made they are from made whole from grain whole grain Dinner is awith meal when is good to eat lighter foods. ke breadlike with bread seeds or black seeds bread. oritblack bread. Recommended dinner time is at least three hours before bedtime. Between each of these three main meals you can eat snacks. It would be good to eat main meals each day at the same time.

When you buy sunglasses pay attention that they have UV protection.

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The best way The to best eatway fruits to iseat onfruits an empty is on an stomach. empty stomach. is not good to skip meals. Then youitThen will make you will most make use most of all ingredients use of all ingredients More important is to eat less food per meal. and it willand not itcause will not youcause to bloat. you to bloat. Food that is good and essential for and health You are getting You are vitamins, getting minerals vitamins, and minerals fibers fibers EDITORIAL is shown in the figure Healthy Eating Pyramid. from vegetables from vegetables and fruits.and fruits.

ear Readers, Dear Readers, ers, Dear Readers, HEALTHY EATING PYRAMID On the next OnPyramid the next floor Pyramid you can floorsee you can see his issue of the Voice ofissue Self-Advocates this of the Voice of Self-Advocates this of the Voice of Self-Advocates f the Voice ofissue Self-Advocates meat, eggs, meat, milkeggs, and dairy milk and products. dairy products. e dedicated to thewe preservation ofthe health. dedicated to preservation of health. of health. dedicated to preservation ed to thewe preservation ofthe health. This kind of This food kind you of need food you to eat need to eat We specially attention tovegetables. We specially attention tofruits y pay attention tofruits We specially pay attention to lesspay than lesspay than and vegetables. and ealth during the summer. health protection during the summer. health protection during the meat summer. ectionprotection during the It is healthier Itsummer. is to healthier eat lessto fatty eat meat less fatty wish youIsuch all wishas you all Isuch wishas you all all chicken and chicken fish. and fish. pleasant and summer days. easant and summer days. pleasant and fun summer days. nd fun summer days. Meatfun and Meat eggsfun and build eggs your build muscles, your muscles, milk and dairy milk and products dairy are products good for are the good bones. for the bones. Iand hope get a you good rest hope get a you good rest Iand hope get a good rest get a you good rest

ndinsee theyou fall. andinsee theyou fall.in the fall. andinsee u theyou fall. On the top On ofthe thetop Healthy of theEating Healthy Pyramid Eating Pyramid are sugar are andsugar fatty food and fatty food and that isand thethat foodisyou the should food you eatshould the least. eat the least. HEALTHY HY EATING HEALTHY EATING HEALTHY EATING EATING For example For those example are:those chocolate, are: chocolate, cakes andcakes butter. and butter.

most ne of important theOne most of important the things One most of important the things most important things things In summer, In you summer, should you eatshould the food eatthat the food is notthat greasy. is not greasy. oulbe careful about to in be maintaining careful about yourinhealth maintaining your health about to in be maintaining careful about yourinhealth maintaining your health Also, due Also, to thedue extreme to theheat extreme in theheat summer in the summer to eat healthy. is to eat healthy. althy. is to eat healthy. you needyou to drink needmore to drink water. more water. ating healthy means Eating moderate healthy consummation means moderate consummation thy means Eating moderate healthy consummation means moderate consummation It would be It would good to bedrink good2to liters drink of 2 water litersaofday. water a day. fnd diverse and freshly of diverse prepared and foods. freshly prepared freshly of diverse prepared and foods. freshly prepared foods. foods. Written byWritten Snježana by Snježana Kanjir andKanjir Ana Janjušević and Ana Janjušević is also important to It iseat also at important least three to meals eat ata day: least three meals a day: portant to It iseat also at important least three to meals eat ata day: least three meals a day: reakfast, lunch andbreakfast, dinner. and dinner. unch andbreakfast, dinner. lunch andlunch dinner.

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Editor Senada Halilčević Journalists Hrvoje Forner Snježana Kanjir Fadil Špuren Nera Bajzec Gordana Huzek Tomislav Ivašković Nejko Perko Neven Puškar Đurđica Nukić Assistants Ana Janjušević Ivana Poslon Hrvoj Damjan Janjušević Mladen Katanić

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This newsletter is supported by a grant from the Open Society Foundations.


We saybreakfast that the We breakfast saybreakfast isthat the biggest breakfast is ay often that the We often saythe isoften that the is At lowest and the part he most important the meal most important mportant the meal most of important mealEatingmeal the Pyramid In order to Inbe order inHealthy ato good be inphysical a good shape physical shape we startwith the because day with we it. start the day with made it. eecause start the because day we it. start the day with it. are grains and other products from them. you need you to exercise need to regularly. exercise regularly. he best time for breakfast The best time breakfast me for breakfast The best time for breakfast That is the foodforyou should eat the most. This way you This take way care you take of your care body ofafter your health. body health. halftoananhour anhour is hour half an after hour waking to an up. hour waking up. our ishour halftoan after waking to an up. hour after waking up. For example, these are:

bread, rice, pasta or oat meal. unch beshould the Lunch largest should meal of the largest day.are meal uld beshould the Lunch largest meal be oftypes the largest day. meal of the day.of the day. These ofbe products healthier


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when they are made from whole grain innerwhen is aDinner meal Dinner itto iseat is good alighter meal eat when lighter iseat good foods. to eat lighter foods. meal it iswhen is good alike meal when ittois good foods. lighter foods. bread with seeds orittoblack bread. ecommended dinner isRecommended at least time is three at least hours dinner three before time hours is bedtime. at before least three bedtime. hours before bedtime. nded dinner Recommended time dinner time is at least three hours before bedtime. ach etween of these each three of these Between main three each main you ofmeals can these eat you three snacks. canmain eat snacks. meals you can eat snacks. Between each ofmeals these three main meals you can eat snacks. would be good to Itmeals eat would main bemeals good each tothe eat day main at the meals same each time. day at the same time. good to main each day at same time. Iteat would be good to eat main meals each day at the same time.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

Next by relevance in the Pyramid are vegetables and fruits. he mebest for exercise time The best forisexercise time morning forisexercise time. morning is time. morning time. It is especially important green vegetables such as spinach and Swiss chard. ome ere are of the some Here good are of the examples some good of the examples ofisthat good morning of lose exercises: morning of exercises: morning exercises: is important It is important to note It isthat important to note if you ItThe important want to note if examples you to that want toeat weight note if you to lose that want ifon you toan lose want weight to lose weight best way to fruits isweight empty stomach. itThen is not good to skipmost meals. is good it is not toexercises skip good it meals. is not toexercises skip good meals. toyou skip meals. ngnot stretching exercises stretching will make use of all ingredients More important is to eat per less food per meal. ore important More important is to More eat less important is to food eatitper less is to meal. food eatcause per less meal. food meal. ps push-ups push-ups and will not you to bloat. ood thatFood is good thatand Food is good essential thatand is good for essential health and for essential health health Food that is good and for essential for and health You are getting vitamins, minerals fibers sit-ups sit-ups shown in is shown the figure in is shown the Healthy figure in Eating the Healthy figure Pyramid. Healthy Pyramid. Eating Pyramid. isfrom shown inEating the figure Healthy Eating Pyramid. vegetables and fruits. ngcrouchingcrouching

bicycle riding a bicycle riding a bicycle EALTHYHEALTHY EATING PYRAMID HEALTHY EATING PYRAMID HEALTHY EATING PYRAMID EATING PYRAMID On the next Pyramid floor you can see slow walkrunning or slow walkrunning or slow running meat, eggs, milk and dairy products. This kind of food you need to eat inning t the beginning somebody At the beginning somebody should somebody show should youshow how should to youexercise show how to you properly. exercise how toproperly. exercise properly. less than fruits and vegetables. hat ou will wayknow That you will way how know you to do will how exercise know how the exercise right to to doeat way. the exercise right way. themeat right way. Itto is do healthier less fatty such as chicken and fish. ort, our physical support, Yourtherapist physical support,therapist or physical trainer or can trainer show can the trainer show exercises. can the show exercises. the exercises. Meattherapist and eggsor build your muscles, and milk and dairy products are good for the bones. Written Tomislav byWritten Ivašković Tomislav by Ivašković Tomislav Ivašković

On the top of the Healthy Eating Pyramid are sugar and fatty food and that is the food you should eat the least. PERSONAL NAL HYGIENE PERSONAL HYGIENE HYGIENE For example those are: chocolate, cakes and butter.

aid is often thatItthe said is often hygiene that the saidishygiene that twoIn the thirds ishygiene two of health. thirds is two of health. thirds health. summer, you should eatof the food that is not greasy. shis that means with This that proper means with care that proper ofwith the care proper hygiene of the care hygiene of the hygiene Also, due to the extreme heat in the summer ou event canmany prevent you can disease. many prevent disease. many disease. you need to drink more water.

It would be good to drink 2 liters of water a day. ygiene ersonalishygiene Personal a number ishygiene aof number actions is aof number that actions prevent ofthat actions prevent that prevent Written by Snježana Kanjir and Ana Janjušević ppearing and spreading appearing and spreading of disease and spreading ofand diseaseof and disease and rove hich your improve which health. your improve health. your health.

mportant he mostThe important of most thoseimportant actions of thoseare: actions of thoseare: actions are: BODY HEALTH twashing the lowest Atof the and lowest the At the biggest and lowest the part biggest and the part biggest At the lowest and thepart biggest part regular washing regular your hands of washing your hands of your hands of the Healthy Eating Pyramid the Healthy ofof the Eating Healthy of Pyramid the Eating Healthy Pyramid Eating Pyramid washing regular washing regular your body of washing your and body of your and body hair hair Inhair order to be inand a good physical shape aand rmade eand grother ainafter s amade nand dsleep othafter er made prsleep oducfrom ts mathem. de from them. grains are andyour grains other are and products grains other products from products them. from them. ge your washing teeth washing before teeth and your before after teeth sleep before you need to exercise regularly. That the food eat the most. hat is theThat foodisyou theThat should foodisyou the eat should food theisyou most. eatshould the you most. eatshould the most. This way you take care of your body health. or example, For example, these For are:example, these For are:example, these are:these are: rice, pasta or oat meal. read, rice, bread, pastarice, orbread, oat pasta meal. rice, orbread, oat pasta meal. or oat meal. hese types These of products types These of are products types healthier of are products healthier healthier These types of are products are healthier hen theywhen are made theywhen are from made they whole are from grain made whole from grain whole grain when they are made from whole grain ke breadlike with bread seeds like with orbread black seeds with bread. orbread black seedswith bread. or black like seedsbread. or black bread.

Voice of Self-Advocates


alf an hour a day of some light body exercise roducts Products used for keeping Products used forpersonal keeping used forhygiene personal keepingare: hygiene personalare: hygiene are: very good for health. toilet paper toilet paper toilet paper soap, shampoo soap, shampoo andsoap, shower shampoo and gel shower and gel shower gel Next by relevance in Next the by Pyramid relevance are vegetables in the Pyramid fruits. vegetables and fruits.and fruits. Next by relevance in Next the by Pyramid relevance are vegetables inand theare Pyramid andare fruits. vegetables hetoothbrush best timetoothbrush for exercise is morning time. and toothpaste toothbrush and toothpaste and toothpaste It is especially important green It is especially important green vegetables It is especially important It isvegetables especially green vegetables important green vegetables little scissors little scissors nail little clipper and scissors nailasand clipper and nailasand clipper such as and spinach Swiss chard. such spinach Swissand chard. such asand spinach such Swiss chard. spinach Swiss chard. ere are some of the good examples of morning exercises: electric shaver electric and shaver electric shaving and shaver cream, shaving and foam cream, shaving or gel foam cream, or gel foam The best way fruits iseat onfruits an empty stomach. The best way eatway fruits iseat on anto empty stomach. The to best to The fruits best iseat on way an to empty stomach. isorongel an empty stomach. stretching exercises menstrual menstrual pads or menstrual tampons pads or tampons pads or all tampons you will make most use most of all ingredients Then you Then will make most useThen of ingredients you Then will make most you usewill of all make ingredients use of all ingredients deodorant deodorant deodorant push-ups will not youcause to bloat. and it willand not itcause youitcause to bloat. willand not and youitcause to will bloat. not you to bloat. and fibersand You areminerals getting vitamins, minerals fibersand fibers You arevitamins, getting vitamins, You are minerals getting vitamins, fibersand minerals sit-upsYou are getting Written byWritten Ana Janjušević byWritten Ana Janjušević by Ana Janjušević from vegetables and fruits.and fruits. from vegetables and fruits. from vegetables and from fruits. vegetables crouching riding a bicycle Onslow the running next Onfloor the you next Pyramid floor you can OnPyramid the next Pyramid Oncan floor thesee you nextcan Pyramid see floorsee you can see walk or REGULAR REGULAR MEDICAL REGULAR MEDICAL EXAMS MEDICAL EXAMS EXAMS meat, milkeggs, and dairy products. meat, eggs, milkeggs, and dairy products. meat, milkeggs, and meat, dairy products. milk and dairy products. This kind food you need to eat This kind of food you need toof eat This kind of food you This need kind toofeat food you need to eat t thewhen beginning somebody should show you how to exercise properly. ven Even they when are Even healthy they when are healthy they are healthy less than andfruits vegetables. less than fruits andfruits vegetables. less than and fruits less vegetables. than and vegetables. hat way you will know how to do exercise the right way. eople should people go should to people regular go should to medical regular go to exams. medical regular exams. medical exams. is to healthier eat meat lessto fatty meat It is healthier eatItless fatty meat It is to healthier eatIt less is to healthier fatty eat less fatty meat here areThere someasare types There some ofas exams are types some ofas exams types ofas exams such chicken and fish. such chicken and fish. and fish. such chicken and such fish. chicken hich should which be should done which by be should all done people by be all done at people least by once all at people least a year. once atexercises. least a year. once a year. our support, or trainer can show the Meat and eggs build your muscles, Meatphysical andMeat eggstherapist build your muscles, and eggs build Meat your and muscles, eggs build your muscles, anddairy milk and dairy products are good for bones. and milk and products are for the bones. anddairy milk and products andgood milk and are good dairy for products the bones. are the good for the bones. Written by Tomislav Ivašković hose are:Those are:Those are: bloodOn testblood test test On top theEating Healthy Pyramid the top ofblood thetop Healthy Pyramid On the ofthe theEating Healthy Onofthe top of Pyramid theEating Healthy Eating Pyramid dentalare exam dental at are the exam dental dentist at are the exam dentist at are thesugar dentist sugar and fatty food sugar and fatty food sugar and fatty food and fatty food eyes exam at the exam oculist eyes at the exam ifyou we oculist at have the ifyou eyesight we oculist have problems eyesight we have problems eyesight problems andeyes that isand the food should eat theisifyou least. that isand the food eatshould the least. that isand the food that should the eatshould food the you least. eat the least. PERSONAL HYGIENE Forthose example are: chocolate, cakes andcakes butter. For example are: chocolate, cakes and butter. For those example are: For those example chocolate, those cakes are: and chocolate, butter. and butter. Women should Women doshould Women gynaecology doshould gynaecology exam do gynaecology twice exam a year. twice exam a year. twice a year. is often said that the hygiene is two thirds of health. nce a year Once they a year should Once they avisit year should they gynaecologist visit should gynaecologist visit to gynaecologist Pap to test. to test. test. In summer, should eat the food that is do eat not the greasy. food that is do notPap greasy. Inthe summer, you should In you summer, you should Inthe summer, eat thethe you food should that is do eat notPap the greasy. food that is not greasy. his means that with proper care of the hygiene Also, due toin the extreme in theheat summer Also, due to thedue extreme heat the summer Also, to the extreme Also, due heat toin the theheat extreme summer in the summer apa testPapa is used test for Papa isdetecting used test for isdetecting used cervical for cancer. detecting cervical cancer. cervical cancer. ou can prevent many disease. you need to drink more water. you need to more water. you need to more you need water. tomammography drink more Women older Women thanolder Women 40drink years thanolder should 40drink years than do should 40 mammography years do should do once mammography awater. year. once a year. once a year. Itdrink would be good to drink 2 liters ofday. water aofday. It would good 2isto liters of 2water abreast It would be good Itdrink would liters be good ofday. water to drink abreast 2 liters water a day. Mammography Mammography is be an Mammography exam isto for an exam detecting for an exam detecting breast forcancer. detecting cancer. cancer. ersonal hygiene is a number of actions that prevent nstead ofInstead mammography, ofInstead mammography, of women mammography, younger women than younger women 40 years than younger do 40 breasts years thando 40 ultrasound breasts years doultrasound breasts ultrasound Written byWritten Snježana Kanjir and by Snježana Ana Janjušević Kanjir andKanjir Ana Janjušević byWritten Snježana Written Kanjir and by Snježana Ana Janjušević and Ana Janjušević ppearing and spreading of disease and xam. exam. exam. hich improve your health.

he mostBODY important of thoseBODY actions are: BODY HEALTH HEALTH BODY HEALTH HEALTH regular washing of your hands regular your body and Inwashing order to Inof be order in ato good Inbe order inphysical ato good Inhair be order in shape physical ato good be in shape physical a goodshape physical shape washing teeth before after sleep youyour need you to exercise need toand regularly. exercise you need toregularly. exercise regularly. you need toregularly. exercise This way you This take way care you of your care Thisbody of way your health. youbody take health. carebody of your body health. This take way you take care of your health.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

clipping nails on your hands and toes Muškarci Muškarci stariji od Muškarci 45 stariji godina od period 45 stariji trebali godina odbi45trebali godina bi trebali bi woman hygiene during svakih 2 do svakih 3 godine 2 do svakih 3obaviti godine 2 dopregled 3obaviti godine prostate. pregled obavitiprostate. pregled prostate. Half an hourprostate a day Pregledom ofiprostate some light body exercise Pregledom analizom iprostate analizom krvi utvrđuje i analizom krvi se utvrđuje rakkrvi prostate. se utvrđuje rak prostate. se rak prostate. Products Pregledom used for keeping personal hygiene are: is very good for health. Ovaj pregled Ovaj se pregled radi Ovaj kod se pregled liječnika radi kod seurologa. liječnika radi kodurologa. liječnika urologa. toilet paper

soap, shampoo and Written byWritten Ana Janjušević byWritten Ana shower Janjušević by Anagel Janjušević Thetoothbrush best time for exercise is morning time. and toothpaste little scissors and nail clipper Here are some of the examples morning electric shaver andgood shaving cream,offoam or gelexercises: HOW TO HOW PROTECT TO HOW PROTECT TO SKIN PROTECT AND SKIN EYES AND SKIN FROM EYES ANDFROM THE EYESSUN FROM THE SUN THE SU stretching pads exercises menstrual or tampons deodorant push-ups Every oneEvery of usone likes Every ofsummer usone likesof because summer us likes because summer because sit-ups Written by Ana Janjušević there are there lot of are sunthere lot then. of are sunlot then. of sun then. crouching The sun isThe very sun good isThe very because sun good is very itbecause helps good you itbecause helps to getyou it vitamin helps to getyou Dvitamin which to getisDvitamin important which isDimportant which for is impo for riding a bicycle your health. your health. your health. walk or slow running REGULAR EXAMS Vitamin DVitamin helpsMEDICAL inDVitamin strengthening helps inDstrengthening helps bones in strengthening and bones and bones and in keeping inhealthy keeping in and healthy keeping beautiful and healthy beautiful skin. and beautiful skin. skin. At the beginning somebody should show you how to exercise properly. Even when they are healthy Thatifway you know to do exercise right people should gotoo to regular medical exams. But you But spend ifwill you But spend much if how you too time spend much in the too time sun much in the the time sunin way. the sun There arebe some types ofcan exams that can that very can harmful be that very and harmful bedangerous. veryand harmful dangerous. and dangerous. which should be done by all people at least once a year. Your support, physical therapist or trainer can show the exercises. ExtremelyExtremely hot sun Extremely can hotalso suncause can hotalso sun some cause can disease. also some cause disease. some disease. Written by Tomislav Ivašković Thoseis are: That why That you is have why That you toisprotect have why you toyourself protect have to from yourself protect the sun. from yourself the sun. from the sun. blood test dental examare atThere the dentist There areThere many ways many you are ways canmany protect youways canyourself. protect you canyourself. protect yourself. eyes exam at the oculist if we have eyesight problems


You can protect You canyour protect Youskin canyour with protect skin sun your cream with skin sun or cream with sun or cream or Women should dolong gynaecology exam twice a year. light clothes lightwith clothes light with sleeves clothes longwith sleeves long sleeves It is often said that the hygiene is two thirds of Once a year they should visit the gynaecologisthealth. to do Pap test. This means that with proper care of the hygiene Papa testItto isisused detecting cervical cancer. It is good wear goodfor aItto hat is wear good in order ato hat wear to inavoid order a hat sunstroke. to inavoid ordersunstroke. to avoid sunstroke. you can prevent many disease. Womensun older 40 years do mammography once a year. Strong Strong canthan harm sun Strong can eyes. harm sunshould can eyes. harm eyes. Mammography is an breast cancer. That is why That it isisnecessary why That itexam isisnecessary why tofor wear itdetecting is sunglasses. necessary to wear sunglasses. to wear sunglasses. Personal hygiene is a number of actions that prevent Instead of mammography, women younger than 40 years do breasts ultrasound appearing and spreading of diseases and exam. which improve your health. The most important of those actions are: regular washing of your hands regular washing of your body and hair washing your teeth before and after sleep

Voice of Self-Advocates


en olderMen than older 45 years thanfrom should 45 years doshould prostate do exam prostate every exam 2 toevery 3 years. 2 to 3 years. Ask for advice your support when rostate exam Prostate andsunglasses exam bloodand analysis blood detects analysis prostate detects cancer. prostate cancer. you buy and sun cream his examThis does exam doctor does urologist. doctor urologist. In summer sun the hottest between clippingthe nails onisyour hands and toes 10 o’clock uškarci Muškarci stariji od 45 stariji godina od godina bi trebali bi in the morning and45trebali 5during o’clock in the afternoon. woman hygiene period vakih 2 do svakih 3 godine 2that do 3obaviti godine pregled obaviti prostate. pregled During period of the day it is theprostate. safest f some body exercise ur a daylight Half ofprostate some an light abody day of light body exercise regledom Pregledom iprostate analizom i some analizom krvi utvrđuje krvi se utvrđuje rak prostate. se rak prostate. to be inhour closed andkeeping ifexercise possible cooled space. Products used for personal hygiene are: dth.for health. is very goodkod for health. vaj pregled Ovaj se pregled radi seliječnika radi kodurologa. liječnika urologa. toilet paper Thatsoap, is theshampoo best wayand to protect showeryourself gel ritten byWritten Ana Janjušević by Ana Janjušević ercise morning time. me forisexercise The best istime morning for exercise time. morning time. from harmful effects of theissun. toothbrush and toothpaste

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Product toile littleby scissors nail clipper Written Senadaand Halilčević soap e good examples ofshaver morning ome of the Here good are examples some of the of exercises: good morning examples exercises: morning electric and shaving cream,offoam or gelexercises: HOW TO HOW PROTECT TO PROTECT SKIN AND SKIN EYES AND FROM EYES FROM THE SUN THE SUN toot ses ngstretching exercises stretching exercises pads exercises menstrual or tampons little pspush-upsdeodorant push-ups WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR HEALTH? very oneEvery of sit-ups usone likesofsummer us likes because summer because elect sit-ups Written by Ana Janjušević here are there lot of are sunlot then. of sun then. men ngcrouchingcrouching Besides all things weitbecause wrote this newsletter he sun isThe very sun good is very because good helpsabout you it helps toinget you vitamin to getDvitamin which isDimportant which is important for for deod riding a bicycle bicycle riding a bicycle therehealth. are few other things which are important our health. your ning walkrunning or slow running slow walk or slowMEDICAL running Written b REGULAR tamin DVitamin helps inDcare strengthening helps strengthening bonesEXAMS and bones and in taking of in your health. keeping inhealthy keepingand healthy beautiful and beautiful skin. skin. mebody should show you how to inning somebody At thewhen beginning should somebody show youexercise how should exercise show you properly. how to exercise properly. Even they are healthy Smoking and drinking alcohol aretoproperly. REGU now how to if do exercise the way. ouifwill That way how you to do will exercise know the right to way. exercise people should go toright regular medical exams. ut youknow But spend you too spend much too time much inhow the time sundo in the sun the right way. very harmful and dangerous for health. There are types ofcause exams hat can be that very can harmful besome veryalcohol and harmful dangerous. and many dangerous. Cigarettes and health problems Even wh which should be done by all people atexercises. least once a year. cal therapist or trainer can show theare exercises. ort, physical Yourdisease therapist support, or physical trainer therapist can show orthe trainer can show the exercises. and some of which deadly. people s xtremelyExtremely hot sun can hotalso suncause can also some cause disease. some disease. vaškovićThose Tomislav Written Ivašković by Tomislav Ivašković There ar hat is why That is are: have why totoo protect have toyourself protectfrom yourself the sun. from the sun. Doyou not drinkyou much coffee. which sh Tooblood muchtest coffee can cause sleeping and digestion problems. dental exam at the dentist here areThere are ways many youways can protect you canyourself. protect yourself. Ifmany you have high pressure you should avoid coffee. Those a eyes exam at the oculist if we have eyesight problems It is not recommended to drink more than NAL YGIENE HYGIENE PERSONAL HYGIENE bloo ou can protect You can your protect skin your withaskin sun with sun or cream or 2 to 3 cups of coffee daycream dent Women should dolong gynaecology ght clothes light with clothes longwith sleeves sleeves exam twice a year. he aidhygiene thatOnce Itthe is is often hygiene two said thirds isthat two of the health. thirds hygiene of health. two thirds of health. eyes a year they should visit theis gynaecologist to do Pap test. Sparkling drinks like Coca Cola, Fanta and Sprite h s that proper with This care proper means of the care that hygiene of with the proper hygiene care of the hygiene Papa testato ishat used for detecting is goodIt toiswear good wear in order a hat to inavoid ordercervical sunstroke. to avoidcancer. sunstroke. are not healthy because they are full of sugar. event ny disease. many you can disease. prevent many disease. Women Women older than 40eyes. years should do mammography once a year. rong sun Strong can harm sun can eyes. harm Once a y Mammography istoan exam detecting breast cancer. hat is why That it isisnecessary why it is necessary wear sunglasses. tofor wear sunglasses. ygiene a number isInstead Personal aof number actions hygiene of that actions prevent is a number that prevent of actions that prevent Papa tes of mammography, women younger than 40 years ading and spreading ofdo appearing disease ofand disease and spreading and exam. of disease and Women breasts ultrasound rove health. your which health. improve your health. Mammo Instead mportant of thoseThe actions of most thoseare: important actions are: of those actions are: exam. of washing your hands of regular your hands washing of your hands regular washing of your hands of washing your body of regular your andbody hair washing andbody hair of your regular washing of your andbody hair and hair eth g your before teeth and washing before after and sleep your after teeth sleep before after sleep of the Association for Self-Advocacy washing your teeth before and after and sleep Newsletter


When youWhen buy sunglasses you buy sunglasses pay attention pay attention that they that havethey UV protection. have UV protection.

Men older than 45 years should do prostatewhen exam every 2 to 3 years. Ask for advice Ask for from advice yourfrom support your when support Prostate exam andsunglasses blood analysis detects prostate cancer. you buy sunglasses you buy and sun cream and sun cream This exam does doctor urologist. In your summer In the summer sun isthe the sun hottest isyour thebetween hottest between 10 o’clock g nails clipping on nailshands on your clipping and hands toes nails and on toes hands and toes 10 o’clock Written by Ana Janjušević induring the morning induring the and morning 5hygiene o’clock and 5 in o’clock the afternoon. in the afternoon. hygiene woman hygiene period woman period during period During that During period that of period the dayofitthe is the daysafest it is the safest to be for in closed to be in and closed if possible and if cooled possible space. cooledhygiene space. are: roducts sed for keeping used personal keeping Products hygiene personal used for are: hygiene keeping are: personal

HOW TOtoilet PROTECT SKIN AND EYES FROM THE SUN aper toilet paper paper

theThat best is way theshampoo best togel protect wayand toyourself protect hampoo soap, That shampoo and is shower and soap, gel shower showeryourself gel one us likes summer because rush toothbrush andEvery toothpaste and of toothpaste toothbrush and toothpaste there lotnail of sun then. and nail clipper ssors littleand scissors nailare clipper and little clipper scissors Written byWritten Senada by Halilčević Senada Halilčević The sun is very good because it helps youcream, to getfoam vitamin D shaver electric and shaver shaving andcream, electric shaving foam shaver cream, orand gel foam shaving or gel or gel is important for your ualmenstrual padswhich or tampons pads or menstrual tampons padshealth. or tampons Vitamin D helps in strengthening bones and ant deodorant deodorant WHAT WHAT ELSE CAN ELSEYOU CANDO YOU FOR DOYOUR FOR YOUR HEALTH? HEALTH? in keeping healthy and beautiful skin. Written Ana Janjušević by Ana Janjušević Written by Ana Janjušević


One of t An adult 7 and a Irregula It would lie down

Written b


Đurđica One day organize in the ce I also wa The doc because as a spo Nutrition

Besides allBesides thingstoo all wethings wrotetime we about wrote this about in this newsletter But if you spend much in in the sunnewsletter therecan arebe there few other are few things other which things arewhich important are important that very harmful and dangerous. REGULAR AR MEDICAL MEDICAL REGULAR EXAMS EXAMS in taking in care taking of your care health. ofMEDICAL your health. EXAMS Extremely hot sun can also cause some diseases. ven they when are healthy they are Even healthy when they are healthy That is why you have toalcohol protect yourself from the sun. Smoking Smoking and drinking and drinking are alcohol are ould eople goshould to regular go to people medical regular should exams. medical go to exams. regular medical exams. very harmful veryand harmful dangerous and dangerous for health.for health. Nutrition here ome are types some of exams types There of alcohol exams are some types ofcause exams There are many ways you canmany protect yourself. Cigarettes Cigarettes and and cause alcohol health many problems health problems She said uld hich beshould done by beall done which people byshould allat least beonce done at adeadly. by year. once allare people adeadly. year.at least once a year. and disease and some disease ofpeople which some are ofleast which She reco You can protect your skin with sun cream or Every da hose are:light clothes Those are: with long sleeves estblood test blood test graham exam dental atItthe exam dentist at to thewear dental dentist exam at the to dentist is good a hat in order avoid sunstroke. Often I a am eyes at the exam oculist at the if we oculist eyes have exam if eyesight we at have theproblems eyesight oculist ifproblems we have eyesight problems It is not recommended It is not recommended to drink more to drink than more than Strong sun can harm eyes. At 10 o’c Women ould doshould gynaecology Women gynaecology should twice exam do a year. gynaecology twicesunglasses. a year. exam twice a year. That is do why it isexam necessary to wear Then I e nce r they a year should they visit should Once the gynaecologist asunglasses visit yearthe they gynaecologist should toattention dovisit Papthe to test. do gynaecologist Pap test. to do Pap test. When you buy pay SparklingSparkling drinks likedrinks Coca like Cola,Coca Fanta Cola, andFanta Spriteand Sprite or chick sapa used test for is detecting used for Papa detecting cervical test is cancer. used cervical for cancer. detecting cervical cancer. that they have UV protection. are not healthy are notbecause healthy they because are full they ofare sugar. full of sugar. sometim Women der thanolder 40 years thanWomen should 40 years do older should mammography than do40 mammography yearsonce should a year. do once mammography a year. once a year. Mammography aphy is an exam is for an Mammography exam detecting for detecting breast is ancancer. exam breast forcancer. detecting breast cancer. nstead mammography, of mammography, women Instead younger of women mammography, than younger 40 years than women do 40 breasts years younger doultrasound breasts than 40 ultrasound years do breasts ultrasound xam. exam.

Voice of Self-Advocates


shly atural squeezed freshly Natural squeezed juices freshly aresqueezed juices muchare healthier. juices muchare healthier. much healthier.

ne very ofimportant the One very ofimportant the things veryfor important things healthfor isthings ahealth goodfor isnight ahealth good sleep. isnight a good sleep. night sleep. Ask for advice from your support when erson n adult usually person An adult needs usually person at least needs usually at least needs at least you buy sunglasses and sun cream. fand hours a half of 7 and sleep hours a half inofone sleep hours day. inofone sleep day. in one day. eeping regular causes sleeping Irregular various causes sleeping problems. various causesproblems. various problems. en olderMen older 45 Men years than should 45 Men years do older should 45 prostate years than do should 45 exam prostate years every do should exam prostate 2 toevery do 3 years. exam prostate 2 toevery 3 years. exam 2 toevery 3 years. 2 to 3 years. Inthan summer theolder sun isthan the hottest between 10 o’clock erostate would the best be It would if the you best could be if the you best could if you could exam Prostate exam bloodand analysis Prostate blood detects analysis exam prostate and detects blood cancer. prostate analysiscancer. detects cancer. prostate cancer. Prostate exam and blood analysis detects prostate in theand morning and 5 o’clock in the afternoon. oehis bed down and to lie get bed down up and to in get the bed up similar and in get the time. up similar in the time. similar time. examThis does exam doctor does urologist. doctor This exam urologist. doctor urologist. This exam does doctor During that period of the daydoes it isurologist. the safest toAna be Janjušević inby closed and if possible cooled space. Written Ana Janjušević byWritten Ana Janjušević uškarci Muškarci stariji od Muškarci 45 stariji godina od Muškarci 45 trebali godina stariji trebali odbi45trebali godina stariji odbi45 godina bi trebali bi vakih 2 do svakih 3 godine do 3obaviti godine svakih pregled 2 do prostate. pregled 3obaviti godine prostate. obavitiprostate. pregled prostate. svakih 2 do 3obaviti godine pregled That is 2the best way to protect yourself regledom Pregledom prostate iprostate analizom Pregledom iprostate analizom krvi krvi se utvrđuje rak i analizom prostate. se rakkrvi prostate. utvrđuje se rak prostate. Pregledom iprostate analizom krvi utvrđuje se rak prostate. from harmful effects of theutvrđuje sun. ENCES XPERIENCES EXPERIENCES OF SELF OF ADVOCATES SELF OF ADVOCATES SELF ADVOCATES vaj pregled Ovaj se pregled radi kod se liječnika radi Ovaj kod pregled urologa. liječnika seurologa. radi kodurologa. liječnika urologa. Ovaj pregled se radi kod liječnika Written by Senada Halilčević rittenself byNukić, Written Ana Janjušević byNukić, Written Ana Janjušević byČakovec Written Ana Janjušević byČakovec Ana Janjušević ukić, urđica Đurđica advocate self advocate from self advocate from from Čakovec ound ne dayout IOne found that day the out I found Institute that the outfor Institute that Public the for Institute Health Publicfor Health Public Health medical rganizesorganizes exams medical forexams medical all citizens forexams all citizens for all citizens WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR HEALTH? rethe of centre Čakovec. in the of centre Čakovec. of Čakovec. HOW TO HOW PROTECT TO HOW PROTECT TO HOW SKIN PROTECT TO AND SKIN PROTECT EYES AND SKIN FROM EYES AND SKIN FROM THE EYES AND SUN FROM THE EYESSUN FROM THE SUN THE SU also ed towanted check I alsomy towanted check healthmy toascheck health everybody my as health everybody else. as everybody else. else. Besides allme things we wrote about in nutritionist this newsletter he advised doctor The me advised doctor to talk advised to to mytalk nutritionist me to to mytalk nutritionist to my very oneEvery of usone likes Every ofsummer usone likes Every of because summer usone likesof because summer us likes because summer because there areback other things which are and important was ecause overweight Ibecause was overweight I few wasthen overweight back and thenback and then here are there lot of are sunthere lot then. of are sunthere then. of sun then. lot of are sunlot then. taking ofto your health. sperson a sports as Iinhave person a sports to be Icare have person healthy be I have and healthy in toshape. beand healthy in shape. and in shape. he sun isThe very sun good isThe very because sun good isThe very itbecause helps sun good is you very itbecause helps togood getyou it vitamin because helps to getyou Dit vitamin which helps to getis you Dvitamin important which to getisDvitamin important which for isDimportant which for is impo for tutritionist are dietNutritionist experts. are diet experts. are diet experts. our health. your health. your health. your health. Smoking and drinking alcohol are helps inDstrengthening bones and tamin DVitamin helps inDVitamin strengthening helps inDVitamin strengthening bones helps and bones in strengthening and bones and tutritionist decided Nutritionist what decided I should what decided eat I dangerous should based whateat Ion should based myhealth. test eat onresults. based my test onresults. my test results. very harmful and for in keeping healthy beautiful skin. keeping inhealthy keeping and healthy beautiful in and keeping beautiful skin. and healthy skin. and beautiful skin. he mesaid to drink to She mesaid ato glass drink toand me ofawater to glass drink 15 ofcause aminutes water glassmany 15 ofbefore minutes water 15 meal. before minutes meal. before meal. Cigarettes alcohol health problems he mended recommended She merecommended consuming mesome consuming olive mewhich and consuming olive pumpkin and olive pumpkin oil. and pumpkin oil. oil. and of are deadly. But if you spend too much time in the sunin the sun ut if youBut spend ifdiseases you too spend much too time But much ifinyou the time spend sun in the too sun much time very eat 5day smaller Every I eat 5meals. day smaller I eat 5meals. smaller meals. that can be very harmful dangerous. hat can be that very canharmful be very and harmful that dangerous. can and bedangerous. veryand harmful and dangerous. morning the early In around morning the early 8 around morning o’clock 8 I usually around o’clock eat 8 I usually o’clock oat flakes, eat I usually oat low flakes, fat eatyogurt oat lowflakes, fat oryogurt low fat oryogurt or Do not drink too much coffee. ead raham with bread graham turkey with ham. bread turkey with ham. turkey ham. Too coffee cause sleeping and digestion problems. hot sun can also cause some disease. xtremelyExtremely hotmuch sun Extremely can hot also suncan cause Extremely can also some cause hot disease. sun some can disease. also cause some disease. ften to itI an add Often apple to it I or an add squeezed apple to it or an squeezed apple orange or juice. squeezed orange juice. orange juice. If you high pressure you should avoid coffee. That why you have to protect yourself from the sun. hat is why That you ishave have why you toisprotect have That toyourself isprotect why you from yourself have the to sun. from protect the sun. yourself from the sun. It is not recommended to drink more than ck t 10 it o’clock is time At for it3 o’clock is breakfast. timeoffor itcoffee isbreakfast. timea for breakfast. 2many to10 cups day. There are many ways youways canyourself. protect here areThere are ways many you ways can There protect you are canmany yourself. protect you canyourself. protect yourself. whole hen I eat grain Then whole orI eat graham grain whole orbread graham grainwith orbread graham turkey with bread turkey with turkey rham, chicken cottage or ham, chicken cheese cottage ham, with cheese cottage linseed with cheese and linseed withand linseed and Sparkling drinks like Coca Cola, Fanta and Sprite You canyour protect skin with sun cream or cream or ou can protect You canyour protect skin with You skin sun canyour cream with protect sun or your cream skin or with sun ometimes probiotic sometimes probiotic yogurt and probiotic yogurt a banana. and yogurt a banana. and a banana. are with not healthy because they are fulllong of sugar. lightwith clothes long sleeves ght clothes light clothes long sleeves long lightwith sleeves clothes with sleeves

Natural freshly juices are much healthier. iswear good ato hatwear inavoid order to is goodIt toiswear good aItto hat insqueezed order aItto hat iswear good to inavoid order sunstroke. to a hatsunstroke. inavoid ordersunstroke. to avoid sunstroke. rong sun Strong can harm sun can eyes. harm Strong eyes. sun can harm eyes. Strong sun can harm eyes. hat is why That it isisnecessary why it isisnecessary toThat wear why to wear it is sunglasses. necessary to wear sunglasses. That why it isissunglasses. necessary to wear sunglasses.


Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy

have lunch I have at 13 lunch o’clock I have at 13 lunch and o’clock sometimes at 13 and o’clock sometimes I eat and vegetable sometimes I eat vegetable soup I eat vegetable soup soup nd chicken andbreasts. chicken andbreasts. chicken breasts. s a supplement As a supplement I eat As abarley supplement I eat or barley buckwheat I eat or barley buckwheat mealororbuckwheat potatos, meal orcauliflower potatos, meal orcauliflower potatos, or spinach. cauliflower or spinach. or spinach One ofsqueezed the very important thingshealthier. for health is a good night sleep. atural freshly juices are much An adult person usually needs at or least t 16 o’clock At 16 I eat o’clock some At 16 I eat fruit, o’clock some riceI eat fruit, crackers some rice fruit, crackers whole riceor grain crackers whole toast. or grain whole toast. grain toast. 7 and half hoursthings of sleep one day. ne of the veryaimportant forinhealth is a good night sleep. When you buy sunglasses pay attention When you When buy sunglasses you buy sunglasses pay attention pay attention Irregular sleeping various problems. or dinner For at dinner 18:30 For o’clock at dinner 18:30 Icauses eat o’clock atatcooked 18:30 I eat o’clock chicken cooked I eat breast chicken cooked or breast chicken or breast or n adult person usually needs least that they have UV protection. that they that have they UV protection. have UV protection. ewed hake stewed withhake vegetables. stewed with hake with vegetables. It would be the best if you could and a half hours of sleep invegetables. one day. ometimes Sometimes Idown eat whole Sometimes I eat grain whole pasta I eat grain with whole sauce grain with orpasta sauce with or sauce or lie to bed and get up inpasta the similar time. regular sleeping causes various problems. Ask for advice from Askrice forgrain advice Askvegetables. for from advice your from support your when support whenyour support when hole grain whole with whole with vegetables. rice with vegetables. would be the best ifrice yougrain could Written Anabuy Janjušević and sun cream you buyby sunglasses you sunglasses and sunyou cream andbuy sunsunglasses cream e down to bed and get up in the similar time. My nutritionist My nutritionist recommended My nutritionist recommended merecommended to drink meeveryday to drink meeveryday atocup drink of green everyday a cup tea of green awithout cup tea of green without tea without In summer the sun is the hottest between 10 o’clock In summer In the summer sun is the the sun hottest is the between hottest between 10 o’clock 10 o’clock Written Ananatural Janjušević ugar orby with sugar or with sugar stevia natural or with sweetener. stevia natural sweetener. stevia sweetener. 5 o’clock in the afternoon. in the morning in the and morning 5 o’clock andin5 inthe o’clock themorning afternoon. in theand afternoon. EXPERIENCES OF SELF ADVOCATES During that ofevery the day it isinthe safest order. During that During period that of period day ofevery itIthe is the day safest itperiod safest hat is myThat eating is my menu That eating iswhich my menu eating Ithe repeat which menu repeat which week every I is repeat inthe different week in order. different week order. different to be in closed and if possible cooled space. to beof indiet, closed to be in and closed if possible if cooled possible space. cooled space. With this Đurđica With kind this With kind I also of this diet, do kind sports: I also ofand diet, do bowling, sports: I also do bowling, table sports: tennis, bowling, table running, tennis, table swimming, running, tennis, swimming, running, swimming, Nukić, self advocate from Čakovec XPERIENCES OF SELF ADVOCATES ordic walking nordic and walking ridingand walking a bicycle. riding a bicycle. riding a bicycle. One day Inordic found out thatand the Institute for Public Health That is the best way protect yourself That is the That best is way the best to protect way to yourself protect yourself requently I frequently attendI the frequently attend sportexams the workshop attend sport the workshop sportwe workshop where practice weto where all practice this.weall practice this. all this. organizes medical forČakovec allwhere citizens self advocate from Nurđica Nukić, from harmful from harmful fromeffects harmful ofeffects the sun. of the sun. effects of the sun. the centre of Čakovec. ne day Iinfound out that the Institute for Public Health would like IWritten would to say like to I would everybody to say like toSenada everybody tomy to say start to everybody eating toasstart healthier eating to start healthier as eating soon ashealthier aspossible. soon asaspossible. soon as possible. also wanted to check health everybody else. Written by Senada Halilčević byWritten Senada by Halilčević Halilčević rganizes medical exams for all citizens ood luckThe Good to everybody luckGood to everybody who luck me to decides everybody todecides domy who it. nutritionist todecides do it. to do it. doctor advised towho talk to the centre of Čakovec. because I wasmy overweight then and also wanted to check health as back everybody else. ant for as a sports person I have to be healthy and in shape. he doctor advisedWHAT me to talk to myYOU nutritionist WHAT ELSE CAN ELSE CAN WHAT DO YOU ELSE FOR DOYOUR CAN FORYOU YOUR HEALTH? DOHEALTH? FOR YOUR HEAL Nutritionist are diet experts. NEJKO’S NEJKO’S CORNER CORNER ecause INEJKO’S wasCORNER overweight back then and s a sports personallIBesides have toall bethings healthy and in shape. Besides things we wrote we about Besides wrote inall this about things newsletter in we thiswrote newsletter about in this newsletter Nutritionist decided what I should eat based on my test results. ANTARION CANTARION CANTARION utritionist areare dietthere experts. there few other are few things other which there things are are which important few other are important things which are important saidon to me toon drink a glass ofmeadows, water 15meadows, minutes before meal. antarionShe Cantarion grows Cantarion grows grasslands, grows grasslands, meadows, on grasslands, in taking in care taking of your care health. of your in taking health. careand of your health. recommended me consuming olive pumpkin utritionist decided what I should eat on my test results. oil. ongsideShe alongside roads and alongside roads embankments. and roads embankments. andbased embankments. Every daydrink I eata5glass smaller meals.15 minutes before meal. he said to me to of water Smoking Smoking and drinking and alcohol drinking Smoking are alcohol and are drinking alcohol arelow fat yogurt or In the early morning around 8used o’clock I usually eat oat flakes, he recommended me consuming olive andin pumpkin flower The and flower the The leaves and flower the areleaves and used the in aretherapy. leaves are therapy. used inoil. therapy. very harmful veryand harmful dangerous and ham. dangerous very for health. harmful forand health. dangerous for health. graham bread with turkey very day I eat 5 smaller meals. We use it We for treating use it We forgall treating use diseases, it forgall treating diseases, depression gall diseases, depression depression Cigarettes Cigarettes and andcause alcohol many cause health many andproblems alcohol health problems many health problems Often I add to italcohol an apple or Cigarettes squeezed orange juice.cause the early morning around 8 o’clock I usually eat oat flakes, low fat yogurt or nd nervousness. and nervousness. and nervousness. and disease andsome disease of which some are of and which deadly. disease are some deadly. of which are deadly. raham bread with turkey ham. At to 10 o’clock it is time for breakfast. ften I add apple squeezed orange juice. teresting Interesting factitisanthat Interesting fact theisor cantarion that fact theiscantarion that was used the cantarion was usedwas used Do not drink Do not too drink muchtoo coffee. much Do not coffee. drinkwith too much Then I eat whole grain or graham bread turkeycoffee. or treating forproblems treating forproblems treating with urination problems with urination in bed, with urination in bed, in bed, Too muchToo coffee much cancoffee cause can sleeping Toocause muchand sleeping coffee digestion can andcause digestion problems. sleeping problems. and digestion problems. or chicken ham, cottage cheese with linseed and t 10 o’clock itdisease is time for breakfast. or rheumatic for rheumatic for rheumatic and disease muscle and disease spasms. muscle andspasms. muscle spasms. Ifwhole you have If you high pressure high you pressure Ifand you should you avoid high should coffee. pressure avoid coffee. you should avoid coffee. probiotic yogurt ahave banana. hen I eatsometimes grain orhave graham bread with turkey is notcottage recommended It is not recommended to drink It is more not to drink recommended than more thanto drink more than r chickenIt ham, cheese with linseed and 2 to 3 cups 2 to of 3coffee cupsand of a day coffee 2 to a day 3 cups of coffee a day ometimes probiotic yogurt a banana. SparklingSparkling drinks likedrinks Coca like Cola, Sparkling Coca Fanta Cola, and drinks Fanta Sprite likeand Coca Sprite Cola, Fanta and Sprite are not healthy are notbecause healthy they because are are not full they healthy ofare sugar. full because of sugar. they are full of sugar. Voice of Self-Advocates



The cantarion The cantarion is also The used cantarion is also for treating used is also forankle treating usedsprains forankle treating and sprains twists, ankleand sprains bruises, twists, and lung bruises, twists,lung bruises, lu deseases deseases and difficulties deseases and difficulties with and thedifficulties stomach with the and stomach withbowls. the and stomach bowls. and bowls. IHelps have treating lunch at all 13 o’clock and sometimes eatinflammations. vegetable soup Helps treating forms Helpsof all treating inflammations. forms of all inflammations. formsI of and chicken breasts. As a supplement eat barley or buckwheat meal or potatos, cauliflower or spinach. Pregnant Pregnant womenI should Pregnant women not should women use the not should cantarion, use the notcantarion, use the cantarion, Natural squeezed juices are much healthier. becausefreshly itbecause can cause itbecause can abortion cause it can abortion cause abortion At 16 o’clock I eat some fruit, rice crackers or whole grain toast.

One of the very Cantarion Cantarion oil important Cantarion oil things oil for health is a good night sleep. For dinner at 18:30 o’clock eat cooked chicken or An adult usually needs at least What do person you What need do you What to prepare need doI you tothe prepare need cantarion tothe prepare cantarion oil: breast the cantarion oil: oil: stewed hake with vegetables. 7 and half hours of sleep in one of day. 100a grams 100 of grams freshly 100 of harvested grams freshly harvested cantarion freshly harvested cantarion leaves cantarion leaves leaves Sometimes I eat whole grain pasta with sauce or Irregular various 1 litresleeping bottle 1 litre orcauses jar bottle 1 litre or jar bottleproblems. or jar whole grain rice with vegetables. It would best 1 litrebe ofthe olive 1 litre oilofifolive 1you litrecould oilof olive oil lie down to bed and get up in the similar time. My nutritionist recommended me to drink everyday a cup of green tea without Written Ananatural Janjušević sugar orby with stevia sweetener. 1. Put the1.flowers Put thein 1.flowers aPut jar the and inflowers pour a jar and olive in pour a oil jarover and olivepour it.oil over oliveit.oil over it. 2. Cover the 2. Cover jar with the 2. cloth Cover jar with and thecloth fasten jar with and it cloth with fasten rubber and it with fasten band rubber it with band rubber band That is my eating menu which I repeat every week in different order. 3. Leave it3.on Leave the sun it3.on Leave for the 40sun itdays. onfor the 40sun days. for 40 days. With this kind of diet, I also do sports: bowling, table tennis, running, swimming, EXPERIENCES OF SELF ADVOCATES 4. After 404.days Afterdrain 40 4.days After the drain oil 40and days the the drain oilflowers and the the oil using flowers andathe cloth using flowers a cloth using a cloth nordic walking and riding a bicycle. 5. Keep oil5.in Keep tightly oil5.in closed Keep tightly oil dark in closed tightly bottles. dark closed bottles. dark bottles. I frequently attend the sport workshop where we practice all this. Đurđica self advocate 6. Do Nukić, not 6. keep Do not the 6. keep oilDo in not thefrom keep refrigerator. oil inČakovec the refrigerator. oil in the refrigerator. One day I found out that the Institute for Public Health I would like to say to everybody to start eating healthier as soon as possible. organizes medical exams for all cantarion citizens You can buy You can buy You cantarion can oilwho inbuy healthy oil infood healthy oil stores healthy or pharmacies. stores food or pharmacies. stores or pharmacies. Good luck to cantarion everybody decides to do it.infood in the centre of Čakovec. ICantarion also wanted Cantarion teato check Cantarion teamy health tea as everybody else. The doctor advised me to talktea my nutritionist Cantarion Cantarion tea helpsCantarion tea in treating helps into bowl treating helps problems, inbowl treating problems, headaches bowl problems, headaches or uterus headaches or inflammations. uterus or inflammation uterus infla NEJKO’S CORNER because I was overweight back then and as sportsToperson ITo have to healthy and intea shape. Toaprepare the prepare cantarion the prepare cantarion teabeyou the need cantarion tea you to: need you to: need to: CANTARION Nutritionist are dietdry experts. 1. Harvest 1.and Harvest 1. the and Harvest cantarion dry the andcantarion flowers dry theand cantarion flowers leaves. and flowers leaves. and leaves. Cantarion grows onone grasslands, 2. Put one 2.teaspoon Put 2.teaspoon of Putdried onemeadows, flowers teaspoon of driedand flowers ofleaves driedand flowers in aleaves cupand ofinhot aleaves cup water. ofinhot a cup water. of hot water Nutritionist decided I should eat based on my test results. alongside roads and what embankments. She said to me to drink a glass of water 15 minutes before meal. She me consuming and pumpkin oil. The recommended flower and the leaves are used olive in therapy. Every day I eat 5 smaller We use it for treating gallmeals. diseases, depression In the early morning around 8 o’clock I usually eat oat flakes, low fat yogurt or and nervousness. graham bread with turkey ham. Often I add fact to itisanthat apple squeezed orange Interesting theor cantarion was used juice. for treating problems with urination in bed, At o’clock itdisease is time and for breakfast. for10 rheumatic muscle spasms. Then I eat whole grain or graham bread with turkey or chicken ham, cottage cheese with linseed and sometimes probiotic yogurt and a banana. Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy



THE BROCHURE SAFE USE OF INTERNET AND FACEBOOK he cantarion is also used for treating sprains twists, bruises, The cantarion is also used forankle treating ankleand sprains and twists,lung bruises, Many self advocates often use Internet and Facebook. eseases lung and difficulties with the stomach diseases and difficulties withand the bowls. stomach and bowls.

Internet is very useful because it contains a lot of elps treating forms of Helpsall treating all inflammations. forms of inflammations. useful information and Facebook helps you to connect and share information from your own life with other people. regnantPregnant women should not use the women should notcantarion, use the cantarion, shly ezed squeezed juices are juices much freshly are healthier. squeezed much healthier. juices are much healthier. ecause itNatural can cause abortion because it can cause Internet changed ourabortion. world and culture in many good ways.

ortant very important things One the things health very important is ahealth good isnight things a good sleep. for night health sleep. is a good night sleep. antarion oiloffor Cantarion oil for Although using of the Internet helps us in everyday life, erson ally needs usually An at adult least needs least usually needs at least What do you need to at prepare the cantarion oil: What do person you need prepare the cantarion oil: Internet also hidesto some dangers. fsleep hours inof 7That one and sleep day. a why half in one hours day. of sleep infor one day. 100 grams of freshly harvested cantarion leaves 100 grams freshly harvested cantarion is theof Association Self Advocacyleaves has decided eeping uses various causes Irregular problems. various sleeping problems. causes various problems. 1 litre bottle orthe jar 1 litre bottle or jar Safe use of Internet and Facebook. to make brochure eifthe best could Itofwould ifolive be best 1you litre oil 1you litrecould ofthe olive oil if you could o get bedup and in lie get the down up similar to in the bed time. and get time. upeasy-to-read in the similarand time. The brochure issimilar written in is intended for

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At 16 o’c

For dinn stewed Sometim whole g

self advocates to make them be safer on the Internet. Ana ševićJanjušević Written by Ana Janjušević 1. Put the1.flowers a jar and olivepour oil over Put theinflowers in pour a jar and oliveit.oil over it. Written by Fadil Špuren 2. Cover the jar with andcloth fasten it with rubber band 2. Cover thecloth jar with and fasten it with rubber band My nutr 3. Leave it3.on the sun 40sun days. Leave it onfor the for 40 days. sugar or SENCES OF SELF EXPERIENCES OF ADVOCATES SELF ADVOCATES SELF ADVOCATES 4. After 40 drain the oilOF and the a cloth 4.days After 40 days drain the oilflowers and theusing flowers using a cloth OTHER FACE OF bottles. DISABILITY IN DUGOPOLJE NEAR SPLIT 5. KeepWORKSHOP oil5.in tightly closed dark bottles. Keep oilTHE in tightly closed dark That is m The Association for Self participated ukić, advocate self Đurđica advocate from Nukić, Čakovec advocate Čakovec at the workshop 6. Do not keep thefrom oil self in the refrigerator. 6. Do Čakovec not keep oilAdvocacy in thefrom refrigerator. With thi the Other face ofout Disability Dugopolje near Split ound that the out One Institute that day theI found for Institute Public for Health that Public theinInstitute Health for Public Health nordic w which lasted 3 days from 27 till 30 June 2014. medical xams for organizes exams all citizens for medical all citizens exams for all citizens ou can buy oil in healthy stores or pharmacies. Youcantarion can buy cantarion oil infood healthy food stores or pharmacies. I frequen ovec. re of Čakovec. in the centre of Čakovec. Self advocate Neven Puškar represented ed ck my to check health ICantarion also as wanted health everybody ascheck everybody else. my health else. as everybody else. antarion teamy teato I would the Association for Self Advocacy me advised to talk The me to doctor to my talk nutritionist advised to my nutritionist me to talk to my nutritionist antarionCantarion tea helps tea in treating problems, headaches or uterus or inflammations. helps inbowl treating bowl problems, headaches uterus inflammations.Good lu weight was overweight back because Iand wasthen overweight and his back thenMladen and Katanić . withthen theback support from assistant have to be as ITo have ahealthy sports to beperson and healthy in shape. I have and need in to shape. beyou healthy operson prepare the cantarion tea you to: prepare the cantarion tea need and to: in shape. texperts. are dietNutritionist experts. diet experts. There were around 14the persons with disability at leaves. the workshop. 1. Harvest dryare the cantarion flowers and leaves. 1.and Harvest and dry cantarion flowers and NEJK They learned to find joband and 2. Put one of dried flowers leaves in aleaves cup ofinhot water. 2.teaspoon Put one how teaspoon ofadried flowers and a cup of hot water. twhat decided I should Nutritionist whatiseat Ithe should based decided onbased my what Ion should results. mythemselves test eatresults. basedto onthe myemployers. test results. what besteat way to test present CANTAR ink meato glass drink Sheofsaid awater glass to me 15 of minutes water to drink 15before aminutes glass meal. ofbefore water 15 meal. minutes before meal. Cantario me mended consuming She merecommended consuming olive andolive pumpkin me and consuming pumpkin oil. web page olive oil. and pumpkin They also practiced using the Other Face of oil. Disability. alongsid aller eat 5meals. smaller Every meals. day I eat 5 smaller meals. around morning In8 around the o’clock early8 I usually morning o’clockeat I usually around oat flakes, eat 8 o’clock oat lowflakes, fat I usually yogurt low fat eat oryogurt oat flakes, or low fat yogurt or The flow turkey ead with ham. graham turkey ham. bread with turkey ham. pple to it or anOften squeezed appleI or add squeezed orange to it anjuice. apple orange orjuice. squeezed orange juice. We use and nerv me ck for it isbreakfast. time At 10 foro’clock breakfast. it is time for breakfast. Voice of Self-Advocates whole in or graham grain ThenorIbread eat graham whole with bread grain turkey with or graham turkey bread with turkey Interesti



This web to comm support THE BROCHURE THE BROCHURE SAFE USESAFE OF INTERNET USE OF INTERNET AND FACEBOOK AND FACEBOOK The cantarion is also used for treating ankle sprains and twists, bruises, lung Many selfMany advocates self advocates often useoften Internet useand Internet Facebook. and Facebook. deseases and difficulties with the stomach and bowls. The web

You can Internet isInternet very useful is very because useful itbecause containsit acontains lot of a lot of have h at 13 lunch o’clock I have at 13 lunch and o’clock IHelps have sometimes at 13 lunch and o’clock sometimes at I eat 13 and o’clock vegetable sometimes I eat and vegetable soup sometimes I eat vegetable soup I eat vegetable soup soup treating all forms of inflammations. http://dr useful information useful information and Facebook and Facebook helps youhelps to connect you toand connect and andbreasts. chicken nd n breasts. chicken andbreasts. chicken breasts. share information share information from yourfrom ownyour life with ownother life with people. other people. ement s a supplement I eat I eat As orabarley buckwheat supplement or barley buckwheat meal I should eat potatos, meal orbuckwheat cauliflower potatos, meal or spinach. orcauliflower potatos, or spinach. cauliflower or spinach As abarley supplement I eat ororbarley buckwheat meal orcauliflower potatos, or spinach. Pregnant women notor use the cantarion, The wor because can cause abortion Disabilit Internet changed Internet it changed our world our and world culture andinculture many good in many ways. good ways. ck t 16 I eat o’clock some I eat fruit, some Atrice 16 fruit, crackers o’clock riceI or eat crackers whole some grain fruit, whole rice toast. grain crackers toast. or whole grain toast. At 16 o’clock I eat some fruit, riceor crackers or whole grain toast. Rehabili oilInternet AlthoughCantarion Although using of the using of thehelps Internet us in helps everyday us in everyday life, life, or at dinner 18:30For o’clock at dinner 18:30 I For eat o’clock dinner cooked I eat at chicken cooked 18:30 o’clock breast chicken I or eat breast cooked or chicken breast or at 18:30 o’clock I eat cooked chicken breast or Written b What do also you need to prepare the cantarion oil: Internet also Internet hides some hides dangers. some dangers. ke ewed withhake vegetables. withhake vegetables. stewed hake withfreshly vegetables. stewed withgrams vegetables. 100 harvested leaves That is why That the isAssociation why theofAssociation for Self Advocacy for Selfcantarion Advocacy has decided has decided sometimes I eat whole I eat grain whole Sometimes pasta grain with pasta Isauce eat with whole orpasta sauce grain orpasta with Sometimes I eat whole grain with sauce or sauce or 1brochure litrethe bottle oruse jar of to make the to make brochure Safe Safe Internet use ofand Internet Facebook. and Facebook. nhole ricegrain with vegetables. ricegrain with whole vegetables. rice with vegetables. whole ricegrain with vegetables. PROJEC 1 litre of olive oil Associat The brochure The brochure is writtenisinwritten easy-to-read in easy-to-read and is intended and is intended for for My nist nutritionist recommended recommended Myme nutritionist to drink meeveryday recommended to drink atocup of megreen atocup drink tea of green everyday awithout cup tea of green tea without My nutritionist recommended meeveryday drink everyday awithout cup tea of green without with the self advocates self advocates to make them to make be safer themon bethe safer Internet. on the Internet. ugar th natural or with stevia natural sweetener. sugar stevia or with sweetener. natural stevia sweetener. sugar or with natural stevia sweetener. Jointly, w 1. Put the flowers in a jar and pour olive oil over it. Written byWritten Fadil Špuren by Fadil Špuren financed 2. Cover the jar with cloth and fasten it with rubber band ZABAVNIK hat eating is my menu eating menu That I repeat iswhich my eating every I repeat week menu every inwhich different week I repeat in order. different every week in order. different order. That iswhich my eating menu which I repeat every week in order. different 3. Leave it on the sun for 40 days. With nd of this diet, kind I also of diet, do With sports: I also this do kind bowling, sports: of diet, bowling, table I also tennis, do table sports: running, tennis, bowling, swimming, running, table swimming, tennis, swimming, running, swimming, With this kind of diet, I also do sports: bowling, table tennis, running, In June t 4. After 40 days drain the oil and the flowers using a cloth king ordicand walking riding and a nordic bicycle. riding walking a bicycle. and riding a bicycle. nordic walking and riding a bicycle. from Ass WORKSHOP WORKSHOP OTHER FACE OTHER OF FACE DISABILITY OF bottles. DISABILITY IN DUGOPOLJE IN DUGOPOLJE NEAR SPLIT NEAR SPLIT 5.THE Keep oilTHE in tightly closed dark frequently attend the sport workshop where we practice this. yrequently attendIThe the attend sport IThe the workshop frequently sport workshop where attend the where practice sport we workshop all practice this. all this. we practice all this. visited th Association Self Advocacy forwe Self participated participated atwhere the workshop atall the workshop 6.Association Dofornot keep the oilAdvocacy in the refrigerator. the Otherthe face Other of Disability face of Disability in Dugopolje in Dugopolje near Splitnear Split Iwhich would like to say to everybody to start eating aspossible. soon asaspossible. ewould to saylike to everybody to say to I would everybody to start like to eating to say start to healthier everybody eating healthier as soon to start ashealthier aspossible. eating soon ashealthier soon as possible. This tim lasted which 3can days lasted from 3 days 27 till from 30 June 27 till2014. 30 June 2014. You buy cantarion oil in healthy food stores or pharmacies. luckGood to everybody who do it. to do it. to ood everybody luckGood to everybody who decides who luckto to decides do everybody it. todecides dowho it. todecides how the the Conv Self advocate Self advocate Neventea Puškar Neven represented Puškar represented Cantarion in easy-t the Association the Association for Self Advocacy for Self Advocacy Cantarion tea helps in treating bowl problems, headaches or uterus inflammation NEJKO’S S CORNER NEJKO’S CORNER withCORNER the NEJKO’S support withCORNER thefrom support his assistant from his Mladen assistantKatanić Mladen. Katanić . With Ma To prepare the cantarion tea you need to: our expe ON ANTARION CANTARION CANTARION There were There around were14around persons 14the with persons disability with flowers disability at the workshop. at leaves. the workshop. 1. Harvest and dry cantarion and We shar grows antarion on Cantarion grows grasslands, on Cantarion grows grasslands, onone grows grasslands, meadows, meadows, meadows, They learned They how learned to find how aon job tograsslands, find and job and 2.meadows, Put teaspoon ofadried flowers and leaves in a cup of hot water. in discus alongside roads embankments. ongside oads and roads embankments. alongside embankments. and what isand the what bestisand way theroads best to present wayembankments. tothemselves present themselves to the employers. to the employers.

flower and the leaves are used in therapy. he and flower theThe leaves and the are The leaves used flower in aretherapy. and usedthe in therapy. leaves are used in therapy. They also They practiced also practiced using the using web page the web Other page Face Other of Disability. Face of Disability. usediseases, it We forgall treating diseases, depression We or treating use it We forgall treating usediseases, depression it forgall treating depression gall diseases, depression and nervousness. usness. nd nervousness. and nervousness.


Like last and invi

Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy Interesting fact that theiscantarion was usedwas used teresting fact is that fact theiscantarion that Interesting theiscantarion wasfact used that was used the cantarion

his ageweb should page help should all persons help allwith persons disabilities disabilities This web page should help allwith persons with disabilities nicate communicate easier with easier employers with employers and and to communicate easier with employers and upport ch other each in finding other ina finding job. job. support each other ina finding a job.


he ageweb is not page entirely is not finished. entirely You can see the webfinished. page on this web adress: ou e itcan on this see web it on address: this web address: http://drugo-lice-invalidnosti.org THE BROCHURE SAFE USE OF INTERNET AND FACEBOOK he cantarion The cantarion is also The used cantarion is also for The treating used cantarion is also forankle treating used is sprains also forankle treating used and sprains fortwists, ankle treating and sprains bruises, twists, ankleand lung sprains bruises, twists, and lung bruises, twists,lung bruises, lu ttp://drugo-lice-invalidnosti.org o-lice-invalidnosti.org Many self advocates often use Internet and Facebook. eseasesThe deseases andworkshop difficulties deseases and difficulties with deseases and thedifficulties stomach with and thedifficulties and stomach with bowls. the and stomach with the and stomach bowls. and bowls.with was organized by the Network ofbowls. Associations of Persons of Dalmatia M.U.O.S.I.D. in Associations cooperation with Association hop he workshop wasDisabilities organized was organized by the Network by -the of Network Associations of of Persons ofwith Persons with Internet is very useful because it contains a lot of for elps treating Helps treating forms of all inflammations. forms Helps of treating inflammations. all inflammations. forms of inflammations. Helps-and treating all forms of Rehabilitation Education JABLANI. isabilities of Dalmatia of Dalmatia -all M.U.O.S.I.D. M.U.O.S.I.D. in cooperation in VISOKI cooperation with Association with Association forhelps you for to connect and useful information and Facebook ehabilitation ion and Education and Education VISOKI JABLANI. VISOKI JABLANI. from your own life with other people. share information regnantWritten Pregnant womenbyshould women should Pregnant useand the not cantarion, women use the should cantarion, notcantarion, use the cantarion, Pregnant women should not use the Nevennot Puškar Mladen Katanić ecause itbecause can and cause itbecause can abortion cause abortion it can cause itbecause can cause abortion Neven ritten by Puškar Neven Puškar Mladen and Katanić Mladen Katanić Internet changed ourabortion world and culture in many good ways.

PROJECT I UNDERSTAND antarion Cantarion oil oil Cantarion oil of the Internet helps us in everyday life, Cantarion oil Although using Self Advocacy cooperation What do Association you What need do you tofor prepare need What to the prepare do cantarion you the need cantarion oil:to prepare oil: the cantarion oil: What do you need tocontinued prepare the cantarion oil: ROJECT UNDERSTAND I UNDERSTAND Internet also hides some dangers. with the Association Solem from Skopje, 100 grams 100 of grams freshly of harvested freshly 100 harvested cantarion grams of cantarion freshly leavesMacedonia. harvested leaves 100 grams of freshly harvested cantarion leaves nssociation for Self Advocacy for Self Advocacy continued continued cooperation cooperation That is why the Association for Selfcantarion Advocacyleaves has decided Jointly, we carry out a project I understand ith sociation Solem Solem Skopje, Macedonia. 1the litreAssociation bottle 1 litre orfrom jar bottle orfrom jar 1Macedonia. litre bottle or jar Safe use of Internet and Facebook. 1 Skopje, litre bottle orthe jar to make brochure financed by the European Union. ointly, carry out weofcarry aolive project out understand project understand 1 litre 1 litre oilofaI olive 1 litreoilof olive oil 1 litreoilofI olive nanced y the European by the European Union. Union. The brochure is written in easy-to-read and is intended for In June two self-advocates and two assistants self advocates to make them be safer on the Internet. from Association for Self Advocacy o June self-advocates two two assistants and two assistants 1. Put theself-advocates 1.flowers Putand thein 1.flowers aPut jar the and in 1.flowers pour aPut jar the and olive inflowers pour a oil jarover and olive in pour it. a oil jarover and olivepour it.oil over oliveit.oil over it. Written by Fadil Špuren visited the Association Solem in Skopje for the second time. om iation Association for Self Advocacy for Self Advocacy 2. cloth Cover the jar with and fasten it with rubber band 2. Cover the 2. Cover jar with the jar with and 2. cloth Cover fasten and the it cloth with fasten jar with rubber it cloth with band rubber and fasten band it with rubber band sited Association the Association Solem in for Skopje the second the time. second time. Leave it3. on the sun for 40sun days. 3. Leave it3.Solem on Leave thein sun it3.Skopje on for the 40 sun days. Leave for 40for itdays. on the for 40 days. This time the Macedonian self-advocates have shown us After 404.and days drain the oil and flowers using a cloth 4. After 404.days Afterdrain 404.days the drain oil After the the oil 40 flowers and days the drain using flowers the athe cloth oil using andathe cloth flowers using a cloth how they started self-advocates toWORKSHOP making THE OTHER FACE OF DISABILITY IN DUGOPOLJE NEAR S his he5. Macedonian time the Macedonian self-advocates have shown have us shown us Keep oil tightly closed dark bottles. Keep oil5.in Keep tightly oil5.in closed tightly dark 5.in closed Keep bottles. oil dark in tightly bottles. closed dark bottles. Convention on The the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ow tarted theytothe started making to making Association forthe Self participated at the workshop keep oil in refrigerator. 6. Do not 6. keep Do not the6. keep oilDo in not the 6. refrigerator. oil Do in not the keep refrigerator. oilAdvocacy in the refrigerator. in easy-to-read form. he ntion Convention on the Rights on the of Rights Persons ofwith Persons Disabilities with Disabilitiesin Dugopolje near Split the Other face of Disability ead easy-to-read form. form. which 3oil days from 27 till June Youcantarion can cantarion infood healthy stores or2014. pharmacies. ou can buy Youcantarion can buy oil inbuy You healthy can oillasted inbuy food healthy cantarion stores or oil pharmacies. stores infood healthy or30 pharmacies. food stores or pharmacies. With Macedonian self-advocates and their assistants we exchanged our experience in developing easy-to-read materials. donian ith Macedonian self-advocates self-advocates and their and assistants their assistants we exchanged we exchanged Self advocate Neven Puškar represented Cantarion tea antarion Cantarion tea tea Cantarion tea We share a few advices for inclusion of self-advocates ence ur experience in developing in developing easy-to-read easy-to-read materials. materials. the Association forproblems, Self Advocacy antarionin Cantarion tea helps tea in treating helpsCantarion into bowl treating problems, teabowl helps headaches inthe treating headaches or bowl uterus problems, or inflammations. uterus headaches inflammations. or uterus infla discussions related the rights from Convention. efew share advices a fewfor advices inclusion for inclusion ofwith self-advocates of self-advocates the support from his assistant Mladen Katanić . ons discussions related torelated the rights to the from rights the Convention. from the Convention. To prepare the cantarion tea you to: needus o prepare To the prepare cantarion the cantarion tea To you prepare need tea from you to: theneed cantarion to: need tea you to:very nicely Like last time, self-advocates Macedonia welcomed There were 14 persons with disability at leaves. the workshop. Harvest and dryaround the cantarion flowers and leaves. 1. Harvest and Harvest dryus1. the and cantarion dry 1. the Harvest cantarion flowers and and flowers dry leaves. the and cantarion leaves. flowers and and1.invited visit them again soon. me, ke last self-advocates time, self-advocates fromtoMacedonia from Macedonia welcomed welcomed us very nicely us very nicely They learned how to find joband and Putdried one teaspoon ofleaves dried flowers aleaves cup ofinhot water. 2. Put one2.teaspoon Put one2.teaspoon of 2.flowers of Put dried oneand flowers teaspoon and in ofaleaves dried cup of flowers inhot aleaves cup water. and ofinhot water. a cup of hot water nd usinvited to visitus them to visit again them soon. again soon. what is the best way to present themselves to the employers.


They also practiced using the web page Other Face of Disability. Voice of Self-Advocates

We are looking We are to looking the participation forward toofthe participation of We areforward looking forward to the participation of wo self-advocates two andself-advocates two assistants and fromtwo Macedonia assistants from Macedonia two self-advocates and two assistants from Macedonia the conference of in Croatian the conference of self-advocates Croatian self-advocates in the conference of self-advocates Croatian his web should help all persons hich willpage be held inbe September will held in Zagreb. inwith September which willwhich held inbe September indisabilities Zagreb.in Zagreb. communicate easier with employers and apisalaeach Senada Halilčević Napisala Senada Napisala Senada Halilčević upport other in finding a job. Halilčević g NEWS NEWS NEWS

he web page is not entirely finished. ISITIG VISITIG OUR VISITING OUR NETWORK ou can OUR see itNETWORK on this web address: THE BROCHURE THE BROCHURE SAFENETWORK USESAFE THE OF INTERNET USE BROCHURE OF INTERNET AND SAFE FACEBOOK USE ANDOF FACEBOOK INTERNET AND FACEBOOK the middle May In the a team from ofthe May aoften team from the In theofmiddle ofmiddle May aoften team from the ttp://drugo-lice-invalidnosti.org Many self Many advocates self advocates use Many Internet self use advocates and Internet Facebook. and oftenFacebook. use Internet and Facebook. ssociation for SelfAssociation Advocacy for Self Advocacy Association for Self Advocacy sited groups ingroups our visited Self-Advocacy groups inuseful our Network. Self-Advocacy Network. visited inuseful our Self-Advocacy Network. he workshop was organized by the Network of Associations Persons with a lot of Internet is Internet very is very because Internet itbecause contains is very it acontains useful lot of because aoflot of it contains he first cities that The we visited first cities were that we visited were The first cities that we visited were isabilitiesuseful of Dalmatia - M.U.O.S.I.D. inuseful cooperation with Association forhelps information useful information and Facebook and Facebook helps information you helps to connect and you Facebook toand connect andyou to connect and avonski Brod and Slavonski Belišće. Brod and Belišće. Slavonski Brod and Belišće. ehabilitation Education VISOKI JABLANI. shareand information share information from your from share ownyour information life with ownother life from with people. your otherown people. life with other people. he second was The to second Rovinj and visit Pula was to and Rovinj Thevisit second visit was to Rovinj Pula and Pula and here met with there Istrian we self-advocates. met with Istrian self-advocates. we met with Istrian self-advocates. rittenwe bythere Neven Puškar and Mladen Katanić Internet changed Internet changed our world our Internet andworld culture changed andinculture many ourgood in world many ways. and good culture ways. in many good ways.

fter thatAfter we visited the that teams we invisited the teams in thatAfter we visited the teams in Although Although using of the using Internet of Although the helps Internet us using in helps everyday of us theinInternet everyday life, helps life, us in everyday life, elovar and Grubišno Bjelovar Polje. and Grubišno Polje. Bjelovar and Grubišno Polje. ROJECT Internet I UNDERSTAND also Internet hidesalso some hides dangers. Internet some dangers. also hides some dangers. n this tour we also On visited this tour we also visited On this tour we also visited ssociation for Self Advocacy continued cooperation That is why That theisAssociation why the Association for That Self is why Advocacy forthe SelfAssociation Advocacy has decided has for decided Self Advocacy has decided akovec, Varaždin Čakovec, and Koprivnica. Varaždin and Koprivnica. Čakovec, Varaždin and Koprivnica. ith the Association from Skopje, Macedonia. to make the toSolem make brochure the brochure Safe use to make of Safe Internet use the brochure ofand Internet Facebook. Safe anduse Facebook. of Internet and Facebook. ointly, we carry out a project I understand t the endby we went At to the the southern wethe went toof the our southern county parts of our county At the end we went to southern of is our county nanced the European Union. The brochure The brochure isend written isinparts written easy-to-read The brochure inparts easy-to-read and is written intended and iniseasy-to-read intended for forand is intended for o visit Šibenik, Split to and visit Ploče. Šibenik, Split and Ploče. to visit Šibenik, Split and Ploče. self advocates self advocates to make them to make self beadvocates safer themon bethe safer to Internet. make on the them Internet. be safer on the Internet. June two self-advocates and two assistants Written by Written Fadil Špuren by Špuren Written by Fadil Špuren all Association these cities, we In all met these with cities, self-advocates we met with self-advocates In all these cities, weFadil met with self-advocates om for Self Advocacy LIT nd wethe talked about and our we national talked about conference ourthe national conference and we talked about national conference sited Association Solem inour Skopje for second time. hich willwhich be held inbe September. willatbe held willwhich held the endinofSeptember. September. WORKSHOP WORKSHOP THE OTHER THE FACE OTHER WORKSHOP OF FACE DISABILITY THE OFexpose. DISABILITY OTHER IN DUGOPOLJE FACE IN OF DUGOPOLJE DISABILITY NEAR SPLIT NEAR IN DUGOPOLJ SPLIT hisspoke time We the Macedonian self-advocates have shown us We about topics We spoke which about groups topics could which expose. groups could expose. spoke about topics which groups could ow they The started toThe making Association Association for Self Advocacy forThe SelfAssociation Advocacy participated participated forat Self theAdvocacy workshop at theparticipated workshop at the workshop he Convention onMore the Rights ofwill with Disabilities More details the conference details ofPersons the be conference agreed will agreed More details of theDisability conference will be theof Other face Other of face of Disability in the Dugopolje Other inagreed face Dugopolje near ofbe Disability Split near in Split Dugopolje near Split t easy-to-read the preparatory at meeting the preparatory that meeting at the form. preparatory meeting which lasted which 3 days lasted from 3 days 27that which till from 30 lasted June 27that till2014. 30 3 days Junefrom 2014. 27 till 30 June 2014. mations. e will have at the we endwill August. at the end of August. we will have onof6have September. ith Macedonian self-advocates and their assistants we exchanged Self advocate Self advocate Neven Puškar Neven Self represented Puškar advocate represented Neven Puškar represented Written by Ivana Poslon Written Hrvoj by Ivana Poslon Hrvoj Written by Senada Halilčević ur experience in developing easy-to-read materials. for Self Advocacy the Association the Association for Self Advocacy forthe SelfAssociation Advocacy e share awith fewthe advices ofwith self-advocates support withfor theinclusion from support his assistant from his theMladen assistant support Katanić Mladen from his . Katanić assistant . Mladen Katanić . discussions related to the rights from the Convention.

There were There around were14around persons There 14with persons were disability around with disability at14 thepersons workshop. at the with workshop. disability at the workshop. ke last time, self-advocates from Macedonia welcomed us very nicely They learned Theyhow learned to find how a job to They find and learned a job and how to find a job and nd invited us to visit them again soon. Newsletter of the Association for Self-Advocacy what is the what bestisway the best to present way what tothemselves present is the best themselves to way thetoemployers. present to the employers. themselves to the employers.


INTERNATIONAL INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INCLUSIVE CONGRESS ON INCLUSIVE RESEARCH ON INCLUSIVE RESEARCH IN VIENNA RESEARCH IN VIENNA IN VIENNA From 14 to From 17 July 14 to From 2014 17 July 14 in Vienna to 2014 17 July in was Vienna 2014 heldin was Vienna held was held international international congress international congress organizedcongress organized by IASSIDD. organized by IASSIDD. by IASSIDD. We are looking toname the participation IASSIDD isIASSIDD shortforward name isIASSIDD short for is short for name forof International International Association International forassistants Scientific Association for from Scientific StudyMacedonia for of Scientific Study of Study of two self-advocates andAssociation two Intellectual Intellectual and Developmental Intellectual and Developmental and Difficulties. Developmental Difficulties. Difficulties. in the conference of Croatian self-advocates This web should help all persons with disabilities which willpage be held in September in Zagreb. The EPSAThe president EPSA The president Senada EPSA president Senada Halilčević held Senada Halilčević held a speech held a speech to communicate easier with Halilčević employers anda speech Napisala Senada Halilčević at the opening at the of opening the at congress. of opening thea congress. support each other inthe finding job.of the congress. She talked She about talked her She about personal talked herabout experiences personal her experiences personal and experiences and and topics forpage topics future research. topics future for research. future research. The web is for not entirely finished. VISITIG You can OUR see itNETWORK on this web address: More than More 800 people More 800 attended than people 800attended the people congress. attended the congress. the congress. In the middle ofthan May a team from the http://drugo-lice-invalidnosti.org Association for Self Advocacy They were They self in were advocates They self were advocates andself researchers advocates and researchers from andaround researchers fromthe around world, fromthe around world,the world, visited groups our Self-Advocacy The workshop was organized by theNetwork. Network of Associations of Persons with mostly mostly Europe. from mostly from Europe. The firstfrom cities that we Europe. visited were Disabilities of Dalmatia - M.U.O.S.I.D. in cooperation with Association for Also, more Also, than more 100 Also, than various more 100workshops than various 100workshops various were held workshops were at the held congress. were at the held congress. at the congress. Slavonski Brod and Belišće. Rehabilitation and Education VISOKI JABLANI. The second visit was to Rovinj and Pula and Napisala Senada NapisalaHalilčević Senada NapisalaHalilčević Senada Halilčević there we with Istrian self-advocates. Written bymet Neven Puškar and Mladen Katanić

After that we visited the teams in FUN PAGES FUN PAGES FUN PAGES Bjelovar and Grubišno Polje. PROJECT I UNDERSTAND On this tourfor weSelf alsoAdvocacy visited continued cooperation Association FOOTBALL FOOTBALL WORLD FOOTBALL CUP, WORLD BRAZIL CUP, WORLD 2014 BRAZIL CUP,2014 BRAZIL 2014 Čakovec, Varaždin and Koprivnica. with the Association Solem from Skopje, Macedonia. Football World Football Cup World Football 2014Cup is World over. 2014Cup is over. 2014 is over. Jointly, we carry out a project I understand Croatian football Croatianselection football Croatianselection lost football 2 matches selection lost 2 matches lost 2 matches At the end we went to the southern parts of our financed by the European Union. against Brazil against andBrazil Mexico. against andBrazil Mexico. and Mexico. county to Šibenik, Splitin and Ploče. Wevisit won in We 1 match won We against 1 match won in Cameroon. against 1 matchCameroon. against Cameroon. In June self-advocates and two assistants We left two the WeWorld left the Cup WeWorld left as third the Cup World in asour third Cup group. inasour third group. in our group. In all Association these cities, for we Self metAdvocacy with self-advocates from NEAR SPLIT and talked about our national conference visited the Association Solem in for the the second time. The we match The formatch the third The for match place the third on forSkopje the place World third on place Cup World on the Cup World was played Cup was between played between Brazil andBra which will be held in September. was played Netherlands. between Netherlands. Brazil and Netherlands. This time the Macedonian self-advocates have shown We about topics which could Thespoke Netherlands The Netherlands won Thethe Netherlands match wongroups the with match won 3 tothe with 0.expose. match 3 to with 0. us 3 to 0. how they The started toThe making The finals were finals played were finals between played were between Germany played between Germany and Argentina. Germany and Argentina. and Argentina. the on The the Rights ofwill Persons with Disabilities More details the conference agreed TheConvention Germany TheofGermany won the Germany finals won the with finals won 1be tothe with 0 and finals 1 to with 0 and1 to 0 and in easy-to-read form. at the preparatory meeting that became the became champion the became champion of the the Football champion of theWorld Football of the Cup World Football 2014Cup World 2014Cup 2014 we will have at the end of August. Napisala Nera Napisala Bajzec Nera Napisala Bajzec Nera Bajzec With Macedonian self-advocates and their assistants we exchanged Written by Ivana Poslon Hrvoj our experience in developing easy-to-read materials. We share a few advices for inclusion of self-advocates in discussions related to the rights from the Convention. Voice of Self-Advocates


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GOGA'S RIDDLE Standing you search it, layed down you get it, INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INCLUSIVE RESEARCH IN VIENNA NTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INCLUSIVE RESEARCH IN VIENNA from behind you lick it, From 14 to 17 2014 Vienna rom 14 to 17 2014 inpress Vienna was held was held at theJuly front youJuly it. in international by IASSIDD. nternational congress congress organizedorganized by IASSIDD. IASSIDD is short ASSIDD is shortis name for name for What it? International Association for Scientific nternational Association for Scientific Study of Study of Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties. ntellectual and Developmental Difficulties. Postage stamp. age d help should all This persons help weball page with persons should disabilities with help disabilities all persons with disabilities The EPSA president Senada held he president Senada Halilčević held a speech nicate ier EPSA with easier to employers communicate with employers and easier and with Halilčević employers and a speech at opening of the congress. tnthe opening thea congress. ch finding other support inathe finding job.of each job. other in finding a job. QUIZ talked about her experiences personal experiences he talked about personal and 1She How toher protect your eyes during summer?and topics for future research. opics future research. age entirely is for not The finished. entirely web page finished. is not entirely finished.

We are l two self in the co which w

es web it on address: this Youweb canaddress: see it on this web address: More 800attended people attended the congress. More than 800 than people the congress. o-lice-invalidnosti.org alidnosti.org http://drugo-lice-invalidnosti.org


were self advocates andb)researchers fromthe around hey wereThey self advocates and researchers from around world,thec)world, a)by with by your eyes sunglasses hop rganized wasThe organized workshop thebeach Network by umbrella the wasof Network organized Associations of by Associations the ofclosing Persons Network ofwith Persons of Associations with with of Persons with mostly from Europe. mostly from Europe. tia of Dalmatia - M.U.O.S.I.D. Disabilities - M.U.O.S.I.D. in of cooperation Dalmatia in cooperation -with M.U.O.S.I.D. Association withinAssociation cooperation for for with Association for Also, more 100workshops various workshops held at the congress. lso, more than 100 than various were heldwere at the congress. ion ducation andRehabilitation Education VISOKI JABLANI. VISOKI andJABLANI. Education VISOKI JABLANI. 2 What is the best time for sunbathing? NapisalaHalilčević Senada Halilčević apisala Senada Neven kar and Puškar Written Mladen and by Katanić Mladen Neven Puškar Katanićand Mladen Katanić

VISITIG In the m Associat visited g The first Slavonsk The seco there we


TAND UNDERSTAND PROJECT I UNDERSTAND a)continued in the morning and b) at noon n Advocacy for SelfAssociation Advocacy for cooperation Self Advocacy cooperation continued OOTBALL FOOTBALL WORLDcontinued CUP, WORLD BRAZIL CUP, 2014 BRAZIL 2014 cooperation after 5Association in the afternoon sociation Solem from with Solem the Skopje, from Macedonia. Skopje, Solem Macedonia. ootball World Football Cup World 2014 Cup is over. 2014 is from over. Skopje, Macedonia. carry a project out Jointly, aI understand project we carry I understand out a project I understand roatian Croatian selection football selection lost 2 matches matches 3football What cream do we use onlost the2beach? opean ygainst the European Union. financed Union. by the European Union. Brazil against andBrazil Mexico. and Mexico.

c) at night

We won in We 1 match won inagainst 1 matchCameroon. against Cameroon. o ocates self-advocates and In June two two assistants and self-advocates two assistants and two We left the WeWorld left the Cup World as third Cupinasour third group. in ourassistants group. iation Self Advocacy for from SelfAssociation Advocacy for Self Advocacy on Association Solem visited in Solem thethird Association in forSkopje the third second forSolem thetime. second in time. for the time. between he match The forSkopje match the for place the on the place World onSkopje the Cup World was played Cupsecond was between played Brazil andBrazil and a) shoe polish

b) sun cream

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apisalaself-advocates Nera Napisala Bajzec donian lf-advocates With Macedonian and Nera their Bajzec and assistants self-advocates their assistants we exchanged and we their exchanged assistants exchanged Newsletter of thewe Association for Self-AdvocacyMore de ence veloping in developing our easy-to-read experience easy-to-read materials. in developing materials. easy-to-read materials. at the pr

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GOGA'S RIDDLE GOGA'S RIDDLE Standing Standing you search you it, search it, layed down layed youdown get it,you get it, WORDSEARCH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON INCLUSIVE RESEARCH IN VIENNA from behind from you behind lick it,you lick it, J O U R N E Y S L S Find these words From to 17 2014 at the front at the you14 front press you it. July press it. in Vienna was held in the wordsearch: R E S E K G Y U G Dby IASSIDD. international congress organized We king areforward looking the We participation are to the participation forward of tooftheVparticipation IASSIDD is short name for What to isforward it? What islooking it? N W I ofO M N N Y N DIVING SEA International Association forassistants Scientificfrom StudyMacedonia of wo vocates self-advocates and two two assistants andself-advocates two assistants from Macedonia and fromtwo Macedonia G G I A V K L I A B JOURNEYS SUMMER Intellectual and Developmental Difficulties. Postage stamp. Postage stamp. erence the conference of Croatian of in self-advocates Croatian the conference self-advocates of Croatian self-advocates LAKE SUNBATHING E I R M L E G V E A be hich held willinbe September held which in September inwill Zagreb. be held in Zagreb. in September in Zagreb. POOL SWIMMING The EPSA president Senada Halilčević S T M K R I E a speech A K Rheld RIVER WALKING enada apisalaHalilčević Senada Napisala SenadaofHalilčević at the opening the congress. QUIZ Halilčević QUIZ I D A H Q L A R M I She talked about her personal experiences and 1 How to 1protect How toyour protect eyesyour during eyes summer? during summer? F F O L R M W N X I topics for future research. N G M O E N U S G N UR ISITIG NETWORK OUR NETWORK VISITIG OUR NETWORK More than 800ofthe people attended dle theofmiddle May a team of May In from the a team the middle from May a team from E X P R T S E G Dthecongress. X the nssociation for Self Advocacy for SelfAssociation Advocacy for Self Advocacy They were self in advocates and researchers from around the world, ups sitedingroups our Self-Advocacy in our visited Self-Advocacy groups Network. our Network. Self-Advocacy Network. mostly Europe. he iesfirst thatcities we visited that The we were visited firstfrom cities were that we visited were Also, more than 100Belišće. various workshops were held at the congress. Brod avonski andCONTACT Brod Belišće. andSlavonski Belišće. US!Brod and 2 What is The 2the What best istime theand best forPula sunbathing? time for sunbathing? dhevisit second was to visit Rovinj was to and second Rovinj Pula visit was to and Rovinj and Pula and Napisala Senada Halilčević met herewith we met Istrian with self-advocates. there Istrianwe self-advocates. met with Istrian self-advocates.

we ftervisited that we the visited teams After the in that teams weinvisited the teams in FUN PAGES d elovar Grubišno and Grubišno Polje.Bjelovar Polje.and Grubišno Polje. Bleiweisova 15, tour 10 000 nr we thisalso tour visited we also Onvisited this we Zagreb also visited FOOTBALL WORLD CUP,555 BRAZIL 2014 555Varaždin 66 80, Fax: 66 89 akovec, araždin Telephone: Varaždin and Koprivnica. Čakovec, and01 Koprivnica. and 01 Koprivnica. Football World Cup 2014 is over. E-mail: kontakt@samozastupanje.hr football selection lost matches What cream 3Croatian What do cream we use do on we the use beach? on the2beach? we t the went end3to we the went southern At to the the end parts southern we of went our parts county to of the our southern county parts of our county against Brazil and Mexico. Visit our web site: www.samozastupanje.hr onik, visitSplit Šibenik, and Ploče. Splitto and visit Ploče. Šibenik, Split and Ploče. We won in 1 match against Cameroon. or visit usWe onleft Facebook! the World Cup as third in our group. cities, all these we cities, met with we In all met self-advocates these withcities, self-advocates we met with self-advocates ked nd we about talked ourabout national and our we conference national talked conference ourplace national conference The match for about the third on the World Cup was played between Brazil and be hich held willinbe September. held which in September. will be held in September. Netherlands. We about spoke topics about which topics We groups spoke whichcould about groups expose. topics could which expose. groups The Netherlands won the match withcould 3 to 0.expose.

The finals were played between Germany and Argentina. More ls of details the conference of theMore conference will details be agreed will ofwon the bethe conference agreed will1be The Germany finals with to agreed 0 and taratory the preparatory meeting that at meeting the preparatory that meeting that

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