Dana Point Times

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The City in the Middle Caltrans and OCTA projects along I-5 to affect Dana Point motorists E Y E O N D P/ PAG E 4

Major construction projects along Interstate 5 betwen San Clemente and San Juan Capistrano could cause headaches for Dana Point area motorists. Photo by Andrea Swayne


Civic Association Coffee Chat Topic: Short-term Vacation Rentals

Grom of the Week: Brighton Reinhardt of Dana Point

Anglers Hauling in Squid by the Thousands







CITY AND BUSINESS CALENDAR SATURDAY, JANUARY 12 Farmers Market 9 a.m.–1 p.m. La Plaza Park, 34111 La Plaza Street. Admission is free. For more information or to inquire about purchasing a booth for $25, please call 949.573.5033 or 951.271.0669. www.danapoint.org


Recycling Event at Dana Hills High 9 a.m.-11 a.m. Dana Hills High School, 33333 Golden Lantern. Drop off plastic bottles and aluminum cans in the school parking lot for students from the school’s chapter of the Cali-

D a n a Po i nt

fornia Scholastic Federation and other school organizations to collect and sort. Funds collected are distributed by the PTSA for student programs. Future events will be held Jan. 26, Feb. 9 and 23, March 9 and 23, April 13 and 27, May 11 and 25. For more information, email to president@dhhsptsa.com.



Arts & Culture Commission Meeting 6 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 33282 Golden Lantern. For information, contact Monique Leon at 949.248.3557 or mleon@danapoint. org.

City Council Meeting 6 p.m. City Council Chambers, 33282, Golden Lantern, 949.248.3501, www.danapoint.org


Planning Commission Meeting 6 p.m. City Hall Council Chambers, 33282 Golden Lantern, 949.248.3563, www.danapoint.org.


What’s Up With... 1

…a Short-term Vacation Rentals Coffee Chat?

THE LATEST: The Dana Point Civic Association Board of Directors has announced that this month’s Coffee Chat topic will be the issue of short-term vacation rentals in the city’s residential neighborhoods and whether they should be banned outright or allowed with regulations. No city code or ordinance explicitly banning the practice in Dana Point exists, but the long-standing opinion of City Council has been that since they are not specifically prohibited, neither are they permitted. On November 20, the City Council voted to direct staff to formulate a draft ordinance that could regulate and tax shortterm vacation rentals. WHAT’S NEXT: The January Coffee Chat will be held Friday, January 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. at The Coffee Importers, 34531 Golden Lantern in the Dana Point Harbor. Assistant City Manager Mike Killebrew will be on hand to provide background on the subject. The meeting will be moderated by Dana Point Civic Association President and Coffee Importers owner Jim Miller and comments and questions from the audience will be welcomed. The Civic Association hosts Coffee Chat on the third Friday of each month. Guest speakers and discussion topics vary to include issues and items of interest to Dana Point residents. The event is always free, open to the public and complimentary coffee is served, courtesy of Coffee Importers. The draft ordinance will be presented at a future City Council meeting to be further tailored, should council members choose to continue moving toward regulation rather than an outright ban, said City ManDana Point Times January 11–17, 2013

ager Doug Chotkevys.

Orange County branch of the Chino-based charter school, achieved a 993 out of 1,000 Academic Performance Index score—the highest mark in the district and the second highest in the county. Both the district and the school conducted their own investigations and found no credibility to the allegations.

FIND OUT MORE: For more information, contact Miller at 949.395.7774. —Andrea Swayne


…PCH Median Construction?

THE LATEST: The Dana Point Public Works department issued a construction work notice Wednesday announcing the third phase of the grant-funded Pacific Coast Highway median beautification project will begin Monday, January 14. Phase III will include the construction and landscaping of a new median on PCH between Selva Road and Blue Lantern along with a new landscaped median and entry sign just north of Crown Valley Parkway. WHAT’S NEXT: According to the notice, work is expected to be complete by the end of April. FIND OUT MORE: For more information, call the Public Works Department at 949.248.3554. Log on to www.danapointtimes.com to view a PDF of the project. —AS


…a CUSD Apology?

THE LATEST: After issuing a statement in December publicly exonerating Oxford Preparatory Academy of allegations that teachers at the charter school helped students cheat on state standardized tests, the Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees did so again at their meeting Monday. “I think it’s important as a district we apologize to Oxford,” Superintendent Joseph Farley said. “This is a strong instructional program with a very high API score that it earned.” In its inaugural year, OPA, the south

WHAT’S NEXT: OPA’s Chairman of the Board Bob Kuhnert asked trustees to provide the school a copy of the final investigation conducted by T. Davis and Associates. “Just as OPA released results of their investigation to CUSD and the public in good faith, we ask the board to reciprocate in good faith,” Kuhnert said. The trustees agreed to agendize the item for their next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday, January 23. FIND OUT MORE: Stay tuned for updates. —Brian Park


…Upcoming SONGS Hearings?

THE LATEST: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has tentatively scheduled two meetings to discuss the tube degradation at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The body has scheduled a briefing on the status of the investigation of the tube degradation at Unit 2 of the plant on February 7 at its headquarters in Maryland at 10 a.m. Another hearing, this one to consider a petition by the environmental group Friends of the Earth for an amendment to Southern California Edison’s license to run the facility, will be held January 16. WHAT’S NEXT: Although the NRC had rejected a petition by Friends of the Earth for a review of the license in November, the group was granted a hearing by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. The panel

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of three judges is considering a hearing request filed by the group, which argues that the NRC’s Confirmatory Action Letter to Edison last year should be treated as a license amendment. Legal briefs are being submitted to the Atomic Safety Board this month, the agency said, and a decision is not expected until after that time. FIND OUT MORE: The February 7 meeting will be available to the public via webcast. For more information, visit www.nrc.gov. —Jim Shilander


…School Board Meetings?

THE LATEST: The Capistrano Unified School District Board of Trustees on January 7 gave final approval to a change the dates and times of the next six months’ worth of meetings. The trustees’ vote resulted in the shifting of the 20 remaining 2013 school board meetings from the second Monday and fourth Wednesday of each month to the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. WHAT’S NEXT: Upcoming meetings are scheduled as follows: Jan. 23, Feb. 13, Feb. 27, March 13 and 27, April 24, May 8 and 22, June 12 and 26, July 10 and 24, Aug. 14 and 28, Sept. 11 and 25, Oct. 9 and 23, Nov.13 and Dec. 11. Only one meeting has been scheduled in the months of April, November and December, due to holidays. Board meetings are held at CUSD headquarters, 33122 Valle Road in San Juan Capistrano. Closed session begins at 6 p.m. followed by open session at 7 p.m. FIND OUT MORE: For more information, including meeting agendas, log on to www. capousd.org. —AS www.danapointtimes.com


The City in the Middle

San Juan Capistrano Update: I-5/Ortega Interchange to Commence in February

Caltrans and OCTA projects along I-5 to Affect Dana Point motorists By Andrea Swayne Dana Point Times


lthough local Interstate 5 projects scheduled to begin major construction in 2013 are situated closer to neighboring cities to the north and south, Dana Point area motorists will feel the effects. As Caltran’s I-5/Ortega Highway interchange and the Orange County Transportation Authority’s I-5 widening projects kick into full gear this year, the patience of drivers traveling into, out of and past the city will be tested. Dana Point City Manager Doug Chotkevys said he is concerned about the duration of time these projects—and others nearby, such as work being done to the Camino Capistrano and Camino de

Estrella on- and off-ramps—will impact traffic flow into the city. “The Camino Capistrano off-ramp construction has been dragging on for far too long and I hope that these other projects do not follow suit,” Chotkevys said. Dana Point is essentially “bookended” by the projects aimed at eventually improving traffic flow along the stretch of I-5 between San Juan Capistrano and San Clemente. From a transportation standpoint, we’re caught in the middle,” Chotkevys said. “My hope is that these improvements be completed as quickly as possible to avoid a prolonged impact to the Dana Point area and that Caltrans incentivize their contractors to complete the work as early as possible.” Read on for overviews of each project.

San Clemente Update: I-5 Widening Project to Begin Later This Year an Clemente’s highway project is on track to get underway later in the year, with the first work being done on “Segment 2” of the larger Orange County Transportation Authority project, the widening of Interstate 5 between the San Clemente city line to just south of Avenida Vista Hermosa. The project will widen I-5 to accommodate a high occupancy vehicle lane through the length of the project and is slated to last until 2014. The third segment of the total project, which includes the widening of the Avenida Pico exchange, is scheduled to begin construction in 2014 and last until 2017. San Clemente Assistant City Engineer Tom Bonigut noted that the process of preparing for the widening of the interchange had already begun. Two properties, the Shell Oil station and Burger Stop, will have to be acquired by OCTA and Caltrans because they will have to be demolished to accommodate the widened road. Julie Toledo, who is handling community outreach for OCTA on the project, said the appraisal process for the properties is ongoing now. Once that is completed, which she estimated should take a couple of months, negotiations between OCTA and the property owners will begin. Toledo believes that since all of the public outreach on the project had shown the two businesses as being eliminated, the public, the city and the business owners themselves were all aware of what was going to happen. The takeover of two businesses in San Juan Capistrano—the Chevron gas sta-


Dana Point Times January 11–17, 2013

tion and Jack in the Box, both on the corner of Del Obispo Street and Ortega Highway— had caught residents and city officials there by surprise. Toledo and others from OCTA have become fixtures at city events and meetings, trying to get the word out about the project. OCTA has a regular booth at the monthly Farmer’s Market on Avenida Del Mar and has been meeting with a number of stakeholders throughout the city, including civic groups and homeowner’s associations. Toledo said a larger community meeting would be held at the end of the month to provide updates on the project. Another unrelated project that will affect residents of San Clemente and Capistrano Beach is the widening of the overpass on Camino de Estrella/Camino de los Mares. The project is being done by Caltrans and is on track to be completed in May, David Richardson, a spokesman for Caltrans, said. The project was conceived because of the increased traffic at the exit over the last several years, Richardson said, and is adding an additional left-turn lane to the off-ramp in an effort to eliminate or reduce traffic problems on I-5. As drivers approach the exit, the traffic light can sometimes delay drivers coming off the freeway, Richardson said. The bridge is being widened to accommodate that traffic. The project necessitated the removal of three palm trees to accommodate the widening of the street and bridge. Richardson said Caltrans had contacted the city about possible mitigation of the issue but did not receive a response and thus went ahead with removing the trees. —Jim Shilander

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raffic has long been a concern of many San Juan Capistrano residents, but in the coming year, those concerns will be shared with residents of cities to the south, including Dana Point and San Clemente. Caltrans is scheduled to begin major construction for the massive Interstate 5/Ortega Highway Interchange project in mid-February. It’s a project that’s been on the minds of traffic officials, San Juan Capistrano city leaders and residents for more than a decade and will likely stay that way for at least two more, when it’s scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2015. The $86.2 million project will completely rebuild the Ortega Highway bridge over I-5, construct a new northbound loop on-ramp, reconfigure the northern portion of Del Obispo Street leading to the bridge and apply several changes to existing on- and off-ramps. “It’s a pretty substantial project,” said Gloria Roberts, chief spokesperson for Caltrans’ local District 12. “We’re doing demolition and building a whole new bridge.” Traffic engineers identified the interchange as a major choke point and initiated a study of the area in 2000, according to Caltrans’ 2009 project report. At the time the report was published, the overburdened interchange carried about 99,000 cars per day. Engineers said the current configuration could not accommodate a projected increase in traffic of around 121,000 cars by 2030. Within the project’s scope area, studies also showed that accidents along Ortega Highway occurred at twice the rate of the state average and “at a much higher rate” on the I-5 southbound off-ramp for similar areas. According to the report, the roadways in the area featured nonstandard lane widths—10 and 11 feet, when Caltrans requires 12 feet—and that Ortega Highway, which predates I-5, did not have the required shoulders—about 8 feet—for bridge separation. “This is a whole reconfiguration,” Roberts said. “Part of this project is to relieve congestion because the area is growing.” Although San Juan Capistrano will bear the brunt of construction, increased congestion along detour routes make this a local problem for all motorists traveling through the city. “It is a regional challenge,” former city council member Laura Freese said. “Dana Point, Laguna Niguel and our other neighbors to the north and south are definitely going to feel it because they use that interchange and they use Del Obispo and our other streets to get to the freeway. They’re all going to have

An overhead illustration of Caltrans’ proposed changes to the I-5/Ortega Highway Interchange. Courtesy image

to figure out alternate routes.” One of Freese’s last acts as a council member included establishing the Economic Preservation Committee, a group made up of city officials and local business owners that aim to curb the adverse effects of the project on business, especially in downtown. Together, the group has already formulated several ideas and voiced some of their concerns with Caltrans and the department’s contracted project management firm CALTROP. Following Caltrans’ closure of a Chevron and Jack in the Box, both on the corner of Del Obispo Street and Ortega Highway, the committee submitted their own design for a welcome banner to be wrapped around raised chain-link fences. Caltrans combined their own design standards with the committee’s suggestion to produce the current banners, which serve to welcome and inform motorists. The committee has also reached out to the city and the Orange County Transportation Authority to consider lowering rates to use Historic Town Center Park for events, creating a trolley service to carry passengers from JSerra Catholic High School into downtown and decreasing Metrolink fare prices. Caltrans is bound by strict rules that prohibit promotional projects that do not focus on traffic, according to Roberts. Caltrans and CALTROP have both taken on community outreach efforts, however, through informational meetings, publishing reading material and social media tools, like Facebook (www. facebook.com/ortegainterchangeproejct) and Twitter (@OrtegaHighway), to inform residents of construction updates. By the end of the month, Caltrans expects to have a complete project schedule, according to Roberts. For now, the city and the committee have been told that construction work would be limited to evening and early morning hours. Full closures are expected on the northern portion of Del Obispo Street, going as far west as El Camino Real, for two separate periods of three and four weeks. Proposed dates and times of the closures will be included in the project schedule. —Brian Park www.danapointtimes.com


DP Sheriff’s Blotter SPONSORED BY

Dana Point Police Services www.HideitLockitOrLoseit.com COMP I LE D BY A R IA N A C RI SA F U L L I All information below is obtained from the Orange County Sheriff’s Department website. The calls represent what was told to the deputy in the field by the radio dispatcher. The true nature of an incident often differs from what is initially reported. No assumption of criminal guilt or affiliation should be drawn from the content of the information provided. An arrest doesn’t represent guilt. The items below are just a sampling of the entries listed on the OCSD Web site.

Monday, January 7 DISTURBANCE Calle Carmelita, 34500 Block (12:08 p.m.) A man called to report a home owner who had hired him to do work and was now in a verbal altercation with him. The informant told police that the fight was started because he was late for the job. SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCE Malaga Drive/La Cresta Drive, (11:32 a.m.) A woman called police concerning to males who appeared to be transients, going through the trash near her home. The woman was upset because they were rude to her when she asked them to stop.

Sunday, January 6 SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCE Selva Road, 34000 Block (5:51 p.m.) A woman called police to tell them that somehow her neighbor had gotten a hold of a spare key to her home. The woman had never given the man a key and was scared because he had been to jail before. ASSIST OUTSIDE AGENCY Dana Point Harbor Drive, 24200 Block (4:43 p.m.) A woman called saying that she had taken 100 pills 40 minutes prior and was going to jump off her apartment building. The police heard her son talking to her in the background but eventually the line went dead. The police were able to locate the woman who was breathing but unresponsive. She was transported to a hospital. CITIZEN ASSIST Seville, 34100 Block (3:36 p.m.) An informant called reporting belligerent behavior by a boy he described as the “neighborDana Point Times January 11–17, 2013

hood juvi.” The informant told police that the juvenile was taunting him and refusing to use the front entrance of his girlfriend’s house. PETTY THEFT Del Prado, 24800 Block (2:50 p.m.) Four underage people, two boys and two girls, were caught attempting to steal a 30 pack of Budweiser and one bottle of Bacardi. The informant grabbed the alcohol from the juveniles, who took off in a white sedan. The informant believed they were high school students because there was a Dana Hills High School sticker in the window of the car.

Beverly Sels Passes Away at 76 February 14 memorial service set for former Citizen of the Year, avid volunteer from Capo Beach Dana Point Times


DISTURBANCE Dana Point Harbor Drive, 25300 Block (10:17 a.m.) An informant reported several transients setting up camp between the Laguna Cliffs Resort & Spa and the Dana Point Harbor Inn. The informant told police that they were living in tents and that he was unsure how many there were. SUSPICIOUS PERSON/CIRCUMSTANCE Pacific Coast Highway, 34300 Block (2:21 a.m.) A woman called saying she was experiencing chest pain and that she needed paramedics. However, when asked where she was, she couldn’t determine if she was at AM/PM or at Denny’s. The woman then refused to give any further information.

Saturday, January 5 DISTURBANCE Pacific Coast Highway, 34200 Block (8:50 p.m.) An informant reported a male transient sleeping in the Del Taco drive through. The informant tried to get the man to leave the drive through but he refused. DISTURBANCE-FAMILY DISPUTE Parents of a 17-year-old girl called to inform the police of erratic behavior. The girl was reportedly yelling and slamming doors and had either been drinking or taking drugs. She was heard screaming to others that she wanted to hurt herself. It was later discovered that the family had a hand gun and a shotgun locked in a safe. The family was advised to seek counseling. BRANDISHING A WEAPON Pacific Coast Highway/Doheny Park Plaza (4:08 p.m.) An informant called reporting a heavy-set male transient carrying a polka-dotted bag was brandishing a knife at the caller and a security guard at the Dana Villa Motel.

everly Ann Sels, 76, a 37-year resident of Capistrano Beach, passed away peacefully January 5 at Saddleback Memorial Medical Center in San Clemente. Beverly was born on February 12, 1936 in Mason City, Iowa. She enjoyed a full life as a mother and housewife. In 1978, after the children left the house, Beverly earned her real estate broker’s license. She worked for the following 43 years as a successful real estate broker. She also devoted significant time and effort to community volunteer activities in the Dana Point/Capistrano Beach area. She was also an active member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church where she played in the bell choir, worked with the Prayer Shawl Ministry and served as greeter. Beverly was very generous with her time and devoted hard work into volunteer activities. In 1999, she was recognized as Dana Point Citizen of the year, an award acknowledged by the California State Legislature. Beverly served as president of the West Covina Junior Women’s Club during the mid-1960s. She served multiple terms as president of the Dana Point/Capistrano Beach Historical Society, Dana Point Community House and Dana Point Women’s Club. She also supported many city council initiatives and local political campaigns. Dana Point mayors recognized her work with the Hospitality Chair, Capistrano Valley Republican Women, Federated, the Charitable Grant Subcommittee and the Town Center Subcommittee. Beverly was recently elected president of Capistrano Valley Republican Women, Federated. Following her retirement in 2006, Beverly and her husband Glenn traveled throughout Europe, Hawaii and Alaska. They also enjoyed excursions to destina-

tions throughout the U.S. in their customized Peterbuilt RV. Beverly was a lover of all animals, especially dogs. Beverly is survived by her husband of 58 years, Glenn Arthur Sels of Capistrano Beach, daughter Susan Ann Nelson and her husband Donald Ray Nelson from Norco and son, Roger Arthur Sels, and his wife, Christine Diana Gay from Anchorage, Ala. She is also survived by her sister Eileen Jane Everett and her husband William Everett from Chillicothe, Mo. and brother Russell Neal Elliott from Mason City, Iowa. She was also blessed with five grandchildren, Jeff Dyer, April Lockman, Heather Kilponen, John Nelson and Margaret Sels, and nine great-grandchildren. A celebration of life for Beverly will be held Saturday, January 12, 11 a.m. at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 33501 Stonehill Drive in Dana Point. The family requests that, in lieu of flowers, donations be made to the Mission Foundation-Pulmonary Rehabilitation Education Program (PREP). Donations should be mailed to: Cardio Pulmonary Rehab Center, 26732 Crown Valley Parkway, Suite 281, Mission Viejo, CA 92691. DP



TERRORIST THREATS REPORT Embarcadero, 34500 Block (9:45 a.m.) A woman called concerned about a threatening note left on her car when she was out for a walk. It was later determined that the note was written by a friend who was trying to play a prank on her.

Beverly Sels. Courtesy photo

he Doheny State Beach Interpretive Association has announced its first two major events of the year—the first Adopt-a-Beach cleanup of 2013 and the 5th Annual Grunion foot race. The “Love Your Beach” cleanup will be held Saturday, Feb. 16 from 9 a.m. to noon. “Let’s ‘love’ Doheny back to good health after the runoff from the winter rains,” said Ed Neely in his monthly DSBIA newsletter update. Volunteers should bring their own work gloves and meet at Lifeguard Headquar-

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ters, adjacent to the mouth of San Juan Creek. Then, on March 9 at 7:45 a.m. the beach will be the site of the annual Grunion Run—a 10K, 5K and kids’ 1K organized as part of the Dana Point Festival of Whales. More information about the Grunion Run can be found on the Festival of Whales website at www.dpfestivalofwhales.com/ For more information about Doheny State Beach events, log on to the DSBIA website at www.dohenybeach.org. DP www.danapointtimes.com



Andrea Swayne, 949.388.7700, x113 aswayne@danapointtimes.com ADVERTISING


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Poe ni ntet

34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624 phone 949.388.7700 fax 949.388.9977 www.danapointtimes.com



Lauralyn Loynes, 949.388.7700, x102 lloynes@danapointtimes.com DISTRIBUTION

Dana Point Times, Vol. 6, Issue 1. The DP Times (www.danapointtimes.com ) is published weekly by Picket Fence Media, publishers of the SC Times (www.sanclementetimes.com) and The Capistrano Dispatch (www.thecapistranodispatch. com). Copyright: No articles, illustrations, photographs or other editorial matter or advertisements herein may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or negatives. Copyright 2013. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.





Senior Designer > Jasmine Smith

Finance Director > Mike Reed


Business Operations Manager > Alyssa Garrett

Associate Publisher > Lauralyn Loynes

Accounting Manager Distribution Manager > Tricia Zines

Senior Editor, SC Times > Jim Shilander


City Editor, DP Times > Andrea Swayne

Tricia Zines, 949.388.7700, x107 tzines@danapointtimes.com

Sports & News Reporter > Steve Breazeale

BILLING Alyssa Garrett, 949.388.7700, x100 agarrett@danapointtimes.com

City Reporter, The Capistrano Dispatch > Brian Park

> Michele Reddick (San Clemente) > Debra Wells (San Juan Capistrano) Sales Associate > Angela Edwards

SPECIAL THANKS Robert Miller CONTRIBUTORS Ariana Crisafulli, Tawnee Prazak, Kevin Dahlgren, Adam Herzog, Darian Nourian


I read with interest Gary Clark’s letter to the editor (DP Times, Dec. 21 – 27, 2012) in which he claims there may be a conflict of interest among city council members voting on the vacation rental homes issue. As a resident of and homeowner in Dana Point, I can say that in my neighborhood I have never had a problem due to vacationers staying in any home near me. I oppose any further regulation of homes in our city regarding vacation home renting—we have enough regulations already. If someone is not using a rented home under existing laws such as making too much noise, the police can come and stop that. If the home is in an unsafe condition (whether it is being used as a vacation home or not) the city of Dana Point has the right to enforce its building codes. Also, there is nothing illegal about a city council person voting on a matter where someone gave him or her a campaign donation and the donor happened to own a vacation home in Dana Point. It may be unlawful if the council person owns a vacation home, but I would assume he would

recuse himself from that vote under the government code. Plus you can always go down to the city clerk’s office and pull the campaign contribution forms each council person is obligated to file and see who donates to them. I do not always agree with all of the council members and their votes. For example, I am against the plastic bag ban. And there are likely many issues where Mayor Weinberg, Councilman Schoeffel and other city council members and I disagree. However, I have never found any evidence of any of them being dishonest. The discussion over the vacation rental homes is important because individual property rights are very important. The issue should be debated from all points of view but in a respectful manner. I don’t see the need to cast doubt over people’s honesty without real evidence no matter what their point of view is on this subject.


I was disappointed to read about San Juan Capistrano Councilman Derek Reeve’s request to the Capistrano Unified School District and four private schools to allow staff members, teachers and even

parents to carry firearms as a safety measure (DP Times, Dec. 28, 2012-Jan. 3). I was heartened to read of the rejection of that request from the District. This is a divisive issue. The NRA believes that if the “good guys” can carry guns, they will be able to shoot the “bad guys.” This is unrealistic. It has been proven that when guns are used by persons for the purpose of protecting their home and family, it is far too often a family member that loses their life, not an intruder. Every day, five children are injured or killed as a result of handguns. Last week over 200 guns were voluntarily turned in and will be destroyed. Lines formed for blocks with citizens willing to do this. At the same time, gun stores were having a bonanza sales week. Do we want to go back to the days of the old wild west or do we want to create a culture of peace in our schools, communities, nation and the world? The teachers do not need guns. What they do need is the training to recognize a troubled child and the ability to offer or seek help for that child. Some of the symptoms such as bullying or isolation are obvious. Others are not so obvious. Teachers need to partner with the parents to ensure that every student has a healthy

school experience and given the attention they need when it is needed. No sign should go unheeded no matter how small it may seem. Will that require more trained counselors in our schools? Perhaps. Is it worth the expense? Absolutely. Of course, we still need to be vigilant and protect our youngsters against intruders who would do harm. Parents and teachers can do that without weapons. Watch for people who seem out of place when you drop your kids off at school. Notice cars around the school that do not seem to be there for the purpose of picking up children. Talk to your children about their school experience and their classmates. Together we can create a world of peace and safety for all.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! To submit a letter to the editor for possible inclusion in the paper, e-mail us at letters@danapointtimes.com or send it to 34932 Calle del Sol, Suite B, Capistrano Beach, CA 92624. Dana Point Times reserves the right to edit reader-submitted letters for length and is not responsible for the claims made or the information written by the writers.




D a n a Po i nt

THE LIST A day-by-day guide to what’s happening in and around town. COMPILED BY TAWNEE PRAZAK


SHOWOFF 8 p.m. The annual festival at Camino Real Playhouse featuring plays by seven directors with the audience voting for the winner. $18-$24. 31776 El Camino Real, San Juan Capistrano, 949.489.8082, www.caminorealplayhouse.org.


MICHAEL LANCE 9:30 p.m.-12 a.m. Acoustic surf rock at The Shore. 201 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.481.6089, www.theshoresanclemente.com. RICO BROWN 8 p.m. Live music at Wind & Sea Restaurant. 34699 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.496.6500, www.windandsearestaurants.com. WINE AND MUSIC CRUISE 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m. Dana Wharf’s cruise on a luxury catamaran with wine, snacks, music and more. Tickets $49. 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.496.5794, www.danawharf.com.


INTO THE WILD OC TRAIL RUN 8 p.m. Run 5.7 miles through Black Star Canyon, Southern California’s permanently protected wild land located in eastern Orange County. Cost $40-$45. www.intothewildoctrailrun.com.


HEALTH EXPO 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Event designed to educate on the benefits of prevention through nutrition, exercise and health screenings at The San Clemente Event Center in Old Town San Clemente. 111 W. Avenida Palizada, San Clemente, 949.872.1602, www.ochealthexpo.com. 2013 OC THROWDOWN 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Watch as some of Southern California’s fittest men and women compete in tests of strength, stamina and will at the OC Fair and Event Center. Admission $35, parking $5. 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, 714.708.1500, www.ocfair.com, octhrowdown.com. CAMPFIRE PROGRAM 7 p.m.-8 p.m. Families can enjoy activities, presentations and more at Caspers Wilderness Park. Free. 33401 Ortega Highway, San Juan Capistrano, 949.923.2207, www.ocparks.com. Dana Point Times January 11–17, 2013

ON STAGE: GREAT WHITE FEATURING JACK RUSSELL The Coach House will host rockers Great White featuring Jack Russell, Friday, January 11, the next stop on the band’s current world tour. “We’ve mainly stayed in the States but we’re going to Europe in February and then on to Australia,” said Jack Russell, front man and co-founder of the original Great White. “Most of our fans are in the U.S. so we’ve stayed close, but we’re also anxious to go overseas.” Although the band is currently working on a new album they hope to release in mid-summer, Russell said the playlist includes mostly classic tunes. “People really want to hear the songs they grew up listening to in high school... Sometimes we shake it up a bit with new songs but mostly we’re playing the staples and hits,” said Russell, adding that the band has enjoyed enGreat White Featuring Jack Russell. Courtesy photo tertaining Coach House audiences since about 1985. “It’s a really great place to see a concert. There’s not a bad seat in the house. You can practically spit on the performers, not that I suggest doing that,” he joked. Russell promises a “really outrageous” show. “If you want to do some rocking, come on down,” he said. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the band takes the state at 8 p.m. Tickets are $20. For more information, tickets or dinner reservations, see www.thecoachhouse.com or call 949.496.8930. —Ariana Crisafulli

BEATLES VS. STONES - A MUSICAL SHOOT OUT 8 p.m. Musical “throw down” between the tribute groups Abbey Road and Jumping Jack Flash at The Coach House. Tickets $15-$18. 33157 Camino Capistrano, San Juan Capistrano, 949.496.8930, www.thecoachhouse.com. ASTRONOMY NIGHT 5:45 p.m.-7:45 p.m. Gaze into the night sky through telescopes at The Reserve/Richard and Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. Adults $10, kids $5. More info: 949.489.9778, www.theconservancy.org. MARIACHIS AT THE MISSION 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Enjoy live mariachi music at Mission San Juan Capistrano. Free with admission $5-$9. 26801 Ortega Hwy., San Juan Capistrano, 949.234.1300, www.missionsjc.com. 2000 LBS OF BLUES 8 p.m. Live music at StillWater. 24701 Del Prado, Dana Point, 949.661.6003, www.danapointstillwater.com. COMEDY AND MAGIC 7 p.m. Family-friendly show at Saddleback College. $32. 28000 Marguerite Pkwy., Mission Viejo, 949.582.4656, www.saddleback.edu.


WHALE WATCHING 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. Dana Wharf offers daily whale watching tours on the OCean Adventure catamaran. Cost $30-$45. 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.496.5794, www.danawharf.com.


HUTCHINS CONSORT: BACH AND ROCK 3 p.m. The Hutchins Consort presents the works of Johann Sebastian Bach played alongside the best of Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Procol Harum, Lennon/McCartney and Queen, at St. Mark Presbyterian Church. Tickets $15-$25. 2200 San Joaquin Hills Road, Newport Beach, 888-996-2838, www.hutchinsconsort.org. WALKING TOUR 1 p.m. SJC Historical Society leads a tour to see Los Rios District, the Mission and more. Meet at the train depot on Verdugo Street. $2 adults, $1 children. 949.493.8444, www.sjchistoricalsociety.com.



COMEDY AND KARAOKE 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Comedy and karaoke at Hennessey’s Tavern. 34111 La Plaza, Dana Point, 949.488.0121, www.hennesseystavern.com. Page 8



RUBEN GONZALEZ 7 p.m.10 p.m. Live music at The Cellar. 156 Avenida Del Mar, San Clemente, 949.492.3663, www.thecellarsite.com.

STORY TIME FOR CASA KIDS 10 a.m. Stories for kids ages 3-5 at Casa Romantica Cultural Center and Gardens. Free. 415 Avenida Granada, San Clemente, 949.498.2139, www.casaromantica.org.



MIGRATORY BIRD LECTURE 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Free lecture on issues facing migratory birds held at The Reserve/Richard and Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. Call for info, 949.489.9778, www.theconservancy.org. MISSION GARDEN TOURS 10 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. Guided tours of the Mission gardens. Free with paid admission $5-$9 plus $1-$2 for tour. 26801 Ortega Hwy., 949.234.1300, www.missionsjc.com.


DAVINE WINE TASTING AND MUSIC 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Wine, food and live flamenco guitar with Ben Woods at DaVine Food and Wine (tastings start at 4 p.m.). Tasting cost is 5 wines for $15. 34673 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, 949.493.4044, www.davine-wine.com.


HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON LIVE SPECTACULAR 7 p.m. Entertaining never-before-seen production for the whole family with dragons and much more at The Honda Center. Tickets start at $25. Shows through Jan. 20. 2695 E. Katella, Anaheim, 714.704.2500, www.hondacenter. com, www.dreamworksdragonslive.com AMATEUR RADIO CLASS 7 p.m.-9 p.m. A series of four classes on becoming an amateur (ham) radio operator at the San Clemente Stake Center (Seminary Room). Instruction is free. There are costs for the manual ($25) and FCC examination ($15 FCC processing fee only). 310 Avenida Vista Montana, San Clemente, 949.291.2887. *For our full calendar, visit the “Event Calendar” at www.danapointtimes.com. Have an event? Send your listing to events@danapointtimes.com www.danapointtimes.com





D a n a Po i nt

SUDOKU by Myles Mellor Each Sudoku puzzle consists of a 9X9 grid that has been subdivided into nine smaller grids of 3X3 squares. To solve the puzzle, each row, column and box must contain each of the numbers 1 to 9. Puzzles come in three grades: easy, medium and difficult. Level: Medium Last week’s solution:

SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION SOLUTION See today’s solution in next week’s issue.


Where are the Single Men? “W

here are the single men?” is a question I’ve heard at least once a week for the 18 years I’ve been writing newspaper columns about dating after 50. The question comes from single womON LIFE AND LOVE AFTER 50 en age 50+, frustrated by By Tom Blake the shortage of eligible single men to date. Over the 18 years, the shortage of men has gotten worse because the older we get, the number of single women grows and the number of available men shrinks. I took a quick look at the 2010 Census statistics for California to get a handle on the number of single women vs. single men in some of the age categories over 50. These are strictly estimates based on my interpretation of the stats. The ratio of single women to men is: • At ages 50-54, about even • At ages 60-64, close to 2.3 to 1 • At ages 70-74, close to 4 to 1 However, women are quick to point out that these ratios don’t capture the true picture, that the effective ratios are far

worse. Why? Women say that many of those single men included in the Census numbers aren’t relationship worthy, and they rattle off a litany of reasons why. Women say that men: • Tend not to go to social and singles events • Are too set in their ways • Are boring, out of shape, lazy, or not healthy enough for a relationship • Are grumpy • Expect to be waited on • Only want sex • Are only interested in younger women • Don’t want a committed relationship • Want a nurse and a purse It’s no wonder that women are asking, “Where are the men?” By age 70, with the above considerations included, the effective ratio may not be four-to-one, but six- or seven-to-one. Of course, single men have their own lists of why women aren’t relationship worthy. Widows don’t exactly have it easy either. In 2009, of women 65 and over, 41 percent were widows. There were four times as many widows (8.9 million) as widowers (2.1 million). When widows tell me they’d like to date a widower, they face a ratio of

BOOKS FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE A group of high school students from St. Margaret’s Episcopal School in September started a club they named Books for a Brighter Future. Club founders Victoria Lee (Dana Point), Alissa Ohanesian and Carolyn King (shown L to R in this photo by Michelle Schumacher) along with Harout Ohanesian, organized with a mission for sharing literature with local underprivileged youth and libraries. Their first major project was a book drive where they collected and then donated more than 4,000 books during the week prior to the school’s Christmas vacation. The club would like to thank the entire St. Margaret’s community for donating so generously to their cause. DP at least 4.2-to-one. They also ask, “Where are the men?” At a convention I attended a few years ago, a 43-year-old woman TV reporter said to keynote speaker Dr. Ruth Westheimer, “I can’t meet any single men. Where are they?” Dr. Ruth gave the best answer I’ve ever heard about the shortage of men: “The ratio is a fact of life, you can’t change it. However, if you put your mind to having a nice appearance, an openness to meeting new people, a willingness to do social things, and you have a positive attitude, you can effectively reduce the ratio.” Dr. Ruth also told the woman to ac-

knowledge the ratios, be aware of them, but not to dwell on them or complain about them, nor make excuses because of them. And then she added, “Commit to having a good life, with or without a man.” When single women realize that an important reason why they haven’t met a man is because the numbers are against them—that it has little to do with the women themselves—accepting the lack-of-men situation should be easier for them. To comment: tompblake@gmail.com. In January, there will be two singles 50+ meet and greet gatherings. On Thursday, January 10 and Thursday, January 24, from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. For information, see www.tutorandspunkys.com. DP





D a n a Po i nt



Through the use of numbers, we break down the week in prep sports at Dana Hills High. To check out this week’s full Dolphin Report, visit www. danapointtimes.com.

8 Current rank, as of January 7, of the Dana Hills boys basketball team in the CIF-SS Division 1A coaches polls.

59 Shooting percentage on the season for Dolphin senior guard Cory Blau, who is averaging 18.9 points per game. 9 Current match unbeaten streak of the Dana Hills girls soccer team after defeating South Coast League rival

San Clemente 3-0 on January 8. The Dolphins (6-0-3) were set to play Aliso Niguel January 10. Results were not available at press time.

the girls basketball 63-49 non-league loss to Beckman on January 5. Bloom poured in a season high 22 points in the loss.

7 Number of goals scored by the Dolphin boys soccer team in a 7-1 win against San Juan Hills in the team’s league opener on January 9.

8 Goals scored by sophomore Madison Baba in the Dana Hills girls water polo January 8 loss to San Clemente. Baba accounted for all but one of the Dolphins’ goals in a 14-9 loss in league play. —Steve Breazeale

6 Number of different players who notched goals in the boys soccer win on January 9. Senior Vicente Ruiz scored two goals in the contest. 5 Number of 3-pointers made by freshman guard Maddy Bloom in

Squid Fishing: A Messy, but Exciting Business DP Times reporter takes to the water to catch a glimpse of the jumbo squid By Steve Breazeale Dana Point Times


bout one week ago I got word from Dana Wharf general manager Donna Kalez that there were jumbo Humboldt squid being raked in by the fleets at a ridiculous rate. I checked the fish count online and saw squid numbers that I thought must have been typos. One hundred-forty squid caught on January 4. Not too shabby. But then that number jumped to 800 squid caught on January 6. Andrea Swayne, my editor and a squid fishing veteran, told me to get out on a boat to check it all out. So on January 8 I jumped aboard the Sum Fun out of Dana Wharf for the nighttime 5:30 p.m. trip to see if I could catch a few. I decided to do some prep work beforehand so I talked to captain Brian Wooley, a 17-year veteran of these waters, to see what I was up against. Wooley said that I’d definitely catch a lot (he’s obviously never seen me fish) and that he’s been seeing anglers pull in anywhere between five to

Sum Fun captain Chris Pica stops to pose with one of the jumbo Humboldt squid, which are running in the waters outside Dana Point Harbor, on January 8. Photo by Andrea Swayne

20 squid per night. He went on to describe how the squid tend to stick to deeper waters but they’ve lately been spotted chasing food near the surface. “(Squid) numbers like this are indicative of mass movement,” Wooley said. “They’re following food. They usually follow bait fish or the krill.” He also gave me hope when describing how the squid were essentially “dead weight” on the end of the lure once you caught one and that they were relatively easy to bring in, unlike a fish which can swim away and put up a better fight. So—he was telling me there’s a chance.

For a full version of this week’s Dolphin Report, please visit www.danapointtimes. com.

When I got aboard the Sum Fun I was greeted by captain Chris Pica and his crew and we set off on what would be a long trek out to deeper waters. I had never been night fishing before and it was an eerie but beautiful scene. It’s just the stars, the boat lights and dark waters all around you. We went south within view of the shoreline and reached our first destination. Pica told us to drop down to about 100 feet, where his fish tracker was pinging the squid. The 51 anglers on board who had been so calm up until that point jumped to the rail, wanting to be the first one to pull something in. Five minutes went by and nothing. Nada. Not even a nibble. Pica’s voice immediately poured out of the speakers up above and declared we were going to head toward the “mother lode” of squid spots. When we arrived it was only a matter of minutes until the first yell of “Gaff!” was heard from stern. And it was on. I’m talking squid-apocalypse. Pica and his crew were running around like madmen trying to keep up with the anglers who had pulled their squid to the surface. The cheerful “Ahh!” and “Oh Ya!” being yelled by the gaff crew motivated us all. By the end the deck, walls and just about everyone’s clothes were covered with squid ink. I even got sprayed in the face by one of the inky creatures, which must have been a satisfying last hurrah for him. We trekked back, waited for the crew to filet the 567 squid our boat had caught, and left happy and satisfied. That night, three Dana Wharf boats pulled in 1,810 squid. They topped that performance with a 1,855 squid night on January 9. And no, that’s not a typo. DP


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CLASSIFIEDS FOR RENT DANA POINT HARBOR OCEAN VIEW CONDO WITH POOL!! 2 Amazing 2 bedroom, 2 bath gated condo with panoramic ocean view from your balcony. Includes W/D hook ups, upgraded flooring & restrooms, recessed lighting, new paint & appliances. 2 underground parking spaces available. Property is ready to move in! Please call (909) 391-2129 for more detail information or viewing. TOWN HOME MISSION VIEJO $ 2,500 MONTH. Three bebroom, two bath, two car garage. Vaulted ceiling living room situated on a cul-de-sac in quiet neighborhood. In Mission Viejo High School, La Paz Intermediate School and Del Cerro Primary School districts and bust stop to Saddleback College in walking distance. Partially furnished or unfurnished. Enclosed back yard. No smokers. Pets negotiable. Call 817-475-9880.

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BUSINESS LISTINGS AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING Oasis Air Conditioning & Heating 949.420.1321 31648 Rancho Viejo Rd. Ste. A, www.oasisair.com

ARCHITECTURE - PLANNING Nona Associates-Raymond J. Nona A.I.A 949.496.2275 26901 Camino de Estrella, www.raynona.com

AUTO REPAIR Dana Point Auto 949.496.1086 34342 Coast Hwy., Unit B, Dana Point, Ca 92629

BEAUTY SALONS Mobile Salon Malina www.salonmalina.com

DERMATOLOGY Vorteil Dermatology and Aesthetic Science 33971 Selva Road, Ste. 200, www.vorteildermatology.com


PET GROOMING Dawgy Style 34085 Pacific Coast Hwy, Unit 112, www.alphadoggroomshop.com


delta G electrical 949.360.9282 PLUMBING CA #657214, www.deltagelectrical.com Chick’s Plumbing www.chicks-plumbing.com


Coffee Importers Espresso Bar 949.493.7773 34531 Golden Lantern, www.coffeeimporters.com



Patricia Powers 949.496.1900 24551 Del Prado, Ste. 364, pat.powers@cox.net State Farm/Ted Bowersox 949.661.3200 COMPUTER REPAIR & SERVICES 34085 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 204 www.tedbowersox.com San Clemente Computer & Network Services 949.240.8944 daniel@sanclementecomputer.com 949.276.1581 Statefarm/Elaine LaVine 34080 Golden Lantern, www.elainelavine.net Mills Construction 949.212.7699 Dana Point, www.millsbuilds.com: CA # 973483

LOCKSMITH Dana Point Lock & Security www.danapointlock.com





ICE CREAM Coffee Importers Scoop Deck 949.493.7773 34531 Golden Lantern, www.coffeeimporters.com

Coffee Importers Espresso Bar 949.493.7773 34531 Golden Lantern, www.coffeeimporters.com




Mobile Salon Malina 949.500.2909 San Clemente Preschool www.salonmalina.com 949.496.1957 163 Avenida Victoria, 949.500.2909 The Captain’s Chair 20 Monarch Bay Plaza, www.thecaptainschairdp.com www.sanclementepreschool.com



Danman’s Music School 949.496.6556 24699 Del Prado, www.danmans.com


Mary Kay Cosmetics & Career 949.248.2868 949.661.3984 Opportunities, Ind. Sales Director - Marline Adams, Kenny’s Music & Guitars 24731 La Plaza, www.kennysmusicstore.com www.marykay.com/madams2

BUSINESS • SPOTLIGHT VORTEIL (pronounced four-tile) is the first and only aesthetic dermatology center to focus exclusively on men’s skin and hair. Founded by a board-certified dermatologist, Vorteil specializes in hair restoration surgery for male pattern baldness and minimally invasive procedures to treat wrinkles, aging, leg veins, acne scarring, and other skin conditions. 33971 Selva Rd. Ste. 200, 949.276.2600, www.vorteildermatology.com

Beacon Printing - Brad & Judy Brandmeier 24681 La Plaza, Ste. 125 949.661.3877 UPHOLSTERY beaconprinting@sbcglobal.net 949.240.2292 Printing OC 949.388.4888 Dana Point Upholstery 24402 Del Prado 27134 Paseo Espada #B 203, www.printingoc.com Jeddy’s Yacht & Home Interiors 949.240.9569 34118 Pacific Coast Hwy, www.jeddys.com PSYCHOTHERAPY Corinne Rupert PhD, PsyD, MFT 949.488.2648 33971 Selva Rd. Ste. 125, www.danapointpsychotherapy.com


WINDOW & DOOR INSTALLATION Offshore Construction www.offshoreconstruction.org



Surterre Properties Monarch Beach, 949.464.3243 Bayside Window Cleaning, Inc. 949.215.2323 McDaniel Gilmore Group www.baysidewindowcleaning.com 33522 Niguel Rd. Ste. 100, Monarch Beach 92629 Clear Windows 949.485.8793 www.mcdanielgilmoregroup.com San Clemente, www.clearwindows-llc.com


Dylan’s Ding Repairs 949.607.9406 www.facebook.com/dylansdingrepairs

GET YOUR BUSINESS LISTED TODAY. Call Angela Edwards at 949.682.1667 or e-mail aedwards@danapointtimes.com.





D a n a Po i nt

GROM OF THE WEEK Brighton Reinhardt Age: 15, Cal Prep Academy Brighton Reinhardt of Dana Point has been building a successful record so far this season and is currently ranked among the top 10 in the Surfing America Prime series and the top 5 in the WSA for Boys U16. “My goals for the rest of the season include doing well at the WSA West Coast Championships, finishing strong in Prime and getting a good result at the U.S. Championships,” he said. “I am working hard and hoping to earn a spot on the PacSun USA Surf Team.” Brighton is putting in the time training with DSC and surfing as much as possible, usually at Lowers, his favorite local break. “Every time I surf I practice as if I’m in a heat, so I have more confidence every time I compete,” he said. Brighton’s long term goals include having a career as a professional surfer as well as attending college. As a high school freshman, Brighton is an ‘A’ and ‘B’ student who enjoys both the freedom of scheduling and the challenges of completing his course work via independent Brighton Reinhardt. Photo by Andrea Swayne study. While he’s not surfing or studying, Brighton enjoys playing the guitar. One of his biggest challenges as an athlete is a bone disorder he was diagnosed with as a baby. The condition affects his left tibia and the screws in his knee and ankle and the metal rod in his shin sometimes make surfing a bit painful. “The doctors say I should outgrow it, but for now I just do what I have to do and try not to let it bother me,” Brighton said. —Andrea Swayne

Pier Rat Challenge a Success for Local Surfers The WSA hosted the annual memorial event in conjunction with regular season Event No. 6 By Andrea Swayne Dana Point Times

February 2: SSS Orange County Middle School and High School, Event No. 4, San Clemente, Pier February 9-10: Surfing America Prime West, Event No. 5, San Onofre State Beach, Upper Trestles February 9: NSSA Southwest Explorer, Event No. 8, Oceanside Harbor, South Jetty February 16-17: WSA Championship Series, Event No. 7, Huntington Beach, Pier February 23-24: NSSA Southwest Open, Event No. 8, Dana Point, Salt Creek Gunner Day of San Clemente caught a big air in Boys U14 competition Sunday at the WSA Midget Smith Memorial Pier Rat Challenge at the San Clemente Pier. Photo by Sheri Crummer

nual event in his memory. Local surfers from San Clemente, Capo Beach, Dana Point and San Juan Capistrano made quite an impression, taking 26

trophies collectively. For more information including full results and more photos, log on to www. sanclementetimes.com. DP

Lexi Morgan, SC; 5. Samantha Sibley, SC; 6. Kirra Pinkerton, SC. GIRLS U14: 1. Meah Collins, Costa Mesa; 3. Alexxa Elseewi, SC; 5. Tera Richardson, CB. GIRLS U16: 1. Meah Collins, Costa Mesa; 4. Malia Osterkamp, SC; 6. Kirra Connolly, SC. GIRLS U18: 1. Samantha Lamirand, Cardiff by the Sea; 3. Lulu Erkeneff, DP; 4. Malia Osterkamp, SC. BOYS LONGBOARD U14: 1. Trevor Anderberg, Encinitas. JR. LONGBOARD U18: 1. Ricky Cunningham, San Diego; 5. Marco Colombatto, SC. GIRLS LONGBOARD U14: 1. Lexi Morgan, SC. GIRLS LONGBOARD U18: 1. Emmy Lombard, SC; 2. Lulu Erkeneff, DP; 5. Kyla Kelley, CB; 6. Teresa O’Connor, SJC. MEN 18-29: 1. Sean Johnson, Canyon Coun-

try; 2. Ricky Lovato, SC. MASTERS 30-39: 1. Paul Pugliesi, Oceanside. SENIOR MEN 40-49: 1. Pedro Diaz Rangel, Oceanside. LEGENDS 50+: 1. Javier Huarcaya, Oceanside; 3. Dale Baker, SC. OPEN MEN: 1. Sean Johnson, Canyon Country; 2. Cody Canzoneri, SC. OPEN WOMEN: 1. Heather Jordan, Oceanside; 4. Lulu Erkeneff, DP; 6. Kassy Eldridge, SC. OPEN MEN LONGBOARD: 1. Ricky Cunningham, San Diego; 2. Cody Canzoneri, SC. OPEN WOMEN’S LONGBOARD: 1. Lulu Erkeneff, DP; 2. Kyla Kelley, CB. SR. MEN LONGBOARD 40+: 1. Lance Albright, Huntington Beach. ADAPTIVE SURFERS: 1. Devin Eshelman, San Diego.

EVENT RESULTS First place and local finishers only. Key: San Clemente=SC, Dana Point=DP, Capistrano Beach=CB, San Juan Capistrano=SJC.

MICRO GROM BOYS/GIRLS SB U9: 1. Bane Corbett, SC; 5. Dane Matson, SC; 6. Logan Crossan, SC. BOYS/GIRLS U10: 1. Jett Schilling, SC; 2. Nicholas Coli, SC; 3. Patrick O’Connor, SJC; 6. Bane Corbett, SC. BOYS U12: 1. Zach McCormick, Encinitas; 3. Ryan Martin, SC; 4. Jett Schilling, SC; 6. Ethan Mudge, CB. BOYS U14: 1. Griffin Foy, Fullerton; 2. Noah Hohenester, SC; 5. Gunner Day, SC. BOYS U16: 1. Blake Dresner, Encinitas; 2. Conner Dand, SC; 6. Nick Melanson, SC. BOYS U18: 1. Noah Collins, Manhattan Beach; 3. Jordan Kudla, SC. GIRLS U12: 1. Tiare Thompson, La Jolla; 4. Dana Point Times January 11–17, 2013

January 12: SSS Orange County Middle School and High School, Event No. 3, Oceanside, Pier January 20-21: Surfing America Prime West, Event No. 4, Santa Cruz, Steamer Lane


he San Clemente-based Western Surfing Association hosted its annual Midget Smith Memorial Pier Rat Challenge in conjunction with event No. 6 of the season, January 5 and 6 at the San Clemente Pier. Despite frigid temperatures Saturday and rain on Sunday, more than 300 competitors from the Under 9 Micro Groms to the Legends enjoyed shoulder to overhead waves—depending on the size of the competitor. On Saturday, a Friends of Midget division ran concurrently with the Open Men’s division. The day also included a paddle out in memory of legendary shaper, judge and surfer Jeffrey “Midget” Smith who passed away in 2009 following a long battle with cancer. The Pier Rat Challenge was first held to raise money to help with Smith’s medical bills and has since become a treasured an-


Page 14

March 2-3: NSSA Southwest Open, Event No. 9, Ventura, C Street March 3: SSS Orange County Middle School and High School, Event No. 5, Huntington Beach, Goldenwest Street March 16-17: Surfing America Prime West, Event No. 6, Huntington Beach, Pier

SURF FORECAST Water Temp: 54-57˚F Water visibility, conditions: Local: 4-6’ Poor+, Catalina: 10-15’ Poor-Fair Long Range Outlook: More West-Northwest wind/groundswell on Friday with 2-4’ waves for most exposures as top breaks hit 5’, head high, on sets. Steady northwest winds due through Friday morning. The West-Northwest eases going into the weekend as the winds steadily drop for smaller but cleaner surf on Saturday. Waves continue to weaken through the weekend. Check out Surfline for all the details!


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