Voice of self advocates winter 2013

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Winter 2013

Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

Issue 13

Topic of the issue: From institution into community


Dear readers, readers, DearDear readers, first allof I would like to wish ayou Happy New Year!Year! first alllike I would like to wish a Happy rst of allof I would to wish you ayou Happy New Year!New In Croatia has started the process of moving out out Inhas Croatia hasthe started theofprocess ofout moving n Croatia started process moving ofwith persons with intellectual disabilities from institutions. of persons with intellectual disabilities institutions. f persons intellectual disabilities fromfrom institutions. That means persons lived soinfar in institutions means that that persons who lived soinfar institutions hatThat means that persons who livedwho so far institutions are going are going toin live in live a community in a community based based services. services. re going to live atocommunity based services. That why we have decided to inform you more this topic. is why we have decided to inform you more about this topic. hatThat is why weishave decided to inform you more about thisabout topic. I hope that this issue ofmagazine our magazine willinteresting be interesting to you. I hope that this issue ofmagazine our willinteresting be to you. hope that this issue of our will be to you.


ersons Persons with Persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities werewere considered were considered considered less worthy throughout history and they ess worthy lessthroughout worthy throughout history and history they and they unable to realize their rights. werewere unable were tounable realize to their realize rights. their rights. heyThey were They excluded were excluded fromfrom society from associety unwanted as unwanted persons persons were excluded society as unwanted persons nd they and livedthey in institutions. lived in institutions. and they lived in institutions.

Editor Senada Halilčević Journalists Hrvoje Forner Snježana Kanjir Fadil Špuren Gordana Huzek Assistants Sanja Hotko Ivana Poslon Hrvoj Damjan Janjušević Mladen Katanić This newsletter was supported by a grant from the Open Society Fundations and City of Zagreb.

ortunately, Fortunately, that that kindthat of thinking kind of is thinking changed. is changed. Fortunately, kind of thinking is changed. When theWhen human therights human rights movement spread, states to pass When the human rights movement movement spread, spread, states states started started tostarted pass to pass documents and more protected persons with disabilities. documents and laws that more protected persons with disabilities. ocuments and laws thatlaws morethat protected persons with disabilities.

Although some have changed, Although Although somesome laws laws havelaws have changed, changed, they not fully respected. were not fully respected. heyThey were notwere fully respected. It considered was It considered was considered that persons persons with with disabilities disabilities was that that persons with disabilities needed betoprotected by excluding from society needed be protected by excluding them from society eeded to betoprotected by excluding themthem from society and placing them in institutions. andthem placing them in institutions. nd placing in institutions.

That is why is why persons persons with with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities hatThat is why persons with intellectual disabilities and and and families organized protests. their families organized protests. heirtheir families organized protests. Thirty years ago, in developed countries started Thirty ago, in developed countries started hirty years ago,years in developed countries started discussion about deinstitutionalization. discussion about deinstitutionalization. iscussion about deinstitutionalization. Deinstitutionalization means shutting down of institutions Deinstitutionalization means shutting down of institutions Deinstitutionalization means shutting down of institutions and and and providing community based services. roviding community based services. providing community based services. Deinstitutionalization inUnited theStates United of America. Deinstitutionalization started instarted the of States America. Deinstitutionalization started inUnited the States of America.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

When When persons When persons with persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities started started tostarted live toin live atocommunity, in live a community, in a community, to attend to attend to regular attend regular schools regular schools and schools to and get to and jobs, get tojobs, get theyjobs, they got bigger they got bigger got opportunity bigger opportunity opportunity to make to make decisions to make decisions decisions about about themselves about themselves themselves and their and their and life. their life. life. WithWith inclusion With inclusion inclusion into community, into into community, community, otherother people other people also people get alsothe get alsochance the getchance the chance to meet to meet persons to meet persons with persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities, disabilities, disabilities, Also Also it became Also it became itclear became clear thatclear that life inthat life a community inlife a community in a community costscosts lesscosts than less than less life in than life anininstitution. life anininstitution. an institution.

SITUATION SITUATION SITUATION IN CROATIA IN CROATIA IN CROATIA Croatia Croatia started Croatia started the started process the process theof process moving of moving ofout moving out out of persons of persons of with persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities fromfrom institutions. from institutions. institutions. The goal The goal The of moving goal of moving ofout moving isout to is include out to is include topeople include people with people with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities into into into supported supported supported livingliving in aliving community. in a community. in a community. Currently, Currently, Currently, usersusers from users from Centre from Centre for Centre rehabilitation for rehabilitation for rehabilitation Zagreb Zagreb and Zagreb and and Centre Centre for Centre rehabilitation for rehabilitation for rehabilitation Stančić Stančić are Stančić going are going are to going live to in live to a community. in live a community. in a community. Those Those areThose two are two biggest are two biggest institutions biggest institutions institutions according according according to to to the number the number the of number users of users with of users with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities. disabilities. disabilities. The process The process Theof process moving of moving ofout moving from out from out institutions from institutions institutions and and inclusion and inclusion inclusion into into into life inlife a community inlife a community in a community costscosts a lot costs aoflot money. aoflot money. of money. ThatThat is why That is why Croatia is why Croatia got Croatia part got part of gotthe part ofmoney the ofmoney thefor money inclusion for inclusion for inclusion of people of people offrom people from institution from institution institution into into community into community community fromfrom Open from Open Society Open Society Institute. Society Foundations.. Institute. This This money This money provides money provides provides moving moving out moving for out90 for out people 90 forpeople 90from people from institutions from institutions institutions and and theirand their supported their supported supported livingliving in community living in community in community homes. homes. homes. Employees Employees Employees of these of these institutions of these institutions institutions attend attend trainings attend trainings trainings for personal for personal for personal assistants assistants assistants and and support and support persons support persons who persons who will who provide will provide willsupport provide support for support the forusers. the forusers. the users. Also,Also, users Also, users themselves users themselves themselves are being are being are prepared being prepared prepared for organized for organized for organized livingliving in aliving community in a community in a community homes. homes. homes. Inclusion Inclusion Inclusion of people of people ofinto people into supported into supported supported livingliving in aliving community in a community in a community started started atstarted the atmiddle the atmiddle theofmiddle the oflast the ofyear. last the year. last year. All users All users All have users have support have support 24 support hours 24 hours 24 a day. hours a day. a day.

Voice of Self-Advocates


UsersUsers who Users move who outmove from out institutions from institutions havehave thehave possibility the possibility who move out from institutions the possibility to gototogo live totogo in to a community live in a community in which in they which livedthey before. lived before. live in a community in which they lived before. ThatThat wayThat theyway can they be cancloser be to closer their families to their and families friends. and friends. way they cancloser be to their families and friends. Partners Partners havehave thehave possibility the possibility to gototogo live totogo in to a same live inhome. a same home. Partners the possibility live in a same home. By the Byend of the the end ofyear the year last 95 users year from 95 users both from institutions both institutions werewere included were included into into into Byend the oflast the last 95 users from both institutions included supported supported livingliving in aliving community. in a community. supported in a community. Persons who Persons go into who supported go into supported livingliving in aliving community in a community choose where choose and where withand Persons who go into supported in a community choose where and withwith whom they whom want they to live, want when to live, and when whatand they what want they to eat want toand when eat and and when withand whom they want to live, when and what they want toand eat when and withwith whom they whom want they to make want friends. to make friends. whom they want to make friends. TheyThey canThey make can many make other many decisions other decisions by themselves. by themselves. can make many other decisions by themselves. ThatThat wayThat theyway havethey bigger have control bigger over control theirover lives. their way they have bigger control over their lives.lives. Written by Written Senada byHalilčević Senada Halilčević and Sanja i Sanja Hotko Hotko Written by Senada Halilčević i Sanja Hotko Source: Ministry Source: of Ministry Social Policy of Social andPolicy Youth and Youth Source: Ministry of Social Policy and Youth

DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT OFOF THE OF THE RIGHT THE RIGHT RIGHT TOTO SUPPORTED TO SUPPORTED SUPPORTED LIVING LIVING LIVING IN A INCOMMUNITY A INCOMMUNITY A COMMUNITY In the Inpast the Inpast 30 theyears past 30 years 30 many years many persons many persons with persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities fromfrom all around from all around allthe around world the world the moved world moved out moved from out from out institutions from institutions institutions and and nowand now theynow they live they with live with live support with support in support a community. in a community. in a community.

Persons Persons with Persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities themselves themselves themselves and and theirand their parents their parents parents contributed contributed contributed to the toclosing the toclosing theofclosing institutions. of institutions of institutions TheyThey fought They fought together fought together together for the forright the forright the of persons right of persons of with persons with intellectual with intellectual intellectual disabilities disabilities disabilities to live to in live to a community in live a community in a community equally equally like equally all likeother all likeother all people. other people. people. TheyThey alsoThey also asked also asked forasked the forright the forright the to support right to support to for support living for living for in aliving community. in a community. in a community. These These rights These rights were rights were later were later written later written inwritten the inlaws. the inlaws the laws In closing In closing Inofclosing the ofinstitutions the ofinstitutions the institutions was was important was important important to respect to respect to4respect rules: 4 rules: 4 rules: human human rights human rights rights rightright to independence right to independence to independence rightright to choose right to choose to choose rightright to inclusion right to inclusion to inclusion


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

es of USA persons with intellectual disabilities Besides of USA persons with intellectual disabilities Besides of USA persons with intellectual disabilities esides of USA persons with intellectual disabilities included intoincluded communities in Great Britain, Norway, were included into communities in Great Britain, Norway, were into communities in Great Britain, Norway, were included into communities in Great Britain, Norway, en, Finland, Australia andAustralia Newand Zealand. Sweden, Finland, Australia New Zealand. Sweden, Finland, and New Zealand. weden, Finland, Australia and New Zealand.

ng out from institutions and inclusion intoinclusion community Moving out from institutions and inclusion into community Moving out from institutions and into community Moving out from institutions and inclusion into community enbeginning was not going easy. inbeginning the was not going easy.easy. inbeginning the beginning was not going the was not going easy. parents were worried. Many parents were worried. Many parents were worried. Many parents were worried. thought that thought it was thethat for children to live anin institution. thought that itbest was thetheir best for their children to live anininstitution. They was thetheir best for their children to live an institution. heyThey thought that it was theitbest for children to in live anin institution. thought that thought institution was the safest and most comfortable place forplace them. thought that institution was the safest and most comfortable for them. They that institution was the safest and most comfortable for them. heyThey thought that institution was the safest and most comfortable place forplace them.

fter some of after the outcame from institution andinstitution started live But, after some ofpersons the persons out from institution andtostarted to live But, some ofcame thecame persons out from and to live ut, after some ofpersons the outcame from institution and started tostarted live ommunity parents changed theirchanged opinion. in a community many parents changed their opinion. in amany community many parents their opinion. n a community many parents changed their opinion.

had more possibilities for everyday choice, they could choose what would they had more possibilities for everyday choice, they could choose what would theythey had more possibilities for everyday choice, they could choose what would heyThey hadThey more possibilities for everyday choice, they could choose what would they do and would they want to go the day. want do where and where would they want toduring go the day. want do and where would they want toduring go during the day. want do where and would they want toduring go the day. had more friends and were more included in activities ofin the had more friends and were more included in activities ofcommunity. the had more friends and were more included activities ofcommunity. the community. heyThey hadThey more friends and were more included in activities ofcommunity. the learned new household skills andskills they learned to take care oftotheir own health. learned new household and they learned to take care of their own health. They learned new household and they learned take care of their own health. heyThey learned new household skills andskills they learned to take care of their own health. yamily and relatives visitcould them more. Family and could relatives visit them more. Family and could relatives visit them more. and relatives visitcould them more.

pport the things they needed. tofor support forthings the things they needed. to support for the things they needed. o support for the they needed.

mportance inclusion and livingand in aand community also was The importance of inclusion living in a community also also Theofimportance of inclusion in awas community he importance of inclusion and living in aliving community was also was gnized byrecognized UN the ofRights Persons Disabilities. recognized byConvention UN forRights the of with Persons with Disabilities. byConvention UNfor Convention for the of with Persons with Disabilities. ecognized byConvention UN forRights the ofRights Persons Disabilities.

ovide to every person with disability for living in aliving community. tosupport provide support to every person with disability for in a community. tosupport provide support to every person with disability for in a community. o provide to every person with disability for living in aliving community.

so also hope that lesshope and less persons Croatia We also hope that and less in persons in Croatia We also and less persons in Croatia We hope that less that and less persons in Croatia ve in institutions, that and withand support more andmore more will live in institutions, that with support and moremore will live inand institutions, that with support more will live in institutions, and that with support more and moreand ns will come to come our schools, streets persons will to neighbourhood, our schools, streets persons will come to neighbourhood, our neighbourhood, schools, streets persons will come to neighbourhood, our schools, streets ll other places which were inaccessible to them so and all other places which were inaccessible to far. them so far. and all other places which were inaccessible to far. them so far. nd all other places which were inaccessible to them so

en by Ivana Poslon Written by Ivana Poslon HrvojHrvoj Written by Hrvoj Ivana Poslon Written by Ivana Poslon Hrvoj

Voice of Self-Advocates



NENAD NENAD SEKUŠAK NENAD SEKUŠAK NENAD SEKUŠAK SEKUŠAK wasI was in Sloboština in Sloboština I was in forSloboština 7for years. 7for years. 7 years. I was in Sloboština 7for years. went I went toIthe toIinstitution the went toinstitution the after institution after the after war the after war the war went toinstitution the the war because my father died and there was was because because my father because my father died my died and father and there died there wasand wasthere nobody nobody to take to nobody take care care oftome. take of me. care of me. nobody to take care of me. When When I arrived I arrived When after after I the arrived war the after to war Sloboština to the Sloboština war to Sloboština When I arrived after the war to Sloboština t was it was good good toit me was tothere, me good but tothere, me then butthere, then my then life but my then life my life it was good tothere, me but my life n the ininstitution the ininstitution the became institution became harder harder became and and harder. harder harder. and harder. ininstitution the became harder and harder. wasI was fedIup fedwith Iup was accommodation fedwith accommodation up with accommodation and and life inand life the inand institution. the institution. ininstitution. the institution. was fedwith up accommodation life inlife the wasI was thinking thinking I was about thinking about theabout possibility theabout possibility the to possibility live to in live a community, in to a community, live in aIcommunity, became I became I self-aware. became self-aware. I was thinking the possibility to live in a community, I self-aware. became self-aware. made I made a Idecision a Idecision made „I would a decision „I would like to „I like would live to my live like life my to like life live everybody like myeverybody life everybody like else!“ everybody else!“else!“else!“ made a decision „I would like to live my life like came I came home home Iand came and said home said to my and tomother, my said tomy myguardian, my mother, guardian, my thatguardian, that I do that not I do want that not I to dolive not to in live want the in to the live in the I came home and said tomother, my mother, my guardian, I do want not want to live in the nstitution institution anymore institution anymore andanymore and that and that I want and I want tothat toIin live want a community. in to a community. live in a community. institution anymore that Ilive want to live in a community. took I took herI took to her my I took to social my her social worker tosocial my worker social toworker talk. toworker talk. to talk. her to my to talk. ocial Social worker Social worker Social Stjepen worker Stjepen worker helped Stjepen helped Stjepen me helped to me helped get to me out get to me of out get the toof out get institution. the of out institution. the ofinstitution. the institution. upported Supported housing Supported housing programme programme housing gave programme gave me gave the meopportunity gave the meopportunity theto opportunity live to in live a community. in to a community. live in a community. Supported housing programme meopportunity the to live in a community. I go can togo the store byI can myself, I cook can with assistants, nobody restricts my my NowNow I canNow I go canNow to the to I go can store the store by tomyself, the by myself, store byI cook can myself, with I cook can with assistants, cook assistants, with nobody assistants, nobody restricts restricts nobody my my restricts freedom I go can togo the by myself. reedom freedom and freedom and I canand I go canto and the to I go can town the town by totown myself. the by town myself. by myself. My support My support My taught support me all me taught this. all methis. all this. My taught support taught methis. all stillI have stillI have to learn I have still to learn have to to toread learn and and totowright. read to wright. and to wright. still toread learn to read and to wright. All people All people Allhave the people right thehave right to live the to where live right to they live they want where want they Allhave people have the right to where live where they wantwant nd and theyand they should and should not they live not should in live institutions. in not institutions. live in institutions. they should not live in institutions. All institutions should be closed and should notgiven be given money. All institutions All institutions Allshould institutions should be closed be should closed and be and should closed should not and be not should given be not money. be money. given money. The state must not give them money. he state The state must The must not state give notmust give them not them money. give money. them money. Ivery am Ivery happy, wish to stay in community forever. NowNow I amNow Ivery amNow happy, happy, amI very wish I wish happy, to Istay to Istay inwish community into community stay inforever. community forever. forever. wish I wish to Ilive to with Ilive wish my towife live my wife with one one day. my wife day. one wish to with live with my wife one day. day.

OMISLAV TOMISLAV IVAŠKOVIĆ TOMISLAV IVAŠKOVIĆ IVAŠKOVIĆ TOMISLAV IVAŠKOVIĆ I had family problems and my parents hadI had family family problems I had problems family andproblems and my parents my parents and my parents sent me antoinstitution. entsent me to me anto sent institution. anto me institution. an institution. I spent three years in Prekrižje. spent I spent three three Iyears spent years inthree Prekrižje. in Prekrižje. years in Prekrižje. hadI had to work I had to work Ithere had to work there to but work there butthere but but wasI was notI receiving notI receiving was not anyreceiving money. any money. any money. was not receiving any money.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

I hadI had no privacy. I had I had no privacy. no privacy. no privacy. I didInot didthat Ilike not didthat we like notspent that likespent that we a lot spent we spent time aoflot in aoflot atime room. in a room. in a room. didIlike not we aoflot time inofatime room. I wanted Ito wanted cook Ito wanted but to cook Ibut was to cook notIbut allowed. was was not allowed. not allowed. I wanted cook Ibut was notI allowed. I didInot diditIlike not did there. not itlike there. it there. didIlike not itlike there. Tina Tina fromTina inclusion Tina from from inclusion gotinclusion me gotout. me gotout. me out. from inclusion gotout. me NowNow I liveNow aNow Isupported live in live a supported in housing a supported programme housing housing programme and programme my life and and my good my now. islife good is good now.now. I in live in aIsupported housing programme and myislife islife good now. I have myI have freedom my freedom and my freedom I canand and I do canwhat I do Ican want. what do what I want. I want. I have myI have freedom and I do canwhat I want. In my time myInfree my I dofree time sports. I do sports. I do sports. Infree myInfree time I dotime sports. I think that I think closing I think that of that closing institutions of institutions ofisinstitutions good, is good, is good, I think that closing ofclosing institutions is good, so that people so that socan that people live people in can houses live can in live with houses inwith support houses with with support support so that people can live in houses support ThatThat is their That right. That is their is their right.right. is their right. EveryEvery man Every has Every man the man hasright the has to live right the right to where live to hewhere live wants. he wants. he wants. man hasright the to where live hewhere wants. ROMANA ROMANA POSAVEC ROMANA POSAVEC POSAVEC ROMANA POSAVEC I hadI had been I had living I had been for been living 20 living foryears 20 foryears 20 years been living foryears 20 in institution in institution in Jaškovo institution near Jaškovo Jaškovo Karlovac. near near Karlovac. Karlovac. in institution Jaškovo near Karlovac. In institution In institution In I could institution not I could move I could not freely. move not move freely. freely. In institution I could not move freely. I hadI had to report I had I had to myself report to report every myself myself time every when every time time when when to report myself every time when I wanted Ito wanted get Ito wanted out. toout. get toout. get out. I wanted get Also,Also, I could Also, not Also, I could make I could not mymake not own decisions. my own my own decisions. decisions. I could not make mymake own decisions. I didInot didIhave not did my have privacy not mybecause privacy mybecause privacy because therebecause wasthere 10 there ofwas usofin was 10 one ofin 10 us room. ofinus one in one room. room. didIhave not my have privacy there was 10 us one room. My husband My husband and My husband I wanted and and Ito wanted make Ito wanted love. to make to make love.love. My husband and I wanted make love. But we Butmade we But love made we anyway. made love love anyway. anyway. Butmade we love anyway. It was hard It was forIt me was hard hard forbecause me forbecause Ime wasbecause separated I was I was separated from separated my from mother. my mother. my mother. It was hard forbecause me I was separated from my from mother. I worked Iin worked the Iin worked kitchen. inkitchen. the inkitchen. the kitchen. I worked the costs, and costs, allowance costs, and and allowance money allowance I was money receiving money I was I was receiving from receiving my from mother. my mother. my mother. costs, and allowance money I was receiving from my from mother. I didInot didto Ilike not did beto like not inbe institution, to like toinbe institution, in but institution, Ibut hadIbut to be Ibut had I had tobecause betobecause my bemother because myworked mother myworked mother in worked worked in in didIlike not inbe institution, had tobecause be my mother in Germany. Germany. Germany. Germany. I think that I think inI institutions think that that in institutions inhuman institutions rights human human arerights violated. are violated. are violated. I think that in institutions human rights arerights violated. People should People People live should in should homes live in live inhomes aincommunity. in a community. in a community. People should live in homes inhomes a community. ThatThat means That that That means people means that can that people freely people can move. freely can freely move. move. means that people can freely move. People inPeople homes inhave homes inhave their homes have privacy, have their their their privacy, privacy, freedom, their their freedom, theyfreedom, can they go they canwhen go canwhen out go they when out when theythey People inPeople homes their privacy, their freedom, they canout go out they wantwant andwant they want and can and they return can home return can return when home they home when want. when they they want.want. and they can they return home when they want. I think it is I think good I think itthat is good itthat institutions is good that that institutions ininstitutions Croatia inare Croatia in closing. Croatia are closing. are closing. I think it is good institutions in Croatia are closing.

Voice of Self-Advocates


SNJEŽANA SNJEŽANA KANJIR KANJIR SNJEŽANA SNJEŽANA KANJIR KANJIR live with live with my but parents, myIbut parents, Ibut would I would to to liveI with my parents, Ibut would prefer toprefer I liveI with myIparents, would prefer toprefer live live bysomyself bysomyself so that so what that I do canwhat I do canwhat do what live alone by alone myself that I do can live alone by alone myself that I can I want I want and and return return home when when I want. I want. I want and return home when Ihome want. I want and return home when I want. It It be good be good if there if were were no guardians, no guardians, It would bewould good if there were no guardians, It would bewould good if there were nothere guardians, that they they do make not do make not make decisions decisions of me. of me. they do make not decisions instead ofinstead me. that that theythat do not decisions instead ofinstead me. I would I would also also like that likeget that people people get from out get from out from institution institution I would also like that people out from institution I would also like that people get out institution that they live live life independently life independently in their in their homes. homes. and and that and that theyand they livethat their live they their life their independently life their independently in their in their homes. homes. They They should should be provided be provided with with support support to to to independent to independent living and theirthe should be provided with support to adjust toadjust independent and theirand TheyThey should be provided with support to adjust toadjust independent livingliving andliving their wishes wishes should should be respected. be respected. wishes should be respected. wishes should be respected. of them of them will need will need constant constant support. support. Some of Some them will need constant support. Some of Some them will need constant support. All institutions Allshould institutions should should be be so that so goes that nobody nobody goes goes there there ever ever again. again. All institutions should be closed soclosed that nobody goes there ever again. All institutions be closed soclosed that nobody there ever again. FADIL FADIL ŠPUREN ŠPUREN BRACO BRACO FADIL ŠPUREN BRACO FADIL ŠPUREN BRACO Iin live Iin live home inina Mandaličina home in Mandaličina in13. Mandaličina live a home 13. 13. 13. I liveIin a home ina Mandaličina In institutions In institutions persons persons with with disabilities disabilities In institutions persons with disabilities In institutions persons with disabilities canmake not can make not make their their own own decisions. decisions. canmake not their own decisions. can not their own decisions. They They decide decide when when persons persons will will togo sleep, to sleep, TheyThey decide decide when when persons persons will go will togo sleep, togo sleep, have have breakfast, breakfast, and dinner. and dinner. breakfast, lunch andlunch dinner. havehave breakfast, lunch andlunch dinner. People People areallowed also areallowed not alsoto allowed not allowed go to out go of out institution of institution when when they they want,want, People are also not goto out of institution when they want, People are also not goto out of institution when they want,

I think I think that that persons persons who who live in live institutions in dohave not dohave not have their their rights. rights. I think I think that that persons persons who who live in live institutions in institutions doinstitutions not dohave not their their rights. rights. All institutions All institutions need need toclosed be toclosed be so that sowith that persons persons with with intellectual intellectual disabilities live in live i All institutions need toclosed be soclosed that persons with intellectual disabilities live in All institutions need to be so that persons intellectual disabilities livedisabilities in homes homes like everybody like everybody homes like everybody else. homes like everybody else. else. else. will need will need support support because because they were were in institution, in institution, to help to help them them learn learn where the TheyThey will They need support because they werethey in institution, to help them learn where the will They need support because they were in institution, to help them learn where thewhere stores stores and transport and transport services services are, to are, teach tohousework teach them them housework housework and to and make to make decisions. decision stores and transport services are, to teach them and to make decisions. stores and transport services are, to teach them housework and to make decisions. Croatia Croatia signed signed Convention Convention onRights the on the forwith Persons forwith Persons with with Disabilities Disabilities which which says that t Croatia signed Convention on the forRights Persons Disabilities which says that Croatia signed Convention onRights the forRights Persons Disabilities which says that says everyone hasright the has right the right live in live a community. in a community. everyone has everyone the to live atocommunity. everyone hasright the toin live in atocommunity. This means This that that all institutions all institutions be closed be closed andstate that andstate that the state the needs to give to give This means This means that that allmeans institutions all institutions should should beshould closed beshould closed and that and that the the needs needs tostate give to needs give homes homes andfor support and support for for in a community in atocommunity towho persons towho persons who who areout moving arefrom moving out from out from homes and support for living in aliving community to persons are moving out from homes and support living in aliving community persons are moving institution. institution. institution. institution. I would I say would like to like say torights that sayrights that the rights the rights from from Convention Convention byshould Croatia byshould Croatia be be I would like to that the from Convention signed bysigned Croatia beshould I would like to say that the from Convention signed bysigned Croatia beshould respected. respected. respected. respected.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

VESNA ŠOŠTAREC VESNA A ŠOŠTAREC VESNA ŠOŠTAREC ŠOŠTAREC I had living infrom Stančić from 2006 until had been I had been living been living inbeen Stančić living in Stančić infrom Stančić 2006 from 2006 until 2006 until 2011. until 2011. 2011.2011. was not very nice for me. was notIt very was notIt very not nicevery nice for me. nice for me. for me. Ilike didpeople notpeople likeand theand people and the food. not didIlike not didthe not the like the people the food. and the food. the food.

it was expected from me tomore do more than I could. was expected it was expected expected from from me from to me do to me more doto more do than than I could. than I could. I could. Bigme support forthere me was my friend Krešimir. upport ig support Big for support for there me forthere me was was mythere friend was my friend my Krešimir. friend Krešimir. Krešimir.

everything, telland my and sorrows and he sympathized thing, verything, everything, tell my tellsorrows my tellsorrows my sorrows he sympathized and he sympathized he sympathized withwith me.with me.with me. me. If Ihe were he would always console ere I were crying If I were crying crying would hecrying would he always would always console always console me. console me. me. me. Krešimir was my best friend. mir rešimir was Krešimir was my best was my best friend. my best friend. friend.

Happens what am going! Happens ensHappens what what happens, what happens, happens, I amhappens, Igoing! am Igoing! am Igoing! Now I in live in in Dubrava with Krešimir and Damir. Now liveNow I in live apartment I in live apartment apartment inapartment Dubrava in Dubrava in Dubrava with with Krešimir with Krešimir and Krešimir and Damir. and Damir. Damir. We have support helps us ingroceries buying and housework. We avehave We support have support that support that helps that helps us that helps inus buying inus buying ingroceries buying groceries andgroceries and housework. and housework. housework. The most of decisions we by ourselves. most he most The of decisions most of decisions of decisions we make we make we by make ourselves. by make ourselves. by ourselves. Itfor is me very nice for me to live in apartment. ery is very nice It is very nice nice forto me for live to me in live to apartment. in live apartment. in apartment. Initopinion my itthat is good that institutions are closing so are expenses less expenses nopinion myInopinion my is good itopinion is good itthat is good institutions that institutions institutions are closing are closing areso closing that so that there so that there arethat there less arethere expenses less are expenses less and that persons with disabilities who lived in institution learn totheir livetheir on their hat nd and that persons that persons with persons with disabilities with disabilities disabilities who who livedwho lived in institution lived in institution in institution learn learn to live learn to on live totheir on live own. on own. own.own.

HRVOJE FORNER HRVOJE OJE FORNER HRVOJE FORNER FORNER lived in Brezovica when I was younger. dlived in IBrezovica lived in IBrezovica in Brezovica when when I was when I was younger. I was younger. younger. I would not like goinstitution. back to institution. would ld not I would like not to like not goto like back goto back to goto institution. back to to institution. That is over. hat s over. That is over. is over. Ivery do have not have very good memories from that period. do ot have not I do have not very good very good memories good memories memories from from thatfrom that period. that period. period. Brezovica ito was helping to clean. nzovica Brezovica In Brezovica iIn was i was helping i was helping helping clean. to clean. to clean. In free time I was drawing. ne free time In free time I was time I was drawing. I was drawing. drawing. Now I in live in street Mandaličina street with Marko, Tomo and Nikola. Now liveNow I in live Mandaličina I in live Mandaličina Mandaličina street with street with Marko, with Marko, Tomo Marko, Tomo and Tomo and Nikola. and Nikola. Nikola. Itto isliving good toliving me living with and in a community. ood is good Itto is me good me toliving me with with them with them and them and in athem community. and in a community. in a community. Ilook like to cook, look pages a computer to church. to like cook, I to like cook, to cook, look web look web pages web pages onweb pages aon computer aon computer aon computer and and go toand go church. toand go church. togo church. I go can go where I want, just have to my assistant. go canwhere I go canwhere I want, where I want, but I want, Ibut just Ibut have justIbut have just to Inotify have to notify to mynotify assistant. mynotify assistant. my assistant. The that support that willpersons enable persons with for independent upport he support The that support will enable that will enable willpersons enable with persons with disabilities with disabilities disabilities fordisabilities independent for independent for independent livingliving is living is living is is necessary. ecessary. sary. necessary. The of institution is good that way persons with disabilities will be losing he closing Theofclosing institution ofclosing institution of institution is good is good because is good because because that because that waythat way persons way persons with persons with disabilities with disabilities disabilities will be will be will be able to live in aand community and to have freedom likeother all other people. ble o live able to in live to a community in live a community in a community and to have and to have freedom to have freedom freedom like all likeother all likeother all people. people. people.

nterview iewInterview withwith self advocates with self advocates self advocates held held by Mladen held by Mladen byKatanić Mladen Katanić Katanić

Voice of Self-Advocates


T.K. T.K. I have for several I have beenbeen livingliving for several yearsyears nownow in in institution in Zagreb. one one institution in Zagreb. In institution I have to sleep 10 o'clock. In institution I have to gototogo sleep at 10ato'clock. 7 o'clock is waking up time. At 7 At o'clock is waking up time. I do have not have the freedom to move freely I do not the freedom to move freely and and my wishes are respected. not respected. my wishes are not I think all people the right to in live in a community. I think that that all people havehave the right to live a community. It is good institutions are closing down because It is good that that institutions are closing down because will have better in a community in institution. I willI have better life inlife a community thanthan in institution. Z.K. Z.K. live in one institution in Zagreb. I liveI in one institution in Zagreb. it there because i have friends, I likeI itlike there because i have goodgood friends, I work am learning informatics. I work and and I am Ilearning informatics. I would like to in live in a community to have the right to choose. I would like to live a community to have the right to choose. I think closing down of institutions is good I think that that closing down of institutions is good because willtogo to in live an apartment. because I willI go live aninapartment. M.M.M.M. live in institution in Zagreb. I alsoI also live in institution in Zagreb. I do like not itlike it there because I do have not have the right I do not there because I do not the right to walk through the by citymyself by myself I do have not have to walk through the city and and I do not the right tostore the store by myself. the right to gototogo the by myself. I have to bed 10 o'clock, I would like to I have to gototogo bed at 10ato'clock, but Ibut would like to awake wright, a computer to Internet. stay stay awake and and wright, workwork on aon computer and and go togo Internet. I would like that institution closes down wegoalltogo to in live in a community. I would like that institution closes down and and that that we all live a community. willbetter be better forin me in a community because will have the right gomyself by myself It willIt be for me a community because I willI have the right to gotoby my friends. my friends. D.K. D.K. live in institution in Zagreb. I alsoI also live in institution in Zagreb. It is nice to there live there because I have friends me when It is nice to live because I have friends that that helphelp me when I cannot do something onown. my own. I cannot do something on my


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

It bothers me that we have to go early in the bed and I would rather watch television. I am not allowed to get out of the institution by myself. I think more people should live in the community to have more friends, spend time with them and go out when they want. I think this will not be possible while I live in the institution and that is why I hope I will be able to live in the community.

of names and surnames of people who live in institutions. We did that because we are afraid that some statements of these people could cause them the inconvenience. Interview with self advocates held by Mladen Katanić

NEWS The announcement of the round table in Croatian Parliament Association for Self Advocacy in cooperation with association GONG and Ombudsman for persons with disabilities will held round table on changes in the Family Act. Round table will be held 24.2.2014. in Croatian Parliament under sponsorship of Health and Social Policy Committee. Association for Self Advocacy and GONG think that Family Act does not fully respect UN Convention on the Rights for Persons with Disabilities. That is why representatives of associations will give proposals to change parts of the act so that persons with intellectual disabilities get more freedom in decision making. Representatives of associations, self-advocates and experts will talk at the round table. Self-advocates will share their life experience. Written by Mladen Katanić

Voice of Self-Advocates


Referendum on marriage Referendum on marriage was held on Sunday 1.12.2013. At referendum citizens directly decide about some important issue. This was national referendum. This means that all citizens of the Republic of Croatia decided about marriage issue. The referendum on marriage was third national referendum. independence of Croatia and about accessing to the European Union. At this referendum citizens decided about changing the Croatian constitution in a way that in the Constitution writes that marriage presents union of woman and man. Association for Self Advocacy was against this proposal. We believe that every person has the right to marry regardless of whether it is attracted by women or men. However, referendum question passed. In the constitution will write that marriage can only be union between woman and man. We can only hope that next referendum will not restrict the rights of persons with intellectual disabilities and others. Written by Fadil Ĺ puren Lecture at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences Self-advocates Fadil Ĺ puren and SnjeĹžana Kanjir held lectures on legal capacity to the students of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences. Self-advocates said that majority of persons with intellectual disabilities are being deprived of legal capacity. That is why we can not realize many of our rights that are written in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

For example: For example: or example: weget canmarried notmarried get married we not can not get we can weget canaget not we not can not joba job we can jobaget werun canfor notpresident runpresident for president of organization our organization we not can not run for of organization our we can of our wevote can vote not vote in organization our organization we not can not in organization our we can in our wedecide can decide notwhere decide where with whom we want to live. we not can not where and with whom we want to live. we can and withand whom we want to live.

way our arebeing still being violated. way our rights arebeing still violated. hatThat wayThat our rights arerights still violated. How domake we make decisions? domake we decisions? HowHow do we decisions? What support doneed? we need? support doneed? we WhatWhat support do we What the role of guardians? isrole theisof role of guardians? WhatWhat is the guardians?

Students were interested all these and aoflot of questions. Students interested allin these issues and they questions. tudents werewere interested in allin these issues andissues they had they ahad lot ahad oflot questions. Pleasant talk with students thatthe marked the end oflecture the lecture us that Pleasant talk with students that marked the of end of the proved usto that leasant talk with students that marked end the lecture proved toproved usto that persons with intellectual disabilities aremore getting and more accepted as equally persons with intellectual disabilities are getting more and more accepted as equally persons with intellectual disabilities are getting andmore more accepted as equally precious persons the same like everybody precious persons who have the same rights like everybody precious persons who havewho the have same rights likerights everybody else. else. else.

Self-advocates city of Grubisno Polje Self-advocates city of Grubisno wrote us! us! elf-advocates fromfrom cityfrom of Grubisno PoljePolje wrote us!wrote Weself-advocates are self-advocates city of Grubisno Weself-advocates are city of Grubisno We are fromfrom cityfrom of Grubisno Polje.Polje.Polje. Every weatgather at meetings. week we gather at meetings. veryEvery week weweek gather meetings. We about talk our rights andin barriers incommunity. the community. We about talk our rights and barriers incommunity. the We talk ourabout rights and barriers the Our assistant is Tihana. Our assistant is Tihana. Our assistant is Tihana. We like to come to meetings We to like to come to meetings We like come meetings to to to get useful information. get useful information. get useful information. Our meetings contribute Our meetings contribute Our meetings contribute to to to better lives incommunity. the community. better lives incommunity. the better lives in the We would like tohelp get from wider community We would like to get from wider community We would like to get help fromhelp wider community toour realize our rights. to realize our rights. o realize rights.

didcelebrate we celebrate the New Year’s didcelebrate we the New Year’s Eve Eve HowHow didHow we the New Year’s Eve Association for Advocacy Self Advocacy Association for Advocacy Self Association for Self and and and Association for Promoting Inclusion Association for Promoting Inclusion Association for Promoting Inclusion organised celebration ofNew the New Year’s organised celebration ofNew the Year’s Eve. Eve. rganised celebration of the Year’s Eve. It was nice tofamiliar seefaces familiar It was nice tofamiliar see facesfaces t was nice to see in aparty joyous party ambient. in a joyous party ambient. n a joyous ambient.

Voice of Self-Advocates


EveryEvery oneEvery of usone dancing us was to dancing the torhythm theof rhythm loud joyful of loud music. joyful music. one ofwas usofwas dancing torhythm the of loud joyful music. At the Atstruck the of struck midnight of midnight we sprinkled we sprinkled bubbly champagne bubbly champagne wishing that wishing the whole that the whole Atstruck the of midnight we sprinkled bubbly champagne wishing that the whole 20142014 be happy 2014 be and happy full of and joy. full of joy. be happy and full of joy.

We wish We youwish ayou great 2014. a great We wish ayou great 2014.2014. Written by Written Snje탑ana by Snje탑ana Kanjir Kanjir Written by Snje탑ana Kanjir

FUN FUN PAGES FUN PAGES PAGES RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION RECOMMENDATION February February February is theismonth theismonth theofmonth Carnivals! of Carnivals! of Carnivals!

All this All marks this All marks this themarks merriest the merriest the merriest month month ofmonth the ofyear. the ofyear. the year. The largest The largest Thecarnival largest carnival in carnival Croatia in Croatia inisCroatia in is the incity is the inof city the Rijeka. of city Rijeka. of Rijeka. Rijeka's Rijeka's carnival Rijeka's carnival holds carnival holds from holds from 17.1. from 17.1. until17.1. until 5.3. until 5.3. 5.3. ZABAVNIK

otherother countries other countries countries will participate will participate will participate at this at carnival. this at carnival. this carnival. It is aItspecial is aItspecial is aexperience special experience experience to participate to participate to participate in international in international in international parade parade that parade that will be that willheld be willheld at beSunday held at Sunday at2.3.2014. Sunday 2.3.2014. 2.3.2014. at 12ato'clock. 12ato'clock. 12 o'clock. Carnivals Carnivals Carnivals will be willheld be willheld in beother held in other cities in other cities too.cities too. too. Check Check out Check for outcarnival for outcarnival for in carnival your in your city in your city city and and transform and transform transform into into other into other desired other desired character, desired character, character, at least at least for at one least for one day for in one day year. in day year. in year.


Newsletter of the Association for Self Advocacy

QUIZQUIZQUIZ 1 Why Why doneed we doneed we need legal legal capacity? capacity? 1 Why do1we legal capacity? a) to get married

b) to vote

c) for dance

2 Who Who isbest theisbest the best world world football football player of 2013? of 2013? 2 Who is 2the world football player ofplayer 2013? a) Maradona

b) Christian Ronaldo

c) Goran Ivanišević

b) candies

c) vegetables

3 Which 3 Which food has vitamins? has vitamins? 3 Which food hasfood vitamins? a) sandwich

Written Written by Fadil by Fadil Špuren Špuren and Snježana and Snježana Kanjir Kanjir Written by Fadil Špuren and Snježana Kanjir R



WORDSEARCH WORDSEARCH WORDSEARCH F O M Find these these words inwordsearch the inwordsearch the wordsearch FindFind these words in words the COMMUNITY SUPPORT BUYING COOKING FRIEND


Created by Mladen Katanić






























































































GOGA'S RIDDLE without wings or feathers? Cloud!

Voice of Self-Advocates


ADVICE CORNER QUESTION I have a friend with whom I fell in love and would like her to be my girlfriend. But others always told me that love relationships are not for me and that I should not have a girlfriend. How far can go my relationship with her? ANSWER Relationships that we have with other people are important part of our lives. Healthy love relationships are based on friendships. Your relationship with your friend can go as far as you both want it to go. It is important to be honest, to respect and trust each other. Body intimacy such as holding hands, hugging, kissing or even making love shows how much comfortable you feel together. But, body intimacy can come only when both of you are prepared for this.


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