Sm2 journal part A

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Architecture Design Studio: Air Journal

Dan Chai 387426

Context Introduction ---------------------------------p3 Part A Architecture as Discourse-------------------- p5-10 Computational Achitecture ------------------p11-18 Parametric Modeling------------------------- p19-26 Learning outcomes--------------------------- P27 Algorithmic Exploration--------------------- p29-32





I am Dan, and I’m third year architecture student. I am enjoying designing, because while I try to create something with my idea, I could feel passionate and exciting. Before this, I did not know what parametric design is, and how it relate to architecture design. I like Zaha’s works, and prefer to design my work with those continuous modern lines to create some buildings. And I think, maybe, after studying in Studio Air, I could begin with new skills in Rhino, and walk into a new designing stage about skills and thinking. In the Studio Earth and Studio Water, I prefer to use sketch-up for digital modeling. And I find that the Rhino with grasshopper is different from Sketch-up, I will talk about this in later pages.


Architecture As Discourse Sometimes, We might wonder what

architecture is. In different people’s opinions, there were several definition of architecture. In general, when we see a building, we might regard it as engineering. But if when we see a “beautiful” building, we might think this as a kind of public art installation. So most of people would define architecture as combination of arts and engineering. However, with time goes by, we would think what architecture actually is. Once, I realized that architecture was not only designing buildings, it was the urban symbol. When you went to a city, the most impressive thing is a famous build or landmark. Architecture influenced on people’s visual and immaterial feeling, meanwhile, it also changed city’s economy and social status. Such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum Bilbao,1997, As known, Bilbao was in low ebb of economy at that time, and local government decided to build a museum which could save this city. And this Gehry’s design was successfully save this city, it became one of the most famous building all over the world and it attract many visitors who come from many coun-


On the other hand, when we design a building in architectural style, we might consider about some natural elements. For instance, building’s location is related to local geology, so we think this as Earth in nature. Then, the other four main elements in nature, Water, Air and Fire are all important for consideration in designing. That is to say, architecture could be a kind of spirit of nature, because it concludes all main elements of nature. From Louis Sullivan’s argument, we could discover more for natural spirit. He treated architecture as a tree in nature, and we know that a tree need nutrition form soil( Earth), CO2 (Air) sunshine(Fire) and Water in nature. In addition, some ornaments of buildings could be regarded as leaves of a tree. Generally, we could define architecture as nature spirit.




ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011

Based on studying about precedent, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2011. we could find rela-

tionship between nature and architecture. Because in this design, we could find interaction between the biological idea behind and the installation process and experience. In accordance with parametric design, it allows flexible and convenient installation, and it aims to achieve the balance between biological idea and architectural structure. Generally, the repeating hexagons were designed based on the morphology of sea urchin.

In this design, it demonstrates that a pavilion not only act as refuge or rest area, this pavilion is also acting as public or local symbol. Because it uses parametric method in the alteration of shapes and size to fit the overall architecture. Furthermore, we are aware that the use of light to contrast the interior empty spaces and the plywood pattern. So this design maintain arts and engineering, and the designer try to perform this pavilion as public symbol and public art installation.



Computational Architecture With the development of technology, the new computer and fabrication technology bring some challenges and influence on modern architecture. But based on my thinking about computational architecture, I consider computation as a double sides sword. Because it works in different roles in different stages of designing. First of all, around 50 years ago, draft sketch was the result of architecture’s first inspiration and thinking. They depended on a pen and a paper so that they could optionally and quickly draw something with their thinking, then recorded all things they thought and changed with their new ideas. But if we ignore the beginning draft sketch , we directly use computer help us change architecture from arts work to industrial production. We utilized the computer’s copying and standardization to push architecture as a commercial product.

implementation phase of the design in the construction scheme, computational design is particularly important’ architects can build building model using CAD technology, on the construction of internal and external environment of various checking calculation, and design work further on the basis of the results. Such as building sunlight analysis, ground wind field simulation, climate modeling, the inside of the building thermal environment simulation, analysis of sound, lighting analysis, provides fast, accurate, hitherto unknown visual analysis method for designer. Prior to this, most of these jobs require designers to spend a lot of energy for the manual calculation, even rely on experience to judge the general situation.

Moreover, while we try to create model of building which could show design’s idea. A physical needs to be worked for long time and cost too much, and also, architects would not expediently changed model with some generating ideas. However, computation would easily completed this work. Even, architects could depend on some powerful function to create some more original idea and expand their design progress. Generally speaking, the architectural design is still focused on industrial design, especially when entering into the



China Wood Sculpture Museum MAD 13


The China wood sculpture museum looks like a icicle-shaped wood, where located in north of

China, Haerbin. As the new culture district, this museum would be cultural landmark in this city. This design came from a piece of wood, and while put this wood into this cold city, it was frozen . Otherwise, we could find that this design absorbed this winter city’s nature features, so it combine two different arts style together, Ice sculpture and architecture. The interior of the museum combines two different exhibitions connected by a centralized entrance which both separates the two museums while simultaneously joining them, achieving a symbiotic relationship. Skylights flood daylight into the voids adjacent to the galleries, creating optimum viewing conditions and scenic moments in and around the building. From this design, we could realize that the museum has became the local urban symbol by its special shape and art installation. And also, this museum absolutely demonstrate the combination of nature, and showed natural elements in its design. In addition, what I want to discuss is computational skills in this design. The designer began this design inspirited from a wood. And when he and his partners use computer to begin design, we might see some systematic changes and transform in shape, it seems like some regular warping. And this work should be worked by computer, and solve some construction problems. Because this design used steel to create frames for structure. It is really hard by hand working, so that computation would help deal with some construction and structure problems in final stage



Galaxy SOHO- Zaha Hadid

Zaha designed this commercial building, and one of the

themes learnt from Chinese courtyard's idea which aims to create a inner world. Meanwhile, this one is different tradition Chinese courtyard, it is an absolute modern architecture buildings. Because, there is no rigid rectangle space between blocks, but it through the rounded body mass coalesce ,fusion, separation and re-connect flyover by stretching, creating a continuous and co-evolution and internal flow lines form a continuous movement. Another design theme inspired by Chinese traditional terraces. Parametric design itself through modern digital technology will be refined natural form, which blend with modern civilization. This project constantly stretch the floor full of changes and platforms of the various spaces together organically, like mountain terraces, and continuously, dreamlike. In architectural design strategies to this entry through the integration of the monomer to create a spectacular whole. Each building has its individual atrium and transport core, and at different levels fused together to create a rich flow of space and an outdoor terrace with views. As known, Zaha Hadid is famous for her unique streamline in architecture. And from her Galaxy SOHO, we see how she use her unique arts streamline to design. From the outlook, it only have to be worked on computer, because computer could create those wonderful circle in different level. And also, only computation could calculated how the structure work. By contrast other commercial building , it provide new theme and design progress to generate modern architecture. 17


Parametric Modeling In

fact, when we think parametric design, we should know what parametric modeling is . Parametric design can be defined as building a mathematical or geometrical relationship flow by specific scripting software, which is controlled by multi-parameters according the design purpose. This new technology and design method brings considerable advantages for architecture design. Parametric design of the biggest confusion is the attitude, software and not representative of the attitude of the people using the software. Gehry uses very traditional or classical design methods, an important promoter, is parameterized software to him, only for the realization of parametric software engineering means, the most in the end of design chain. While Hernan attention to him in the form and style, totally do not care about how a parameterization. A variety of advanced with a different attitude, but with the same technique, then called the same name. Perhaps we should not say all design called parametric design, some should be parameterized construction; some should be parameterized drawing, parametric design is not produced in the theory, but in practice. In fact, there is not a designer generated entirely on parametric technology itself, and the parametric approach seems to be more like the use of parametric technology the architects’ attitude, accurately grasp the essence or the architect behind the fact itself for cultural sites and clever choice ability, I seem to be sure, the parametric cannot become an independent martial art, even now he has become an important technique into other sects, and parameter cannot be measured technology behind the merits of the standard real standards or operating parameter technology thought, parameter is not an inevitable result, also not necessarily wise to go, but he is also the world building industry input mental long field, worthy of our study.



Water Cube in Beijing



Water and architecture are no longer means for decoration, and become a profound “building� de-materialize deconstructed building itself, in order to achieve a non-boundary, variable, fantasy ethereal possible. Water bubbles form under microscopic molecular structure through mathematical theory of deduction, is amplified for the construction of the organic space frame body structure, which became the building itself.

Parametric modeling in this work, it provide modern streamline in non plate facade. And also, it changed architecture original design progress.

In this design, the parametric modeling provide a large number of calculation in force , materials and structure. And parametric design copied the Wearie Phelan structure patterns for bubbles , then it create the facade with these patterns. Because this is a very simple form, the most important function for parametric modeling here, was to create those closed bubble skin. Maybe we might think that it was a easy job , which only need to fill with some hexagon on facade. However, every stages of designing and construction, there were plenty of calculation work that were done by architects , engineering and computer.



Mercedes-Benz Museum UN Studio

From the outlook of this design , we are aware that this one maintain complex geometry, and the whole modeling was based on parametric modeling. That is to say, parametric modeling generally of algorithm which offer new way help architect to discover geometrical shape of modern architecture. Because this design inspirited from DNA, double helix structure. In order to achieve this biological structure, the parametric modeling could script some data to finish this idea. And only under the architect’s control, the parametric modeling would not become an optional design way. It still need consideration and preparation for drafting idea. From my opinion, this design project give me impressive feeling of its unique structure. And I know that there is only parametric modeling could deal with this non linear design. In fact, the non linear design needs to work with computer to expand further changes and development.



Learning Outcomes After the first three weeks study, I begin to rethink why I choose to study architecture. Before this, I only feel designing is interesting and passionate. But now, I have idea what architecture is in my brain, we could say architecture is very easy, only need you to design. Hence, I begin to think it critically and deeply, I realize that architecture’s influence and real meaning, In addition, we start to touch something new, like parametric modeling. This is digital age, with the development of technology, architecture might walk into a new stage. I do not know whether parametric design is that new stage. But I still think parametric would not be only a tool for architecture, it should be best discovery for new modern designing.



Algorithmic Exploration





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