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Ocean Institute to Bring Summer Movie Nights to the Harbor

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The Ocean Institute is launching a new Summer Movie Nights and Tall Ship Experience starting with a screening of The Living Sea on Friday, July 14. For three evenings this summer, the


Ocean Institute will host an educational movie night featuring face paintings, temporary tattoos, crafts and sea shanties sung by Pirate Band Queen Anne’s Blouse. On July 28, the Ocean Institute will to build a 12-foot-high, 250-foot-long wall in the right of way. Work included driving 32 steel soldier piles into the ground.

At the OCTA board’s meeting on Monday, July 10, Jim Beil, the executive director of Capital Programs, said remaining work on the project included putting up the timber in between each soldier pile and cleaning up the area. Beil also said he expected rail service to begin next week.

After the April 27 landslide at Casa Romantica, during which a portion of the property’s back patio and landscaping fell roughly 25 feet down the hillside, the City of San Clemente performed slope stabilization work that included smoothing over the slope and removing soil to lighten the burden on the hillside.

The work briefly assuaged OCTA and Metrolink’s consideration of building a retaining wall, as rail service resumed screen The Great Barrier Reef, followed by a screening of Humpback Whales on Aug. 11.

The evenings will kick off with sea shanties, and participants will have the chance to tour the tall ship Spirit of Dana Point. The ship will remain open during the event for attendees to tour.

Beer, wine and movie snacks will be available for purchase. Movies will be screened at the Maddie James Seaside Learning Wharf. Attendees are encour- on May 27. aged to bring blankets and low-back chairs. Seating will be first-come, firstserved.

City officials first noticed further movement on June 3, followed by a more dramatic slide on June 5, causing the OCTA board to approve taking emergency actions to resolve the situation.

The barrier wall is temporary, as mandated by the California Coastal Commission within the Emergency Coastal Development Permit it issued for the project. The wall will be removed once the city completes its own further stabilization work on the Casa Romantica property.

For the latest updates on train schedules, visit metrolinktrains.com/ service-update or pacificsurfliner.com/ alerts.

Movies start at 7:45 p.m. Admission is $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and veterans, $7.50 for children ages 3 and older, and free for kids under 2.

More information about the nautical movie nights or purchasing tickets can be found at oceaninstitute.org/events-old/ category/movie-nights.

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