Best Place for Grinding in Guild Wars 2 Hey guys, expert in strategy guides Dan Chow here, and now we’ll take a look at the best place for grinding in Guild Wars 2. You will also learn some proven and tested strategies to blast you to the top of your game. Grab onto something, because its going to be a crazy fun ride!
Here are some facts:
I have 6 years of pro-gamer experience. This means playing the game, writing, designing and buying strategy guides. I have a community that speaks its mind (check out the comments) GW2 is my third project, with its two predecessors SWTOR and Diablo 3 being a huge success. I’m a great friend Here is where we start the real talk: pay attention, this is important:
Simply knowing the best place to grind in guild wars 2 won’t get you on top. I’m sorry to have to tell you this.
Actually, I’m not sorry at all. I’m glad you learned this so you wouldn’t waste weeks into trying to level up by grinding.
All grinding is going to do is get you bored. Me and you, we play to have fun. And if you want to have fun, you have to learn to play smart.