MACBETH British Literature and Composition
Patrick Stewart: “There are elements of [these great roles] in all of us. And that is part of the greatness of this dramatist.”
“I am afraid to think what I have done; look on’t again, I dare not.” Act 2. Scene 2
IF YOU DIRECTED MACBETH... What would your version of Macbeth look like? What choices would you make regarding actors? Setting? Costume? Blocking? Subtext? Characterization? Interpretation? You have been asked to direct a scene from Macbeth. You must bring all you have learned about stagecraft and the play, including
explaining why you have chosen each costume piece. The third part of your report should include
meaning, interpretation, characterization,
a script for your scene that includes the text of
subtext, blocking, costuming, and setting to
your scene along with your notations explaining
bear on your production.
subtext and blocking. You should include a
You will write up a report that includes
piece explaining why you made the choices you
several elements needed to help your producer,
did with regards to subtext, blocking, and
Mrs. Huff, really see your scene so she can
approve your choices. The first part of your report should be a description of your set, including location, props, and any extra special effects. The second part should include a cast list
You may include images where appropriate, but you must cite your sources properly with a Works Cited page. All pieces of your report must be compiled and presented in a covered report. You may not
that explains why each actor is best suited for
e-mail your projects. Reports may not be done
the part chosen. Characterization is key, and
with presentation software or with poster board.
your actors must be chosen well. You should also describe the costume for each actor,
Screw your courage to the sticking place! Be bold! Be creative! Have fun!
Fair is Foul What would your witches look like? Would you cast fair witches with foul intentions, or foul witches? Which witch? Why?