Sound Masking with Confidante

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Confidante . A patented and proven in-ceiling dis tributed audio s ys tem that delivers s ound mas king and work place comfort.





W hen too much is overhea rd, think overhea d.

C onfidante, the next generation in s ound mas king and paging for the workplac e. S ound mas king is a s imple concept with remarkable res ults . Imagine a child turning a flas hlight on and off in a dark room. It’s highly dis tracting. Turn the lights on and the flicking flas hlight is no longer noticeable. S ound mas king works the s ame way. Where a s ingle voice may be dis tracting in a quiet s pace, that voice is no longer noticeable when the background nois e level is increas ed s lightly. C onfidante projects into the workplace a pleas ant, airflow-type s ound that mirrors the s pectrum of the human voice. The system renders conversations unintelligible to the casual listener, creating privacy for the talker and a non-distracting, productive workplace for everyone els e! C onfidante is a retrofittable, low-voltage distributed audio system that uses Qt Quiet technology™ to deliver a comfortable, evenly-dis tributed ambient s ound into a works pace. T his direct-field s ys tem is far s impler than other s ound mas king s ys tems on the market. Ins tallation is s traightforward and requires no tuning – jus t plug and play! C onfidante’s nextgeneration technology is an ideal s olution to privacy and dis traction is s ues in both private offices and open plan. T his s ys tem is flexible for ins tallation in large and s mall offices acros s all indus tries . T he network of C onfidante s peakers can als o be us ed to trans mit paging and mus ic s ignals throughout the office, preventing the need to ins tall a s eparate s ys tem!

Emitters attachtoceiling tiles – approximately one for every 16-25 tiles depending onceilingheight. Atypical 40' x 40' space would have 16 emitters.

P rivac y | C onfidnate ™ S peec h S ound Mas king S ys tem

Soundspectra minimize distractions andimprove concentrationandproductivity. Operates 24 hours a day year-roundandconsumes less than7 watts of power–aboutthe same as a nightlight. S ystem design makes it easy to create multiple zones for workers with different privacy needs. This lets you specifically target areas of coverage within your office.

For more information please call (908) 231-1600

S ound reas ons to c ons ider C onfidante.

T he C onfidante differenc e

• S ound mas king is quickly becoming s tandard in excellent work environments around the world.

1. C onfidante is s imple and s traightforward, s olving privacy and dis traction is s ues in virtually any works pace. Ins tallation is eas y and no tuning is required. As an added bonus , paging

• S ound mas king with C onfidante is cos t-effective for both large and s mall environments . C onfidante can accommodate nearly any office space, from several hundred square feet to several million square feet.

and mus ic can be trans mitted through the s ame s peaker network. 2. S ound mas king with C onfidante is cos t-effective for both large and s mall environments . C onfidante can accommodate nearly any office s pace, from s everal hundred s quare feet to s everal million s quare feet. 3. C onfidante and Qt Quiet technology™ complement today’s office trends of lower partition heights and demountable walls . In the pas t privacy was protected by high partitions and tightly s ealed offices. Today C onfidante ensures similar privacy levels for more open environments. 4. A reas onable alternative to building full walls, C onfidante is simple, practical and non-structural – even “invisible.” 5. C onfidante’s omni-directional emitters radiate a low-level s ound throughout the entire workspace, creating a perfectly uniform, unobtrus ive s ound field. Once ins talled, you’ll forget the s ys tem is even there. 6. C onfidante is by far the “G reenes t” s ound mas king technology on the market. Miniaturized s peakers and s tandard cables us e far les s power than competing sound masking systems.

• C onfidante is applicable to almos t all indus tries and bus ines s es large and s mall – including high tech, education, defens e/s ecurity, ins urance, call centers , groups handling pers onal health (as defined by HIPAA – Health Ins urance P ortability and Accountability Act) and groups handling financial information (as defined in G LB A – G rammLeach-B liley Act). • Multiple studies* show sound masking significantly improves both productivity and workplace s atis faction while reducing s tres s . • Unlike plenum-bas ed s ys tems , C onfidante’s ceiling-ins talled, omnidirectional emitters radiate directly into the workspace. The miniaturized emitters deliver a highly uniform low-level s ound. • “Zoneable” volume control is delivered throughout a facility, including both private offices and open areas . • C onfidante is completely retrofittable in existing facilities and is highly cost-effective. • A s imple, eas y-to-ins tall s ys tem – An ins taller can typically ins tall each emitter in 15-20 minutes . C onfidante requires much les s ins tallation time than traditional in-plenum s ound mas king s ys tems . As an added benefit, no tuning is required. • P lug and play. C onfidante is powered by any convenient 110V outlet. • P aging and music functionality prevents the need to install a separate speaker network. * Available upon reques t.

291 Evans Way Somerville, NJ 08876 (908) 231-1600

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