Journal part b pages

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Studio Air Journal

Dan Chai 387426

Contents B.1. Deisgn Focus


B.2. Case Study 1.0


B.3. Case Study 2. 0


B.4. Technique: Development


B.5. Technique: Prototype


B.6 Techniqie Proposal


B.7. Learning Outcomes


B.8. Appendix -Algorithmic Sketch


B.9. Reference

B.1.Design Focus

Based on my previous architecture discourse topic, Architecture should be regarded as revolution of construction. I would try to narrow this topic typically, and by focusing on materials itself to discover what relation in materials and architecture, materials and construction. In this case, we prefer to research bamboo, a kind of timber, because we believe that the real nature material represents and figures out nature’ effect on architecture. As known timber as the one of the aboriginal materials for construction, we realized that timber could work better than some complex materials. We try to demonstrate different materials would perform in different form of structure. Hence, after case study, we believe that bamboo which owns excellent nature flexibility could achieve some parametric modeling. Furthermore, we choose grid as one of our important start to deeply focus on relation between construction and architecture. Grid should be the best form to explore how structure works in designing. And we want to challenge that grid could be form structure with parametric designing, and meanwhile avoid a kind patterning .

B.2.Case Sudy 1.0 SG2013 Grid Shell

In this design, it focus on the design and construction of a wooden grid shell which only use straight wood members bent along geodesic lines on a relaxed surface. By using parametric tools, it developed and analyzed to minimize material waste while maximizing its architectural presence in the space. Additionally, this design explored more how material properties could be embedded within parametric design and analysis environments. And this design developed and focus on timer grid shell as they could investigate the integration of generative and analytic digital tools with materials reality. Based on study of this case, we were aware that several material prosperities such as wood grain orientation and density and their relationship with bending stresses, member profiles and joinery techniques. Generally, this design experiment with building parametric models that integrate these material and geometric parameters through the use of Grasshopper, Kangaroo and Karamba. And they also figure out that the development of those models through evolutionary design process involving use of algorithms and physical testing.







In this case study, we try to mimic SG2012 grid shell’s structure by using Grasshopper. The most important component here is using shift and point list. Firstly, we create some curved lines in one structure, and we want make this more complex. Meanwhile , it still could show how grid shell share force towards all lines in structure. In picture T1, we could clearly find simple structure of this design. Then, we moved to add same number of points in each loops. From T2 to T3, we might think if there are not enough points in each loop, it would work well as a grid shell. Because those lines would overlap in some part of structure. That is to say, if it overlap without touching each other, the force would not be shared to all direction from middle loop. Hence , we change integer in Grasshopper, we established some testing from 20, 30 and 40 points in T4, T5 and T6 picture showed. The result was satisfactory so that we go on to shift lines in this structure. According to SG2012 grid shell, we know that every crossing and touching points would be fixed by nails. So if we adopt T6, owns 40 points in each loops, there will be thousands joints. And if we do not ignore length and weight of joints, they may influence results of testing stability of structure. However , we believe that T4 and T5 could provide visual impact to public, and it fit with digital and physical requirement.

Seeting points in each loop, by changing count’s integer.

Doing shift points

B.3.Case Study 2.0

Bamboo Wing

By Vo Trong Nghia

This project was inspired from nature, and called Bamboo wing which showed taking the form from bird wings ad floats over the nature landscape of the site situated near Hanoi, Vietnam. The architect aims to study bamboo and the potential space he can create by using bamboo not only as a finishing material but as a structure one. From the picture , we could find that the building is a pure bamboo structure without steel or other artificial structure materials. This is an achievement not only in terms of structures in bamboo but it also creates a new trend for new ecological materials. Hence, digital skill here provided more accurate algorithm for keep this wing structure works. Each bending beams made by bamboo, need to be arranged in parametric way.


In this matrix, in order to combine design idea with our topic, grid. We begin to create numbers of grids on a wing’s surface. We use “lunch box” in Grasshopper, and just choose some simple grid to fit in this surface. We find that first row, diamond grid could work well in this surface, but it looks a little simple and normal. And second row showed square grid, in this grid we think it could not absolutely display bamboo’s bending performance. After that , we tried hexagon and truss grid. For these two grids, by considering only long bamboo could achieve best bending, we gave up these two. Finally, we think last one could represent what we need in this design. Bamboo through bending to form this structure , meanwhile the grid could be achieved by bamboo’s crossing , shifting and bending.

First, we loft a crossing ,standing surface. We want to create grid on this surface. Because they are two crossing cruved walls, the curved part we would like to achieve by using shift point. Hence ,we restrict point on three lines of one surface .

B.4. Technique : Development 1. After many times reforming , we realized that the case study one could not show how relationship between bamboo’s properties and grid. So we keep the beginning loft surface, then we bake it into some abstract forms. However, during testing , we suddenly find that we still need to consider about structure problem. Whether bamboo’s bending could achieve so huge bending ? We decide to add one more horizontal beam in wing’s part. However, the more lines added in to design, we need to find more shift points , and make them fit in form.

2. From above testing result, we could see that those two middle lines just over the shape. At the same time, the shifting of lines in structure, did not work well. It only shift part of lines.

We need to change this , what we want is grid .

3. At last we found that while we add two new lines in middle, we did not change count number for each lines. And we miss one shift point to connect final Geodestic.

B.5. Technique : Prototype Details Drawing

In this project, we prefer to use the joints above. First 1 and 2, just displaying how eadge and boundary ‘s joints, becasue bamboo’s bending needs two fixed points. And we create many grids in this form , so there will be many bamboo fixed on one point . The pipe extention could work well for this function, and it is stronger than bamboo, so it could do fixing job. And we tring to avoind any destory on bending bamboo, so in crossing joints, we adopt cut a small curve in each crossing area. Then using wire two fixed together., like aboriginal people doing .

Bamboo Properties Testing Test 1

Test 2

Firstly , we directly to bend the bamboo. As known, bamboo owns strong flexibility and bending performance. It could work from 180 degree to around 75 degree. Howver, if you try to bend less than 75 degree, it will break like left picture showed.

We use fire to burn the bamboo, then force it to the curve we need. Drop it into cold water. It will keep curve and its own flexcibility. But this way may influence on bamboo’s look and color. From left picture , we could find that the curved points in bamboo become black which caused by fire. And another important change is the burning only form a point to curve rather than a smooth curve.

Test 3

Test 4

Compared with burning, we use steaming way. Let bamboo steam like 5 mins, it could smoothly bend and hold this bending result for 1-2 mins, it will display perfect smooth curve.

In fact, bamboo also own its age, and we can divide into 3 ages. 0-3 fresh bamboo. owns good bending performace, and can bear water ‘s effect . 3-6 strongest bamboo. best performance in bending , and good strengh after 6, bamboo will lose strength. become old.

B.6. Technique Proposal

We are trying to research materials itself, hence based on its own properties to finish our design. I think in our project, we provide pure way to explore the relationship between materials and architecture. Let us review our discourse topic, architecture could be as ascension above engineering . Architecture needs to consider site, materials, public influence and so on . So what we do in this project, we use parametric designing to complete our design, because materials’ flexibility always display a liner change and we need help from computing algorithm. In this project, Grasshopper gave us lead to easily adjust structure and shift points. We choose bamboo so that we need to use parametric skill to design some regular transform in our design. In fact, it is because parametric design , we could get many design testing result, hence we choose the best one we want. I believe that our project is strong in discovery relationship between materials and architecture. The achievement of this project could provide us more critical thinking about nature material use in architecture. Meanwhile, It offers another access to close nature , restore nature in people’s daily life.

B.7. Learning Ourcomes

1. After middle presentation, we will try to use innovate methods to demonstrate local dwelling house. 2. Before this, we worried about how bamboo’s bending performance. Sometimes, it still owns some uncontrolled element. Because the form we design looks like a wing, each bamboo should bend in accurate degree and keep stable. 3. In fact, what we still need to do is provide more skills in parametric skills. We might do joints in Grasshopper so it could be a completed design. 4. Our joints need to be changes. An aboriginal way should improve in nowadays. We may use steel fixing crossing joints. 5. We also to do more testing on force analysis. The wings need bear large pressure and gravity. So we might change its area or decrease its height. 6. Also we did much more research on bamboo, we still need to know how and why bamboo bend. If we know this, we could control bamboo’s bending performance. 7. In further design, we might change grid on our form. Add more interesting and attractive grids.

B.8. Appendix Algorithmic Sketch


1. Bamboo Wing / Vo Trong Nghia, 2. SG 2012 GridShell, 3.SmartGeometry, w=article&id=134%3Agridshell-digital-tectonics&catid=44&Itemid=131 4.Bamboo property, 5. Mechanical properties of bamboo, mechanical_properties/referat2.html. 6. PHYSICAL, CHEMICAL, AND MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BAMBOO AND ITS UTILIZATION POTENTIAL FOR FIBERBOARD MANUFACTURING, Xiaobo Li, B.S. Beijing Forestry University, 1999 M.S. Chinese Academy of Forestry, 2002

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