The City of Dana Point Community Services Department is excited to offer a variety of NEW Summer Camp experiences for ages 5-17!

The City of Dana Point Community Services Department is excited to offer a variety of NEW Summer Camp experiences for ages 5-17!
Spring is officially here and there’s no better time than the present to start thinking about your child’s extracurricular activities for the summer months, which is just around the corner. To help parents and guardians who are considering which camps to enroll their kids, we present our annual Summer Camp Guide. The issue is chock full of information on fun—and educational—programs that several local organizations are offering this year. Check out this section to find useful information and resources that can help you plan your hild’s summer activities.
Week 1: June 3-5
Week 2: June 10-12
Week 3: June 17-19
Week 4: July 8-10
Week 5: July 15-17
Week 6: July 22-24 8:30-11:00AM
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Neighbors to the Pacific Ocean, California has been a holy site for the advancement of sailing and has produced some of the greatest in history.
A number of these have come from Westwind Sailing, 34451 Ensenada Place, Dana Point, and once again this summer it will offer an opportunity for those interested in the endeavor to gain knowledge of the millennium’s long craft.
Diane Wenzel, executive director and owner, has seen Westwind produce some big names in sailing including, New Zealand Harbor Master and offshore sailor Nicole Carbone; Naval Academy grad and offshore sailor, Christopher Tate, and numerous Cal Maritime graduates: Adam Himelson, Nathan Prather, Erich Kruec and Kyle Baldovian, among others.
“We started Westwind in 1987 and we operate at the Orange County Sailing and Event Center, which is a public access, educational boating facility put together by the county,” Wenzel said. “We are providers of educational sailing and boating. That is our primary goal. We work with kids, adults, at-risk populations, special needs folks. We do private lessons, group lessons and day camps.
“We have a very formal program here. Because we don’t want to dis (disrespect) anyone from our programs for a lack of being able to pay, we also offer over 100 scholarships every year so we can get a good cross-section of our actual population. We work with a nonprofit that gets grants from the state for educational safe boating.”
Open all year, 85% of their operations happen between April and September.
The summer camps run Monday to Friday and offer different levels of education and age brackets. They also have paddling programs with kayaks and stand-up paddle. Kids aged 6 through their teens and adults also can get involved so they can participate with their kids.
Sessions run June 3 to Aug. 16 with Mini Mates Day Camp for kids ages 6 to 8 with prices at $575 per week ($345 for the week of July 1 to 3) for beginning sailing and safety being taught. The Wayfarer Camp is for kids 8 to 10 ($598/$359) with lessons in the importance of ocean safety and safe boating along it rigging and sailing skills development.
The Voyager Day Camp is for ages 11 to 13 ($615/$369) is an advanced model of the previous camps and there are also many other offerings.
The Intro to Sailing Clinic ($75) runs on Saturdays on June 1, June 29, July 20, Aug. 3 and Aug. 31 for ages 15 and older, Adult Sailing I ($372) for 18 and older will run June 8 to June 29, July 13 to Aug. 3 and Aug. 10 to Aug. 24. Adult Sailing 2 ($372 for 18-and-older) runs June 2 to 23, July 14 to Aug. 4, and Aug. 11 to Aug. 25. There is also Family Sailing ($162 per adult, $132 for minors aged seven and older) which runs June 2 to June 16, June 23 to July
14, and July 21 to Aug. 4.
For more information about Westwind camps, call 949.492.3035 or westwindsailing.com
“We are a U.S. sailing-certified community sailing center and we have the highest standard of excellence and safety in the country,” Wenzel said. “We do offer programming with STEM education and our instructors are U.S. certified, CPR- and first aid-certified. We have been offering these programs since 1987.
“Each program is a maximum of a week, but there are progressive programs so students can enroll in a program for multiple weeks and will achieve different levels that you can register for or to enjoy the program,” Wenzel said.
“They’re getting the education that they need to progress and enhance and expand on their skills.”
Westwind is stocked full of instructors ,and the camps cap at 18 students. The staff includes instructors, assistant instructors, volunteers and others.
“Some are former students who are getting job and leadership experience,” Wenzel said. “We’ve had Olympians, Naval Academy grads, and one of my students when he grad-
uated college, he outfitted a boat and sailed it single-handedly around the world. These kids
have gone on to do a lot of amazing things.
“But what people are looking for is our record, our safety, our history. We are one of the premier sailing schools in the country. We’re consistently voted the best in Dana Point.”
Wenzel said the skills obtained are great, but it all comes down to the experience.
“Being able to do that using the wind, to harnessing the wind, to make the boat go is kind of an empowering thing,” Wenzel said. “That sort of carries over into other areas of people’s lives. Sailing itself. Boating safety is critical because we have a lot of water and a lot of people go out boating and have basic knowledge of how boats operate, right of way rules safety, such as wearing a life jacket before you go out.
“Accidents and such don’t tend to happen because we have a hurricane and people are out to sea, they tend to happen on beautiful, calm, sunny days where people aren’t really thinking about things happening, and it’s just a series of little things that keep adding up. We provide a lot of education. that help people deal with critical situations. Our biggest focus is safety.”
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Cooking up good times for Dana Point kids a year ago, the city’s recreation department decided on an encore in 2024.
This summer, Dana Point recreation manager Melissa Muraira and company are bringing back Teen Cuisine after a successful 2023 summer run.
Sessions are June 17 to June 21 and July 22 and July 26 for kids aged 11 to 17 for $200. For more information, visit danapoint.org.
“The goal of that is our staff is basically trying to give them easy recipes that they can create at camp and then recreate at home,” Muraira said.
“Things that are just pretty simple to make but also good, because if you have a teenager or you had a teenager at some point, they eat like my son eats second dinner — is what we call it. He eats dinner and then before he goes to bed, he’s like, ‘I’m still hungry, and I want more.’ I was like, ‘You need to take Teen Cuisine, because I don’t want to make more food for you.’
“It is a way to engage and learn the essential cooking techniques and they work in a group setting. We usually pair them with one other person, and they’ll learn basic kitchen safety. How to measure ingredients, and how
to create easy-to-make dishes. We provide all the food here for them to do that. They don’t have to bring anything.”
When all is done, the kids take home a cookbook for recipes. Muraira said there will be a maximum of 12 kids per session.
“We have a commercial kitchen here on site,” Muraira said. “We set them up basically in a multipurpose room with tables and they have burners on them, and instructors are at the front of the room.”
Last year, the initial Teen Cuisine camps brought in about eight kids who signed up, and Muraira got glowing reviews from those who participated.
“The instructors had a great time, and they said they wanted to do it again (this) year, and I thought maybe we should do two next year,” Muraira said.
“It was successful from my measure of firsttime camp at a place where people don’t really look for camps, because there’s not many to choose from.”
Muraira said the goal is to continue to provide more camp offerings in Dana Point.
“We’re hoping that they’re successful and that people in this community want them here and that (they’re) start knowing that we’re a place for that,” Muraira said.
“We’re doing a lot of advertising. We’re
doing flagpole banners, social media and fliers. We’re doing a big push for it — a big marketing campaign this year just to say, ‘Hi, look over here. We have camps now because we didn’t have them before.’ The first part is making people aware of what we’re offering them.”
Erica Peter, Dana Point recreation specialist, participated a year ago.
“We had mostly girls last year, and we did have one 11-year-old boy which was awesome. We were stoked that he stuck it out,” Peter said.
“The kids were really engaging with each other, and it was really sweet to see. It was a process of seeing them grow together and become friends and start interacting.”
Peter said these lessons can also help a child prepare meals when they are home and unable to have a parent readily available.
“They can just grab from the fridge and throw something together,” Peter said. “So, we did eggs, bacon and sausage and quick pancakes. We also did something easy like spaghetti and meatball dinner.
“Your first time you’re not sure how people are going to take it. They just kept coming back every day for class. Then when it was done, I think all of them were like, ‘We can’t wait for next year.’”
uilting is one of the more relaxing hobbies for people of all ages, so why not allow kids to learn the skill?
Dana Point’s Recreation Department has summer activities planned for quilting classes for kids, and this will be the first time it is held by the city, according to Melissa Muraira, recreation manager.
Dates and costs for attendance were not available at press time, but interested people can get more information by calling 949.248.3536 or visiting danapoint.org/ recreation.
“This actually came from one of our rec leaders here,” Muraira said. “She has a really cool way to do quilts to where you don’t need a sewing machine and you can use pieces of fabric to put together a quilt. It’s kind of a passion of hers.
“She came to me and said, ‘I would love to do this.’ She put together the proposal for it, and the supplies are pretty simple. She’ll talk about the history of quilting and where it came from. The kids will get to do
kind of their own unique pattern and get creative.”
Keeran Reidling is the woman behind the idea, and she will entertain a parent and child or just the little ones or adults solo. The ages of the students can be ages 8 to 17.
“It’s going in the children’s summer camp section, and I am hoping to develop it into an adult class eventually in the fall,” Reidling said. “My background in quilting is solely hand quilting, traditional quilting methods and designs. We’re going to do one block, and then they can take the pattern that they’ll make and go on to do a fullsize quilt, and they’ll be doing a hand-quilted wall hanging during the camp.
“It’s traditional quilting; no machines. We’re doing everything by hand. It’s really to teach the concept of quilting and the elements that sort of make it up.”
Quilting and other activities like it can bring a sense of calm and quiet to those who take on the challenge, and Reidling said she likes to play calm music during the execution of the act.
“Each of them talks a little bit about what
they’re hoping to learn. I give them choices of fabrics,” she said. “I have kids that they get to know them a little bit through their choices of fabrics and things like that. I definitely love teaching kids, and I’ve taught lots of kids how to quilt in the past.”
Reidling teaches at the high school level and educates those students on how to quilt as well. Some tell her it is something they wish they could have done as a younger person.
“That’s why we had the idea to do a course that was open to some younger kids,” she said.
Reidling is a self-proclaimed “hobby quilter,” having done art quilts using handdyed fabrics and portrait quilting.
“I started sewing when I was 8 years old and I’m 62 now,” she said. “I like the geometry side of it. I like the precision of it. Those are my two favorite things about quilting.
“I made a quilt for a family in Colorado from a photograph view from a big picture window in their home. I had hand-dyed all the fabrics and made a quilt of a photograph. That was my favorite one.”
Muraira said she has been in her current profession for almost 20 years and she has never seen a quilting camp for kids, but sewing was offered.
“I think that it would be something that people would be interested in,” Muraira said. “There are a lot of creative kids out there who want to make something that they can then use like the sewing class.
“We’ll market it and see what happens. When you come up with new ideas you kind of take a chance sometimes to see if it works.”
Horses have played a major role in the advancement of civilization. Some might argue without them, civilization might not quite be where it is today.
Well, the prestigious animal will also play a role in the enjoyment of several kids this summer with Gladstone Equestrian held at San Juan Capistrano Equestrian Centre, 26282 Oso Road in San Juan Capistrano. Gladstone is owned by Joanne Gladstone.
Once again, it will host summer camps that will run from late June to the end of July with four weekly sessions (June 24 to 28, July 8 to 12, July 15 to 19, and July 22 to 26). Tuition will be $850 each week with additional hours available at $85 per hour. One day of camp is $250 and is ideal for kids coming by from outside the area, according Gladstone.
Camps will run from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily and one can request a camp enrollment form by email to joanne@gladstoneequestrian.com.
The camps will consist of these opportunities for those who attend:
•Lots of bonding time with the horse
•Grooming the horses
•Horsey art projects
•Learning about the anatomy, colors, and breeds
•Giving the horses a bubble bath
•Preparing each horse’s lunch
•Caring for the equipment
•Decorating the horses with paint and glitter
“We mostly have a lot of horseback lessons all day long, we care for the horses, keep them exercised, and meet all their nutritional and medical needs per horse,” Gladstone said of her business.
“It’s keeping them happy and healthy and we teach the children and adults how to ride the horses and prepare them for horse shows. Most of the students go on to compete.”
With at least a dozen horses on-site and even more equestrian students, Gladstone has built a reputation as one of the better facilities for horse education all year round.
“I was doing the camp back in the ’80s,” Gladstone said. “I’ve taken a break here and there, but I’ve been doing it for a very long time. We’ve taken as many as 16 per week. Parents are begging us to take their children, but we try to stay closer to 10. That’s kind of our magic number. We will go over it if pushed to do so.
“We’re equipped to take care of them and we have a lot of horses.”
Gladstone participated in camps when she was 9 years old, and she has owned and/or
dealt closely with horses ever since.
“I am just giving kids that opportunity,” Gladstone said. “Every kid wants to ride horses, right? Then they get on and do the work, and some kids go, ‘It’s no problem,’ and others don’t want to work that hard. I feel like at least I can give them that opportunity to have horses in their life.
“We get students that stay on, and some of my best riders started as little kids in camp with me. Now they are teenagers and champions. They are like family.”
Gladstone doesn’t just love horses; she has immense respect for them.
“(Historically, we ate them, right? — chased them off the cliffs and ate them for survival,”
she said. “Then we use them for everything — war, transportation, (city building). You know what’s interesting? We’ve been domesticating horses for so long, they’re still a little bit wild. They still have instincts that wild horses have. You know, they get just like cats. They have the same thing, too.
“Horses are big, strong animals — they get scared, they can become dangerous. Getting a horse to trust you when they’re fearful, it takes a lot of trust. You got to be fair; that’s what I tell my students. You have to be firm and fair. You can’t just snatch on the reins real hard. If you ask them to do something and they don’t want to, then you need to be firm. So that’s a big part of teaching.”
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Dana Point Community Center
34052 Del Obispo Street, Dana Point 949-248-3530 • danapoint.org/recreation
The City of Dana Point is excited to offer a variety of summer camps at the Dana Point Community Center for kids ages 5 to 17. The summer camp lineup includes musical theater, baseball, soccer, tennis, pickleball, cooking, robot building, animation, cultures around the world, jewelry design, quilt making, science, arts and crafts, cartooning and comic creation, and more! Registration is open, with early registration discounts ending May 15. To view the full class schedule with detailed descriptions, visit bit.ly/DPRecreation.
Experience the magic of summer arts camp! Arts-X-press is Pacific Symphony’s overnight arts immersion program where sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade arts lovers come together to explore the arts, nourish their sense of self, and make lasting friendships. At arts-X-press, everyone gets the opportunity to play music, sing, act, dance, write and make visual art — all in a supportive and noncompetitive environment. Tuition: $900 (financial aid available to all). Learn more online.
Etnies Skatepark of Lake Forest stands out as an exceptional venue for kids to discover the thrill of skateboarding and form lasting bonds. The park’s top-notch facilities and dedicated staff provide a nurturing environment for young skaters to hone their skills and build confidence.
With supportive instructors and a welcoming atmosphere, kids learn to skate and forge meaningful friendships, creating unforgettable experiences in a vibrant community setting.
Join South Coast Conservatory for an awesome 32nd-anniversary summer! Learn new things and meet new friends all summer long! Five-day camps for ages 4-10 include hip-hop, ballet, cheer, acting and singing, and circus tricks. Choose a specialized dance intensive for intermediate and advanced levels (ages 7 to 17). All camps present a show on the final day and extended camp options are available. All classes are taught by certified instructors, who are focused on your child’s safety and happiness.
OC Sailing & Events Center 34451 Ensenada Place, Dana Point Harbor 949-492-3035
Welcome aboard! Westwind has been providing educational, community, boating programs since 1987: Sail and SUP camps (spring break and summer), adaptive sailing, after-school programs and boating classes for all ages and skill levels. Westwind is a 2023 DP Times People’s Choice winner for Best Camp for Kids. And we’re a U.S. Sailing, Community Sailing Center and STEM Hub. Boating scholarships are available.
Camp, like many Y programs, is about developing character, learning new skills and making friends. YMCA of Orange County summer camps foster passions and provide opportunities to create lifelong memories. Campers become a community as they engage in physical, social and enrichment activities. Find the camp that’s perfect for your child at our website.
Several camp activities are getting set for summer offerings around Orange County and a few will take place in our backyard.
To find out more about the various offerings, visit danapoint.org, unless otherwise noted.
Some other offerings include:
Dana Point Musical Theater
For students ages 7-17 and the cost is $200 for a session set for June 3 to June 7. Keeran Reidling will head the camp and direct the acts performed. She said the variety will allow for students to showcase their talents at the end of the week.
“It’s the first time we’re doing it and I am really looking forward to teaching it,” Reidling said. “I’m currently a technical theater teacher at Dana Hills High School and I have a long history in theater. I will be recruiting from our local middle school. I’ve chosen the music for it and if we get older students I will do more contemporary musical theater.
“If we get people who can sing solos and duets, then we’ll do more of that. If we don’t, we’ll do more group numbers. I’ll tailor it based upon the age and ability level of the students who we get.”
The camp will wrap with a performance on the last night. Reidling describes it as “a sort of Broadway review,” with about a half-dozen musical numbers.
Shea Center Summer Horse Camp
Registration is open for camps that will run from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. during the week from June through August.
Priority is given to active Shea Center, 26284 Oso Road in San Juan Capistrano, clients and the available spots can be taken by members of the public. The camp is $500 per camper for five days. There will also be a one-day camp offering for $100.
The camp is an integrated, five-day experience for kids with and without disabilities in a “beautiful equine setting,” led by adaptive riding instructors working with kids daily.
Campers participate in a daily riding lesson and delve into horsemanship skills such as grooming and leading. For more information, visit sheacenter.org
Other Dana Point offerings
June 3 to June 7
• Be a Science Olympian: ages 10 to 13, $140
• Baseball Infield Specialty Clinic: ages 10 to 14, $225
• Pickleball Camp: ages 9 to 12, $180
June 10 to June 14
• Think Like a Scientist/Create Like an Engineer: ages 10 to 13, $150
• Baseball Pitching Specialty Clinic: ages 10 to 14, $225
• Art and Architecture: ages 5 to 12, $225
June 17 to June 21
• Tennis Camp for Kids: ages 5 to 17, $119
• World Cup Soccer Camps: ages 5 to 13, $249
June 24 to June 28
• Inventors Workshop: ages 5 to 12, $225
• Artsy Cooking: ages 6 to 12, $250
July 1 to July 3
• Artsy Cooking: ages 6 to 12, $150
July 8 to July 10
• Stop Motion Animation: ages 5 to 12, $205
• Tennis Camp for Kids: ages 5 to 17, $119
• Jewelry Design and Craft Creation: ages 6 to 12, $230
July 15 to 19
• Cultures and Art Around the World: ages 5 to 12, $230
• Baseball Hitting Specialty Clinic: ages 10 to 14, $225
July 22 to 26
• Robot Building: ages 6 to 12, $240
• Baseball Infield Specialty Clinic: ages 10 to 14, $225
July 29 to Aug. 2
• Tech Kids - Minecraft: ages 5 to 12, $200
• Tennis Camp for Kids: ages 5 to 17, $119
• World Cup Soccer Camps: ages 5 to 13, $249
• Arts and Crafts Camp: ages 8 to 12, $200
Aug. 5 to 9
• Anime, Cartooning and Comic Creation: ages 5 to 12, $200
Aug. 12 to 16
• Arts and Crafts Camp: ages 8 to 12, $200