GRADUATION Special Section
CLASS OF 2022 Dana Point Times June 10-16, 2022
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oday, we recognize the graduating Class of 2022. Take a moment and look around and notice our whole Dana family beaming with pride as we gather here to honor our incredible Graduates. Parents, it has been quite a journey to get here; think back to the first day of kindergarten, and how nervous you were to drop them off. Remember all of the programs from youth sports to artistic performances that your child was involved in over the years. You drove your children to and from school, and from practice to practice—all in an effort to provide them an opportunity to pursue their dreams. You stayed up late to help with homework, attended concerts, games, and award ceremonies, and today we now celebrate the culmination of all of their hard work and achievements. As we celebrate our graduates today, we recognize that this is just the first chapter of their story to be written. So, Dolphin graduates, as you embark on the next chapter of your lives, I share with you the words Thomas Edison once said: “The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense.” You, the Class of 2022, have shown all three of these characteristics the past four years. Your hard work and persistence here at DHHS have paid off,
Dana Point Times June 10-16, 2022
as you are now a Dana Hills High School Graduate. Your determination to arrive at this point is beyond commendable, and through your support of one another, you have enjoyed incredible accomplishments. Your discoveries of life, love, gain and loss remain to be all experienced, but remember the lessons you’ve learned at Dana Hills, and remember to chase your dreams with intention, persistence and without any regret. Your attitude and your daily efforts will determine your path. No matter what the world throws at you, you are capable of tackling anything and making the best of everything. Remember, you are in control of your next chapter in your life, so choose to work hard and be kind to everyone. Do this and success will always find you. So, on behalf of the DHHS faculty and staff, we wish each of you the very best in writing your next chapter. So, graduates, on behalf of the faculty and staff, we are so proud of you for successfully navigating the requirements and challenges of high school. You are surrounded by family and loved ones who are relishing in all of your accomplishments; I join with them and the entire Dana Hills community to offer our congratulations to the Class of 2022. OK, Dolphins, one more time—Hey, Dana! How do you feel?
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Holding On to All the Memories of Hardships and Triumphs SPEECH BY J.T. WILLIAMS, ASU PRESIDENT
CLASS OF 2022 Micah Abadie Alysa Abrami Arianna Abrami Graham Abrams Olivia Ackermann Ramiro Acuna Christopher Adame Alyssa Adams Kian Afrookhteh Alexandra Aga Jerdion Agape Christopher Agapito Kaylen Aguilar Amie Aguirre Camryn Alexander Jonathan Alexander Abimisola Amao Jacob Anderson Owen Anderson Kevin Arguello Owen Armstrong Ashley Arsenault Edgar Arteaga Kamran Ashrafi Jordan Atkins Anthony Avalos Crystal Bahena Lindsay Baker Luke Baker Michala Ballard Gina Banducci Ellitre Baptiste Sabrina Barriga-Ortiz Patrick Bassily Ryder Belkman Britney Benitez Isabella Bentley Faress Bishtawi Omarjaye Black Wyatt Blodgett Anna Boehmer Christian Boehmer
ell, Class of ’22, we made it. Just four years ago, we entered the hallways of what would become our home for the first time. We met people that we had never known, and these same people are now the ones we will never forget. When we came to Dana, we could have never imagined the trials and hardships that we would have faced. Through Zoom classes and virtual pep rallies, we overcame, knowing that if we were ever given the opportunity to come back that we would make the most of it. Coming back to campus this last year, we knew that we would never take for granted the opportunity. Whether it be showing up to every football game, running the sets onto the field during homecoming, or even just showing up to school every day with a smile on our faces, we, the seniors, led this school every day to a positive place. This place has been our life, but it’s not anymore, and that’s OK. As we all separate and scatter onto the next phase of our lives, we will always have the four years at Dana Hills that brought us together. Whether you’re moving on to your dream school, or are just happy to be graduating, always hold on to the amazing memories you have here. Hold on to the friends who made you laugh so hard you couldn’t breathe. Hold on to the wisdom that your teachers gave you that changed your life. Hold on to the love we were able to find in the most unexpected places. Because the late nights that we thought would never end, and the late nights that we wished would never end, they’ve ended. As we move into the first stage of our adult lives, let’s take with us those hard lessons and happy memories both. Through all the hardships and triumph, we’ve grown, and now, we’ve outgrown this school, and that’s OK, too. In just a few moments, we’ll walk up here and get the diplomas that we’ve worked our lives to get, and in that moment, it’ll all be over. All the late nights studying, all the essays and tests will be worth it as we walk away into the reality of our new world. When we think of Dana, we’ll remember the friends who turned into family, the teachers who turned into mentors, and the experiences that turned into our everything. As we are all pulled our separate ways, know that we will always have our time at Dana. These shared experiences that will never be taken away have shaped us into who we are today, and made the journey worth it. We know all of us have the potential to make this world a better place—so let’s go out and do it! And have a blast along the way! Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, and let your actions be louder than your words. Thank you, Dana, for all that you have given to me, and it has been an honor to be your ASU President.
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Sebastian Bojorquez Cantu Jacob Bonga Isabel Bonin Francesca Bosa Aidan Bowles Kaden Bran Chloe Brandvig Cullen Brougham Karina Brown Leslie Bruno Benjamin Buehler Nicholas Burke Elle Burnight Dorian Bush Martina Calignano Erik Calzado Jonathan Cambray Luke Cara Monet Carr Kamryn Casazza Gabriela Castro-Rueda Brianna Caudillo Taylor Cecil Owen Chambers Brandon Chang Curtis Chasman William Cheung Mattea Chung Bethany Cimo Jake Clapper Christian Clark John Clark Sophie Clibon Ella Coffey Cascia Collings Haylie Collins Mikayla Collins Jesus Colorado Alexander Cornejo Madeleine Correa Sierra Lynette Cristobal Alma Cruz
Nici Curry Tyler Curry Broghan Daley Ryann Daly Miles Darst Jai Dawson Eric De Soto Hayden Dendiu Tyler Dendiu Valentino DeVito Ryan DeVries Destiny Diaz Isaac Diaz Kathleen Dickerson Ian Dicks Gavin Dickson Duc Doan Madison Donner Ella Donovan Nathan Doran Hudson Edmunds Ryan Edwards Katelyn Eichenbaum Elle Emery Paloma Enriquez Jasmine Enriquez-Castillo Sage Escalante William Escamilla Ava Etemadi Grant Faris Sandy Fernandez Caroline Field Tania Firouzabady Jessie Fisher Mervin Flores Delaney Foerstner Anaya Ford Jordyn Forsdick-Stevenson Riley Fox Mikyla Frangipane Sienna Frederiksen Vivian Gach danapointtimes.com
Evan Gaitan Jessica Gallardo Angel Garcia Carly Garcia Kevin Garcia Jorge Garcia Cruz Kayden George Ali Germain Ethan Geske Dara Gharineh Meelad Ghodoumipour Melina Ghodoumipour Claudia Gomez Bonilla Adriel Gonzalez Ian Gonzalez Olivia Gonzalez Erick Guardado Letticia Guedes Nassif Daniel Gunderson John Gunderson Abigail Gutierrez Esmeralda Guzman Isabel Haigg Samuel Hamaker Jayden Hanson Jordan Harrison Charlotte Harvey Jibran Hassankhil Darius Hatami Griffin Haugh Katherine Hayes Sadie Heller
Sophia Heller Alana Hernandez Christian Hernandez Axel Ollin Herrera Giovanni Herrera-Garibay Lauren Herritt Sean Hill Jordan Hils Cooper Hoeger Tatum Hoff Evin Hollandsworth Holland Hoopes Alana Horodezky Johnathan Hulse Adrian Ibarra Jake Igelman Jared Jacobson Jared Janampa Roman Javadyan Jaidan Jenkins-Kiefer Alyson Johnson Eleanor Johnson Grace Johnson Jaid Johnson Michael Johnson Marina Johnston Bo Kelly Jaden Kessi Hannah Khay Ismat Khllak Tara Kivinski Stephen Klause
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often wonder how the goals I once held so tightly vanished. The goal to play soccer in college or the goal to attend a prestigious university. These goals I valued throughout my life never left me, but were only set aside. Some may wonder, did I not work hard enough or did I lose track of time? Time is so precious to us, but why does it fly when we are having fun? We are told time is our enemy. As we procrastinate our assignments and disregard our projects, we say, “Don’t worry, I’ll make time.” Time is of the essence. Money is time. We are told time is always against us, and yet, we cherish the time we spent together and wish we had just a little more. More time for that essay. More time at that game. More time at Dana Hills. Time went too fast. In the blink of an eye, we are no longer the senior class. We are the graduates who have spent the laughs in our language classes, the tears in our AP classes and the wins and losses on this field where we sit today. But here we are. Yes, time may fly, seniors, but now we are the pilots. We are in control. Time is our enemy, and yet we have befriended it. Time is of the essence. So, live as the person who makes you proud, because you are the most important person to please.
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We have all become the individuals we are today because of time. Those goals I held just four years ago were only set aside because I made the time. I made time to make friends. To attend that game. To finish that essay before the deadline. I made that time to be happy, and I hope you found the time to be happy, too. Your goals might be the same as they were freshman year, but we cannot dwell on the times we have failed or felt defeated. No matter how you spent your time, you are here today and can only grow as your future unfolds. Class of ’22, look at us now. We made it to graduation. We are strong, unique individuals who hold our futures in our hands. We are the entrepreneurs, doctors, athletes, writers, and speakers of our future. We have the power, because we used our time to do our best and be our best because that is what made us happy. Seniors, we are no longer upperclassmen; we are graduates. We are graduates who have been through the toughest of times these past two years, and yet we have overcome it all to be here on this field today. Dana Hills, as we say our last goodbye, we thank you for those times. Yes, the good and the bad. But this time, we will continue to grow on our own.
Adam Klein Miguel Knauer Andrew Koester Ellenoora Koponen Ashley Korbonski Marina Kosor Caitlyn Koyabu Rex Krohnfeldt Bryn Kurt Britney Lagunas Olivia Lambkin Isaac Landa Mazzy Landaverde Bryce Lanham Paige Lapple Sayde Lara Dominic Lazo Loren Lecona Sadie Lee Garrett Leite Zachary Leite Riley Lenthall Mallory Leventhal Jake Lewis Sierra Lewis Ella Leydecker Alix Licerio Lina Linde Jake Lindhorst Brooke Lindsay Benjamin Lino Joseph Lira
Tori Lisabeth Aliyah Lopez Jose Lopez Gustavo Loya Madison Mairs Esmeralda Maldonado Kaleb Manrique-Aparicio Ethan Marshall Caden Martin Christian Martin Jacob Martin Nicholas Martin Dalia Martinez Valiente Lucy McCabe Dylan McCloskey Andrew McDonald Madison McGowan Kamryn McKeon Mary McKeon Andrew McKeown Mason McMackin Kelly McManus Alexandra McMurray Caroline Mertens Kyle Mesina Kendal Metz Trey Michulka Blake Miele Issac Miller Noah Miramontes Aakrsh Misra Ahlyah Molina
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David Momtahan Evelyn Montero Jeffrey Montgomery Isabella Montoya Michael Mooney Aimee Morales Sarahi Morales Ramirez Ana Paola Moreno Perez Ashlen Morris Mario Mortera Flores John Moser Sergio Mosqueda Jack Moulin Maxwell Muetzel Zachary Muetzel Ian Muir William Muller Abraham Munoz Malia Mycka Isabella Mylett Lily Needham Ayla Nelson Tory Newman Justin Noorian Oliver Nordenhok Dana Point Times June 10-16, 2022
Patrick O’Connor Natasha June Ojano Michael Okey-Okoro Shelby O’Mara Sean O’Neill Jacob Orellana Pedro Ortiz ChaseOstovarpour Casey Palma Kaci Palmer Ava Papageorge’s Olivia Paquette Alejandra Paz Madison Pearce Lucas Pease Cole Pedraza Adrian Pedraza Velazquez Adam Pellini Isabella Pereira Josue Perez William Perez Sanchez Alexa Pfutzenreuter Jesus Pina Jose Pina Ava Podolski
Thalia Poladian Julia Pond Carter Popp Alyssa Quigley Makena Quinn Ryan Ralph Madeleine Reardon Shawn Reed Maria Restrepo Aaron Rettew Victoria Revens Daniela Reyes Anna Reynosa Vincent Rios Nicole Rivera Brian Rizo Reese Roberts Katharine Robinson Kasey Rocha Austin Rock Daniel Rojas Luis Rojas Andrew Romero Rachel Romo Timothy Ropac
Bethany Ruiz Bryce Sacks Arnoldo Salazar Natalie Saline Jazmin Sanchez Marc Saucedo Peyton Saunders Ryan Scalisi Nathan Scheer Gage Schiller Shayne Schroeder Brooklyn Schultz Nicholas Sciocchetti Sophia Scudder Jose Servin Hernandez Sophie Shapero Jake Sims Sonya Sisler Erica Sjoholm Brooke Smith Kate Snyder Olivia Snyder Macarthy Sobonya Jamie Solano Emily Soriano Camberos Page 18
Hannah Spector Philip Stavnem Jackson Striegl Jordan Strong Nicholas Studdert Marisa Tellman Catherine Ten Eyck Noe Tirado Neeka Torab Coltrane Torres Elizabeth Trudeau Sergio Trujillo Mia Tuccio Mitchell Tysler Sione Uaine Alexandra Ushiyama Juan Valerio Katherine Van Hoomissen Avelien Vander Zanden Anthony Vargas Cristian Vargas Addeson Vejar Lily Verna Jesse Villamil Zachary Vos
Timothy Wade Samuel Wahlstrom Carson Wall Blake Walters Roselynn Walters Alexcis Ward Katherine Webb Allie Weinert Estella Wenk Kannon Whitaker Colin Whitehead Jagger Wiesen Ella Will Jessica Williams John Williams Kiley Williams Nicholas Wilson Matthew Wunsch Regan Zaharek Frida Zamudio Alice Zavatta Alexander Zell Alexandra Zepezauer Kate Zimmerman Sarah Zwahlen danapointtimes.com
Class of 2022
lass of 2022, you are the incarnation of persistence— manifestation of devotion and insistence. You are the epitome of creation—resourceful, insightful, always rise to the occasion. After arduous nights in the Porthole (and) early mornings preparing for those final research papers; after sacrificing sleep, sweat and tears, you have finally made it; left your footprints at Dana Hills, adding another chronicle to your journey. Class of 2022, I commend you for your resilience. For the way that you demand action and demonstrate your brilliance; the way you subvert the cynics, unbelievers, and “too-progressives”; the way you take criticism, transform it into opportunity, and create; it impresses. I commend you for your compassion, as you hear the world around you struggle. As you observe and take notice, listen—wait. It’s the cries of inflicted souls, grievance and injustice. But I’m proud to say that my peers will be the first to advocate for a greater tomorrow. I commend you for your bravery. As fear is forgotten in search of kindling a fire, fulfilling your passions and desires. How you encounter waves of adversity, sail past objection, and travel into the horizon. And how you face barriers with optimism knowing that falling is merely a prelude to soaring. Class of 2022, I admire your strength juggling the weight of family obligations, relationships and mathematics. The solution to excellence: a desire to overcome multiplied by all the other factors of your lives. An equation that the Class of 2022 always seems to overcome. I admire your heart and love, veins
Dana Point Times June 10-16, 2022
pumping with determination for a better world. Ideas circulating to serve the underserved, the coronary purpose of our life here on Earth. I admire! I admire the potential you have showed, the way you have dipped the roots of your character. Into the nutrients that are difficult situations—and blossomed with maturity, confidence and security. But as you continue your journey, I remind you of the hurdles ahead; the impediments and stumbling blocks are nothing unable to handle because already, you have dreamed, you have conquered, you’ve defeated and succeeded. As the pessimism gets louder and the criticism grows in power; as you begin to face challenges that tower over you; as the world around you feels so asphyxiating with duties, pressures, and standards around your neck, suffocating, as you feel chained to fear and choked by feeling insignificant. Let me remind you, you are only shackled to the constraints of your mind. Let me remind you to: • Take off your cuffs of doubt • Release your ropes of despair • And demonstrate that incarnation of persistence, manifestation of devotion and insistence Class of 2022, as you fight injustice, save lives, defend our Constitution, preserve our nation, and educate our children, follow the vision that dreams young people unafraid as you reach up to the blue for your ambitions; you’ll come to realize your celestial power. Class of 2022, the space between our dreams and reality is only as broad as the distance between our palms. Class of 2022, between our brain and soul is infinite potential.
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Private School Graduates
ST. MARGARET’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Makayla P. Arnoldi Joshua D. Buckanavage Halen S. Hickman-Goveia Dylan M. Lam Jeanie Liang Eloise M. Marcus Olivia G. Ostlund
Connor Starks
Jacob Baum Adam Bittner Kayden Cutchins Mia Flores-Casados Nathan Gannaway Hayden Gibson Qiang Guo
ST. MARGARET’S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL Dana Point Times June 10-16, 2022
Grace Hoover Alexandra Kirk Luca Laurence Sydney Mays Natalie Rydel Daniel Schneider Isabella Schulte
Kayla Songrath Tyler Stewart Devyn Tonsich Troy Winningham
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