danapointtimes.comThe Dana Hills girls volleyball team has seen up-and-down early performances, as the Dolphins prepare for a tough South Coast League. Photo: Zach Cavanagh INSIDE: Special Section Editor’s Pick: Maritime Festival GETTING OUT/PAGE 22 Coastal Commission Finds Substantial Issue with STR Program EYE ON DP/PAGE 3 ‘Spirit of Dana Point’ Returns Home to the Harbor EYE ON DP/PAGE 7 2022 Fall Sports Preview Dana Hills Teams Work Toward Success, Late-Season Runs SPORTS/ PAGE 25

danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 2

BY COLLIN BREAUX taking part in “No Place for Hate.” She also realized she had implicit biases she wasn’t aware of before, and how to change those perspectives. “It really reminded me that everyone is a person and we all just want to be treated the same,” Anapoell said. “It was super-helpful for me, because now I’m able to communicate with everyone in the sense of them being a person.” VanDerVeen said she’s learned how to include everyone and plan events in which everyone can participate, and also how to set inclusive examples for others.
“During our 4th period, as many (students) as could filled up our football stands and cheered on the (special needs) students,” Anapoell said. “I definitely saw a lot more involvement and connection throughout the school. Everyone had a smile. I definitely saw a change.”
What’s Up With...
danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 3 EYE ON DP (Cont. on page 5) TOP NEWS DANA POINT SHOULD KNOW THIS WEEK
EDITOR’S NOTE: An extended version to this story can be found at danapointtimes.com.
In a 6-2 vote, the California Coastal Commission on Wednesday, Sept. 7, decided there were “substantial issues” with a recently approved short-term rental program governing vacation rentals in Dana Point’s coastal zone following a series of appeals. During Wednesday’s meeting, commissioners found that the issue merited further discussion after voicing concerns with the proposed short-term rental program’s potential effect on affordable housing stock.
However, the 115-permit cap for non-primary STRs reduces by one each time the city issues permits for homestay, multi-family homestay or primary residence STRs in the coastal zone.
She added that “the Coastal Act requires the Commission to encourage housing for low- and moderate-income households that includes many tourist industry workers,” arguing that by allowing full home rentals, the proposed STR program does not balance the need for low-cost housing during a housing crisis.
Sarai Torres is actively involved in the Dana Hills High “No Place for Hate” group as well, and said it helped the members learn how to “redirect” people when they aren’t being respectful or inclusive to “Sometimes,others.I’llhear people say things, and I’ll be, like, ‘You cannot say that’ or ‘Say it differently,’ ” Torres said. “That was really helpful.” Sandy Mesa, activity director for Dana Hills High, acts as an adult overseer for the school’s chapter. Mesa said the program is a work in progress. “We’re just going to continue to do the work on our end to create these opportunities to have an environment that’s equitable and inclusive of all students,” Mesa said. “It’s going to take time. We’re massaging it. We’re learning from it. I’m really thankful I have a great group of students in my leadership program that are 100% committed to doing that.”
Coastal Commission Finds Substantial Issue with City STR Program
Bridget McConaughy, of Unite Here Local 11, and Dana Point residents Mark Zanides and Kim Tarantino appealed the proposed STR program to the Coastal Commission in July on the basis that the City Council approved it through an incorrect avenue. They also claimed that the proposed program will decrease affordable housing stock in the city. Under the proposed program, the city can issue a maximum of 115 permits in the coastal zone for non-primary STRs— when a property owner rents out homes other than their primary residence to visitors.Inan effort to encourage more homestay, multi-family homestay, and primary residence STRs—a variation of rentals in which the owner either lives on-site or is traveling for a short time during a guest’s stay—the city did not issue a cap for such permits.
Kaitlin VanDerVeen, who is also in Dana Hills High’s “No Place for Hate” group, said they began training for the program last year over Zoom. “Learning how to plan those events that can help promote inclusivity all around the school within all different types of groups of students was super-insightful,” VanDerVeen said. “I definitely find people a lot more aware of what they’re doing and the thing they’re saying. There has been a decrease in negative language around schools I’ve been around. That’s been a big change I’veAnapoellnoticed.”said she has become more aware of her own words and actions, and how she connects with people, after forThroughUnderstandingPromoteStudentsDiversity,‘NoPlaceHate’Initiative
In a staff report, Coastal Commission officials estimated that “the STR program would yield approximately 1.4% to 2% of housing units within the Coastal Zone only” and that “these figures are comparable with metrics found in other nearby cities.”
Other CUSD campuses certified by “No Place for Hate” include San Juan Elementary School and Oso Grande Elementary School.
Dana Hills High School is one of the schools in Capistrano Unified School District emphasizing anti-bigotry by participating in the “No Place for Hate” campaign. Photo: Collin Breaux

City Attorney Patrick Muñoz noted during the Coastal Commission meeting that “the goal of the (City) Council in response to residential concerns was to encourage short-term rentals on properties where the property owner was physicallyTarantinothere.”spoke on behalf of the appellants on Wednesday, outlining the appeal’s main arguments. The city passed the STR program through a coastal development permit (CDP) on the basis that the city’s local coastal plan currently allows the vacation rentals. The appellants argued that Dana Point’s local coastal plan does not currently permit short-term rentals in residentialTarantinozones.alsoargued that the city “already provides ample visitor-serving accommodations” and that “permitting STRs could cannibalize existing stock of low-cost accommodations.”
“One of the big things we like to touch on is inclusivity, and we work with our students in our special education department and make sure they feel connected to the school, as well as other students,” Dana Hills High student Sophia Anapoell said. “The pledge we take is about not using the ‘r’ word anymore and raising awareness on that.” One activity that got a lot of people involved was supporting special needs students in a Special Olympics-style event, Anapoell said.
This coming December, students at Dana Hills High School will stand against discrimination in a unique way. Kids on campus are welcome to create a holiday display that reflects a holiday personal to them, including Hanukkah and Kwanzaa, which will be displayed at the school during the first week of December. Members of the local community, in turn, are invited to come see the displays.Thecultural awareness project is one example of how students in the Capistrano Unified School District are working toward more understanding and less bigotry through the “No Place for Hate” initiative.Numerous campuses in CUSD have pledged to take part in the national movement through their own individual school clubs. Students who participate under the guidance of an adult school supervisor take part in several activities throughout a given school year, which can include open discussions about topics such as biases and understanding culturalSchoolsdifferences.canbedesignated as “No Place for Hate” areas by the Anti-Defamation League if they meet designated criteria through activities and events.
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MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Dana Pont CommissionPlanning 6 p.m. The Dana Point Planning Commission will hold its regularly scheduled meeting. Dana Point Council Chambers, 33282 Golden Lantern Street, Suite 210, Dana Point. danapoint.org. Financial Review Committee 4 p.m. The Dana Point Financial Review Committee will hold a regular meeting. Dana Point Public Works Conference Room, 33282 Golden Lantern Street, Suite 212 Dana Point. danapoint.org.
The studio space was built by local Kyle Nelson Construction and designed by Grace Blu interior design. The Blend is located in Monarch Bay Plaza, off Pacific Coast Highway, next door to Perspire Sauna Studios. The Dana Point Chamber of Commerce will hold a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. to celebrate The Blend’s grand opening and to welcome the new business into the community.TheBlend will offer monthly memberships, as well as visitor packs. The studio will also offer the first class for free and will have a limited promotion of two weeks of unlimited classes for $60, starting on the day of purchase. The Blend team encourages those who may struggle with booking a class online or through an app to stop by the studio or email the team at hello@theblendoc.com.“There’salwaysgoing to be somebody here to help them, getting that walkthrough, step-by-step, here’s how you do it, or we’ll just book the class for you,” ZeeTosaid.sign up for classes, download The Blend OC app or visit The Blend’s website at theblendoc.com.
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Arts and CommissionCultureMeeting 6 p.m. The Dana Point Arts and Culture Commission will hold a regular meeting. Dana Point Council Chambers, 33282 Golden Lantern Street, Suite 210, Dana Point. danapoint.org.
The Blend classes aim to lengthen and strengthen students’ muscles, improve posture and strengthen their core. Typical Blend classes will last 60 minutes, and consist of a warmup section, cardio section, cooldown, and shavasana—a resting pose held at the end of a yoga flow. The length of the cardio section and shavasana will depend on the energy of the class that day, Zee previously explained to the Dana Point Times Instructors will set out all props and supplies needed for the class ahead of time, so all that members need to do is check in and put down a mat. In the studio space, the Blend sells branded apparel and workout clothing from Laguna Beach brand Sol Tribe. In addition to the apparel, the studio sells a selection of luxury, clean skin care products by ODACITÉ.
The Blend Yoga Studio to Hold Soft Opening in Dana Point

(Cont. from page 3) The Blend, a new yoga studio offering unique workout classes geared to strengthening and lengthening students’ muscles, will open its doors at Monarch Bay Plaza for a pop-up class on Friday, Sept.The9.studio offers a class that combines yoga, Mat Pilates and HIIT (high-intensity interval training)—a workout named “The Blend” that studio owner and yoga instructor Jennifer “Zee” Zalev developed.Zee came up with “The Blend” as a workout for herself while teaching Vinyasa and Yin Yoga classes in boutique studios in Toronto. As part of the soft opening on Friday, Zee will offer an hourlong Blend class at 6:30 a.m. The full class schedule will kick off on Monday, Sept. 12. In addition to the signature Blend workout, the studio offers Mat Pilates, Power Vinyasa, Slow Flow Vinyasa and Yin and Chill classes. Zee recommends that beginners try either a Slow Flow Vinyasa or Yin and Chill class to start, as both classes move at a slow pace. They both also offer students the opportunity to get to know the poses better and work on their alignment.“Ithelps somebody who’s never done it before,” Zee said. The Yin and Chill class is a lot slower, where members will hold a pose for three to five minutes, rather than three to five “Thebreaths.muscles are relaxed to get into the deep connective tissues,” Zee said. “It’s more of a meditative practice … perfect for those with mobility issues and stuff like that.”
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Citizens’ Climate Education 10:45 a.m.-noon. This nonpartisan climate action group holds monthly meetings on the second Saturday of the month through Zoom video conferences. Email larrykramerccl@gmail.com to receive a link to join.
Ultimately, Commissioners Mike Wilson, Megan Harmon, Caryl Hart and Linda Escalante voiced concerns with the city’s proposed short-term rental program.Thecommission’s vote did not uphold the appeal, but rather decided that the issue is worth further discussion, Wilson clarified.Wilson noted that the proposed program may lead to an increase in property value, as properties may be evaluated by their ability to generate income. Allowing a high cap of shortterm rentals in single-family residential units could end up affecting affordability, Wilson said. “From my perspective, it creates a substantial issue,” Wilson said. Escalante agreed, adding that the commission needed to further consider the proposed STR program’s potential effect on affordable housing stock.
Conversely, residents Miriam Rupke, Deanne Slocum and Jason Colaco filed an appeal of the city’s vacation rental program, arguing that it is overly restrictive, reducing the number of available short-term rentals citywide. Though appellants in favor of shortterm rentals were not present to speak during the Coastal Commission meeting, the staff report noted that the appellants feared the city could prohibit vacation rentals outside of the coastal zone, thus “decreasing public access to the coast and reducing opportunities for overnight accommodations/lower cost visitor and recreational facilities.”
“I think that we need to look at those caps more carefully in terms of how these more affordable housing options are dealt with in the coastal zone so as not to continue bleeding housing units but instead build up the stock to provide more access and to provide more justice to Californians,” Escalante said. Commissioner Carole Groom and Commission Chair Donne Brownsey were the sole votes in favor of finding no “substantial issue” with the proposed vacation rental program. “It seems to me that listening to the (city) attorney and listening to the mayor, this has been very carefully planned and very carefully thought out,” Groom said. “I think that we should move forward.”Hart noted that such a controversial issue merited further discussion. “Given the fact that this has been going on for so long, as an extremely controversial issue, even becoming a referendum, now it’s required the city to go around the normal process for incorporating this into the LCP; now it’s going into a CDP process, which I think is definitely worth further discussion,” Hart“Assaid.mycolleagues said, this isn’t a decision on the underlying merits; I’m only supportive of a full hearing and, therefore, I will be supporting that we find substantial issue,” Hart continued.
The Coastal Commission will later hold a hearing to listen to all the arguments on every side before making a ruling to either uphold or deny the appeals.
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The of Dana Point’ Returns Home to the Harbor BY BREEANA GREENBERG
Drive will be closed to all traffic on Sept. 14 and 15 for roadway repairs and resurfacing. All bicycle and vehicle traffic will be directed to alternative routes, but the sidewalks will still be open for pedestrian traffic.
The Ocean Institute is thrilled to have the ship back in her slip, Lentz said. Throughout the renovation process, staff received many questions from locals and
The City of Dana Point will be moving forward with road construction projects throughout the city thisPalisadesmonth.
Captain John Kraus, the project manager of the Spirit’s restoration, consulted with the carpenters in San Diego to supervise the restoration.
City to Begin Road Construction Projects
While Kraus’ team worked to refurbish the ship’s rigging, they found that the masts were too rot-ridden and were found to be condemned. In their search for new masts, the team found new Douglas fir logs in the Pacific Northwest that were shipped to Dana Point. The old masts were used as a template to shape the Douglas fir logs. “A lot of the original hardware was able to be restored and put back on the new mast,” Lentz said. “So, the original hardware is back on the boat, new decking was replaced and brought back up, the masts were put back in, and as of the middle of last week, she is back in herWhenslip.”possible, the crew incorporated wood from the Pilgrim into the Spirit of Dana Point “This is the most in-depth and extensive refurbishment the Spirit has gone through since her creation,” the Ocean Institute wrote in its March newsletter. “These restoration efforts are intended to last up to 40 years.” On Aug. 28, the Ocean Institute welcomed the Spirit home by holding a presentation on her restoration journey and a coin ceremony. Kraus spoke about the restoration process, the tools used and artifacts collected throughout the process.While a coin ceremony traditionally takes place at the beginning of a ship’s construction, the Ocean Institute held the coin ceremony to celebrate the completed“Shiprenovations.builderswill place a coin onto the heel block of a new ship, and it’s a blessing and a symbol of good fortune,” Lentz“Wesaid.decided to do it as a blessing as well,” Lentz continued. “We continued the tradition as kind of like a welcoming home, enjoy your new restoration feel.”
visitors asking for an update on the ship. “Everyone’s been asking where it’s been, how it’s going, when it’s coming back. Everyone was so excited to have it back,” Lentz said. “To see it all back is really a testament to everyone’s hard work from start to finish and the daily maintenance, upkeep and treasuring of theTheboat.”private schooners were used during the American Revolution. Known for their speed, they were often used for smuggling. Prior to the restoration, the Ocean Institute ran programs for schools and public institutes to give visitors the opportunity to learn what it was like to work on a tall ship. With the restoration complete, the Ocean Institute will continue to run the same educational programming aboard the Spirit of Dana Point, with some modifications on how many guests can stay overnight because of new U.S. Coast GuardThoughregulations.theOcean Institute is awaiting final Coast Guard inspection and clearance from insurance, the team hopes to have guests on board the Spirit during the Maritime Festival weekend, starting on Friday, Sept. 9. “It’s like a beehive of excitement; everyone’s like, ‘Oh, it’s back, it’s back, it’s back!’ ” Lentz said. “It’s really a blessing to have it back, and it was quite a journey and very much a team effort all around.”Proceeds from the inaugural Pirate and Mermaid Ball on Saturday, Sept. 10, during the Maritime Festival, will go toward the Ocean Institute’s Tall Ships fund, which supports ongoing maintenance and insurance.
The city will also replace a traffic signal control cabinet at the intersection of Stonehill Drive and Palo Alto on Sept. 13. Leading up to the 13th, preparatory work will take place. Vehicle traffic can expect delays on Stonehill Drive during road work. In late September, the city will be doing asphalt repairs on Pacific Coast Highway, westbound toward Laguna Beach, west of Crown Valley. For any questions, contact public works at publicworks@danapoint.org or call 949.248.3554.
After undergoing extensive maintenance, the Spirit of Dana Point made its way back to the harbor late last month—just in time for the Ocean Institute’s annual Maritime Festival that begins on Friday, Sept. 9.
Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 7 EYE ON DP
Over the past year, the Spirit, a traditionally built replica of a 1770s privateer schooner, underwent refurbishments in San Diego. While a crew in Chula Vista removed her masts, sails and rigging and replaced her deck, the Spirit’s crew completely overhauled and refurbished her rigging at the Ocean Institute. “It was a major overhaul,” Ocean Institute Communications Specialist Miranda Lentz said. “Most typical maintenance—there usually isn’t this much maintenance to be done, but this was like a big growth spurt.”

1. Total Cholesterol. While 200 is the upper “normal limit,” 150 ml/dL is optimal. This number is derived from LDL, HDL and VLDL (related to triglycerides) combined.
3. HDL Cholesterol. Equal or greater than 40 mg/dL in men and 50 mg/dL in women is considered optimal. Deemed the “good” cholesterol, it can help reduce cholesterol buildup, but often too much weight is given to a “high” level being protective. All lipid values matter.
HOW TO REACH US FENCE MEDIA bers, if you have hyperlipidemia, meaning one or more of your lipids are out of range, you have too much fat in your blood, and we must heighten our concern, adding into the mix your overall health plus other risk factors, including smoking and/or high blood pressure, which ele vate the threat. On a positive note, we can lower cholesterol levels, which will dramatically reduce this tremendous health burden. While prevention will always be my goal, we can both halt and reverse CVD.
2. LDL Cholesterol. About 100 mg/dL is considered optimal. Often considered the “bad” cholesterol, because it can build up in your arteries, leading to heart disease or stroke.
I am here to raise your level of curios ity, and more importantly, your ability to shift behaviors that can increase your longevity and decrease years of disability.
SPORTS Zach Cavanagh • 949.388.7700, zcavanagh@picketfencemedia.comx110
CONTRIBUTORS Megan Bianco, Jake Howard
EDITORIAL Managing Editor Shawn Raymundo City Reporter, DP Times Breeana Greenberg City Reporter, SC Times C. Jayden Smith City CapoEditor,Dispatch Collin Breaux Sports Editor Zach Cavanagh Columnists Fred Swegles Tom Blake ProjectsSpecial Editor Papagianis-CamachoAndrea Copy Editor Randy Youngman Associate Publisher Lauralyn Loynes (DP + SC) Advertising Sales Debra Wells (CD) ART + DESIGN Art Director Jasmine Smith Graphic Designer Chelsie Rex OPERATIONS General Manager Alyssa Garrett Group Operations & CoordinatorProduction Inna Cazares Accounting & Finance Manager Tricia Zines
Dana Point Times Vol. 15 Issue 36. The DP Times (danapointtimes.com) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the SC Times (sanclementetimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (thecapistranodispatch.com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.
DISTRIBUTION Racks, Driveways, Subscriptions Inna Cazares • 949.388.7700, icazares@picketfencemedia.comx111
ith September touted as National Cholesterol Education Month, it provides me with yet another opportunity to remind my readers of the critical importance of their heart health, and my desire each month to provide continuing education on how to move toward a healthierAccordinglifestyle.tothe World Health Organization, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death around the world, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year, including four out of five of these deaths because of heart attack.
2. Become more physically active. All major health organizations recommend 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. A walking program is a wonderful place to start. 3. Quit smoking. Smoking cessation can lower LDL and increase HDL levels. 4. Losing weight. Losing as little as 5-10% can help improve cholesterol numbers. This month, I am offering a complimentary preventative care screening appointment. Simply email me at mamag@mamagslifestyle.com to receive an application to become eligible for this 50-minute private session.

GUEST OPINION | Health & Nutrition 101 by
Gina Cousineau is a local nutrition expert who specializes in weight loss and helping her clients improve their health. As a trained chef with her BS in Dietetics and MS in Integrative and Functional Nutrition, her goal is to help her clients enjoy every morsel they consume, learning how to move with ease in the kitchen while using their “food as medicine.” Subscribe to her weekly newsletter for complimentary cooking classes, recipes, webinars and more at mamagslifestyle.com, or reach her at mamag@mamagslifestyle.com and 949.842.9975.
Photo: Courtesy of Jonathan Borba/Unsplash
danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022
CEO/FOUNDER Norb Garrett
4. Triglycerides. Optimal levels are typically less than 150 mg/dL.
Now that you have evaluated your num HEALTH NUTRITIONAND101
GENERAL MANAGER Alyssa Garrett • 949.388.7700, agarrett@picketfencemedia.comx10034932CalledelSol,SuiteB,CapistranoBeach,CA92624phone 949.388.7700 fax danapointtimes.com949.388.9977

1. Family history of heart disease and/or high cholesterol 2. Type 2 Diabetes 3. Being older and/or being a male 4. Being overweight or obese 5. Previous history of high cholesterol
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the DP Times provides Guest Opin ion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the DP Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@danapointtimes.com. Gina Cousineau

1. Eat a heart-healthy diet. Most diet approaches are about weight loss and not health gain. As a matter of fact, the multibillion-dollar health and fitness industry is proof that the almighty goal of lowering the number on the scale is potentially harmful to our health, with all the pills, powders, potions, and quickfixes at our fingertips. By the way, you cannot out-train your bad diet. Simply add more plants into your life, including vegetables, fruit, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, paired with nonfat/lowfat dairy, and lean animal proteins.
Humbling statistics, to say the least, given that we actually can reduce our risk with modest behavioral changes.
ADVERTISING Lauralyn Loynes • 949.388.7700, lloynes@picketfencemedia.comx102
MANAGING EDITOR Shawn Raymundo • 949.388.7700, sraymundo@picketfencemedia.comx113

Know Your Cholesterol Numbers
So, let’s talk about the importance of understanding your personal cholesterol numbers. As a dietitian, many of my clients have blood lipid numbers that are out of range, but they are not concerned, for a number of reasons.
danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 9

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danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 11 WSL FINALS RIPSEPTEMBERCURL8–16,2022AT LOWER TRESTLES EVENT GUIDE Filipe Toledo. Photo: Heff/WSL

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Upending decades of precedent, it was a con troversial decision to make at the time. There’s a fair argument to be made that the world title should go to the surfer who performed the best and most consistently in a variety of conditions and wave types during the year. After all, that’s how it had always been done. But too often the world title was clinched before the season even finished, which inev itably ensured the action fell flat at season’s end. What’s a surf contest without stakes?
Looking to end the season with a bang and give surf fans something to get fired up about, the WSL introduced the Finals concept. And, for all intents and purposes, it worked.

Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 13

Gabriel Medina and Carissa Moore. Photo: Nolan/WSL T
Can the action and waves meet the moment once again? That remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure, the way surfing’s world cham pions are crowned has changed forever.
With a record audience and all-time surf, 2021 WSL Finals was
danapointtimes.com uesday, Sept. 14, 2021 was a historic day in surfing. In absolutely pumping conditions at Lower Trestles, Brazil’s Gabriel Medina and Hawaii’s Carissa Moore were crowned the 2021 World Cham pions at the first-ever Rip Curl WSL Finals. With all-time, 6- to 8-foot southern hemi bombs pouring through the Lowers lineup and stellar, glassy, blue-bird conditions from start to finish, the performances of all the WSL Final 5 surfers were inspired and elevated. They met the moment. The vibes on the beach were simply electric. It would ultimate ly go down as the most-viewed contest in the history of pro surfing. For Moore, it marked her fifth world title and a successful defense of her 2019 title, effectively making this the first time in her already-storied career that she won back-toback championships. It also capped off what may be one of the most successful seasons in the history of professional surfing, which also saw her capture the first-ever Olympic gold medal for surfing. The accomplishments put Moore in an elite class of competitors, as she became only the third woman in the sport’s history to have earned five World Championships (Austra lians Layne Beachley and Stephanie Gilmore both have seven world titles to their names). For Medina, his third world title put him among some very heavy company. Joining surfers such as Tom Curren, Andy Irons and Mick Fanning with three world titles, the only other surfers with more world titles are Mark Richards’ four and Kelly Slater, who holds surfing’s record with a remarkable 11 world titles.For 40 years, surfing’s world titles have been decided by the accumulation of points accrued from competing in events around the world. But that all changed in 2021. At the end of the “regular season,” the top five men and top five women—dubbed the WSL Final 5—would move on to compete in a one-day, winner-take-all bid for the world title.

The No. 1-ranked surfers—Medina and Moore—won the titles, the waves were as good as they get at Lowers, the beach was packed from Uppers to San Onofre, and the audience that tuned in online was re cord-breaking. It was a perfect storm.
As part of a three-year deal, the Rip Curl WSL Finals will return to Lowers this year and again in 2023. The waiting period has been strategically decided upon as the most con sistent, dependable week of the year based on Surfline’s voluminous records.
Boasting an international field of exceptional talent, here are the qualifiers: he Rip Curl WSL Finals is the ultimate day in competitive surfing. With the men’s and women’s world titles decided in a one-day, winner-take-all event, the stakes couldn’t be higher. After chasing waves and points all year long on the 2022 Championship Tour, it comes down to this: the top five men and top five women in the world battling it out for surfing’s ultimate prize, the world title. Coming to Lower Trestles in San Clemente this September, here’s how the 2022 Rip Curl WSL Finals works: THE BASICS
Ethan Ewing is a machine. His surfing is tack-sharp, his mindset is unflappable, and he’s one of the most prepared surfers on tour. Modeling his approach and tech nique after world champ icons Mick Fanning and the late Andy Irons, his well-honed rail game could be a huge point of differentiation be tween him and the other surfers in the draw. He’ll face the winner of the first match of the day featuring Italo Ferreira and Kanoa Igarashi.
Match 3: The winner of Match 2 will then face off against the No. 2-ranked surfer in a head-to-head heat.
JACK ROBINSON Enjoying a breakout season in 2022, Jack Robinson won back-to-back events this year at Margaret River, where he’s from, and the idyllic Indo left of G-Land. One of the hard est-charging barrel riders on tour, he also has a high-flying air game. Robin son doesn’t have a ton of experience competing at Lowers, but climbing the ranks as a child surf star, it’s a break with which he’s plenty familiar. The pressure and stakes will be more than he’s ever experienced, but his natural talent and ability to block out the noise will definitely be an asset.
Title Match: The winner of Match 3 will move on to the best-of-3 Title Match, in which they will face the World No. 1. The first surfer to win two out of three heats will be the undisputed 2022 World Champion.
Featuring the top 10 surfers in the world, the Rip Curl WSL Finals has an all-star lineup with world title stakes
After chasing the 2022 WSL Championship Tour around the world, it all comes down to this: the Rip Curl WSL Finals. A one-day, winner-take-all sprint for the 2022 world titles, it features the top five men and top five women at the end of the regular season. Based on year-end rankings, the No. 1 seeds go to San Clemente resident Filipe Toledo and defending 2021 World Champ Carissa Moore.

Photo: DIZ/WSL Photos: Courtesy of WSL

After storming his way to the world title in 2019, Italo Ferreira is well-positioned to contend for his second title. As the only other surfer in the draw with WSL Finals experience besides Toledo, expect Ferreira to leverage that veteran status. He will also have local shaper Timmy Patterson’s magic shapes under his feet, a big bonus when it comes to a one-day, high-stakes event like this. Ferreira’s biggest asset is his air game, especially on the Lowers left. If the surf is in the 4- to 6-foot range he’s going to be tough to beat.

Growing up in Huntington Beach, Kanoa Igarashi is no stranger to Lowers. Spending copious time at the cobblestone point over the years, he’ll have the benefit of local knowledge when he paddles out for his first WSL Finals appearance. He’s also no stranger to Ferreira. The two faced off in the gold medal heat at surfing’s Olympic debut in Japan. Ferreira got the better of Igarashi to win the gold, so it’s a safe bet Kanoa wouldn’t mind getting Italo back.

Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 14
The format for how the 2022 World Championship winners will be crowned at Lower Trestles
The world title has never been this close within reach for Filipe Toledo. A constant contender for the title, this time he goes into the finals with the No. 1 seed and a whole lot of momentum. Considered one of the best Lowers surfers in the world, he moved his family to San Clemente just to be closer to the wave. The fact that he’ll be competing in his back yard with family and friends support ing him on the beach should give him an added boost. Beating him in the best-of-3 heats Championship Match is going to be a tall order.
The WSL Final 5 is decided based on points accrued during the regular CT season. The venue for the Rip Curl WSL Finals is Lower Trestles in San Clemente. It is the famed cobblestone point that is considered one of the top high-performance waves in the world. A world-class A-frame peak with perfect lefts and rights, it’s the ideal venue for both goofy- and regular-footers.

The Rip Curl WSL Finals waiting period will run from Sept. 8-16. There will be a nine-day waiting period during Lowers’ peak season to maximize potential for epic surf.
Match 1: The No. 5-ranked surfer will com pete against the No. 4-ranked surfer in the first Match of the day in a head-to-head heat.

The Rip Curl WSL Finals will feature the WSL Final 5, which comprises the top five men and top five women on the WSL’s Cham pionship Tour leaderboard at the end of the 2022 regular season.
At the end of the regular season, the No. 1-rated male surfer and No. 1-rated female surfer will both receive a bid directly into the Rip Curl WSL Finals’ Title Match, a best-of-3 showdown to determine the World Champion. The remaining surfers will enter the Rip Curl WSL Finals bracket based on their yearend rankings.
Match 2: The winner of Match 1 will then face off against the No. 3-ranked surfer in a head-to-head heat.
Clinching her spot in the WSL Finals at the last event of the year in Tahiti, Brisa Hennessy’s enjoyed a Cinderella season. She won in Margaret River at the start of the season and just finished runner-up at Teahupoo.

Perfect left barrels or shifty beachbreaks, Defay rips in anything.
She’s definitely earned her spot at the ball. Representing Costa Rica, the country’s pura vida stoke will be behind her when she paddles out and competes for her first world title.

“There’s the good part and the hard part of it. The best part: you’re always going to beautiful places, clear water, white sand beaches, and everything. So, everything looks amazing—on social media, and in photos and everything,” Toledo explained after the win. “There’s a part that you want to be home; you want to be with your family. In my case, I want to be with my wife and my kids and actually to have a normal life sometimes.”
aerial maneuvers: I never thought I’d see two 10-point aerials for one wave. He could have gotten a 20 yesterday.” But Toledo wasn’t done yet, he came into the 2017 event at Lower Trestles with a head full of steam and plenty to prove. Lowers has long been a spot that’s ushered in seismic generational shifts. The site of Kelly Slater’s seminal “Black and White” performance in 1990—where he inked surfing’s then-biggest contract on the famed cobblestones more than 30 years ago—the Momentum Generation was born here. In 1989, local rat Christian Fletcher showed the world that a contest could be won by fly ing above the lip at the Body Glove Surf Bout. Generations apart, Shane Beschen, Chris Ward, Cory Lopez and Co. would fly even higher a generation later. By the early 2000s, the world’s best surfers were back competing at Lowers, and surfers such as Andy Irons, Luke Egan and Mick Fanning brought the power game back to the Southern California A-frame. Now, it was Toledo’s turn. With his eyes on the prize, Toledo and fellow countrywoman Silvana Lima led the “Brazilian Storm” to the top of the podium. “This is very special,” Toledo would say, tear in his eye, baby girl in his arms. Toledo was back in the winner’s circle again in Rio in 2019, but this time there were some dark clouds hanging over the victory celebration. The perennial world title contender opened up about struggles with mental health that he’d been having.

“Being on the road for so long, it sometimes can get you crazy,” he admitted. “You’ve got to make heats, you’ve got sponsorships, you’ve got all the media, everyone that’s cheering for you, you’ve got a world title—it’s more pressure than you actually think, but it’s theRegainingprice.” his groove in 2021, Toledo was again in contention for his first title when he finished second in the world at the inaugural Rip Curl WSL Finals. And now, he’s back—and he’s hoping to win the world title that has so long eluded him. Rolling into the 2022 Rip Curl WSL Finals as the No. 1 seed, he’ll have the benefit of having watched everyone surf all day long before finally meeting his challenger in the best-of-3 Championship Match to decide the title. Given how much time Toledo’s spent in the water and the sacrifices that he’s made to be there, you have to like his chances. Nolan/WSL
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TATIANA WESTON-WEBB Tatiana Weston-Webb gave Moore a run for her money at the inaugural WSL Finals last year. A fierce competitor, she grew up splitting time between surfing in Brazil and Hawaii and has the chip on her shoulder that every champion needs. Consistency was a bit of an issue in 2022, when she won two events but finished ninth five times. There’s no room for inconsistency in the one-day WSL Finals. She’ll have to show up ready to surf if she’s to win the title.
The time is now for the Brazilian No. 1 seed to win his long-sought world title
By Jake Howard rowing up in Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, Filipe Toledo’s trajectory to surf stardom was already well in place before he uprooted his family and moved to San Clemente in 2014. Since then, the lightning-fast regular-footer has been a near constant world title contender, finishing in the top five on the WSL’s Championship Tour rankings a remarkable four out of six times. Of course, it hasn’t come easily. The surf world first acquainted itself with Toledo’s boundless abilities when he won the U.S. Open Pro Junior in Huntington Beach in 2011. A relative unknown at the time, he squared off against San Clemente’s Kolohe Andino, Santa Barbara’s Conner Coffin and Hawaii’s John John Florence—all of whom were considered to be the future of American surfing at the time. But the skinny, unknown kid from Ubatuba showed up with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. He aced the final to take the win, and a mere three years later was back on top of the podium in Huntington, this time winning the U.S. Open main“I’mevent.justsuper stoked and excited—I’m shaking, bro,” a beaming Toledo said at the time.Ifhis performances in Huntington Beach put everyone on notice, his dominance on the Championship Tour in 2015 let everyone
CARISSA MOORE Can anybody stop Carissa Moore at Lowers? That’s the big question on the women’s side of the draw. Moore has had a stranglehold on the title since 2019, and she doesn’t seem too eager to give it up. If Moore can win the 2022 world title, it will be the sixth world title in her illustrious career and put her one away from tying the record of seven held by Layne Beachley and Stephanie Gilmore. Already an Olympic gold medalist, she may ultimately go down in history as the winningest woman to every pull on a jersey. know he’d arrived. Having settled into his new life in San Clemente, he took on the world’s best with a new confidence and seem ingly unstoppable drive. Toledo started the ’15 CT season with a win on the Gold Coast of Australia. He backed that up with another win in his native Brazil and rounded out the year with another victory in Portugal. He’d finish the season ranked No. 4 in the world. Toledo was promptly billed as the fastest, most dangerous surfer on the planet. “The hard work is definitely paying off, and the injury last year really made me reflect and see just how much I want it,” Toledo said after the spray had settled. “I really broke everything down and why I do what I do. I’m just enjoying what I’m doing right now, and I’m so happy to be able to surf in these events and give it my best performance.” After dealing with some injury issues in 2016, Toledo was back at the top of his game in 2017. Redefining how South Africa’s premier pointbreak, Jeffreys Bay, could be approached, he took to the skies and came down with a historic win. “Pure carving has always been the best way to ride [J-Bay]. But Filipe Toledo has brought an acceleration, like he’s on a superbike,” explained 1977 world champ Shaun Tomson, who pushed the performance barrier himself in his native South Africa. “He’s got a burst of speed off the bottom turn and a carve off the top that’s really unique. And then his AND THE ECSTASY OF FILIPE TOLEDO
A strong, powerful surfer with an ever-present smile on her face, France’s Johanne Defay loves what she does—and does it really well. Remarkably consistent, she finished in the quarterfinals or better in every event in 2022 except one (the final of the year after she’d already clinched her WSL Finals spot). In a testament to her versatility, she won the Roxy G-Land Pro earlier in the year, and she also finished second at the Oi Rio Pro (won by Moore).

The owner of seven world titles, Stephanie Gilmore is the seasoned veteran of the WSL Finals. If she can run the table and win the event, she’ll have claimed her eighth title and the record of most titles by a woman. She had a bit of a shocker in her Finals debut last year and never really found her rhythm. Having won at Lowers earlier in her career, she hopes she can harness that motivation and have a good run at the history books.
Jean “The Fly” Pierre Van Swae B
How Phil Edwards and Miki Dora charted new surfing territory when they decided to see what was up the coast
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progressive, state-of-the-art surfing. In 1964, Harbour Surfboards released their “Trestles Special” model, which continues to be one of the top-selling designs in their lineup. The mystique of Trestles was ratcheted up a notch later in the ’60s, when President Richard Nixon took office. Moving into the “Western White House,” which is strategically located above Cotton’s Point, the northernmost surf break in the Trestles zone, surfing was promptly banned from Lowers. “Everybody thinks it was because of Nixon that surfing Trestles in the ’70s was illegal, but that’s not exactly the whole story,” says Jean “The Fly” Pierre Van Swae, who grew up building surfboards in the area and was married to one of Harrison’s daughters. “Surfers were always browning the train back then, and the folks at the railroad got together with the folks in the military, and that’s really what started the problems down there.” By “browning the train,” Van Swae clarifies that surfers were showing their bare rear ends together at San Onofre, and we’d look up at the point and ask these old guys what it was like up there. ‘Oh, well, we went back up there in ’38 and Peanuts Larson got this big wave … blah, blah, blah,’ ” Phil Edwards once told the San Clemente Times. “Anyway, Miki was 16, and I was 13. He had a car, so we drove the car up there and walked through the railroad tracks and around the swamp, and that’s how we started surfing The Trestle. And we didn’t tell anybody for awhile. So, we had it all to ourselves for awhile; it was kind of neat. I graduated high school in ’56, so it would have been before that.” Nearby San Onofre had originally been surfed in the 1920s and ’30s, most notably by California pioneer Lorrin “Whitey” Harrison, but Trestles offered a new, high-performance location for a new generation of surfers. Edwards and Dora were at the forefront of this modernized wave-riding, and for one blissful summer, they would have Trestles all to themselves.Butonceword got out, it didn’t take Trestles long to become an epicenter for to the trains. Whatever the cause, surfing at Trestles was banned for a period. But surfers being surfers, they tried all means imaginable to sneak onto the beach and catch a few waves. More than a few boards were confiscated by the military police. “The trick to getting into Trestles was to drive to the bottom of a nearby arroyo, leave your car in the jungle of willows, then sneak down to the beach,” recounted Mike Doyle in his book Morning Glass. “If the Marines came while you were in the water, you could paddle so far out, they couldn’t get you, then turn north and paddle to San Clemente State Park, where they didn’t have the authority to arrest you. That really infuriated the Marines. Several times after I worked that trick on them, they fired their automatic weapons in the water all around me. Sometimes, the bullets would hit as close as 10 feet away. Other times, I would come back to my car and find that they had slashed my tires. It was a real war between surfers and Marines, and it went on for years.” But once out of office in 1971, Nixon made good and created the San Onofre State Park, protecting nearly three miles of exquisite Southern California coastline. While a bit more crowded than it once was, Trestles still stirs the imaginations of surfers around the world. It is one of the most surfed areas in North America—and will hopefully remain that way for generations to come.
Phil Edwards at Trestles in a photo taken by Mickey Muñoz.

“Surfers were always browning the train back then, and the folks at the railroad got together with the folks in the military, and that’s really what started the problems down there.”
By Jake Howard etween the surf-cams and e-bikes, if the thunder doesn’t get you, the lighting will down at Trestles. One of the most well-utilized surf zones on the West Coast, to say Trestles is crowded is an understatement. Cotton’s, Uppers, Lowers and Middles all attract more than just a flock of seagulls, because they really are magic. Between the perfect waves and pristine beauty, there really is nowhere else like it in Southern California. And, of course, it does have those blessed little windows when nobody’s around, and it’s just you and a handful of folks in the water. Of course, Trestles wasn’t always crowded. In fact, as the 2022 Rip Curl WSL Finals come to town, it’s worth revisiting its discovery as a surf spot. If Rip Curl’s the company that brought the world The Search—a surfing ethos dedicated to seeking what lies beyond the horizon—then Trestles makes a ton of sense … and not just because of its wave quality.“Miki [Dora] and I spent one summer
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danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 19 PLACE BUSINESSYOURCARDHERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com PLACE BUSINESSYOURCARDHERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com PLACE BUSINESSYOURCARDHERE Call Lauralyn Loynes at 949.388.7700, ext. 102 or lloynes@picketfencemedia.com BUSINESS DIRECTORY

Those desiring to be heard in favor of or in oppo sition to this item will be given an opportunity to do so during such hearing to be conducted at the above address or by writing to the City Council at: 33282 Golden Lantern, Suite 203, Dana Point, Cal ifornia 92629, Attention: City Clerk; or via email at comment@danapoint.org. Please reference hearing title and date of hearing in any correspondence. For further information, you may contact the City Clerk at (949) 248-3505. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Dana Point City Council is controlled by the stat ute of limitations provisions set forth in Sections 2.50.010 and 2.50.020 of the Dana Point Municipal Code and Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the Cali fornia Code of Civil Procedure. Any action or pro ceeding to attack, review, set aside, or void any deci sion of the Dana Point City Council is controlled by Section 2.50.010 and Section 2.50.020 of the Dana Point Municipal Code. In any such action or pro ceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Dana Point City Council, shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing as provided in Chapter 2.50 of the Dana Point Municipal Code. Copies of the procedures for the conduct of City Council public hearings are available from the City Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE BSC NOTICE222169TO CREDITORS OF EDWARD J. MCCRINK, JR.
Applicant/Owner: Sam Parsi, Domus Plans Environmental: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the project is categorically exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (Class 3 Con struction or Conversion of Small Structures) since the project consists of the con struction of a new detached ADU.
Site Development Permit SDP22-0028(M)
Applicant/Owner: Ror y Foubister, Foubister Architects/ Michelle Col bert, Owner.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hear ing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Dana Point to consider the following: Site Development Permit SDP22-0024 located at 27001 Calle Juanita: A request to construct a 797 square foot detached Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) with a 270 square foot deck to be located in the rear of the lot which maintains an existing two-story, single-family structure. The existing structure is not proposed to be modified. Pursuant to Section 9.07.210(f)(D) of the Dana Point Zon ing Code (DPZC), no attached or detached ADU shall be constructed on any lot which has an ex isting development constructed upon it, which is nonconforming with respect to the City’s current use or development standards without obtaining a Site Development Permit. Project Number: Site Development Permit SDP22-0024 Project Location: 27001 Calle Juanita (APN: 123-291-01)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hear ing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Dana Point to consider the following: Coastal Development Permit CDP22-0021 and Minor Site Development Permit SDP22-0028(M) at 199 Monarch Bay Drive: A request to demol ish a single-family dwelling and attached garage and construct a 3,384 square foot single-story, single-family dwelling with an attached 546 square foot two-car garage and multiple retaining walls lo cated in the rear yard which are greater than thirty inches in height.
Hearing Date: Tuesday, September 20, 2022 Hearing Time: 6:00 PM (or as soon thereaf ter as possible) Hearing Location: 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 (Dana Point City Hall)
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on Septem ber 20, 2022, a public hearing will be held by the City Council of the City of Dana Point to consider the following: General Plan Amendment GPA20-0003: The City of Dana Point is proposing to re-adopt the 2021-2029 Housing Element and adopt the Public Safety Element updates to the City’s General Plan. The Housing Element includes the City’s housing strategy to plan for existing and projected hous ing demand, identify adequate sites to accommo date the City’s allocated share of regional housing needs, and analyze local policies, regulations, and programs for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. The updates must comply with State law and accommodate the City’s 6th Cy cle Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) Theallocation.Planning Commission considered this project at a public hearing on December 13, 2021 and rec ommended that the City Council support the pro posed Housing Element and Public Safety Element updates. The City Council adopted the Housing Element on February 1, 2022, which was subse quently revised with minor edits for review and approval by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD).
Applicant: Gregg Ramirez/ Nicholson Construction Owners: Richard and Jodie Cerrutti (24692 El Camino Capist rano) Richard and Cathleen Stahl (24702 El Camino Capistrano) Environmental: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the projects are categorically exempt per Section 15303 of the CEQA Guidelines (Class 3) since the projects include demo lition and construction of two SFD’s each on their own separate lot.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT a public hear ing will be held by the Planning Commission of the City of Dana Point to consider the following: Coastal Development Permit CDP22-0014 locat ed at 24692 El Camino Capistrano approving the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling and construction of a new single-family dwelling on a coastal bluff lot located, at 24692 El Camino Capistrano. Coastal Development Permit CDP22-0023 locat ed at 24702 El Camino Capistrano approving the demolition of an existing single-family dwelling and construction of a new single-family dwelling on a coastal bluff lot, located at 24702 El Camino Capistrano. Project Numbers: CDP22-0014 & CDP220023 Project Locations: 24692 and 24702 El Cami no Capistrano (APNs: 682203-06 & 07)
Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 20
Hearing Date: Monday, September 26, 2022 Hearing Time: 6:00 p.m. (or as soon there after as possible)
All persons either favoring or opposing the sub ject project are invited to present their views to the Commission at this hearing. Note: This project may be appealed to the City Council. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in writ ten correspondence delivered to the City of Dana Point prior to the public hearing. This project may also be appealed to the California Coastal Com mission in accordance with Dana Point Municipal Code Section 9.69.090. The process includes, but is not limited to contacting the Coastal Commission for the appropriate forms and instructions to file an Forappeal.further information, please contact Justin R. Poley at the City of Dana Point, Community Devel opment Department, 33282 Golden Lantern, Suite 209, Dana Point, (949) 248-3575.
Hearing Date: Monday, September 26, 2022 Hearing Time: 6:00 PM (or as soon thereaf ter as possible) Hearing Location: 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 (Dana Point City Hall)
Project Number: General Plan Amendment GPA20-0003 Project Location: Citywide Applicant: City of Dana Point Environmental: Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15061(b) (3), the project is covered under the commonsense ex emption that CEQA applies only to projects which have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. Where it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment, the activ ity is not subject to CEQA.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the creditors and contingent creditors of the above-named dece dent, EDWARD J. McCRINK, JR., also known as EDWARD JOHN McCRINK, JR., and NED McCRINK (“Decedent”), that all persons having claims against the Decedent are required to
Hearing Date: Monday, September 26, 2022 Hearing Time: 6:00 PM (or as soon thereaf ter as possible) Hearing Location: 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 (Dana Point City Hall)
All persons either favoring or opposing this pro posal are invited to present their views on the above referenced project to the Commission at this hearing. Note: This project may be appealed to the City Council. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in writ ten correspondence delivered to the City of Dana Point prior to the public hearing. For further information, please contact Danny Giometti, Senior Planner (949-248-3569) at the City of Dana Point, Community Development De partment, 33282 Golden Lantern, Suite 209, Dana Point, CA 92629.
Hearing Location: 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 (Dana Point City Hall)
All persons either favoring or opposing the sub ject project are invited to present their views to the Commission at this hearing. Note: This project may be appealed to the City Council. If you challenge the action taken on this proposal in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in writ ten correspondence delivered to the City of Dana Point prior to the public hearing. This project may also be appealed to the California Coastal Com mission in accordance with Dana Point Municipal Code Section 9.69.090. The process includes, but is not limited to contacting the Coastal Commission for the appropriate forms and instructions to file an information, please contact Justin R. Poley at the City of Dana Point, Community Devel opment Department, 33282 Golden Lantern, Suite 209, Dana Point, (949) 248-3575.
Environmental: The project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions set forth in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Section 15303 (Class 3 – New Construc tion) in that the project pro poses the construction of one single-family dwelling with an attached garage and over height retaining walls in a residential zone.
Project Number: Coastal Development Per mit CDP22-0021 and Minor
Project Location: 199 Monarch Bay Drive (APN: 670-111-58)
SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALI FORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE In the Matter of The Enlightenment Trust U/D/T dated May 1, 2020 Case# 30-2022-01277390-PR-NC-CJC
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The20226642703following person(s) is (are) doing business as: DRUM CONNECTION 34264 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, #324 DANA POINT, CA 92624 Full Name of Registrant(s): MARIA QUICI 34264 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, #324 DANA POINT, CA 92624 This business is conducted by an Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: This/s/MARIAN/AQUICIstatementwas filed with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/25/2022. Published in: Dana Point Times September 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE
34179 GOLDEN LANTERN #103 DANA POINT, CA 92629 Full Name of Registrant(s): JOSEPH ANTHONY LOVULLO 140 AVE DE LA PAZ SAN CLEMENTE, CA 92672 This business is conducted by an Individual The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: This/s/JOSEPH01/01/1973LOVULLOstatementwasfiled with the County Clerk of Orange County on 08/18/2022. Published in: Dana Point Times September 2, 9, 16, 23, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF CaseNAMENo. 22LBCP00279
NOTICE OF HEARING Date: 09/7/2022 Time: 8:30 a.m. Dept.: 26. The address of the court is Governor George Deu kmejian Courthouse, 275 Magnolia, Long Beach, CA 90802. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of gen eral circulation, printed in City of Dana Point and County of Orange: Dana Point Times, August 26, September 2, 9, 16, 2022. Date: July 27, 2022, Judge Michael P Vicencia, Judge of the Superior Court

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The20226642112following person(s) is (are) doing business as: ANCHORAGE INVESTMENTS
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Yavonne Tranese Dent filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Present Name Yavonne Tranese Dent Proposed Name Yavonne Doris Porter THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hear ing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be grant ed. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no writ ten objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
HELP WANTED Buildings & Grounds Custodian St. Margaret’s Episcopal School seeks to hire a Custodian to serve as an important member of the support team in maintaining the campus and buildings of our school. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: • Sweep, vacuum, mop, scrub, wax and polish floors using industrial vacuum cleaner and scrubbing and buffing machine • Clean and stock restrooms • Clean ceilings and dust and polish light fixtures • Dust inside build ings, outside buildings, and walls • Maintain cleanliness of walkways by sweeping, blowing, and scrubbing • Assist with setting up and taking down tables, chairs, umbrellas and linens in support of events and social functions • Full-time from 3-11:30 p.m. This position offers competitive pay and a full benefits package (health, dental, retirement, etc.). Applications and/or resumes may be dropped off at the reception window at the St. Margaret’s campus. For more information, please call John at 949-593-0503 ext. 1309. danapointtimes.com
GARAGE SALE LISTINGS ARE FREE Email your listing to info@danapointtimes.com. Deadline 12pm Monday. FOR SALE SURFBOARD FOR SALE Hand-shaped Channel Islands 7’4” surfboard (20 x 2 3/4). Great condition. $300 OBO. Text 949.702.3142. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Experienced Tile setters and helpers, Slab Fabricators, Slab Installation 5 years exp Top pay based on experienced. 949-395-3369
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PUBLIC NOTICES 949.388.7700, EXT. 111 • LEGALS@PICKETFENCEMEDIA.COM file them with the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Orange, Central Justice Center, 700 West Civic Center Drive, Santa Ana, CA 92701, AND mail or deliver pursuant to Sec tion 1215 of the California Probate Code a copy to Donna M. Coffey on behalf of the NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, Trustee of the ENLIGHTEN MENT TRUST U/D/T dated May 1, 2020, where in Decedent was the Settlor, in care of her attor ney, Steffi G. Hafen, Esq., at 600 Anton Blvd., Ste. 1400, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, within the later of four (4) months after September 9, 2022, the date of the first publication of notice to creditors, or if notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, six ty (60) days after the date this notice is mailed or personally delivered to you, or you must petition to file a late claim as provided in Section 19103 of the California Probate Code. A claim form may be obtained from the court clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested. Dated: 8/29/22 Steffi G. Hafen, Esq. Attorney for the Northern Trust Company, Trustee Published in the Dana Point Times September 9, 16, 23, 2022 PUBLIC NOTICE

SHOW 8-10 p.m. You asked, and “The Future is Female” delivered. It is bringing another night full of laughter so great that you might fall off your seats. Your favorite local, Ritchie Alonzo, hosts with headliner Amanda Cohen and special guest Carla Collins. You won’t want to miss this free show. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. 949.492.2410. knuckleheadsmusic.com.
9 a.m.-3 p.m. The San Clemente Chamber of Commerce is co-sponsoring the Difficult Conversations Workshop, an innovative and interactive event that explores principles and strategies on how to approach difficult conversations in a radically new way. Facilitated by Kern Beare, founder of the Difficult Conversations Project, a nonprofit initiative to help heal our national divide, “Difficult Conversations: The Art and Science of Working Together” is an engaging workshop that focuses on the question, “Who do we need to be to have the conversations we need to have?” Participants will discover communication techniques
STAND-UP COMEDY 7:30 p.m. Have some laughs during this stand-up comedy show. Jim Taylor, Cathy Ladman and Jonny Loquasto will perform. Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano. 949.489.8082. caminorealplayhouse.org.
Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 22 GETTING OUT Editor’s Pick
6-10 p.m. The Ocean Institute’s annual Maritime Festival celebrates California’s rich maritime history and connection to the ocean. This fun-filled weekend event includes visiting Tall Ships, Cannon Battles, a Pirate and Mermaid Ball, Beer Garden, Mermaids Swim Shows, Pirate School, Reenactors and Sailor Camp, vendors, live music, food trucks and more. The festivities kick off Friday evening with the Sail N’ Ales event, where guests can enjoy craft beer tasting from eight different local brewers, as well as live music by the Trip, mermaid encounters, food vendors and a prime viewing location of the visiting tall ships. Admission for Sails N’ Ales is $65, while designated drivers get in for $40. For a full schedule of Saturday’s and Sunday’s events, visit oceaninstitute.org. Ocean Institute, 24200 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Dana Point. 949.496.2274.
SEED CONNECTION 9-10 a.m. The Ecology Center is providing this hands-on lab about soil and seeds, so people can learn about gardening, saving seeds, and which food is appropriate to grow in a given season. The event is free and open to all ages, so you can learn something whether you have a kid just developing a green thumb or you are an adult looking to grow more plants in the backyard. The Ecology Center, 32701 Alipaz Street, San Juan Capistrano. theecologycenter.org.949.443.4223.
SAN CLEMENTE CAR SHOW 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Join the San Clemente Downtown Business Association for show cars, live music, food and family fun in historic downtown San Clemente. What began more than a quarter-century ago as a few classic car enthusiasts meeting at the San Clemente Community Center has grown into this annual car show drawing thousands of spectators to view hundreds of cars on Avenida Del Mar. Classics, rods, muscle cars and vintage trailers—the San Clemente Car Show has something for everyone. This year’s car show, celebrating its 26th year, is expected to bring in more than 15,000 spectators and more than 250 cars dotted along the 100 and 200 blocks of Avenida Del Mar. Free trolleys and shuttles will run all day to deliver visitors to downtown. sccarshow.com.
8-11 a.m. In partnership with the Rotary Club of San Clemente and San Clemente Sunrise Rotary Club, participate in a beach cleanup near the San Clemente Pier. Afterward, walk up to Casa Romantica for a cup of coffee from High Tide Coffee and a ukulele performance by Felisha Dunne in the museum’s outdoor Redmond Family Amphitheater. Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens, 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente. 949.498.2139. casaromantica.org. ‘THE FUTURE IS BACK-TO-SCHOOLFEMALE’COMEDY
The List
What’s going on in and around town this week that can heal divides to change hearts and minds. Registration for this seminar is now open at scchamber.com/events. Check-in is from 8 a.m.-8:45 a.m. Admission is $25, and includes breakfast and lunch, provided by Zebra House Coffee. St. Andrews by the Sea Fellowship Hall, 2001 Calle Frontera, San Clemente.
9 a.m.-1 p.m. California farmers bring fresh produce to sell at the Dana Point Farmers Market, and craft vendors provide a large selection of art, jewelry, clothing, handbags, candles, handmade soaps and unique, one-of-a-kind gifts. It is strongly recommended that customers bring their own reusable bags. La Plaza Park, 3411 La Plaza, Dana Point. danapoint.org.
LIVE MUSIC AT SAN JUAN HILLS GOLF CLUB 6-9 p.m. Paul & Richard will perform. Stop in to listen and dance, perhaps after playing a round of golf. San Juan Hills Golf Club, 32120 San Juan Creek Road, San Juan Capistrano. 949.565.4855. sanjuanhillsgolf.com.
FLOCK OF 80S ON THE ‘DANA PRIDE’ 8-9:30 p.m. Cruise around the Dana Point Harbor on the Dana Pride with Dana Wharf Sportfishing and enjoy a complimentary glass of “Pride” punch. The band Flock of 80s will perform. Tickets are available for those 21 and older at $28 per person. Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching, 34675 Golden Lantern St, Dana Point. info@danawharf.com.888.224.0603.

FISHERMAN’S SUNSET DINNER FOR PIERPRIDE 5:30-9 p.m. An elegant evening features appetizers, cocktails, a five-course dinner by Chef Vito Raspatella, silent auction, live music, plus a cigar lounge. This fundraiser for PierPride Foundation is hosted by Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar, Martin Ray Winery, West Coast Prime Meats and Casa Carreras Cigars. A uniquely San Clemente event to support the historic San Clemente Pier. Admission is $175 per person; space is limited. Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar,
Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 23 GETTING OUT
OPEN MIC NIGHT AT KNUCKLEHEADS 8-10 p.m. Knuckleheads is open for food, drinks and live music. Performers of all skill levels are welcome. If you are a musician, do stand-up comedy or the spoken word, this is the place to be on 611 Avenida Victoria, San Clemente. 949.361.3180. pierpride.org.
COMEDY NIGHT 8-9:30 p.m. Have some laughs during this stand-up show. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online or at the door. Paddy’s Station, 26701 Verdugo Street, Suite B, San Juan Capistrano. 949.661.3400. paddysstation.com.
TRIVIA NIGHT AT THE BREWHOUSE 6:30-8:30 p.m. The BrewHouse hosts a trivia night every Wednesday. Test your knowledge with friends or show up solo and join a team. The BrewHouse, 31896 Plaza Drive, Suite D3, San Juan Capistrano. 949.481.6181. brewhousesjc.com.
“We kept writing and we kept recording. I was locked out of the country, and we were stuck in Jamaica,” Feldman said. “I started writing and writing. I flew my engineer in and started recording all these songs.” By that time, Feldman figured out he had enough material for an entirely new album— something he deemed an “organic sequel.” Come concert time, Feldman is ready to put on a big show for San Juan Capistrano. He compares the atmosphere to an arena show in a small venue. “You don’t want to miss the experience, because you never know when it will be the last chance,” he said. “Come out. Enjoy the moment. Never let the opportunity pass you by.”
He knows many of those attending will be doing so for nostalgia reasons—given the fond memories of his performance in The Goonies and other ’80s cult films—and so is prepared to join in on fans going down memory lane by mixing in elements of his old films.
LIVE MUSIC AT STILLWATER 5 p.m. Live music is featured at this popular South Orange County venue. Rock band Casual Cult will perform. StillWater Spirits & Sounds, 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point. danapointstillwater.com.949.661.6003.

E-BIKE COMMUNITYEDUCATION/SAFETYOUTREACH 6:30 p.m. Dana Hills High School PTSA and Niguel Hills Middle School PTSA will host an E-Bike Education and Safety meeting with special guest speakers Chief Virgil Asuncion of Laguna Niguel Police Services and Chief Kirsten Monteleone of Dana Point Police Services. Dana Hills High School, 33333 Golden Lantern, Dana Point.
ou might know Corey Feldman from The Lost Boys, Stand by Me, and other classic films. Come Sept. 13, fans of the actor will get a chance to see him and hear him in person, as Feldman is also a musician who will perform at The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano as part of a national tour. In between tour dates and other media obli gations, he took some time to talk to the Dana Point Times about the upcoming gig and what his supporters can look forward to if they go.
LIVE MUSIC AT OUTER REEF 6-9 p.m. Live music is featured at the Laguna Cliffs Marriott Resort & Spa’s Outer Reef restaurant. Artist Ryan Heflin will perform. Outer Reef, 25135 Park Lantern, Dana Point. outerreefrestaurant.com.
Fans of Corey Feldman will get a chance to see the actor and musician up close when he takes the stage at The Coach House this month.
CONSTITUTION WEEK CELEBRATION 1 p.m. The San Clemente Island Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will ring bells in celebration of Constitution Week, which recognizes the signing of the U.S. Constitution. This year marks the signing’s 235th anniversary. Mission San Juan Capistrano, 26801 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano. sanclementeisland.californiadar.org.949.422.2704.
Feldman said the show will be a multimedia experience for fans. The show is primarily a concert, however, so the crowd can expect to hear Feldman play songs from his 2016 album Angelic 2 the Core and latest release Love Left 2.1. Audiences seem to really look forward to renditions of the song “Comeback King,” Feldman said. His music mixes in elements of electronic dance music, pop, rock and soul. Feldman describes Love Left 2.1 as a spiritual follow-up and homage to his 1990s album Love Left. The new recording continues the hopeful message from its namesake, which was produced during a time of angst and as grunge and gangster rap dominated the radio.“All the darkness, all the negativity,” Feldman said. “Where’s the love?” Feldman initially set out on remixing Love Left and only recording a new song or two in celebration of its 25th anniversary. The COVID-19 shutdown left Feldman stranded overseas, so the anniversary milestone passed.
ON STAGE AT THE COACH HOUSE who have taken the stage at the venue, he likes the acoustics and lighting there.
danapointtimes.comDana Point Wednesday nights. So, come down, grab a drink and go for it. Knuckleheads Sports Bar, 1717 North El Camino Real, San Clemente. knuckleheadsmusic.com.949.492.2410.
WHAT: Corey Feldman WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 13. Doors open at 6 p.m.; concert starts at 8 p.m. WHERE: 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano FOR TICKETS OR MORE INFO: thecoachhouse.com. Tickets are $25.

Feldman is no stranger to The Coach House, having previously played at the South Orange County venue several times. He concedes it’s a “very different venue,” because people sit down and can eat dinner during concerts, saying that’s a good thing because people are dialed in to the music. Like others
Want a curated list of the weekend’s best events sent straight to your inbox every Friday? Sign up for The Weekender! danapointtimes.com/weekender
OPEN JAM 7-10 p.m. Play your own percussion, acoustic or electric instruments every Monday night at Knuckleheads. Amps are allowed, but drums are not. Knuckleheads, 1717 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente. knuckleheadsmusic.com.949.492.2410.
Photo: Courtesy of Manfred Baumann
“They can expect a lot of love and positive energy,” said Feldman, his voice a bit hoarse from recent performances.
DOG TEETH CLEANING 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Pets Plus at Ocean View Plaza is offering this no-anesthesia dental cleaning for dogs (and cats) that also includes vet exams. The cleanings are safe for older pets and take less than an hour. Appointments are required. Call 949.496.8400 or text “Get Tickets” for more details. Pets Plus, 638 Camino de los Mares, Suite A140, San Clemente. petsplusca.com.
The Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter star said the tour has “been great” despite feeling as if it started off slowly. There may have been initial doubts from concertgoers that the dates would be canceled, Feldman said. “But it picked up,” he said. “The energy has been amazing. There’s been a great connection between the audience and my band.” The majority of people in the crowd are in sync with Feldman and his band the whole night in a reciprocation of love, he said. “Detroit was overwhelmingly positive,” he said. “Pittsburgh was exceptional, as well.”
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If you are interested in adopting Carly, please visit petprojectfoundation.org to download an adoption application form.

Tom’s comment: Althea has managed this relationship well. She had the common sense to not get into a living-together or intimate relationship. It wasn’t only the 19-year age difference that was a roadblock. It also was the lack of many important things in common. And yet, after 10 years, they have re mained friends, and professed their non-ro mantic love to one another. They are there for each other and help each other. Another woman, Brenda, said, “I have an unromantic love relationship. My man friend and I have played very important roles in each other’s lives and shared many laughs and tears. We have confided things to each other that we’ve never discussed with others. I wouldn’t trade his friendship for anything.” Non-romantic love can be priceless. Tom Blake is a retired Dana Point business owner and resident who has authored books on middle-aged dating. See his website at findingloveafter50.com. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com. DP
our ages and living situations.
Completed forms can be emailed anandanimalservices@scdpanimalshelter.org,toyouwillbecontactedaboutmakinginteractionappointment.
Photos: Courtesy of Roberto Chavez
Sudoku BY MYLES MELLOR LAST WEEK’S SOLUTION: ost single seniors I know would relish being in a romantic relationship. But many of them are realistic, recognizing that finding romantic love becomes more difficult as they age, and consequently, it may not happen.
PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to provide our readers with a wide variety of opinions from our community, the DP Times provides Guest Opinion opportunities in which selected columnists’ opinions are shared. The opinions expressed in these columns are entirely those of the columnist alone and do not reflect those of the DP Times or Picket Fence Media. If you would like to respond to this column, please email us at editorial@danapointtimes.com.
“Bill has always had his own business as a handyman. He made very little money, and his wife rarely worked, so he was their sole support. At one point, they had to move into his parents’ house when his girls were young. He was still living there when we met; I realized he was never going to make enough money to afford living on his own. “We have never been intimate, except for kissing. I was afraid I would end up supporting him. Also, he never got a divorce, because his business was in both his name and his wife’s name. We got along well and dated for a few months. I realized he was not going to be the forever-man for me, because we were in totally different places in our lives that didn’t mesh. The dating ended, but we kept in touch. He still wanted a relationship; I still wanted a friendship.
Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9x9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3x3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9.

The A and L Café (Alice and Lucy) was Lucy’s first business—not El Patio—in Capo Beach in 1939. In the second photo, Lucy is in the parking lot in front of the A and L Café.

Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium
“Bill thought I was seven years older and told me he liked older women. Eventually, I told him my real age. He didn’t mind the bigger“Whenage-gap.wemet, he was just three months out of his marriage, and he told me it was in the divorce process. “We loved dogs, the outdoors, and he had a good sense of humor. But that’s pretty much all we had in common, plus our lifestyles were much different, due to
Althea wrote,“I’ve had a 10-year rela tionship with my friend Bill. We met on line and had our first date in August 2012. It was on a Tuesday; he was coming from a job and was a bit grimy and sweaty—he does handyman work and construction. “I didn’t mind the grime; he had already warned me, and he was quite nice! A welcome change from the duds I had been meeting. He had a sense of humor and a nice, dimpled smile. He was 44, and I was 63—a 19-year difference. He thought I was 53. (That’s when I was lowering my age by 10 years on the dating sites and easily get ting away with it. That wouldn’t work now).
See the solution in next week’s issue.
Every week, the Dana Point Times will showcase a historical photo from around the city. If you have a photo you would like to submit for consideration, send the photo, your name for credit as well as the date and location of the photo to sraymundo@picketfencemedia.com

“He now pops over to say hi when he’s working in the area. On Wednesday, I invited him to come to have my meatADOPTABLE PET OF THE WEEK Carly
“I’ve always paid him. This May, he drove me to my storage unit, packed it into his truck and brought it back 85 miles to my new storage unit and unpacked it.
But that doesn’t preclude enjoying a loving, non-romantic relationship. Today, Althea shares details of her non-romantic relationship.
“For 10 years, he’s been a good friend. Each time I relocated, he’s been there to help me pack and move.
The Importance of LoveNon-RomanticforSeniors OPINION

danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 24 DP LIVING
On Life and Love After 50 by Tom Blake loaf dinner with me, and afterward he took me for an evening sunset ride in his 2004 Mercedes convertible. “When he brought me home, as he was hugging me goodbye outside in the cool evening air, he said, “I love you.” I was a bit stunned, but smiled at him and said spontaneously, “I love you, too!”
The Dana Hills girls volleyball team has been the very definition of up-anddown to open the 2022 season, with the Dolphins finding themselves on the unfortunate end more often than not. At 3-6 on the season, Dana Hills has shown spurts of dominance but also some frustrating inconsistencies. Early in the campaign, coach Tom Hoff said that his team needed to be scrappy. The Dolphins have shown that attribute, but they’ve also shown a lack of it at times. Dana Hills opened with a five-set loss at Laguna Beach, but the Dolphins later rectified that with a 3-0 home sweep of the Breakers. The Dolphins gained an edge in a five-set win over St. Margaret’s, but they also lost the edge in a five-set loss at Corona del Mar. Dana Hills now sits on the edge of its South Coast League schedule, where the Dolphins will need all the scrappiness they can muster. Dana Hills opens league play at home against CIF-SS Division 2 champion Aliso Niguel on Tuesday, Sept. 13. The Dolphins host league champion San Clemente on Sept. 20.

The superstar for the Dana Hills distance running program now solely resides on the Dolphin girls side, at least forFour-yearnow.
BY ZACH CAVANAGH, SAN CLEMENTE TIMES he Dana Hills boys water polo team’s matches with San Clemente are as nasty as neighborhood rivalries get, and the two schools’ volleyball programs are also often intertwined. The Dolphins cross country program is one of the most recognized on the CIF-SS circuit, and Dana Hills runners always set a standard forLet’ssuccess.seehow these teams and all the fall sports teams shape up for 2022:
The Dana Hills girls golf team had three players advance to the CIF-SS postseason last season, and all three return to lead the Dolphins in 2022. Zoie Fuentes, Sydnie Duvall and Sophia Wahlstrom all finished in the top half of the field at the 2021 CIF-SS Individual Southern Regional, as all three tied for 61st in the 135-player field. Early results have been positive for Dana Hills this season. The Dolphins lost their opener to Beckman by just two strokes, 218-220, on Aug. 25, but Dana Hills rebounded with a two-match sweep of JSerra. The Dolphins won by 21 strokes, 190-211, on Aug. 29 and by 22 strokes, 199-221, on Aug. 30. Dana Hills opens the South Coast League season against San Clemente on Sept. 21 at El Niguel Country Club and Sept. 22 at Bella Collina San Clemente.
Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 25 SPORTS & OUTDOORS
The rebuilding period continued for the Dana Hills girls tennis program last season.TheDolphins were 3-12 overall last season, including a 1-7 record in the South Coast League.
varsity runner Allura Markow enters her senior season after winning the league championship, finishing third at the Orange County Championships, fifth at the CIF-SS Finals and 14th at the State Championships as a junior. Markow also had a stellar track season, which featured a county title and CIF-SS runner-up medal in the 3,200-meter run. As a team, the Dolphins are certainly more than just Markow, boasting a No. 1 ranking in CIF-SS Division 3. Dana Hills dropped from Division 2 to Division 3 this season, as the cross country divisions are based on school enrollment size.The rest of Dana Hills’ scoring runners were freshmen and sophomores last season, so look for big years from sophomore Annie Ivarsson and junior Paige Scheer, Cooper Murphy and Tessa Anderson.TheDolphins host the 2022 Dana Hills Invitational on Sept. 24.
Photo: Zach Cavanagh seniors certainly have their focus on, as once wasn’t nearly enough. Dana Hills opens league play at El Toro on Sept. 27. The Dolphins host San Clemente on Oct. 4 and play the Tritons on the road on Oct. 20. The league also welcomes Sea View League champion San Juan Hills, which also moves up to Division 1. Dana Hills plays at San Juan Hills on Oct. 6 and hosts the Stallions on Oct. 24.
Last season was an enormous breakthrough for the Dana Hills boys water poloTheteam.Dolphins snapped a nine-game losing streak to rival San Clemente with a double-overtime thriller to help secure their first league title since 2015. Dana Hills was given the No. 2 seed out of the South Coast League and a road game at Santa Barbara in the Division 1 playoffs. That was not much of a reward, but the Dolphins look to further their success with a drop down to Division 2 this season. Either way, the first goal for Dana Hills is again the South Coast League and, again, knocking off San Clemente in the process. It’s a goal the Dolphins’ eight T Dana Hills girls volleyball has been inconsistent to open the season, and the Dolphins need to find a consistent scrappiness to get through the South Coast League.
The Dana Hills boys cross country team has an impossible hole to fill with the graduation of Jai Dawson, the league, county, CIF-SS and state champion a year ago.However, this is the Dana Hills cross country program, and despite the exit of superstars, the Dolphins always find their way to reload. There are plenty of runners still in the fold to make the Dolphins a threat in Division 3. Dana Hills is ranked No. 3 in the latest Division 3 rankings. Top returning runners from last season’s seventh-place state finisher include sophomore Evan Noonan and senior JackDanaJones.Hills opens the season in earnest in Hawaii at the Iolani Invitational on Saturday, Sept. 10, and returns for the Woodbridge Classic at the Great Park in Irvine on Friday, Sept. 16.
As a result, for the first time, the Dana Hills girls tennis team—a program that had won its 28th consecutive South Coast League title and advanced to a CIF-SS Final just four years ago—will compete in the Sea View League, the lower division of the Coast View Conference.The Sea View League is a four-team league instead of the five-team South Coast League, which means the teams play three matches against each other instead of just two. Dana Hills opens its Sea View League campaign with Mission Viejo on Sept. 20, Capistrano Valley on Sept. 22 and El Toro on Sept. 27. DP
2022 Dana Hills Fall Sports Preview
is out there spinning off the coast of Baja California and, as Wallis notes, it “is the real wild card for the end of the week and into the weekend.” As of press time, it remained to be seen if the energy from the hurricane actually makes it into the Lowers swell window. If it does track in our favor, look for the swell to potentially get a small boost on Friday and into the weekend. “Based on the latest guidance, we’ll look for some mid-to-longer period SE swell to fill in for the end of the week, late Thursday but primarily on Friday. This does not look large at this point— probably just enough to add a little consistency to the expected SSW Southern Hemisphere swell,” said Wallis. With the forecast looking good, what about the contenders? This year, Carissa Moore, the No. 1 women’s seed, will be looking to win her third straight title and the sixth of her already storied career. If she can win No. 6, she’ll be one away from tying Australians Layne Beachley and Stephanie Gilmore for most world titles.
Dana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 26 DP SURF
Top: (From left) The WSL’s top five women—Carissa Moore, Stephanie Gilmore, Brisa Hennesy, Tatiana Weston-Webb and Johanne Defay—show off their jerseys during a press conference at the San Clemente Pier on Tuesday, Sept. Bottom:6.

“Trestles is such a special place for me and such a special wave; to be here competing against these women for the world title, it’s a dream,” said Moore at the event’s opening press conference, held on the San Clemente Pier on Tuesday, Sept. 6.
Water Visibility and Conditions: 2-4
Photos: Shawn Raymundo
Filipe Toledo, the No. 1-ranked men’s surfer in the WSL and a San Clemente resident, speaks about his love for the sport of surfing ahead of this week’s Rip Curl WSL Finals at Trestles.


t was one year ago that the Rip Curl WSL Finals debuted to the world— and what a debut it was. Thanks to what still stands as the best south swell we’ve seen in some time, Lower Trestles lit up with 8- to 10-foot surf, pristine, bluebird conditions and the best surfers in the world elevating the sport to an entirely new level. The event broke viewing records online, the beach was packed from Uppers to San Onofre, and even the most ardent critics had to concede that you couldn’t have asked for more. A spectacle such as what we saw last year was always going to be tough to follow, but with the WSL’s top five men and top five women in town for the one-day, winner-take-all sprint for the 2022 world titles, it would appear that Lowers could once again deliver. In a single-day, high-stakes event such as this, the forecast is critically important. Thankfully, Kevin Wallis and the crew at Surfline are really good at what theyDrawingdo. from decades of historical records, they know exactly what they’re looking for when it comes to calling the surf at Trestles.
For the men, San Clemente resident Filipe Toledo is the men’s No. 1 seed and
“We have overlapping SSW Southern Hemisphere swells that are confirmed and on the way,” Wallis reported in his official event forecast for the waiting period that runs from Thursday, Sept. 8 through Sept.16. “The first peaks before the event window opens, Tuesday afternoon and into Wednesday, before easing on Thursday. The second builds slowly on Thursday and eventually peaks on Friday afternoon before easing on“WhileSaturday.”not large, these long period swells will set up good quality surf at Lowers, running from shoulder-high to a bit overhead on their own Thursday through Saturday. The biggest and most consistent SSW swell day should be Friday—especially in the afternoon— with the larger sets running 1-2 (feet) overhead 6-7 (feet) faces,” he continued. But wait, that’s not all, Hurricane Kay

Every week, we feature a local ripper making waves on our beaches as a Grom of the Week. The Grom of the Week will return on Friday, Sept. 16. If you have a candidate for Grom of the Week, we want to know. Send an email to jakehoward1@gmail.com organizations such as the Surfing Heritage and Culture Center and the Positive Vibe Warriors Foundation. DP
SURF FORECAST Water Temperature: 70-72 Degrees F
The Rip Curl WSL Finals is here, and the biggest day in pro surfing looks as if it’s going to deliver once again is clearly focused on winning his first title. Having moved his family to town almost a decade ago, Toledo is widely considered to be the best Lowers surfer in the “I’mfield.blessed to be here with my family and friends, doing what I love to do, which is surfing,” Toledo explained. “I can’tThewait.”waiting period for the Rip Curl WSL Finals runs from Sept. 8-16. As noted, it’s a one-day event that will decide the 2022 WSL World Champions. See you down on the cobblestones this week. Jake Howard is local surfer and freelance writer who lives in San Clemente. A former editor at Surfer Magazine, The Surfer’s Journal and ESPN, today he writes for a number of publications, including Picket Fence Media, Surfline and the World Surf League. He also works with philanthropic
Outlook: Some South/southeast tropical swell from Hurricane Kay blends in on Friday, maintaining chest to head high waves, (4-5’), then pushes surf up into the chest high to a foot overhead range, (4-6’+) for Saturday and Sunday. Moderate offshore easterly winds are due through most of Friday. The offshores ease on Saturday. Light/variable winds Sunday morning, shift to a moderate West/northwest sea breeze in the afternoon. For the weekend, morning winds will be light/variable, while light+ to moderate onshore winds develops in the afternoon.
I It’s TimeFinals
danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 27

danapointtimes.comDana Point Times September 9-15, 2022 Page 28