Landscape Team Part B

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University of Melbourne ABPL30048 Tutorial 5 Architecture Studio: Air Tutor Alex Holland Group 3 Landscape Team Danielle Laqui Gabriel Nash Wong Hoiying Hidy


6 8 14 18 40 48 56 66 THE TEAM INTRODUCTION











The landscape team is a trio of third year undergraduate architecture students in the University of Melbour ne currently in Architecture Studio AIR, a revolutionary gamespace studio curated by Alex Holland.





What opportunities are created when we describe the site as a series of data points?



The gamespace studio aims to reinvent how people experience architecture. Architectural discourse has always centred around the construction of built form as a means to influence the user. With the advent of new technologies that allow us to map our movements, connect continuously with the world and the ever present use of the smartphone, we now interact with the physical world in a multitude of virtual ways. This studio wishes to place emphasis on the virtual application of architecture through connecting the physical world directly with the virtual world. The landscape team’s task is to convert the landscape of Quarries Park into a datascape, data recognized by the game design program: Unity. This data is then used as the foundations for the rest of the studio. The rest of the studio groups are then involved with creating explorations of forms and interactions to inhabit the datascapes that we have created. This entire studio collaboration will coalesce our overall product: a game. Through this game, we wish to have the gamer explore Quarries Park in a different perspective. We strive to connect the gamer with the unseen systems in the park in addition to the physical perceptible environment.


Creating a Datascape The park is initially broken down into a series of maps that represent particular attributes. Each map must then be further reduced into an even grid of points. Every point will then be ascribed a value that represents its attributed quality. These will then be processed by Unity for simulation and computation. The Datascape The datascape allows the other teams to ‘read’ the site using Unity. Attributes of the site including the physical characteristics such as the paths and subjective attributes as well as sounds and frequencies can then be assigned particular actions within the game. Through this, the datascape grants the studio the ability to influence the gamer’s understanding - perception, connection and impact included - of the park without the need for physical constructions.

A Voxelscape The voxelscape, the resulting design prototype, is the three dimensional representation of the datascapes. Each voxel will contain multiple values for each different attribute. A single voxel may contain 0.5 noisiness, .25 permeability and .12 closeness to path. Quarries Park

Melbourne CBD


Main Path


Mostly Exotic VegMostly Native Vegetation

vegetation Merry Creek Fence Structure

immovable objects


site plan

Boundary 1/ Quarries Park overlaying maps




In order to create clear representations of the park into datascapes, we have explored a plethora of algorithms which vary in complexity. To adequately analyse Quarries Park, we must divide the site into a square grid of points that will be given particular values within 0-1 depending on a particular attribute. Allocating a value between 0-1 allows the data to be readable by Unity. To convert our datascapes into files compatible with Unity, they must be converted to CSV files. So that the other teams were able to start using some datascapes, a few CSV datascapes were counterfeited using image samples. Grid Size | Multiple grid sizes allow us to analyse the data in different scales. The different grid sizes would allow the interaction team to have different scales wherein certain processes could occur. Unity works most easily in a division of voxels by 4. Thus a base grid size of 1 sqm would easily transpose into 4 sqm and then 16 sqm. As we have had trouble processing such large quantities of data due to the small grid size of 1 sqm in a 750 sqm boundary.


Distance from Paths, Loud & Quiet Areas, Open & Closed Spaces and Interesting Points are the four initial attributes that the team wanted to analyze in the park. It is the starting point of turning a physical landscape into a datascape. The site is divided into clouds of points through algorithmic strategies, like image sampling and point charge. It then assigns a different value for each point. It is of interest to see the various patterns generated using these processes.


Distance from Paths

Loud & Quiet Areas

Open & Closed Spaces

Interesting Points


After 17



Quarries Park is a huge system of several interplaying components. The landscape team is tasked to reduce this system into smaller, more manageable fragments. To execute this task, the team attempts to analyze the site through exploring different algorithmic processes. These processes are based on varying site attributes following a single rubric. RUBRIC Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility Using a rubric to critique the analysis allows the team to easily compare and contrast the maps. Computation Intensity (low-high): The processing intensity of this datascape. Accuracy (low-high): The accuracy of the datascape to process the data. Legibility (low-high): The legibility of the datascape to represent the data.



The team tried different methods to demonstrate their exploration of algorithmic analysis.


SC REENSHOTS As with all of our maps, we have been attempting to produce data rather than attractive images. Due to this, we had to rethink the way we put together our algorithms.


In the screenshot to the left, we were trying to allocate a value between 0-1 that represented the distance from the paths within our map. In these trial we were trying to measure the distance from each point to the paths and then remap these values between 0-1. However as each point was measuring to each path multiple times no credible data could be construed. For the final rendition, we utilised the use of fields to allocate the distance. Each path was represented as a field line and each point was then measured against this and remapped between 0-1.

We tried to use negative value to show the quiet place but it could not cooperate well with the positive value of the loud spot.



D i sta n ce Fr om Pa ths This information is needed to connect the gamer to the physical reality of the path. The distance from the path would allow another team to make decisions on how the game can interact with the paths.


16M GRID CLOSEST POINT TO PATH Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility



Computation Intens Accuracy Legibility

VISUALISATION TECHNIQUES As seen above, the visualisation of the distance from paths using a 3d shape does not convey the information in a constructive way. Understanding which visualisation techniques are appropriate is an essential part of our task. If the maps are not legible, they convey no meaning and thus are incompetent.




Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility



G ra d i en t The gradient is a simple visualisation of the topography; this allows the studio to read the topography at any point within the grid and thus create a data tree that contains the topography. This information is crucial to the design of the game as it gives the map its third dimension.



Trials have been carried out through different geometries and grid sizes. A Cylinder is effective in showing height of the topography; however, it cannot demonstrate the change in gradient of the site.

16 m Grid with Cylinder Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

A Sphere is applied where its radius changes according to the change of gradient. Yet, the computational intensity is very low because of too many surfaces of mesh.

16 m Grid with Sphere Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

16 m Grid with Circles Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility


4 m Grid with Cubes Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

16 m Grid with Color Cubes Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

A Cube is relatively the best geometry to present the gradient. Different grid sizes are used to further investigate the gradient of the topography.

16 m Grid with Cubes Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

64 m Grid with Cubes Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility


Vegeta ti on To illustrate the physical permeability of vegetation densities, the team has translated these into values ranging from 0-1 varying only on its range between white to black. Each voxel illustrates the density of different types of vegetation. Upon observation, one may take notice of the representation of grass with a low vegetation value as it is easily traversed.



16 M GRID WITH CIRCLES Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility



Computation Intens Accuracy Legibility



ACCURACY When the grid size is too big or too small, the data cannot be well presented. The interval between the representational geometry is large and may not clearly represent the entire concept as it does not populate the grid very well. Note: Same size of cones have been used for 16m grid and 64m grid.

64 M GRID WITH CONES Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility



Noisen ess Here, the team uses their observations of the site to make a datascape of an abstract attribute: sound. Noise, although completely subjective will affect the gamer’s interpretation of the park. Consequently, the team wanted to show that the studio could utilise such aspects of the park to influence the studio’s game design.


The cylinders can show the difference of height well in three dimentsion but not in the isometric view.

16 m Grid with Cylinders Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

16 m Grid with Circles Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

16 m Grid with Cubes Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

This algorithmic expression is too abstract to show the data.


Point charge is majorly used to demonstrate the sound value. When the charge increases, the strength of magentic field increases. The patterns are more obvious to be observed. Similar to the pervious items, geometries were applied to visualize the intensities of frequency. Cylinders, cubes and lines were prototyped, however, lines proved to be the most effective way to show the fluctuation of sound change.

4 m Grid with Lines Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

16 m Grid with Lines Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility

64 m Grid with Lines Computation Intensity Accuracy Legibility




During our first site visit, the studio participated in a site landing game organised by the Artefact Team. In this section, we applied our primary algorithms to the consolidated data we have acquired from the GPS explorations of ten people within the site wherein we played four operations of four different objectives and following different sets of rules.


NOISENESS Quiet places are spotted where the path ended.

ALPHA Based on Boids, which simulate the flocking of birds, OPERATION ALPHA instructed players to avoid as well as walk faster around loud spaces, populated areas and other users and players also to walk slower and towards the contrary. PATHS TO THE HIGHEST POINT People can walk up to the highest point through these paths.

BRAVO The objective with OPERATION BRAVO is to walk strictly on the paths, towards the highest point in the site.


CHARLIE OPERATION CHARLIE tasked the players to explore and identify points of interest in the site with certain functions such as where one would potentially hide a dead body or where a magic portal would be or a place you would like in your garden.

INTERESTING POINTS People go to these areas the most.

Most likely thoroughfare.

DELTA Walking strictly on the paths again, OPERATION DELTA is a clustering game. Upon finding another player, player 1 and 2 are meant to stick together until they eventually find and cluster with other players until finally, the entire group forms one whole cluster. From this simulation, the group was able to determine which paths are dominantly utilized within the site.


A merged map of all intensities of interest following a 16m grid.

CHARLIE Points of Interest We have picked out points of the park and classified them into three intensities of interest according to general everday use.


HIGH INTEREST points are the playground, skate park, two benches overlooking the creek and the structures near the field.

MEDIUM INTEREST points are the fields and a labyrinth.

LOW INTEREST points in this map are the less accessible parts of the site and therefore less ventured.

Although this algorithm is aesthetically appealing and visually represents the interesting points of the park rather well, it actually distorts the grid which renders it incompatible with the format for Unity.


This is generated from Rhino through a grasshopper algorithm converting our definitions into a .csv or .txt file for compatibility with Unity. 46

A CSV file opened in excel will idealy resemble the plan of the model it is based off. We have not succesfully done this transition as our CSV files only have three columns when it has to have around seventy-five columns and rows.




Following our midsemester presentations, we were prompted to understand our analysis approach to the park in a more provocative depth. The following readings have been recommended to us to elicit a critical response to the park itself.



/ Our Midesemester Presentation



The Role of Parks The undeniable notion that urban parks are “boons that a conferred upon the depraved population of cities” ( Jacobs 1961) is turned on it head in this revolutionary literary look at the decline of the American city due to the 1950’s modernist urban design scheme. Jane Jacobs highlights the absurdity of many of the preconceived belief surrounding parks, their use and their status within the city. Critiquing the plan of the garden city movement Jacobs (1961) states ‘’people do not use city open spaces just because it is there and because city planners or designers wish they would”. Conversely, Jacobs attributes the success of a park to its immediate surroundings, its rarity (distance from other open spaces), its variety of users and variety of uses. Jacobs (1961) also confers that we must throw out the “sciencefiction nonsense that parks are ‘the lungs of the city’” pointing to Los Angeles, whose pollution levels were exacerbated by the long distance that cars need to travel due to there being large swaths of park land and thus creating the “air and open land paradox”( Jacobs, 1961). Here, green does not necessarily equate to a healthier urban environment. Furthermore, a park has little to no effect on its surrounds yet a parks surroundings have a great effect on a parks perceived success. Thus, the perceived blights that many parks exhibit are as Jacobs (1961) puts it “symptoms of prior and deeper economic and functional failures of the district”. In a more humorous approach Jacobs (1961) highlights that “Rittenhouse Square is busy fairly continuously for the same reason that a lively sidewalk is”, emphasises that a park is merely a large open space that without particular utilisation of the space there is little to no value.


The Question of Public Space - Rosalyn Deutsche In her lecture titled The Questions of Public Space, Rosalyn Deutsche contends that like all discourses public space has no essential, unchanging meaning. Rather, public space is laden with preconceived notions of democracy. The word public itself has democratic connotations that implies “ "openness," "accessibility," "participation," "inclusion" and "accountability" to "the people"” (Deutsche). This however is contrary to the application of decisions made with regards to public space or public art. Democracy as Deutsche describes it is not the ability to settle conflict but to sustain conflict. Thus, public space should constantly be the cause of immense discussion and therefore be constantly redefined to no end. As Deutsche puts it when discussing the oppression of conflict during the urban redevelopment of the 80’s, “[Public Art] conferred democratic legitimacy on redevelopment and helping to suppress social conflict, the relations of oppression, that were actually producing new urban space”. Regarding space itself, Deutsche proposes that we have a misconception of the availability and endlessness of space, stating “space is not a given entity, it is “made room for””. Thus, highlighting the fragility of space and the need for a greater understanding of its importance in conjunction with the built form. Deutsche also underlines the history of decision making by the elite to exclude the poor using the concept of “public”. “The term public frequently serves as an alibi under whose protection authoritarian agendas are pursued and justified [by the conservative elite]”.


In response to the mid-semester critique and the discussions brought about by both Jane Jacobs and Rosalyn Deutsche, we have realised the need for a more critical and distinct analysis of Quarries Park. Jacob’s writings have underpinned the underused nature of parks and the direct influence of the surrounding area on the use of the park. Deutsche's discussion ignited the socialists within us, emphasising the use of what is public for the will of the elite. From this, we have constructed three particular classifications of maps that we wish to create.




The landscape team has apprehended that to fully express the conversion of the landscape that they must originate three particular classifications of maps. First and most simply, the Physical Maps. Wherein the physical attributes of the park are mapped and converted into datascapes. These attributes include such things as paths, trees, fences and elevations translating into permeability and general topography. Next, to create subjectives maps such as the sound map. As these are subjective, how are we to quantify such experiences? Thus, we wish to show that as there are many users of the park, each has their own individual and distinct perception. Our Perceptive Maps will illustrate these distinct experiences. Lastly, we want to map attributes that would not usually be mapped in the context of a park. These we have named our Provocative Maps. These maps aim to draw attention to attributes of the park and the surrounding suburb of Clifton Hill.


FREQUENCIES Different points in the site equate to varying frequencies. Closer to the creek means higher frequency while the perimeter adjacent to the roads are assigned a low frequency range.


LOW FREQUENCY on roads and areas of subtle winds.

MEDIUM FREQUENCY on populated areas and activity centers.

HIGH FREQUENCY adjacent the creek.


Senior’s perception of sound reflects a less sensitive sense of hearing.

Youth’s perception of sound represents the ideal sense of hearing.

A Dog’s perception of sound shows significantly high sensitivity to hearing.


USER PERCEPTION Acknowledging that different users like a dog, the youth and those of seniority connote different ranges of sensitivity to sound - these maps are visual representations of those distinctions.



Acknowledging that people have different lifestyles and therefore visit the park for different functions, we mapped out intensities of interest together with intention of a user for his/her visit to the park.

Final: This image illustrates the overlaying of the following three maps.


Youth The youth and more physically fit individuals would be concentrated on the more active areas of the park like the fields, the playground, the bicycle paths and the skateboard park.

Lovers and Friends More intimate and personal settings imply a semi-exclusive area where couples or groups can have a sense of privacy in the open environment of the park.

Business For business-related meetings and functions, we assume people would highly go to points of the park where they can maintain a respectable distance from their colleague therefore, we have selected places of optimum comfort and exposure.


1484 0.45 1497 1492 2.89 7.35 1510 1506 1501 7.42 5.43 1.20 1524 1520 1515 1509 3.75 6.21 4.93 1.34 1538 1534 1530 1524 1516 1.50 9.47 2.021539 0.61 7.07 1552 1549 1545 1532 1523 0.11 4.90 2.351555 3.96 1.67 1565 1564 7.67 1560 1548 1539 1530 8.851579 2.00 5.701571 1.36 1.07 1579 7.25 1576 2.43 1564 1556 1546 1536 6.731593 0.11 1.711587 2.76 5.40 1593 2.34 1591 6.50 1581 0.68 1573 1563 1552 1541 8.27 2.481608 9.811604 7.93 4.75 3.24 1606 1607 6.74 1598 8.59 1591 1581 1.81 1570 1558 5.201623 4.451622 9.161621 6.49 1545 9.12 0.21 3.63 1619 1616 3.27 1609 1599 2.78 1588 5.28 1576 9.151639 7.79 8.521639 1562 0.591636 8.36 3.511618 1549 7.62 1635 1630 5.32 1628 1.01 1607 8.45 1594 0.69 0.771653 1580 6.171656 7.851654 2.10 8.371649 3.291638 1566 9.21 1551 1647 5.40 1641 7.18 1627 9.17 1614 5.08 1599 3.831672 9.681673 9.62 7.79 8.381669 9.571659 4.801661 1584 8.93 1569 1668 4.26 2.12 1650 1553 1648 8.23 1634 7.16 1619 9.651689 4.591692 2.39 5.801689 2.091681 7.091683 1603 7.23 6.481671 6.45 1587 2.76 6.78 1571 1670 1657 6.52 1656 1554 7.72 1640 0.081710 4.61 9.611710 0.161704 0.231705 4.50 1623 9.671694 0.23 1.86 1606 9.781680 2.32 1693 6.68 1589 1679 5.15 1571 1663 1662 7.67 1554 7.591731 2.321727 5.21 0.85 4.021728 1644 7.551719 2.64 1626 1.40 1.201704 0.17 1717 8.66 1608 1.141685 5.46 1703 8.65 1589 1685 8.16 1571 5.83 7.05 5.87 5.05 1667 6.21 1.251745 1751 1554 1752 1647 0.60 1.251730 1743 2.04 6.621710 1627 7.62 1729 9.18 7.89 1710 7.521688 1608 0.56 8.071770 2.61 5.901776 1589 1690 5.16 0.901772 3.59 1669 1570 1665 2.821758 8.58 0.09 1756 8.52 4.101737 1552 1648 4.08 1737 1.271712 3.59 6.66 1627 4.031799 1715 4.601800 6.78 5.291786 8.28 6.971687 1607 8.501789 1693 6.931766 8.94 6.13 1587 6.42 8.601768 1670 1662 1569 8.58 8.82 9.011740 1550 6.10 1648 6.731828 1743 0.541818 1.47 1.771711 9.411823 1626 9.77 5.621798 1718 5.901803 4.18 6.91 9.181682 0.26 1605 2803 1693 8.05 1.63 1585 0.29 7.721772 1772 5.491854 1566 1669 5.75 3.13 1.29 9.331833 1657 0.211738 1646 1548 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1593 1593 1681 6.76 1681 1880 1778 1.74 7.35 1571 5.30 5.71 2.98 5.34 1757 1552 1655 9.08 1.94 2.58 9.64 1739 2.83 1.06 8.61 1534 3.65 2.89 1630 2.34 1622 8.30 1719 2.64 5.58 1517 1810 7.36 1605 1503 7.45 1595 1695 1593 0.00 8.54 1588 1582 1580 1783 1583 1578 8.03 0.69 2.47 1670 1664 7.99 5.00 1562 1755 8.30 1.31 1747 1643 7.93 1543 1.05 1740 9.01 9.70 3.99 1727 8.22 2.11 1526 8.49 0.10 0.07 5.24 1618 1708 2.85 1511 1.49 2.52 1598 1596 1497 4.26 1594 1787 1587 3.32 9.76 2.79 1684 1575 4.57 8.26 1572 1566 1564 3.14 1556 1657 3.35 1555 1552 4.57 0.80 7.02 6.85 3.46 1534 2.27 1729 1630 8.08 9.35 1726 1728 2.24 1616 1718 7.44 1716 1518 1.17 1604 4.27 1504 4.14 1605 1699 6.60 6.75 7.84 1697 1.76 1590 1692 1491 1581 1573 3171 1671 3.70 8.30 9.36 8.54 9.13 1560 0.12 2.45 1555 2.65 5.39 1549 5.22 4.42 1643 4.21 1538 1541 0.59 3.35 9.38 2.61 7.96 1524 1525 1723 1721 1525 1519 9.12 8.91 1616 5.021597 1613 3.10 1510 1709 7.43 1698 1498 5.73 6.75 1591 1684 6.51 1486 5.23 1576 9.59 1568 7.23 4.42 8.08 9.49 4.20 3.99 1656 6.45 1653 1.88 1552 8.83 1551 1549 1.82 9.14 6.06 0.42 1526 1531 5.62 1628 8.82 1624 1722 5.63 9.46 1719 1516 1608 9.79 1502 1503 1699 1698 1601 5.95 7.60 4.18 1589 8.45 1488 1585 1492 0.47 1482 1481 1576 1468 9.12 1669 1465 6.65 0.05 2.94 9.28 1461 2.14 5.88 1555 1555 7.59 9.43 4.92 0.83 4.91 1641 1639 1637 1.29 1537 6.46 6.28 0.86 0.08 1522 1726 1623 1521 7.04 7.56 8.99 1712 1712 1.41 9.99 7.13 1610 1508 1598 3.78 2.67 6.12 1496 1488 1489 1486 1584 1684 0.531654 6.87 1.39 1477 2.19 1.08 1564 7.50 1.09 4.77 1561 1456 4.43 3.441730 1650 1652 1547 7.23 0.43 3.45 1640 1542 5.15 3.62 1524 1426 7.29 1525 4.68 5.45 1727 3.09 1616 1620 4.79 1511 4.07 1700 6.46 1397 1499 3.271687 0.43 1591 6.80 0.15 1490 8.66 1481 1580 2.29 1481 0.34 1473 1367 4.66 8.82 3.79 0.42 1567 4.71 1663 1665 1658 5.18 5.26 5.90 1547 1546 1638 1745 3.63 1438 6.76 9.56 1534 9.97 1.01 1528 1630 22210.611729 6.52 0.90 1719 1319 5.45 8.29 1514 1408 0.52 1.58 5.341677 5.43 1602 1599 8.78 1396 1502 1492 4.861579 1482 0.74 9.81 0.58 1484 1681 0.97 1477 7.06 1674 1572 1470 4.97 1664 9.901768 8.31 1.96 7.19 6.15 1353 0.31 1551 4.16 1549 1745 4.44 3.78 1642 3.69 2.05 1631 5.04 1530 1430 8.90 3.96 2.001638 1719 1801 2.05 2.221690 3.57 0.811692 1515 1.77 8.92 1606 4.12 1303 0.511782 1700 1503 1492 1493 1392 1.97 7.96 3.08 2.91 1485 1184 1680 1479 1377 8.12 0.90 1578 1576 1172 1474 2.39 4.85 0.65 1665 1468 2.64 1654 1551 18507.2419562.511843 8.72 8.46 5.79 1.30 4.99 4.53 9.061713 1233 5.22 1531 4.761413 1429 1726 7.04 1323 8.57 4.44 7.171703 5.44 1.59 1.47 1614 7.46 1515 1511 1613 4.01 0.13 4.16 1702 7.42 1502 1896 1493 9.82 7.12 2.07 8.63 6.77 1685 1682 1485 1480 1580 1475 1.75 3.70 1366 8.34 1670 1471 1467 1262 3.41 1763 0.43 1658 8.251737 7.16 1.93 1.43 7.44 3.321465 1553 1553 4.081730 3.87 1540 1143 6.05 1438 2.84 0.00 1531 2030 1906 1818 1623 5.74 2.001706 7.44 1.85 9.13 6.76 1513 1710 9.77 4.86 6.05 2.14 4.33 9.81 1303 0.94 5.24 1500 1.02 1093 1490 2.52 1689 1185 1584 1581 2.99 1483 6.80 1677 3.50 2.34 3.00 1479 1475 0.81 9.94 1470 1472 1365 1165 1763 1.84 1467 1763 22594.73 1456 7.19 1553 6.841736 6.81 8.43 7.03 1637 1236 5.05 1632 3.49 1529 7.81 8.93 4.80 6.94 8.16 8.70 9.871701 0.67 6.50 1714 1510 2.13 9.14 0.21 0.981199 4.721806 0.01 5.6017901.581708 1.72 1496 1292 8.63 1587 1486 1485 3.431773 7.89 1580 3.96 1480 1371 4.77 1473 1475 1471 5.30 1668 1472 1469 1467 1062 1156 1954 5.33 1553 7.45 2.651864 1944 20469.81 1642 8.421730 1744 5.371244 7.14 9.12 1529 1526 9.92 7.20 5.20 1219 5.87 0.53 9.991824 1898 20181.02 4.7218082.25 1.65 6.84 1308 1407 9.69 3.61 3.701689 4.02 8.88 1506 4.49 9.66 8.99 1.24 1593 3.96 1590 1289 1386 1491 4.31 9.10 2.63 1480 3.711765 1474 1470 1771 5.63 1471 1469 5.82 1468 1469 1470 1470 6.77 3.26 4.51 2.87 8.45 0.661684 1654 1651 4.70 1551 5.871644 1049 1.51 1138 4.441713 4.17 3.41 0.88 1.14 7.98 5.75 6.82 1522 1411 1209 1.21 5.80 0.49 0.98 5.19 8.181811 7.53 7.81 6.75 6.54 1499 3.521671 7.05 1292 1590 5.22 2.37 1778 7.73 1979 1483 2074 7.37 1472 1472 1470 1467 1472 1470 1465 0.06 1462 1464 1462 5.181741 1655 1451 1756 6.25 4.73 7.841874 1961 1547 1040 1637 7.81 8344 7224 3.86 9.27 1126 9248 1003 3.63 1.4116124 1513 5.86 8.61 1.62 5.46 2.291688 1515 4.97 2.98 5.37 1.74 8.45 9.26 1204 7.94 1302 9.01 7.47 9.86 7.69 5.72 2.47 7943 1491 8866 1587 5.66 3.941773 9.28 3.28 .44 1473 1474 1475 1473 3671 9.24 1471 .93 1467 .59 1462 1461 1456 1455 1453 1649 3.93 1452 8.58 8.271062 1118 1.14 .47 4.61 1642 1540 1034 9.701706 2030 .79 3.99 .37 1.21 1618 1119 1319 9127 5.661808 6.18 5.95 3.56 9.89 7.08 6.44 1.11 1204 2.08 1506 8.74 7.39 9.93 3.49 5.92 4.53 1187 1309 7.35 5.44 1480 1479 2.29 1478 1574 1476 1474 8.45 4.45 1468 7.34 2.17 3.36 1660 4.53 1462 1461 .81 1453 6.771837 1449 9.601723 1346 0.44 1446 5.67 0.39 1442 1441 1439 1030 1626 9256 6.03 1527 6.34 1.16 1114 3.15 0.60 9.17 6.59 4073 5205 1207 4.96 1602 6.42 1599 1.40 1.18 1597 2.22 1389 5.73 1492 7.91 1586 1483 2.32 1483 3.11 3.97 6.52 1479 1480 8.04 1668 1472 0.14 2.54 .74 1466 1.92 2.411732 1462 6.02 7537 6708 1451 .30 6450.37 7642 8443 8.49 1447 1542 3.721461 8.07 1441 1434 6.21 9314 1631 6.38 1432 7.87 1426 1426 1025 8.11 1823 2.21 6.03 1424 3.25 5.44 1111 1214 9.87 2.24 .535331.0 9.13 1603 .27 1504 5.37 7989 6.81 .39 8.68 1489 1485 7.80 1488 1581 .37 8943 9.30 1484 .26 2.21 5.81 5.48 1477 .81 1671 1473 2.65 2.23 5.59 1466 1.91 7.82 9.56 1.45 5.13 0.57 1449 1453 6508 3 2.86 6.95 .09 1438 9334 1632 .929220 1430 1.22 1425 5.42 1722 5.81 4.77 8229 2.62 1222 1022 1417 8.88 9.98 1414 1108 8.63 1408 1407 7.35 1603 1405 1493 1495 1493 3.88 2.16 .096941 6898 1485 1487 1581 1481 9.06 .17 0.30 1473 1663 5.42 1564 1467 5.60 .21 3.52 .98 4.93 0.75 0.23 1457 1458 8.11 6.10 7.75 9.44 1446 3.91 7.92 8354 9330 .97 7376 1439 7.60 1232 7.42 1.12 9276 .59 1426 1625 5.72 8.05 6.49 6.41 1421 7208 1017 3.911482 1409 9.99 1406 3.67 5.39 1103 1502 1598 1501 5.44 1498 3.30 1495 1396 1393 1388 1386 1490 8.41 1384 1578 .44 7602 6752 .85 .15 6.71 0.67 1666 .88 9.03 7.12 1666 1561 1465 8.16 .91 3.31 1548 9.23 0.24 7.21 1443 8415 7.24 4.87 1240 7401 8.60 1635 7.201510 8.04 9306 0.89 9.74 3.48 7.60 8.95 6.62 8.80 0.29 1421 .19 1607 1410 1009 1.88 1509 1408 9.23 9.73 1506 0.84 1400 1398 1503 .15 1093 8957 1494 8.54 1493 1586 1385 1382 9.23 1381 .28 1178 1266 0.65 .68 5.32 6737 6752 .22 1569 1475 1373 1369 1365 1362 1361 4.74 1555 7532 9.71 7511 9.33 1452 4.74 9.37 1544 6.43 9.72 8437 0.951518 2.77 1535 0.79 3.53 1235 1.18 .74 4.08 2.59 9255 2.64 1425 3.04 5.64 8.64 9.09 1520 .97 .97 2.40 1516 9.781490 8.84 8.65 1507 1508 5.95 0.19 8.91 6.40 9968 6.66 .63 1398 1494 .66 0.71 5.54 .03 6761 1.32 1572 5.55 1573 1374 1069 .71 1563 0.99 6656 1361 1264 1464 0.70 2.09 1355 7571 1358 1553 1356 0.33 1544 0.56 1347 2.811523 8428 6410 1342 1340 1336 1536 1533 .79 1.37 1336 1529 1331 1433 6.56 1.981507 1530 1523 1528 1521 9161 .05 9.95 7.00 1.60 5.48 7.31 1509 7028 .16 6.15 6.50 1400 4.621481 3.61 .77 1.62 5.58 1494 0.40 3.53 9.08 .89 6786 .33 8.56 6.39 7.50 3.95 7.60 9730 3.96 4.83 6.74 3.24 3.27 2.74 1369 9.34 6.801539 4.25 7601 .34 1251 5.93 4.511527 .70 1143 1343 1446 8386 3.28 1542 1536 8.89 1529 7355 1527 1526 6301 1523 6228 1525 1520 .01 1324 1321 1516 2.841502 1016 1316 1513 1318 1514 1313 .04 1313 1510 1308 1309 1407 3.72 6050 8992 .02 1294 2.94 1493 6808 6.25 6.28 8.021466 .94 0.461552 7.311555 4.80 0.39 .06 1469 6.01 1369 7.94 .89 5.28 0.801547 .12 3.97 1.17 8.94 6.57 7605 7.35 9.15 8.50 2.82 7.85 9.42 6.37 5.51 7.10 9.01 5.50 7.45 .90 .50 4.151527 1542 1236 1335 5.30 8296 8.24 9292 1527 .87 1421 6140 1312 1217 0.89 1506 1506 1505 0.44 1309 1510 1506 1505 1501 0.951491 .34 1493 3.68 3.361569 1291 1491 6829 9.991568 1284 1286 1282 1282 1280 1281 2.72 4.08 1475 8700 5736 1374 2.42 .18 .74 5698 2.301554 6.13 1264 9589 1066 7580 1560 4.501442 5533 .29 0.57 5.02 3.71 5518 2.30 1.12 2.43 2.38 6.54 0.71 7.60 1545 9.05 1431 1331 4.541522 9.72 1326 3.94 .28 1527 7.99 5.24 1.49 7.72 0.19 1221 5.53 4.10 8130 .29 .73 6111 3.24 .36 2.86 4.37 7.171587 2.171114 1508 1498 1497 .60 8945 .05 1495 1492 4.93 .11 1296 4.331581 1487 .95 6842 1487 8.59 1480 1386 5.751472 1580 6.99 1272 1468 0.74 4.73 2466 8.57 5.05 1565 5.50 1557 2.18 1254 .40 1257 1250 .38 5520 7511 1252 8496 1251 1251 1447 1546 1.00 6.96 8.60 1238 .10 8.13 4.99 1136 3.41 1332 1329 6.04 .80 5.021602 5.98 2.38 7.341408 1526 5196 8211 9.991607 4.44 6118 0.38 7102 1407 3.09 0.91 1206 5082 8.00 4.461510 1504 1493 8.441594 1491 4.30 7.19 8.44 .13 .67 8.96 .34 5.01 1487 4.23 1286 6839 7851 2.30 1481 9.62 1587 1482 2.63 1473 2.95 4713 4.22 3.57 1463 1567 .30 0.45 .88 .57 1448 1253 3.131556 .94 2.98 7.10 1.861440 3.771627 .88 5456 1145 3.13 1545 6.71 7379 9.50 1341 5.14 1233 7.641629 1329 4.14 9.28 .87 .71 1426 5.91 1222 1222 9.26 1224 1522 1223 1220 4.96 6143 7.86 4161 .55 1214 9112 9940 2.99 1612 9.25 1498 1490 2293 1.191606 1389 1487 1191 5.38 9.32 1591 4884 .77 6806 4.78 1481 1282 4.94 1473 8.261486 .22 1.971360 1476 5.08 7723 1.93 4.101657 1.93 1463 9.81 1.12 9.77 1566 0.85 2.20 4.87 7.86 1450 .36 .61 1.88 1147 .41 9.31 5464 7413 0.901654 7428 1541 1238 1641 2339 1613 1433 4346 .10 1043 9.67 7.76 0.777156 7.72 0.76 6.06 2.49 1327 4.831545 .37 .44 2.98 2.28 6168 3.90 1617 1.94 1111 1516 .81 1409 7080 1209 1.71 7.86 1.471393 1194 1195 1.44 6.101676 2.811693 1489 1195 1191 1191 1484 3.24 1190 1590 1492 1182 .80 3.57 2855 .31 4.571073 4836 .78 1284 5.43 1376 1477 0.76 8.29 1.84 .36 1175 1467 6725 4.31 1468 3638 1562 1455 .73 20578.32 8.741682 1739 6.27 .41 6.639712 5.25 5516 5511 9.93 .85 9.81 1648 1440 1144 4.98 4.87 0.66 6.47 1535 2.15 0.67 5.541718 0.301444 1518 6.26 4.30 7.04 4243 3.64 1324 1.35 1221 1421 1225 .01 .66 2.451296 6178 2.43 3.24 .29 .97 1616 9.51 2315 16136.201716 6.98 1.60 0.641090 8.27 1509 .05 5.58 5976 18018.81 1397 4.44 1488 12112 .32 8063 9006 9653 .99 1483 1187 4878 0.25 2.54 1585 4.00 4.40 1683 6818 1484 6775 8941 1475 2.65 6732 3.38 1168 1464 1365 1772 1168 .85 4.46 1.06 1166 3.99 1164 3.01 1159 1159 .29 3589 5573 1160 1.13 6578 1460 1450 3.50 1555 7.99 1.9017530.46 1.61 4.21195093.201845 1243 .33 1646 1.79 .29 .42 1433 3.66 1138 2.431323 6.97 2.62 4285 4.52 0.92 2290 5018 2291 .44 6279 1726 .24 5.95 1320 8.16 .08 1527 2.43 .79 6156 .45 3.60 1412 1217 1611 5.77 3.59 3.33 4.38 1.25 5055 .54 1009 9.98 8.60 5.05 9.14 1099 .32 1500 .96 6.84 .81 4967 5.50 1489 8.61 3.89 5.99 1484 1387 1590 4.69 8.26 1780 3.02 1681 1475 1.57 1577 2755 3719 .02 5.40 .15 1475 .73 1463 .972763.89 .89 9.71 1164 5631 5.24 1.95 5.161374 1460 1785 1255 1356 3360 1055 9498 6603.72 .81 6.91 1.59 1447 0.45 1451 2.971038 1144 4401 1546 1142 1141 1639 2.11 1137 4.39 6357 .34 6355 5.29 1134 1129 1429 2028 1931 1847 1128 0.07 6.48 4.29 1127 1122 6224.47 7397 8332 9040 3209 2.86 1721 1316 3.69 2.76 1216 1517 5.13 .093311 .10 6092 1406 2.54 3.32 0.98 5.52 2.38 5075 0.53 9.81 .93 1102 9.29 4.23 1601 5961 2098 8.35 .05780 .45 1491 3910 1485 8.57 4896.27 5.21 4860 8.04 1490 .92 1380 3.72 7.861058 0.76 0.96 1476 3.40 4.73 .48 .78 0.95 .12 .40 1670 4.52 2.11 1464 9.75 8.48 4.56 5.27 5672 1262 1163 1768 6.63 1465 2.40 1566 .11 .043710 5.14 4552 0.30 5.35 3572 4.68 1349 1447 .24 7.99 .88 .98 9565 1144 3.34 2.83 .19 3.20 1441 4.86 4.06 1535 .98 9.43 .07 1427 1228 .57 1123 5.71 1627 5.28 1120 1821 9.32 5185 1118 1311 4121 1710 9.01 1112 2.14 1403 .00 1509 0.67 1705 8.71 1106 6063 2.94 4.50 1102 1101 1506 8.00 5980 1494 0.41 .22 .934014 4912.60 5973 6989 7867 .879948 1489 1093 3.13 4935 1094 1189 7.35 3874 1588 5826 1480 1.41 1479 1375 8.94 1879 4713 3.68 1467 1264 5685 1069 5.23 9.171265 1346 5.23 0.61 6.86 8584 9.27 .18 0.49 1449 4.03 1654 1554 .62 1455 0.45 6.38 1344 6.11 4.40 9.77 1744 2.61 .21 5.84 1041 9629 1.23 5.11 .63 1.50 .83 .85 1022 2036 .44 0.88 4333 0.40 5311 .21 5177 .40 3.23 4.19 1431 1428 .76 1930 5283 1125 .534264 4987.34 5.21 .24 1.71 1523 8.35 9.10 5.63 9152 .18 4137 1.53 1307 1.30 .96 8.45 1104 1403 1204 1611 1103 1497 .918500.90699 0.42 1493 .85 1095 1096 1494 9.24 1095 8.57 1.34 0.21 4871 0.38 1484 5865 5835 0.50 1784 2.85 1082 1684 9.64 1471 1076 2.54 1373 5753 6751 7561 .36 1573 .193 8.12 1072 1263 5.24 .28 5674 0.12 .75 1068 8.14 1468 4.011041 .69 5387 1057 0.52 1454 4537 1054 .389593 1.0952 .134484 1.28 9.80 1.00 2.42 4.78 1340 1947 7.56 5.68 .83 1444 2.41 4374 1540 5367 0.54 5.59 6.49 1432 4.50 1635 1129 4307 .23 8.06 8260 .66 .37 2.11 7.02 1821 3.64 1421 9.00 0.74 8.27 1211 288. .56 .34 1714 6.95 1112 1405 1509 5.36 7.19 .51 1501 1303 5.33 5019 4.62 1498 .04 9930 99.1 0.70 .19 3.18 .93 1490 8.33 1593 1089 .14 5093 5842 1090 9831 9024 7965 7.65 0.18 1478 1082 7.061054 .86 5545 1482 1.36 1078 1374 .034686 1.25 .13 4731 5700 0.49 4.18 1068 2.78 .67 4917 1262 5653 .37 8843 1460 3.63 971 6625 7370 4592 3.99 1659 9.05 1557 6.32 1456 1150 9.68 .02 2.90 1050 8.32 4.47 7.08 .32 1298.826719.875538. 1339 .75 1040 1.81 5439 1846 1743 1438 1035 .29 5318 1031 6.20 .41 1018 8.58 3.48 1432 2.61 .16 1525 2.68 .50 .329318 7.50 5158 1.66 1214 0.45 3.88 1015 1410 .62 1614 .94 1505 .60 5215 5873 1503 8.68 1113 1011 0.73 .18 1410 7.80 1301 .22 1497 .38 4878 1898 7.06 7.52 5.84 .085663 1496 4914 1486 1795 6.54 0.51 8.35 7.42 7.40 3.19 .77 1078 5.65 1080 1377 1683 4796 .62 8041 8624 0.41 1.62 7731 6697 21 5797 .82 9701 1076 1469 5.09 .24 5605 1074 1575 9.43 5660 1767 1260 2.74 1469 .90 1161 1062 1060 .71 9.46 5.161037 6576 7265 4.78 2.15 2.39 5519 5.65 6.61 0.161146 1276 1446 2.91 9446 8681.80 1341 7.68 .64 6.52 1846 1444 1540 3.61 1040 3.72 1634 5296 0.49 .39 0.22 0.101826 .49 5350 .18 1417 3.10 .57 6044 0.62 7.40 7.45 3.47 .70 5064 1215 1016 1421 1509 1509 .13 0.86 1.30 1.69 1.69 .04 5090 .04 1000 .93 .62 1504 1506.61 1509 1101 3.04 2.10 1301 2.97 1000 4.59 8.42 1494 .549119 5.78 1704 .765836 4991 1400 .02 .27 9924 9906 1592 4.05 1384 .90 2.53 2.83 1479 9.02 5.79 7.90 1779 8.27 4.29 5764 1481 .91 5940 6581 1072 1.68 .33 .38 7906 8481 1166 1069 1.94 9677 1067 5642 8.97 9596 1259 1456 1057 2.60 6.54 5.67 1556 6.96 8551 7699 6803 4.17 .36 9533 1456 1652 1345 1051 .70 5452 7.41 9.76 6.66 .06 5495 4.63 .896295 5.01 8.80 1037 2.76 4.911024 .52 5247 0.09 1233 1037 .50 1428 .04 .85 .27 5271 4.58 1432 12257.15 .25 .42 6051 0.37 7223 9247 1.28 1515 1523 1513 .74 1114 9.72 5183 1214 .38 9.69 1512 1719 9.81 1504 .76 1410 1011 5.91 1810 2.37 1303 1404 1608 7009 .87 2.41 6034 8985 .60 0.01 9.86 0.56 .24 1393 1.00 1490 .29 2.32 .09 9875 5.75 .48 6.11 1.65 1494 .79 .03 58698.03 1389 1786 7.91 9799 9.50 9752 4.65 1774 3.07 .96 6583 1469 1570 5666 1068 1167 .91 1667 3.75 4.221043 1467 1067 8610 7835 .37 7834 8398 .34 1060 .50 5649 1.78 7.54 1259 6.18 1057 4.35 1353 1060 .92 5434 3.29 4.48 6.65 5.10 5480 1.07 4.09 1441 8.00 6.42 .00 3.421016 8.06 .37 6626 7228 9449 .40 9421 5386 1443 1039 9419 4.11 4.62 1537 5.27 6282 1520 .97 8158.24 7333 1205 .656000 9221 .45 1015 1119 2.00 2.93 .97 1520 1517 1725 1514 1623 .42 1420 1213 .04 8.53 9115 1308 5.48 7.92 1013 .24 8.47 1405 7.97 1007 1502 9.08 .31 6148 7.97 4.84 .12 3.04 1506 .05 2.22 4.52 1.20 8.66 1398 8952 .39 5621 9872.02 6949 3.45 1483 1584 .16 9793 1.101057 .62 .93 5814 9810 .598906 .36 5636 1.16 1678 4.24 5756 .72 1479 1071 1.07 1378 1364 1166 1067 9637 .596554 1068 6.75 .05 9372 8873 9410.26 8755.15 7842 .28 7813 9.13 1.55 1.20 1060 1261 1456 8.97 5.41 3.07 3.33 1.49 6.721038 3.54 .95 6700 7267 .36 6.85 8.85 1453 6.21 9.39 9.08 1747 1549 7.51 1045 .95 7.82 9408 1741 1037.50 .52 6.44 .82 9358 .16 1525 1634 1524 1527 .698685.527444. .96 1430 1026 1520 1120 7.60 1421 .88 3.04 .64 6281 .05 8364 1515 1317 .43 1022 .79 1011 1.58 1213 .69 5928 1.39 1719 8.83 1518 4.02 8072.56 1110 6173 1310 1616 0.63 .11 8.97 5.18 .39 5.11 1407 .94 5997 9.94 .15 5872 5.94 8.00 1499 1595 6.151068 8938 9881 9907 6.86 1490 7.95 6.66 1378 4.08 .62 1387 1681 31 1474 8798 .36 9721 1075 6.711057 .98 4.35 .41 9755 6.77 .078873 6.53 7.83 14744.99 1.191656 5.71 5.31 1072 .18 7826 1067 0.60 .23 6795 9654 1266 1165 3.43 0.15 6.81 1367 6.09 85923.14 .20 6382 5.48 0.78 1463 1560 0.23 3.57 5.33 1054 4.81 0.181037 .056862.10 9508 9.84 1440 8433 .21 6430 1.83 1641 1439 1534 1529 1534 9.05 1034 .30 1528 1329 .31 6173 .56 1034 .28 .16 9337 1522 0.77 1226 .06 6207 1529 6.63 1118 .67 8364 2.43 1.18 3.32 1215 .08 .43 7328 8.25 1515 .52 1010 1417 .01 1028 1094 2.16 0.16 8.86 0.63 .23 8.10 3.40 1005 1604 8090 6.65 9994 1397 9007 1700 .827138. 9.57 1500 1493 9.59 1698 4.561072 2.08 3.25 1395 .17 .44 6904 2.70 .71 9788 9773 8.59 7.43 .57 6601 2.65 1074 7.621060 1075 1275 1077 8.86 .68 8873 .42 7862 1.94 1674 2.68 .08 9755 1375 3.62 2.90 0.00 1473 1.45 1570 9695 0.60 4.53 1164 1461 1065 3.05 7.38 .95 6597 2.61 2.83 .20 6465 1656 1.47 1.971040 1357 1345 8496 93 1449 1540 9.68 1048 1543 7.24 .24 1540 .63 7399 0.44 .16 1643 1533 9.66 8386 3.91 4.45 7.811120 8377 9348 1034 9.13 1538 1531 1523 .45 .66 9.43 .29 1419 1024 9230 1219 1426 1115 .99 .91 1513 7.43 2.17 5.54 7.97 1012 9.66 .30 8.77 9.51 7.67 1509 4.13 .33 1001 3.31 1609 5.96 3.62 8031 1475 .49 7018 9997 .04 6801 1404 3.361079 7.01 0.27 9928 1288 7.39 .557278.34 .64 6783 1485 0.79 1085 6.83 4.23 0.231552 1085 0.79 .41 7904 1384 9786 1.78 2.401066 1.83 1482 .74 8895 1077 .94 .51 9786 8.81 1577 9733 8.68 1070 4.46 1366 3.86 1164 1.71 3.98 .04 9.40 1665 0.43 8628 1064 0.11 6.62 1364 1659 4.96 1457 7597 8.751045 9528 1550 1444 8.27 1547 1544 8.10 5.32 1146 1044 1346 1546 1546 1535 1642 .89 7463 1533 .011015 4.34 1637 1338.46 1228 1030 .20 8413 1434 1523 .91 7265 5.07 0.44 .339382 1.81 7.401096 .44 6989 0.70 .76 4.501095 .98 7124 9.26 1112 .951018 9.76 1518 1018 8.45 3.94 .40 1509 6.49 7.52 1306 1412 9.43 1610 1.911088 9973 5.04 .62 3.39 9018 8.05 0.24 9.27 0.20 1392 .62 .20 7.111561 1091 7.77 1391 .64 7931 0.25 7.43 1491 9850 9.311074 1.34 4.04 5.17 2.621575 7.31 3.99 6823 8784 7925 7.28 .80 8923 1473 1581 7.14 .71 9843 1081 7818 9731 7.40 1.947731 2.71 6.50 9715 5.65 1168 6.511536 .30 1065 1372 1466 1065 1561 9621 6.691054 1553 1556 2.72 7.49 0.26 1.09 8.41 1548 1353 .37 7496 1552 3.35 6.34 1241 3.63 9402 9443 1043 .29 .94 .31 7197 1442 1535 8.19 4.86 .36 1634 .55 8423 8.071110 1032 1336 8354 1329 8.57 1522 .719427 5.941108 9.60 2.09 1422 .64 1023 1524 .361027 1625 7203 .58 1126 .16 1623 2.99 2.61 1016 1.71 .10 1111 .53 1420 .29 9.671100 6.23 .18 1.92 1.09 3.99 9.38 1106 1.23 1503 0.08 1002 3.851571 .61 1605 2.58 9.791570 1399 1098 1498 6.521086 9889 0.88 8.31 8946 4.29 .71 7914 1085 1.63 9854 .53 9916 .85 4.38 .98 1583 .98 8938 5.66 1581 5.92 0.09 1175 1573 12792.611392 1466 1379 2.89 1473 8.78 1.56 .68 6.47 8.901536 1.611066 9642 1068 8.23 9631 4.20 1259 1561 6637 1559 7.01 1059 2.79 1457 .49 1358 7.15 1360 .19 2135 9.82 1.43 1550 4.50 1.01 1555 8.22 9481 1047 1449 9470 0.231125 8.71 9493 7461 5.50 3.351122 7391 7.68 1343 5.47 1535 6.29 3.70 8342 7436 .55 1133 .42 8386 .719467 .211037 .54 1529 1521 9227 6.98 6.351114 .00 1123 1023 1427 0.26 7196 4.73 1325 2.94 1.19 9.671587 6.70 7.10 1014 0.87 7.51 1116 4.84 1111 .57 1106 4.47 2.401101 .87 1406 1606 2.871508 1603 5.70 6.241576 4.33 3.99 2.41 1504 9.08 1494 9.51 1394 0.05 9971 1595 5.19 1092 1186 .82 1284 3.37 .38 9995 1584 9.86 1581 .58 .379730 9111 9604.66 8808.78 9870.31 90228.92 .337809 2.51 9778 1386 9.121080 .79 1479 0.48 .56 8912 3.77 1075 1579 1577 0.93 4.94 0.891534 1565 0.821140 1564 1367 .61 0.16 0.881038 7.77 4.731141 .81 9.61 1054 1057 7.55 5.97 1550 6.26 1456 9501 1555 1254 9.39 .35 7483 9481 1050 1148 2.84 1349 1344 9449 7.49 9423 2.85 4.88 3.02 1.50 1043 2.27 .51 7.00 1139 1533 1435 .067511. 2.89 9323 1132 .44 9296 1135 0.81 1532 9.56 4.46 1434 .92 8.42 1528 4.67 7304 1126 3.291600 1332 1518 9.86 9253 1023 .57 8257 .90 .42 7.97 1316 2.271592 5.951118 8.14 .727668.64603 7.39 1116 0.94 7.03 1115 .35 1018 1315 1413 1204 1005 7066 6.09 5.281580 8.23 1601 1508 1102 .13 6.40 1.391074 1593 4.491565 4.901097 5.95 .84 6.52 5.73 7.95 .43 .52 1006 1064 1393 1087 4.08 7.39 8814 .99 1484 30 1411 8.841159 .62 1481 8.32 1582 3.79 3.021160 5.95 1581 4.59 1571 1976 3.941064 .58 1374 0.131158 .49 2.101147 0.98 1569 4.98 1569 9.90 .347558 1841 7.75 .98 8807 9441 4.68 2.641532 9652 .49 2556 0.451064 1357 7.79 1462 8.891152 8.751085 11645.391245 2.74 1051 3.394770. 1549 5.59 1154 9.41 1356 4.77 8.041456 1552 6.14 3.16 .87 9.13 0.511617 7438 6.661618 2.99 2.38 9350 7.571139 1137 1440 8.001607 1.811609 1536 1229 1338 1529 1532 4.65 8.511105 1125 2.311597 .37 9.15 1127 3.34 1514 9.35 1322 .78 1317 1419 9149 4.21 8.54 1115 3.91 1405 1.321098 .28 3.53 9066 9.46 6.551582 1510 9033 2.121100 9047 9.04 6.931179 0.711118 11802.60 4.80 9014 5.441118 1.98 1306 2.66 1.171174 9965 7.391181 1399 9.16 69663.051979 1670.45 79785.08 4.291565 3.951181 6.211483 5.151168 1.82 6.36 2.99 .58 1012 1079 .64 1488 2.85 6.121375 61 1578 1380 2.131547 9.671176 .30 6772 9.40 4.92 3.36 8.49 7.72 8.91 2.81 1461 4.25 1466 0.911141 7.241637 4.551528 8567 2.651637 1159 1563 0.98 1362 0.431165 6.33 1558 .45 1052 8.541629 7.411133 1556 2.37 2347 1264 2.191622 2.32 9518 8.66 .10 1150 6.00 .67 .72 1142 1546 4.611128 .65 1140 1445 3.921616 1.05 7378 8.801131 5.351145 1344 .75 .56 8568 9307 1013 1535 6.79 .1170952.34 1529 1522 0.791599 1328 1425 8.32 6.00 9183 1.231205 2.23 4.901244 1302 4.381196 5.93 7.641201 3.861206 1509 .52 1418 8.023891 7.331189 13085.13 0.94 3.23 0.53 1510 0.381581 9.02 1311 8.45 1.561204 1405 .51 8.26 1.81 3.27 8960 5.60 3.72 1498 1097 1172 9.56 3.141195 .99 1296 6.75 0.011562 9893 .47 6.371165 1386 1490 8805 8840 8815 4.98 6.581661 5.881195 0.98 3.611158 8.99 1181 6.35 9.901661 .09 8.30 8771 5.22 4.541543 7.331652 .66 3.521155 1173 0.221169 7.591157 9.30 1365 8.95 1470 1164 9.561642 1584 0.51 1368 1.19 3.651637 1057 .61 7.211523 7.061447 1753 7.12 .07 7473 1864 1534 8471 8.98 7449 7.821236 9.501232 9.41 1449 1350 8.231352 1544 9.761619 4.281225 5.971218 3.58 6424 6400 9385 1542 .16 1433 9.511247 3.29 1.66 7.521238 1537 4.55 0.861211 1234 1333 .51 2.65 7.18 .38 1429 1529 8.421600 3.63 1525 24198.83 7.16 .76 .26 .27 4.87 .59 1117 1317 1504 2.331187 1.92 7.501690 1410 1509 1.091210 7.651579 2.341181 1504 5.44 9007 1.20 0.001690 1203 3.35 1301 1198 0.931180 2.931189 6.131178 4.591678 5.8911009 1195 1391 5.501391 .23 2.521558 15877 1270 1212 12844.85 1.061666 1591 1510 21833.89 3.39 9.681466 .48 81208.1590204.89 9846 .67 1491 8.07 3.341295 5.99 1280 1286 2.36 5.981661 8.471272 .19 .90 .34 5.80 8756 9.251262 5.04 0.71 1068 6.37 7.64 1373 1472 1.16 8.34 7.63 7651 8.90 6.57 0.85 5.48 8603 8584 8622 8603 8.21 8.98 5.92 5.62 1252 1.77 1352 3652 5.77 1.361517 1253 7.59 .28 1450 1356 0.81 8442 1452 1245 1641 4.20 1.25 0.60 1538 .13 .56 1146 0.631619 1.93 1243 6378 9.99 6.42 1836 1339 6.771338 1234 0.821727 2.991725 1433 2.191209 6.35 6.601420 8.241203 1527 9.251224 .90 9260 4.44 6.601597 1.55 1225 8.921710 1.501332 1526 5.191313 9.94 6203 8.041201 5.311208 9.001200 1517 1322 .56 1521 1216 .97 8.77 4.42 0.281296 1414 1309 4.4016991.551596 2276 5.07 1.97 1308 9950 .12 1307 6.551689 2.641476 1505 1503 .31 .56 .72 9.641575 .62 3.621282 1396 1196 1675 8.93 6.531269 7902 1087 .57 1.101293 0.34 1292 .18 9.05 9.17 8826 9838 4.991665 1489 2.961553 15793.5914817.751398 1.901258 .82 1972 1489 1390 7.16 5785 0.241372 2.00 0.21 1378 5.981362 6.87 8.221779 1854 1745 5.381770 1277 1472 9.531641 8.88 .72 8.59 9.581260 2.00 1.42 1959 .28 4.371440 9.48 9.80 0.20 8540 1361 9.071230 5.211336 1.891747 7.86 1454 2.48 5.311224 1247 1743 6665 7354 8482 3.911735.37 8418 8451 7.891238 3.47 3.25 1344 8.76 8394 5.831220 7.441220 8.631617 0.4521599.59 5.661226 8354 8390 7.771 8.36 6372 1532 1238 1436 3.42 9.55 7.31 6.16 6.82 6.431421 2.451721 7.951314 4.111329 .67 8.42 2.70 .03 .22 8.81 1328 1118 2.431297 7.131593 2.53 .36 1634 8130 9153 1418 4.31 3.471829 19083.0720182.01 1312 7.20 7.86 1513 1510 8.411399 82000.08 6.57 1508 9.461693 4.411283 .69 8.261380 4.931598 5.77 0.15 4.111294 1499 7.881570 1499 .24 0.86 1400 9.081794 1297 8.50 9883 8.47 1487 7.35 8.031665 .55 .25 6836 1486 3.17 .80 1382 .25 3.92 1480 6.361268 .56 .27 2.581547 1.961452 1282 5.651251 5.97 0.531351 .44 9650.72 5.38 3.21 1.65 7.76 6.93 1270 1471 8645 5.251360 1268 5.681638 2.361758 2.301251 1.17 4.66 9.601239 5.701240 1.58 0.04 1365 9.941242 1557 1260 9.89 .59 .10 3.83 1455 4.69 5474 0.49 4.94 .841449 1324 1231 1164 8.71 1349 9.64 1244 7394 8.481419 5.111724 0.971851 1921 1438 6.331612 6.54 7.841310 3.661325 8365 7.36 5356 8313 4.19 3.55 1733.45 8290 1329 1729 .11 8284 1430 1332 4.21 1328 3.33 .23 9.33 1619 8171 8.37 5.591390 1.50 1421 2.061587 1317 7.50 8106 8142 9.84 9.38 3.81 9.311692 .69 9072 6.691297 6.521802 6.31 21987.27 1000 7.10 1498 1302 2.87 4.141272 1403 1.591384 1498 1295 2.44 6.002004 2087 5.89 1492 0.84 8.971277 5.82 1588 5.81 7890 3.991563 1492 .53 0.77 1386 9.811662 7.181259 3.381256 1482 1287 1282 .07 6.321264 2.611258 1482 8.00 5.05 1479 0.54 .18 .08 1357 .55 .27 9.615524 9.807506 1273 .42 0.43 1469 7.471760 9.53 3.351338 1369 2.601352 1264 1361 2.97 8.621633 1658 .49 1459 1.51 5.90 3.38 .62 .06 0.82 1353 8472 1455 3.52 .40 5.501853 5473 8.80 8.33 2.88 8364 1439 5.161324 6.591722 3.13 2.24 8.10 9.27 0.73 1432 1534 1337 9.64 3.90 2.34 6.461606 .83 3.71 2.752133 1433 8254 8266 1022 8.341403 6.72 7.23 1321 5.96 1320 6.171293 1423 4.34 6.61 5.561302 4.08 6125 8991.43 8079 8089 3.511580 4.36 6.91 1.741800 8.401286 3.041687 8.58 1305 9031 1306 4.51 0.291273 1406 0.29 0.29 9.881590 6988 6126 2.04 6.611911 1971 7.001273 2.841277 7924 1395 .32 1491 4.38 .07 0.99 0.49 7838 7877 1486 1389 1292 .80 1685 1283 1483 1484 2.54 6.49 .02 5.311655 3.76 1578 1373 7772 1474 1476 1278 1374 1277 1.13 3.63 4.54 4694 1476 1367 1373 0.33 .06 1664 2.741754 .378352 8.91 1466 1061 0.251347 9.24 0.46 0.43 1461 4.06 1357 .50 .44 .53 .29 1453 8469 1.971625 1345 0.901844 2.681314 .05 8.52 6.94 1441 4.66 .43 1439 2.121325 .61 1341 8311 8350 .81 4.74 3.16 7.061715 9.03 8.451623 1430 1328 .08 .35 1328 7.86 8.92 15247.4912211 1122 2.35 1326 8.811308 1.741597 2.47 9.60 8.15 4.51 1424 2.65 5.511296 0.95 1514 7.942024 .67 4.16 0.43 0.63 2.271391 5.581288 1417 .31 5.81 8118 4.011290 6.54 4.89 1311 1606 0.20 9045 1.42 0.43 2097 1408 1303 9.241790 1397 7.501679 4.01 3.65 1295 1296 1290 1392 4.32 .68 8708 7861 1.931890 7841 8.28 3.691367 10793.65 2.53 1282 2.04 .31 8553 5.87 1474 .84 .928635 7838 6718 1152 4623 1372 1474 1376 9.321646 7.79 7651 1470 2.612051 3.77 5.03 1465 1469 1.96 9.79 0.041345 0.37 7597 1461 1460 7547 1360 2.761744 1.60 3.80 2.63 .488265 1351 1547 .95 8.08 2.12 1450 3.78 .85 0.251327 1641 2.76 3.54 3.70 1445 1345 8.24 9.191616 1438 1335 8.881936 4.621828 5.251314 2.071306 1427 1.021306 6.45 0.17 4.60 7.37 1330 .05 .70 1.411302 5.761704 1426 3.681493 4238 1322 8172 1424 1620 4.93 7.98 9142 1614 1.85 1012.875474.30 3.67 1315 5.67 .939116 1312 .65 0.821383 2.08 .85 9190.33 8198 90663.761410.25 3.98 6.27 1409 1404 1302 .76 1398 4.41 2.69 .82 8.21 1295 1497 .51 8882 1300 1.80 1394 7924 8.43 8.891669 1.89 6.58 9.421776 1286 5.42 2.871362 2.72 3.231973 3.20 0.21 5.89 1375 1379 1569 1.651866 9.52 .21 8532 1.27 6.301345 2.43 1462 7603 1464 1363 6.131636 7.36 7599 .61 1.31 1356 1461 .55 9735 1060.08 1171.286663 1456 1455 .02 2527 2624 1456 9.06 1949 3.33 8.12 2.80 6.691331 9.571322 9.731731 1.97 .137 5.5286529.061540.02 4304 5674 5.82 1445 4.131321 1348 2038 5.45 4.57 1446 1342 8.361413 6.171314 6.78 7351 9362 1.25 1435 8.03 3.49 .428116 7305 7236 1431 1330 .689354 9984 1333 1424 1523 7.04 3.481808 0.19 1423 1218 7.691995 1319 1316 1316 0.521692 .28 4.44 4.36 0.62 3.871902 4.94 8063 .09 .89 .1448064. 1605 1409 8.09 6.58 .74 4.14 7.78 .82 1304 8.42 1398 8.61 .01 8919 1990 8.34 7.83 6.54 1395 0.94 1395 1290 9.80 6.24 4.96 8.96 1.941360 1578 4.631559.78 7021 1603 0.40 1482 1377 2.481656 .95 1077 11693.131266 1356 .96 .26 1380 1376 8.87 7.551759 5.98 .24 5.031346 .28 7690 8.73 .63 3.72 5.50 6.90 6.31 1366 3.90 17602.1310598 9788 1.65 1361 3.51 9.431336 9.13 0.31 4.92 8.961327 .34 8432 22.701 3687 1454 9.66 7.041840 1449 1453 1449 1351 2.481931 1451 1347 3.75 1.79 7.77 1541 1444 .59 7368 1442 1337 6.87 7.74 0.99 3.161716 8.81 1433 1432 5.48 7308 1428 .829428 1005 2.84 1336 1331 6.79 1329 1326 8.68 1421 9.41 9.32 1322 .89 1421 7168 0.14 .78 3.96 3.50 1419 9.55 9.45 .16 .097919 3.31 7027 5.071787 2.12 1409 7994 1404 7.621678 1504 1.41 1308 1995 3.80 7002 1398 1.87 2 1993 2.81 6906 1396 3.18 1294 1.40 5.81 3.89 6.391870 4.77 8863 .64 1.99 .26 9.61 .06 1388 6.37 1583 9.12 1.10 1379 .88 1078 1158 1575 2.96 9.39 1382 3.31 8.031951 3.44 1471 8.96 .24 1373 2.551477 8.61 0.09 2.18 1368 6.981341 7.15 1365 1359 3.21 4.44 7.48 4.491741 .81 1561 1452 6.46 1353 1551 1353 5.06 1349 .48 1344 3.36 .71 1.43 1444 6.40 2.77 7422 1442 1442 1339 1445 7.63 .03 5.43 4.96 1337 1440 .58 8276 .32 1337 1437 0.60 1339 3.98 5.181814 1432 1429 .019398 1002 1.64 1422 1325 0.30 0.171699 1418 9.99 1520 5.62 7.931240 1316 9.06 2.37 1419 7138 12106.15 1.831895 41507.511507 1.42 0.19 1409 1.08 1311 1408 7983 1.12 1.03 6990 8.00 1398 1396 1297 1395 4.83 2.31 4.63 1489 8.58 2.791360 0.521765 1381 1882 1980 .31 9.47 3.90 6.02 8.95 .567687 4.05 4.93 4.46 0.73 1383 1381 1382 0.34 2.53 8.171348 0.31 6.22 1071 1145 2268.53 6681 7.71 1368 6689 1370 .98 8745 1.68 1369 1563 1959 4.04 4.98 1461 6559 2.59 5.62 1358 9.04 3.96 7.401839 7.25 1555 .3925470.18 1351 1552 1355 1352 1347 9.55 5.55 1943 3.86 1346 1.75 .26 7.761721 .34 1436 0.451913 2.21 1341 4.72 8.43 1435 1434 9.04 1436 5.72 1529 1431 1430 1328 1424 4.001430 5.381746 1521 1.83 1422 0.84 8.25 9.12 1415 .869307 9940 1416 1413 7129 9.19 3.861218 1287 .65 8085 5.05 8062 2286 .22 7.14 .58 1314 8.37 5.341789 4.61 5.22 1503 0.45 5.69 1406 2.84 .49 1402 1300 6.63 1397 0.49 6909 1395 5.62 3.04 7.57 8.561362 1390 0.23 2.74 3.95 3.14 1383 8.511861 2.01 1382 5.82 1477 1379 9.57 .21 3.20 8.78 5.92 7.881465 3801.17 1372 1370 1370 9.83 2.85 6.851743 6651 1363 1.70 1.77 8.37 1960 4.29 1957 6.86 7.31 1357 1452 1357 1354 5.32 3.401924 3.90 1357 1.13 1354 .247431 .01 .87 8593 1545 5.03 1546 5.75 3.56 1.11 9.99 1343 6367 .05 1062 1131 9.24 6317 .24 1.15 1431 1533 8.112333 1.141810 6.59 1330 1428 2.241346 1526 1425 6199 1428 5.06 1425 1914 1818 9129 8326 9.96 1421 2.46 7.01 1420 1512 1414 1317 1413 1412 0.76 2.74 0.68 .36 6817 1405 5.05 4.851878 2.241487.81212 4.10 9.99 0.37 9.961200 1303 9.08 .769185 9835 1403 1397 7.35 9.89 1.61 5.74 1.70 1395 1393 7.57 9.891395 1489 5.14 2.651763 0.13 .98 7874 1386 1484 1385 1382 1375 8.57 .42 .14 2065 1377 .79 5.65 0.31 1370 5.72 1466 6666 7.74 1370 5.16 1367 4.69 0.80 1365 2.35 9.68 .59 3.49 .66 1361 2.37 1363 1362 7.84 8.061639 0.51 1952 .59 1954 0.64 8.961830 1358 7.04 1051 0.03 1.09 1.50 8.39 1445 3.69 6.781264 1321 8.52 1345 9.53 6.91 5.821432 1534 1930 9.08 7.41 6298 1332 1530 .35 8426 9055 7.40 1.17 1924 18176.71 1525 4.33 .50 1427 0.72 .99 1420 6.361891 7163 1517 1120 5.18 1.90 1417 1420 1419 1319 7.24 1411 1414 5.61 9.96 .30 4.43 1412 9.76 1408 0.97 4.86 9.351783 8.29 1406 1306 6029 1 4.24 3.95 0.24 1499 1399 2197 1498 3.31 5944 1397 1401 1.19 1892 0.99 6.98 1391 9028 1391 5831 9.44 1383 1386 .06 1478 3.19 1378 1381 8.58 2.66 1376 2072 2160 0.231845 5.421458 .28 6497 1371 1368 1370 1372 3.68 1368 6.24 4.2419792.11 1963 3.07 1367 2.29 6.911369 3.341186 1248 1954 9.50 .12 7655 1458 0.33 7.81 5.11 0.60 1358 3.62 0.75 .49 9732 1042 9.56 9.87 8.60 5.48 3.90 .61 1346 5.73 0.41 1.32 1439 11351.73 4.81 .49 0.97 5.14 1933 0.55 1333 8.44 7.91 5.14 0.691800 1.44 .34 1423 1524 5.52 1521 5.0416118.72 2.36 1517 0.29 5.20 1321 .18 1414 9.06 2.88 2.636369 .40 5.051407 7.37 1412 4.45 1410 1413 3.47 0.23 1505 4.62 1409 7.911997 .54 8258 8933 1308 2.99 1409 1899 1503 1404 1405 9.231476 7.99 1400 3.34 5941 5.58 1393 1397 1397 1486 .716891 2186 5.961303 1389 1387 8.931858 1387 7.731111 1177 1381 3.46 1380 8.90 7.3613696.711671 2177.19 1375 1380 5.98 1377 1373 1372 8.70 1964 1369 1468 1372 9646 5657 .15 4.49 1.68 1.35 5573 1.28 2.57 1358 0.79 6.01 9.04 1450 3.89 1.98 3.99 2.45 7.421350 7.041436 6.06 5461 1938 6.90 6.75 0.931814 5.19 5.71 9.40 1346 2.222043 2.89 1036 1434 .43 6179 9.84 3.56 1334 7.57 .36 7441 8102 .47 1929 5.26 6.69 4.97 7.94 6.24 8.00 1.01 1420 3.641238 1292 1322 5.45 5.481487 1513 5.81 0.50 1515 0.36 7.63 8.59 1310 6.451983 6.65 4.86 1905 2.97 1506 1407 .65 .70 1106 1505 1407 1406 3.63 1403 1406 .96 1404 1400 1397 1399 1491 5.67 1395 9.361389 1390 .84 1394 8.94 10888.865915 8.05 1388 .01 1386 2.012079 1382 0.37 1385 8833 9592 1380 9.50 7.521457 0.77 6.90 1378 1476 6.13 1376 1172 1377 1378 1376 9.80 1867 9.96 1368 5597 1.03 1460 7.91 .476627 6.021826 8.96 1358 2.10 .92 1945 4.94 9.33 7.55 5.79 1444 7.99 2.21 5.87 8.97 8.17 4.89 1347 3.82 0.89 1.63 1034 2.381338 8.87 9.01 1335 1.31 0.50 3.69 1429 1.55 6.941420 0.921314.60 8.62 5229 4.992005 7.75 2.76 6.80 1.70 .51 5206 9.87 1323 1911 5.87 2.79 3.58 8.551233 1286 2112 9.34 1417 1.68 5.17 8.04 1508 1312 5104 5.57 1406 .17 7241 7971 1106 1504 1505 .90 1401 .42 5877 1401 0.69 7.611472 1398 1400 1396 1.53 1493 1399 1395 1494 1394 1389 6.57 1390 1387 1390 3.94 2081 1384 1383 1481 1383 1380 1.47 9.191377 1379 1874 1380 1971 1379 1173 8768 9584 7.07 2.22 7.06 1375 4.47 9.36 1467 .01 .61 2.551443 .99 1367 1955 9.69 1053 4.90 4.92 1452 1357 7.67 0.77 3.96 0.54 .45 0.742018 0.23 8.97 1.94 1.66 6381 1346 5.28 1835 1038 1438 1.40 .53 0.61 4.25 1234 1332 8.72 1336 1.18 1.41 5.18 2027 6.12 5294 7.70 6.59 7.81 9.65 0.96 .94 3.45 0.57 1425 3.77 7.60 7.42 1917 6.19 9.49 1324 3.85 9.38 9.82 7.941409 7.4718008 4.43 8.57 .18 1.08 1414 1112 9.38 1313 7063 7873 0.71 5027 3.33 1501 1404 1501 8.39 1396 7.271287 1395 1495 6.70 3.52 1395 1495 1393 1395 1390 1394 1390 1390 1880 1387 1384 1485 1181 3.711460 1481 1382 1385 1386 1381 .00 9.61 1382 1380 7.52 4795 0.94 1381 6.14 2.451287 8749 9635 1048.25 9.291371 0.63 7.734956 1472 .27 5612 1373 1964 2.26 .31 7.06 1.76 1459 4593 7.98 1365 2.67 1356 2.88 0.681433 .89 1446 1842 20438.31 6.62 4.75 1346 1.76 .97 4.19 9.77 1336 1.78 7.10 0.76 0.89 0.19 2.931332 1433 9.55 0.59 1.27 1422 5.16 4.71 6.82 9.88 0.49 1126 1195 9.51 1.141241 1922 1421 1.53 2016.06 7.19 5.81 4.17 5.39 1325 8.24 5.30 4.27 2012 7108 9999.17 1314 7.09 5.401402 5079 .23 1411 4.24 .16 9.18 1402 0.66 3.82 .796161 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1360 8.11 6.705300 1353 .56 5286 9.26 97 7540 8.411349 .06 1142.09 4.791425 1339.07 1424.33 1445 1.40 1344 2.55 1434 1335 1.33 7.92 9.17 0.81 8.78 1925 3.92 1922 4.62 0.22 4.35 4.54 2.99 1.01 .23 3.48 0.24 1.27 1423 3.33 1325 9.89 2.64 1.56 6.36 .82 4.021326 8.14 4.95 3.88 1414 3 9.411404 1315 5.19 9140.68 1037 7.21 2.64 1207.10 12892.401227 1293 0.50 6.341307 1406 2.69 8.12 .961190 1299 0.67 1399 9.85 8.79 8934.056033 1393 4.531384 0.38 1886 1487 16864.39 1389 1485 1385 1488 1482 7833 2.431459 1382 5.87 1382 1383 1382 15791.681096 1381 1382 1382 4.15 1479 1382 2744 2.75 1378 1380 4.13 1470 1.39 1771 6650 1472 1171 1374 .00 1370 1469.34 13701.48 .735791 4.36 4.40 8.371444 4.181366 9.62 1364 1460 3.37 5.13 1851 9540 1.25 1358 1351 3.051352 1942 1450 6.471428 2.37 6.10 4.371417 4.841349 1.69 9.981345 1439 1343 2.27 .37 1915.01 5334 1825 5.15 1334 5.51 1429 3.95 1026.32 3.22 8.84 0.81 3.60 8.55 3.37 1.60 .78 2.971412 .78 4.75 3.59 7.24 1419 1324 0.65 6.37 6.25 8.12 5.75 0.97 1.82 5.28 .19 1936 0.37 1912 3.84 1315 6.82 6.927912 7.50 8.15 1410 6.79 2.74 3.381495 3.53 4.271398 1100 8.36 8.14 1403 7.34 1397 8.12 4.991393 4.22 8.601389 1391 1387 1.16 5.17 1.06 1881 9.781386 1483 1483 1485 1384 4.511458 1477 1381 4.16 1379 1378 1382 1479 3.12 0.24 1380 1379 1378 1472 1374 2.59 1376 1469 0.601445 1.27 1370 9.761655.73 1577 1366 1463 5.70 9.35 65830.905635 1850.98 1361 1.05 2.021434 1.61 1849 1453 1355 9.65 1349 1443 7.035581 7.056446 1719.79 4.47 0.31 2.311449 5.661423 0.80 1341 5.161425 1433 1333 0.751417 8.77 7.99 6.23 1424 1.841417 5.99 1.74 1.24 7.62 1324 6.94 2.75 9.69 9.90 6.43 0.13 4.60 5.60 0.26 1415 1314 0.08 1.58 4.69 0.65 9.79 8.72 1407 1903 .87 3.10 1400 0.96 2.28 2.991573 1510 .72 8.21 1892 1893 1394 7.06 6.19 0.56 .29 8082.43 1389 0.731471 8.54 0.29 1386 5.42 9.421459 1481 1479 1482 1380 1383 1378 1474 1478 1375 1379 4.28 1472 1871 0.121450 1377 1374 5.65 1.46 1370 1372 1467 9.131443 1464 0.55 9.671449 1367 5.81 1363 2.83 1.151440 5.061439 1358 2.72 1852 5270 8605 1764.73 1456 9.41 3.08 1843 1446 1353 1346 3.87 8.36 5.03 1437 5.78 3.62 1339 1631 6.60 1331 8.50 1427 0.19 5.55 8.12 1.45 8.79 1323 1519 1419 0.73 0.61 7.51 1.96 9.67 2.73 0.92 4.75 1.41 0.32 6.54 0.821486 5.41 6.31 1410 9.00 1314 5.27 9.48 1403 4.54 5.58 0.57 1397 8.14 1789.88 8.87 .47 6025 2.11 1391 9.121467 9.08 5.451462 8.27 2.23 1387 1681 4.42 8.20 4.581456 1479 6.931458 1380 1383 1477 1479 1376 1477 1473 2.76 1378 1472 6.65 9.87 1374 8.32 1371 9.41 1865 1373 1468 1568 1867 1465 1367 1369 1364 1360 4.10 4.77 1.14 1854 1458 1457 1355 1449 9.97 4.87 1350 .54 1842 7.23 6435 1344 1440 1833 3.62 9.30 1431 1337 9.35 1330 3.41 1524 4.15 6.68 1422 1718 5.49 7.98 7.37 1322 5.38 6.98 5.70 0.25 4.48 4.63 3.23 1613 1414 9.36 6.75 2.34 3.69 1.26 4.401479 1313 1.73 1406 3.58 8.23 2.00 6.72 5.65 1798 3.71 1.30 3.66 1399 1496 0.09 7.74 0.211468 9.96 1393 8.54 3.32 .504984. 1388 5.71 4.76 5.31 1384 1380 1477 2.81 1476 8.52 1473 1477 1375 1475 1377 2.24 1471 7.73 1470 1373 1471 3.53 7.26 1369 1468 1466 1371 1562 1364 1366 4.66 6.16 3.43 1361 1459 1357 6.49 1451 1652 2.35 1352 8.22 6.89 1741 8.41 1347 1442 1836 1342 9.26 7.38 1433 40 9.91 1833 1335 1527 1328 8.84 1824 1425 9.98 1819 5.66 9.61 8.38 1321 4.85 8.11 9.99 4.32 7.61 1417 9.61 7.85 2.64 7.71 2.19 4.17 1409 1503 0.61 1312 0.53 1.21 1.54 9.03 1.37 7.73 1598 1402 1395 0.21 1.08 3.23 1795 5024 1.43 5.93 1488 9.73 1390 9.56 1682 9.34 1385 6.25 1381 4.40 1.99 1480 1475 1476 1476 1476 1477 9.16 1475 1377 1374 1474 1.66 7.87 1371 1471 2.46 7.40 1466 7.13 1366 3.20 1369 4.21 1361 1364 1557 1459 1.12 1358 1354 0.77 1452 3.64 1350 4.71 9.71 1444 4.90 9.20 .38 1753 1345 3.03 1339 9.62 1629 1436 1527 6.17 1333 3.64 1427 1327 7.08 4.94 3.01 2.34 7.86 3.36 6.11 7.00 1419 1319 1.81 3.00 7.02 5.88 6.20 1411 1807 1507 8.29 0.70 0.22 1311 1803 7.82 2.78 1703 1404 1801 3.47 1.86 1397 3.68 6.87 0.27 1.35 4.44 3.59 1494 1391 1485 1.96 1585 1785 3.72 1386 1479 1481 1381 3.40 1478 1475 8.54 1477 1377 1373 1473 3.01 0.49 7.26 7.40 1370 1470 6.80 1465 0.24 1364 1367 1358 1459 1361 1754 1653 5.07 1551 7.45 1453 1355 7.21 6.68 3.44 1351 9.58 1445 1347 1.77 1.39 4.56 0.34 8.02 1342 1337 1437 0.56 8.04 1429 1526 9.70 1331 4.32 1325 2.08 4.66 2.53 4.84 7.61 1421 1.61 9.96 3.04 1318 1714 1413 6.28 9.82 7.65 1609 1508 7.14 3.54 6.95 1406 1310 8.04 7.00 1399 1496 8.18 8.76 8.88 2.83 7.60 5.65 0.91 1393 4.71 1489 1484 7.40 5.97 5.41 1387 1779 1480 1382 1779 1476 8.14 1478 5.25 1377 1671 1373 6.67 1473 1573 1769 5.67 5.98 1369 1469 6.61 1465 2.34 1366 1363 5.28 1459 1359 1356 1453 2.69 3.52 7.42 1748 9.24 1353 9.20 1545 1446 3.56 8.08 1349 1345 4.74 8.94 1438 1340 1335 1.58 1431 1629 0.30 0.28 1329 1524 4.32 5.32 1323 7.80 2.88 8.89 1423 1717 0.58 7.74 3.67 1415 6.86 1.34 5.61 1316 3.12 1508 6.71 8.25 7.77 1407 2.82 1309 3.74 0.91 1497 8.06 1400 8.52 5.35 4.47 1394 1593 3.15 0.24 1489 4.65 1484 1681 3.82 1388 2.14 1382 0.20 1480 1476 1377 8.28 3.75 1373 1473 2.34 0.12 7.17 1469 1369 1464 1563 5.75 1.52 3.95 1365 1.48 1361 1459 1755 6.55 4.23 1453 1358 1354 7.08 1751 6.17 1350 1446 9.85 1644 5.44 1346 1737 2144 1714 1342 1539 5.87 1439 9.50 1338 3.91 1432 2.63 1332 8.73 4.17 5.10 3.51 1327 1520 1424 8.36 1321 3.12 8.10 1416 8.27 2.77 3.26 1315 1609 1409 1506 4.42 1.17 9.02 0.41 1308 2.60 6.08 1402 5.96 9.63 5.33 1496 1395 0.50 4.78 1488 2.97 1685 7.82 1389 8.13 2.08 1383 1483 8.64 1578 1478 3.31 .51 6.38 0.46 5.94 1378 1473 1373 0.33 0.57 9.98 1469 1368 1464 5.01 6.02 3.91 5.29 1364 1360 1459 7.67 1453 1653 6.63 1356 1352 1552 0.86 2.01 3.34 7.57 1446 1348 1.89 1344 1340 2.08 1440 1532 5.04 4.74 1432 1335 1731 8.82 1330 5.71 1723 1.86 1425 3.66 0.32 1325 5.17 1621 2.15 1417 1516 0.10 1319 8.27 0.88 1313 1410 1706 4.09 5.47 6.41 1503 1306 3.19 1403 3.19 3.41 1396 1493 4.42 3.19 1591 4.54 6.25 9.12 1684 1389 9.73 1486 7.33 1383 1480 6.85 3.97 0.29 1378 1474 2.97 1372 7.49 7.97 3.54 8.31 1469 1368 0.15 1464 1565 2.84 4.58 0.96 1363 1657 6.57 7.89 1359 1459 1.13 1453 1355 1350 4.23 4.01 9.34 1446 1543 1346 6.01 7.63 2.37 1342 1440 1338 3.86 9.50 1433 2.61 1333 1628 3.12 1328 9.10 1525 3.82 1425 8.44 1.97 1418 1323 1.97 7.98 9.53 1317 1411 1706 1510 1311 7.04 0.77 5.56 1.35 1600 1499 1404 1305 5.12 3.91 1.91 1.15 1397 1695 2.52 0.34 9.53 1490 1390 9.34 1.67 1482 1384 8.59 1678 6.66 1.99 1476 1378 2.94 1575 1.36 6.71 1470 1372 8.02 7.40 1464 1367 2.19 8.63 5.07 4.58 1362 1657 1458 1358 1552 1453 7.94 1353 1.93 5.70 1349 8.24 7.36 1446 8.72 1345 3.64 0.31 2.83 1440 1.11 7.84 1340 1533 1336 1433 1632 1.81 1331 5.00 1326 6.43 1426 2.42 7.99 1418 1321 1517 1.82 3.57 2.27 8.40 1411 1315 1607 3.19 1310 1504 6.73 6.70 1404 8.06 0.32 1303 9.68 1397 1.92 7.36 0.26 1494 7.61 4.37 1485 1390 7.62 1384 1682 1582 1.42 1477 1.62 1378 7.95 1670 6.55 3.22 2.68 4.75 1471 1372 6.54 1464 1367 7.32 1.63 1560 9.46 1362 1458 5.10 1357 8.26 1452 1652 7.22 9.53 1352 1.85 1348 0.41 1446 8.53 1541 1343 5.91 7.67 1439 6.41 1339 1433 2.28 1334 1632 4.13 9.41 1329 1426 5.38 1324 1524 2.49 8.56 1419 8.94 4.61 1319 0.20 1610 1510 1412 2.15 1314 7.18 9.91 1308 2.97 6.19 1404 1498 1.69 1397 9.26 1302 2.91 8.07 9.61 1488 6.08 1391 1587 0.54 5.07 1384 0.48 1479 5.62 9.68 1378 0.59 1.92 4.74 4.79 1472 1566 1372 1465 1366 7.43 2.23 1658 8.08 2.77 1.32 1458 1361 1356 6.20 1452 2.51 1.43 0.03 1351 1547 1.42 1645 1346 1446 3.50 9.24 1342 3.06 1439 9.74 2.28 1432 1337 1332 3.47 1629 1529 2.20 8.60 1426 7.14 1327 1322 1419 8.28 1514 4.89 1317 1610 1412 3.30 5.43 5.61 1312 4.86 9.28 1306 8.14 1502 1405 1398 9.93 5.72 1300 4.60 6.19 1491 1590 1391 5.47 0.90 8.98 7.81 2.06 1384 1481 1.00 6.59 1378 1570 9.46 4.40 1473 7.38 2.94 8.79 1372 1466 1366 0.77 9.32 9.66 0.93 1459 1360 9.69 1355 7.92 1551 2.82 0.57 1452 1350 3.70 1445 1345 6.71 1.97 0.40 1636 1340 1.11 1439 6.77 2.76 1432 1534 1335 2.33 1331 3.33 7.58 1425 1623 8.57 1326 1519 1418 1321 4.23 3.56 1316 5.81 1411 1607 3.48 1.11 1505 1310 5.40 1305 1404 1.54 1398 1494 9.89 6.72 4.69 1299 5.54 1590 1391 5.55 8.80 5.94 1384 1483 5.01 7.35 1378 2.67 1572 1474 5.66 3.85 9.24 1.03 1466 1372 1366 7.57 4.38 2.14 0.94 8.56 2.04 1459 1360 1554 1354 0.26 9.03 5.98 1452 1349 1445 6.91 6.40 0.13 9.50 1344 0.56 1339 1537 1438 0.24 1.24 1432 1334 0.93 2.78 1329 6.62 1522 8.46 1425 1324 1319 2.49 1615 0.22 1418 8.70 1411 1314 1508 8.03 0.61 1602 1.12 1308 1404 1303 1496 3.74 1397 3.98 3.05 9.06 1297 3.47 1391 1587 1485 6.09 5.38 1384 4.71 4.49 1377 6.07 8.10 1571 1476 0.75 4.94 1467 1371 5.54 1365 3.18 2.89 5.78 4.45 1459 5.15 1555 1359 4.15 1354 5.60 3.20 1452 5.97 1348 1445 5.68 9.53 6.69 3.80 4.23 1539 1343 8.18 1438 1338 1431 5.77 1333 0.55 6.50 1524 1328 6.58 4.22 1424 1323 1317 9.57 6.01 1417 0.92 1411 1510 1312 4.87 6.87 6.27 1307 1404 1301 1595 6.05 1397 2.91 1498 7.80 1.40 1296 2.29 1487 1390 6.87 1.74 1384 1583 4.23 3.93 1377 1477 2.95 2.22 1569 4.90 1468 1.32 1371 4.85 0.79 1365 6.95 1459 0.15 8.93 1554 1359 8.81 1353 0.47 7.52 1452 6.71 1444 1347 3.10 3.21 2.11 1539 7.75 5.68 1342 4.06 1437 1337 1430 0.39 1525 1.58 6.68 1331 1326 0.35 1.64 1423 1321 1316 5.41 1.36 1417 2.28 1512 1410 0.78 1311 2.14 0.70 1403 1305 7.90 1300 1499 1396 5.37 1.18 3.56 1294 1488 0.79 1390 7.71 7.70 1383 7.79 1576 3.40 1477 1376 7.22 0.36 8.19 1468 1565 4.89 8.24 1370 6.63 1364 9.87 1459 5.13 1358 3.30 1552 1.80 1352 0.26 3.80 1451 0.74 1444 1346 5.90 7.08 1538 1.98 5.85 8.28 1341 1437 1335 1430 5.16 2.22 1525 1.22 1330 1325 5.02 1423 9.17 1320 8.95 9.97 1314 1416 1512 4.91 1409 0.86 1309 6.34 4.31 1402 8.64 1304 1500 1396 1298 3.98 1.27 5.38 1488 8.53 1293 1389 3.03 8.42 1382 6.76 1478 2.96 1376 0.77 8.76 1468 0.61 2.73 1369 5.53 2.94 1363 1.72 1459 1559 0.61 1357 8.17 3.53 3.28 1351 1548 5.70 1451 5.23 1443 1345 8.16 1.44 1.05 0.94 6.48 1536 1340 1436 1334 1429 7.42 0.07 4.23 1523 1329 8.24 1323 1422 2.69 1318 3.23 1313 1415 1511 6.40 1408 9.43 1308 3.83 7.01 7.57 1401 1499 1302 1395 1297 6.09 6.72 1488 1.88 4.98 1291 1388 7.34 1382 8.88 1478 1.64 2.45 1375 3.40 7.25 1468 2.08 8.28 1369 3.06 9.57 1362 2.51 1459 6.48 1356 3.44 4.04 6.04 1350 1450 6.27 1542 0.11 1443 1344 8.98 8.06 6.15 2.12 1.25 1339 1435 1532 1333 1428 6.30 5.14 5.76 1328 1521 0.06 1322 1421 1.71 1317 5.19 1414 1509 4.43 1407 1311 1.35 1306 8.72 4.01 1400 1498 1301 1394 1295 7.41 7.48 1487 9.62 1387 1290 8.75 0.25 1381 8.94 1477 1.73 1374 4.85 3.33 5.70 1467 2.44 1368 0.67 1.82 1361 6.40 2.16 1458 2.62 1355 3.36 1349 8.38 1450 5.56 9.02 5.29 1442 1343 8.45 6.36 1.13 1.89 1338 6.24 1434 1332 8.17 1427 1527 5.88 0.36 1326 0.49 1321 1517 1420 5.27 5.85 1315 1413 8.31 1507 1406 1310 2.10 1305 9.40 7.33 1399 1496 1299 1393 7.86 1294 7.55 1486 1.90 1386 1288 1.34 8.51 1476 1379 0.68 1373 4.82 3.98 1466 1.49 2.95 1367 8.25 1360 3.31 3.94 0.58 1457 8.92 1354 1.43 1348 0.43 1449 3.55 4.81 1441 0.71 1342 6.57 5.77 6.34 0.29 1336 1433 1.42 1331 1425 2.61 4.62 5.70 1325 1320 1418 1512 2.79 9.57 5.21 1314 1411 7.41 1405 1503 1309 1.65 1303 9.01 6.93 1398 1298 1391 1493 7.39 1292 6.86 1.31 1483 1385 1287 0.18 7.47 1378 1474 9.19 1372 2.96 1.97 1465 8.99 1366 5.69 1359 0.19 7.60 1456 5.49 1353 5.27 8.18 1347 1447 0.23 2.59 0.72 1439 6.28 1341 3.37 1.70 7.35 6.32 1335 1431 6.73 1329 1424 9.40 2.02 1.13 1324 1318 1417 7.33 3.91 3.31 1313 1410 1.27 1403 0.01 1307 1302 1498 7.53 2.32 1396 1296 1390 5.95 1291 1489 5.34 7.36 1480 1383 1285 6.35 5.75 1377 1471 7.17 1371 8.94 9.57 4.69 1462 1364 2.87 1358 6.92 3.04 1454 1352 1.58 3.47 1346 1445 5.52 6.66 1.92 1437 5.48 1340 8.81 7.16 3.06 1334 2.14 1430 8.28 1328 1422 8.52 8.08 6.63 1322 1317 1415 3.78 8.40 0.13 1311 1408 9.55 1401 7.16 1306 1300 4.93 3.10 1395 1295 1388 3.51 1289 2.94 1485 9.66 1382 1284 1477 9.46 3.29 1375 4.55 1369 2.43 1468 6.70 8.30 1363 9.69 1460 1357 3.42 6.69 1451 1351 7.76 1344 7.17 9.34 1443 2.53 7.56 1435 1339 2.85 2.64 7.40 1333 7.57 1428 1327 2.10 1420 2.80 2.14 0.16 1321 1315 1413 8.92 5.69 6.22 1310 1406 2.06 1400 3.11 1304 1299 1.21 8.99 1393 1293 1387 0.03 1288 9.62 7.87 1380 1282 9.19 0.02 1472 1374 1.24 1367 3.12 3.28 1464 9.57 1361 6.09 1355 9.60 1456 8.34 1448 1349 3.70 9.11 1.57 1441 8.26 1343 3.11 1337 1433 5.40 8.08 1331 0.33 2.98 1426 1325 1418 6.16 7.63 1320 1314 4.63 1411 2.74 9.98 1308 7.49 1404 1398 7.85 1303 1297 6.35 8.73 1391 9.80 1292 5.50 1385 1286 1.75 5.34 1378 1281 5.90 5.27 1372 7.20 1366 0.73 9.23 8.25 1460 1360 1.98 1354 5.38 7.77 1452 1445 1347 9.34 9.13 2.08 3.76 1342 1438 8.50 1336 1430 6.38 3.40 1330 1.80 8.31 1324 1423 8.13 3.05 1318 1416 1313 1409 5.23 2.99 1307 1402 2.43 1396 1301 1.36 1296 0.33 9.63 1389 1290 5.49 9.89 1383 1285 0.07 1279 1.15 1376 0.89 7.49 1370 2.37 1364 4.51 5.05 1358 7.29 4.11 1352 0.68 4.80 1448 4.60 1346 1441 7.05 0.74 8.96 1340 3.66 1334 1434 1427 5.69 8.55 1328 1.72 3.50 1322 1420 8.35 8.66 1317 1311 1413 1406 6.35 4.70 1305 1400 1300 3.64 1393 1294 3.14 4.93 1387 1289 3.18 1283 1381 6.06 3.78 1278 1374 4.95 6.00 5.72 1368 6.71 1362 9.05 5.90 1356 1.97 5.44 1350 6.99 9.23 9.41 1344 1437 2.72 3.81 7.41 1338 8.53 1332 1430 1423 3.23 3.46 1327 8.49 0.03 1321 1417 3.47 7.68 1315 1410 6.07 1404 1309 1304 5.09 1397 1298 4.67 1391 1293 4.76 1287 1384 5.36 1282 1378 1.66 6.46 1276 1372 8.06 6.32 9.89 0.18 1366 1360 2.82 3.17 5.97 1354 1348 6.73 0.93 9.62 3.72 1342 5.99 8.22 1336 1.97 3.04 1331 1426 8.08 8.87 1420 1325 3.23 6.63 1319 1413 8.38 5.14 1313 1407 1308 4.33 1400 1302 4.11 1394 1297 4.40 1291 1388 5.18 1286 1382 6.40 1280 1376 1275 8.07 1370 0.18 2.19 0.01 2.75 1364 5.77 1358 6.80 9.24 1352 1346 3.24 3.15 9.78 7.47 1340 6.74 2.16 1334 7.14 4.30 1329 2.34 2.53 1323 7.68 1415 1317 1.43 3.03 1312 1409 0.97 1306 1403 1.09 1301 1397 1.73 1295 1391 2.83 1290 1385 4.35 1284 6.28 1379 1279 1273 8.59 1373 1.29 1367 4.38 1361 6.15 7.87 1355 1.74 6.80 1349 1344 6.00 6.47 0.62 5.70 1338 5.56 4.89 1332 0.78 1327 4.31 6.21 1321 1.77 4.11 1315 7.37 4.37 1310 5.10 1405 1304 6.28 1299 1399 7.90 1393 1293 9.90 1288 1388 2.27 1382 1282 4.97 1376 1277 1272 8.01 1370 1.37 1364 5.06 1358 9.08 1353 3.44 1347 3.22 1341 8.12 3.11 6.42 1336 8.64 8.38 3.91 1330 0.36 1325 1.92 9.62 1319 3.54 1313 5.46 1.35 5.36 1308 7.45 1302 1297 9.86 2.57 1395 1389 1292 1286 5.59 1384 8.89 1378 1281 2.46 1373 1275 1270 6.29 1367 0.39 1361 4.75 9.39 1356 1350 4.29 1344 9.47 4.91 1339 1333 3.13 8.62 0.59 6.48 1328 1322 3.13 7.08 2.54 1317 1311 0.74 8.72 4.94 1306 4.34 7.99 1301 1295 1.76 5.71 1385 1290 1284 9.85 4.18 1380 1374 1279 8.70 1369 1274 1268 3.42 8.33 1364 1358 3.44 8.76 1353 1347 4.29 1342 0.03 5.99 1336 1331 5.65 2.14 8.46 1325 1320 3.19 9.76 4.93 1315 1309 5.69 1.49 8.10 1304 1.26 6.64 1298 1293 1.96 7.28 1288 1282 2.66 1376 1277 1370 8.12 3.68 1272 1365 1267 9.36 5.16 1360 1355 1.09 7.16 1350 1344 3.39 1339 9.77 6.31 1334 1328 3.00 9.82 1323 1318 0.57 6.75 9.96 1312 1307 3.75 8.37 0.78 1302 6.10 3.39 1296 1291 0.39 7.22 1286 1281 3.97 1275 0.67 1366 7.37 1270 1265 1361 4.09 0.86 1356 1351 7.68 4.59 1346 1341 1.57 1336 8.66 5.85 1331 1325 3.13 0.51 1320 1315 7.96 7.71 1310 5.45 2.96 8.77 1305 1299 8.84 8.20 1294 1289 7.05 5.53 1284 1279 3.75 1273 1.81 9.74 1268 1263 1357 7.60 5.41 1352 1348 3.20 1.00 1343 1338 8.82 1333 6.67 4.57 1328 1323 2.52 0.51 1317 1312 8.54 1307 6.58 4.61 1302 6.92 1297 9.49 1292 1.07 1287 1.90 2.16 1282 1276 1.99 1271 1.50 0.77 1266 1261 9.85 8.79 1348 7.63 1344 6.39 1339 1334 5.11 1329 3.79 2.47 1324 1320 1.13 9.80 1315 1310 8.45 1305 7.09 5.69 1300 1295 1290 8.05 2.00 1284 4.95 1279 7.11 1274 8.67 1269 9.75 1264 0.44 1259 0.83 0.98 0.94 1340 0.74 1335 0.42 1331 0.00 1326 9.51 1321 1316 8.95 8.34 1312 1307 7.68 1302 6.96 6.17 1297 1292 1287 1282 1.00 1277 6.19 1272 0.39 1267 3.78 1262 6.52 8.74 1257 0.53 1.97 3.12 4.03 4.73 1331 1327 5.27 1322 5.67 1318 5.95 1313 6.12 1308 6.20 1304 1299 6.17 6.05 1294 1289 1284 1280 1275 1270 5.66 1.98 1265 7.31 1260 1.83 1255 5.66 8.94 1.75 4.16 6.24 8.04 1323 9.60 0.95 1318 2.12 1314 1310 3.13 3.99 1305 1301 4.70 1296 5.28 1291 1287 1282 1277 1272 1.92 1267 1263 9.28 1258 1253 5.66 1.20 6.04 0.30 4.05 7.37 0.33 2.96 5.32 1314 7.44 9.33 1310 1306 1.03 1302 1297 2.53 1293 3.86 1288 1284 1279 1274 1270 1265 1260 9.71 1255 1251 8.02 5.35 1.84 7.62 2.78 7.41 1.58 5.36 8.78 1.89 1306 1302 4.72 7.30 1298 1294 9.65 1.77 1290 1285 1281 1276 1272 1267 1262 1258 1253 1248 8.95 8.14 6.35 3.71 0.35 6.35 1.80 6.77 1.31 5.47 1298 9.29 2.80 1294 1290 6.02 8.98 1286 1282 1278 1273 1269 1264 1260 1255 1251 1246 9.57 9.56 8.58 6.76 4.19 0.98 7.20 2.91 8.17 3.03 7.51 1291 1287 1.66 5.49 1283 1279 1274 1270 1266 1261 1257 1253 1248 1244 1.51 2.24 2.01 0.94 9.12 6.64 3.58 9.98 5.92 1.42 1283 6.54 1.29 1279 1275 1271 1267 1263 1259 1254 1250 1246 1241 4.71 6.13 6.60 6.22 5.10 3.30 0.90 7.96 4.53 0.65 6.36 1275 1272 1268 1264 1260 1256 1251 1247 1243 1239 9.12 1.18 2.29 2.56 2.08 0.93 9.15 6.83 3.99 0.69 1268 1264 1260 1256 1253 1248 1244 1240 1236 4.69 7.34 9.06 9.93 0.06 9.50 8.31 6.56 4.29 1261 1257 1253 1249 1245 1241 1237 1233 1.38 4.58 6.86 8.30 8.99 8.99 8.36 7.15 1253 1250 1246 1242 1238 1234 1230 9.15 2.86 5.66 7.63 8.85 9.37 9.26 1246 1243 1239 1235 1231 1228 7.96 2.15 5.44 7.90 9.61 0.63 1239 1236 1232 1228 1225 7.78 2.41 6.15 9.08 1.26 1232 1229 1225 1222 8.57 3.62 7.79 1.15 1226 1222 1219 0.30 5.74 0.31 1219 1215 2.94 8.75 1212 6.47 1665

Access Our thought behind this iteration was that access by road would drive up the valuation of the sqm. As the computer could not process each square metre, this is only a map of one square metre every 10 sqm.

Operation Charlie: For this Valuation , positively charged points were placed where our studio found “places they wanted in their garden” and negatively charged points in “ places you would find a dead body”. With the reasoning that a“places they wanted in their garden” would drive up the value and a “ places you would find a dead body” would drive down the value. As the computer could not process each square metre, this is only a map of one square metre every 10 sqm.

Topography Here the higher the site the more likely it has views of the city and a such the price of the metrage will rise. This is measured at each sqm.



Land Value is something that is overlooked when considering site analysis however as Jane Jacobs highlighted a park does not necessarily add value to its surrounding, but its surroundings add to its value. Therefore a m2 valuation of the park could been seen to add provocative meaning to our analysis. To find the base square metrage value we divided the average house price, $1,090,000.00 (Your investment Property, 2016) by the average block size of the surrounding 150 houses (270sqm). Thus giving us a base value of $4037. A maximum multiplier for the following was set at 5.

Final: This image illustrates the overlaying of the previous three maps. Each square represents a sqm within 10sqm.


VALUE OF LAND With a multiplier affected by access The numbers on these maps indicate the probable price per sqm of land affected by either access, level of interest or/and topography.



166 165




161 87


159 98. 071

158 14. 771

156 43. 671

603 2

581 6.4 915 7

2816 4

52167 1


53166 0

2.51 463

4.9 6166







83. 1 7068 94

3.9 15 9

651 63



871 58



80. 561 291 62. 154 9.7 569 64 88. 315 2.4 15 541 556 0 5 1 .66 445 553 153 154 .541 5.5 51. 43. 8 536 321 53 152 3.9 529 152 152 90. 51 4.8 6 39 32. 5 7 3 2 .94 152 35. 741 1 01. 28 1 516 5 151 150 17 017 7 . 150 32. 351 5 . 6 0 0 .71 821 63. 506 146 71 506 6.5 148 150 148 83. 41 2.3 02. 51. 0 76. 492 014 3 121 8 04 958 4.9 497 144 149 91 146 .13 8 85. 473 86. .60 3 1 2 4 38 148 961 .99 815 7.8 74. 6 491 .91 140 149 143 145 14 5.1 146 99. 39. 31. 147 01. 414 3 9 501 8 1 44 33. 4 . 8 7 1 4 1 149 2.9 870 90 139 1 1 4 440 81 145 07. 213 .76 7 3 4 147 761 .66 2.5 54. 676 .99 4 484 73. 44 148 .98 138 135 141 24 143 4.3 90. 145 76. 146 64 26. 014 3 661 3 0 48 .02 91 43. 3.8 753 483 148 59 91 .60 1 1 1 4.5 3 86. 349 406 144 429 805 146 214 971 3.1 7.9 78. 0.9 .28 32. 752 484 3 9 148 57 5 38 .76 137 140 0.0 134 142 95. 130 144 146 714 59. 3 4 291 7 71 6 7 0 5 4 7 .11 7.3 .38 10 .23 485 2.1 69. 149 5 41 321 1 9.4 1 1 1 14. 3 4 4 1 3 738 449 031 285 303 314 407 4 061 6 71. 801 .27 9.2 .00 .24 7.0 .65 489 149 53 41 8 .71 0.8 137 140 41. 133 145 432 147 130 126 814 501 43. 52. 97. 43. 0 1 8 1 . 0 4 9 8 4 6 4 9 149 40 18 932 .00 8 8.0 .52 91 01 1 614 75. 146 .41 134 438 4 3 1 1 7 125 301 02. 681 77. 7 4 0 1 0 8 9 7 2 . 498 2.6 06. 41 15 40 .80 90. .53 4.6 150 814 201 144 01 141 1.8 3 138 14. 134 486 130 1 49 691 64. 78. 40. 125 471 56. 121 0.2 36. 05 503 73. 97 .30 37 9 150 1 2 1 214 42 145 61 142 139 . 6.6 2 55. 1 2 353 494 791 130 69. 1 50 83. 3 6515 1 4 261 .11 1.2 86 8.8 07 121 .281 47. 86. 094 150 0 144 5.9 014 140 41 85 33. 469 136 .171 96. 4 504 904 13. 131 57 59. 5.4 512 40. 9615 126 4 5 . 3 7 6 8 1 5 . 9 6 0 4 1 2 1 215 68. 151 148 145 142 11 3 .78 .481 015 51. 1 1 378 2.6 36. 027 37. 68. 514 7815 16. 1 0 3 127 1 292 1815 601 00 6.6 09 .51 5.4 201 121 144 55. 3 206 .90 151 474 15 499 .551 1 1 3 1 99. 54 02. 155 134 970 649 .751 524 71. 3.3 1.8 40 128 70 527 .481 57. 2015 .44 21 .43 314 5.7 122 85. 141 515 461 5.3 39 256 1 52 934 152 116 136 07 82. 1 53 91. 2 5 .5315 8 . . 11 00. . 1 9 4 8 3 8 71 67. 41. 306 61 514 71 1 . 3 1 6 1515 . 342 1 5 9 2 1 52 9415 531 444 134 2 850 241 3.3 139 298 .6515 152 117 406 4 5 7 . 66 . 1 1 9 . 4 2 . . 4 . 3 4 7 8 6 21. 111 414 63 51. 4.8 150 615 296 30. 71 .8315 6154 125 4515 337 19 6 732 19. 2315 00. 98. .47 470 422 331 95. 135 39 118 .141 152 520 .99 79155 41 .251 8.2 70 .8315 89. 503 535 111 68.4 33. . 1 1 0 5 3 2 1 4 2 7 5 0 5 08 447 572 844 .11 5 32. 8615 139 8.2 0.0 613 1 6 2 2 1 5815 .74 353 214 .43 619 9153 .41 .67 204 155 4 .8515 152 1 2 316 .89 594 .9915 112 50. 947 .3815 143 6.1 69. 712 36. 7 9 739 . 480 4 5 7915 . 3 1 5 5 15 1 1 . 3 0 . 1 4 7 3 2 2 135 4. 941 5 0 0 5 . 9 2 7

159 160


161 163 164


90. 59163



67. 1 85 6

98. 1 3866 9

14. 1 80 66 5.81 17. 1 165 0 0968 06. 1 30. 1 48 67 2370 19. 1 165 5 6769 4.01 79. 1 47. 1 2 78 68 5571 01. 1 166 91. 1 2070 31. 1 2 7 41. 1 5 45 14 68 0.9 25730 56. 1 166 0 2.817 6271 57. 1 2 588 04. 1 52 68 10737 .50178 8 166 99. 1.217 8.617 4 7 12 56. 1 0 685 1 9.017 97 68 .90803 1 407 71. 1 1 1 166 1 8 .89 42 .7277 7771 29. 1 0 26. 18 10. 1 .7 18 68 63 09 1 21738 26. 1 7.5 85 0.417 165 9870 4 34. 190 9 694 1 75. 6 5 4 1 1 4.917 .32806 1 93167 . 8 29 8.6 852 1 48. 165 1.117 5 8.2 910 198 74169 4 577 1 01. 8.8 58 34. 1 1 7 20166 . 36 92 1 12 99 71 2.0 83 42. 094 40. 1 164 8 54. 1892 197 21167 5673 10. 98 6. 29. 2 2 74. 1 86. 9716 5 0 47765 8 99169 31985 5 1 163 5.4 1 0.8179 37. 7 66 2 92 18 85170 12. 200 12. .75 44 190 6016 98. 7 0.8 74 2816 378 17172 162 9 6 .20 3.22 99. 72. .591 14. 642 3716 68174 0516 773 67. 1 4.9 242 5076 9164 .431 161 .371 89. 1 682 45. 23. 0979 623 8.2 661 171 37. 1 643 9.9 611 2168 6781 160 516 1 5 7 . 72. 0 . 3 101 47. 197 .871 9 1 981 6 6 001 . 6 3 0 5 8 6 7 810 1 601 12. 7.3 0.7 161 159 1.3 34 51 415 1.7 0 91. 1 1 6 1 715 .94 972 227 6 441 6 42. 928 159 .83 .99 593 159 52 .61 3 1 3 3 5 1 61. .65 .99 808 596 157 161 158 061 .49 6.8 85. 156 60. 588 22. 5 159 24 64. 155 12 11 8.2 59. 1 2 1 5 5 7 549 156 21 7.8 566 15 01 575 4 6.7 44. 152 . 587 6 159 0 7.4 5 14 151 4 9.3 87. 7 1 41 .23 148 5 1 9 51 2 021 5 3 54. 555 385 .99 86. 573 146 590 160 42 5.7 .23 28 8.9 146 31745 57. 9.3 3 146 11 148 13 13. 81 15..221 150 152 8 552 576 7 1 0259 2 161 29. 8 . 6 7 4 9 . 7 4 1 0 9 .12 9.1 31. 43 .18 4 .46 41 881 155 152 148 585 145 142 139 162 608 136 131 52. 21. 83. 0.8 60. 60. 76. 42. 7.5 70. 6 96. 0 6 6 7 43 42 76 941 915 52 8 2 1 15 623 1 163 5 983 5 6 1 2 118 4 4 1 1.0 43. 71. 4.0 816 438 139 . 4 1 44. 5 353 916 79 3916 7 1 . 7 6 5 1 3 . 3 44 2 5 0 165 038 153 165 .69 1.9 402 800 6 1 1 2 482 06. 7 .46 40. .18 3 . . 1 2 9 3 4 9 1 0 1.7 8016 97 137 300 160 8.9 638 1 1 166 5 588 0 551 323 71. .65 24. 9.8 109 149 126 35. .781 59 44 7.9 0.4 16 142 33. 24. 29. 664 34167 118 6 3 157 312 136 49 53 81 98. 167 4.1 72. 5 1 8 . 4 3 1 3 6 5 1 2166 40. 22169 .80 91 303 4 9 1 . 4 . 1 7 1 7 1 1 106 81 69 1.4 613 54. 7 4 0 7 2 3 4 . 3 0 82. 3 .9917 29. 1 154 63. 168 29. 161 136 7.4 3 115 34 0671 96 023 66 658 02. 4 07. 1 50. 129 68. 145 38. 1 99 158 1770 .8717 21 5.2 99 29. 104 121 61. 2573 34. 1 41 1 1 1 168 1 8 3 0 7 7 9 9 2 08730 .16 225 4.7 711 2 3.517 148 2 6 4 1 22. 1 . 3 . 1 3 834 5 1 77. 387 0 635 3.0176 7 9 31 .65 1 289 55. 0070 4.4 89 0 34 18 .37 152 138 20 .60179 1.5827089. 104 66. 1 120 3.4 886 .72 06 18 8 0 84736 0 9 1 6 1 0 9 1 4 1 4 5 0 6 9 9 4.7 2.6 2 64 .7218 62 16 112 593 .63 . 1 . 4 . 8 3.4177 3 2 9.817 2 4 8 7 8 1 1 0 . 3 923 5 01 .0 8.4 80 25 84 69. 5.7 411 912 3 39 182 7 01 82. 2 103 120 5 .66 7.9 .86 24 .99 46 1898 5 8.417 6.2 7.8 87 8 48. 145 48. 2 303 1 .77 3.2 130 5 1 1797 111 45 58 62 1 9 .71765 1 2 5 1 9 2 8 9 1 .72 513 56. 31.64161 753 3.3 .14 0 1 1 8 8 7 2 1 1 0 . 1 18 17 87 74 31 24 48. 045 961 6 4.417 131 4.6 3 7 0 4 0 4 13 .47 .84 1. 61 1 111 798 .67 94. .14 931 5.117 62 7.94 53 46. 9 120 4 134 . 203 8 413 1 0 .81 02 025 9 78. 8 67. 04. .94177 229 9.5 111 49 35. 18 933 91 138 45 160 .98 6 89. 1 66 08 15. 121 4.1 96. 720 102 23. 1461 70 70 6.718 13 835 7 38 40. 8 72 5.3 69. 2 7 376 5 0 4.8 110 933 7 .75 60172 7 .52 740 1 5 86. 222 0.1 32. 182 1 1.6 841 10 5 0 4 41 7 1 . 3 8 93 73. 5.2 5.5 325 110 930 689 751 123 31 8 9 .81 37. 6.2 .871 1.6 20. 676 843 100 172 21 671 2 6 67 7 9 23. 9.9 . 9.3 03 757 124 925 109 52 816 7 1.7 00. 5.7 31. 6 8 639 166 7 428 7 65 1 996 86. 18 166 .99 61. 01 .89 760 8.7 123 916 69. 257 88 106 9 163 1.0 55. 23 680 1.3 .12 838 2 9 5 5 5 4 61 5 8.8 160 5 .48 973 .32 6.9 7 7 605 79. 4 0.0 899 682 71 .34 4 157 2 8 153 .50 101 296 9.2 611 157 114 37. 758 8 37. 69. .18 1.3 29. 36. 00 929 60 563 0.0 15 684 8 95 25 870 2.7 5 7.3 2 8 6 .80 0.2 4 130 118 1 7 5 1 9 511 .40 121 514 .57 152 146 1 6 312 839 .67 75. 9.4 76. 90. 614 894 02 0.5 . 2 01 89 8 8 8 7 7 496 211 3.3 546 851 7 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126 .64 99. 14. 529 45 090 551 120 1. 5.0 50. 41. 79 902 6 8 1155 .67 17.29531 9 03 660 6.3 .70 5 9.2 8 56 54 42. 30 112 38. 983 8.2 5 4.3 1 65.82 719.87 35 .61 63. 7 1 1 42 2 5 5 126 8 9 6 4 2 5 2 1 7 2 1 79 067 56 3.9 5 62 5 2.7 05. 4 98. 7 .16 7 121 6 1 5 1 6 0 7 37. 4 1.2 2.7 764 1 2 434 .91 5 8 7658 9 . 403 .5760 2 868 80 731 115 19. 8 19 9 54 36. 12 386 .38 5225 15 .25 5 44. .13 7.04 68 .19 944 1.9 05 00. 107 42610433 666 80. 126 8962 8698.0 .3656 769 03. 3 51 6.9 121 83. 50149.3.5 39 56 95. .24 5 100 3 855 20. 3 7 . 1 9 0 7 6 6 4 0 1 1 4 0 . 0 5 6 6 9 6 .94599 .0421208 76 78 0 21. 614 9.4 73 756 05. 09. 1.2 110 000 6 583 924 12 7 1558 6 35. 01 2 7 9 86 .59 .69 5 103 16. 7.3 72. 6 121 97815 4 8333.1 197280745.026896489. 74 6.35.9363554 11 .95 617 9 1 9 6 7 4 2 1 0 7 6 02. 0 7 8.3 6 166 .1288 922 3.2 6 52. 7 8 52. 5 26.68.21 5.552 44. 807 .566810 6 207 6 .91 111 10 1 17 73. 94 .2610535.5 0 38 106 04 98 60 5.9 31 2.0 856923. .1 . 1.0 2 9 5 4 1 3 5 9 4 0 96 10. 2.5 6 76. 1 007 .2064 5 937 5 2.1804713 03. .35 963 121 122 62 116 7 60 77 65. 04 2 8 8.9 9.0 2.3 97 7.3 111 43. 1.0 6 64678 64. 77. 107 89 6 21 10 496 3 727 9 96 29 102 99. 4 80 53 3.9 71 97 .01 28 109 1 8 8 . 5 5 1 8 8 . 6 1 3 4 8 2 5 3 .83 1.5 0.6 47 3.4 . 4 . 116 4 2 6 7 133 4 3 9 1 1 69 .8112 0 989 265 3 788 120 107 68. .54 103 999 00. 773 792 .3171 .30 . 6.8 97 58. 9 9 4 9 8 1 4.6 997 . 5 2.6 7 9 1 1 7 9 25 . 8 7 116 2 1 3 3 4.1 .19724 03. 6 8 .01 1 111 973 940 107 53. 16 6 978 103 49 015 100 87. 3.4 2.8 40 47. 719 103 6.7 739 48. 2.7 15. 38 09 5 43 6.8 28. 6 81 2 32 7 1 164 1 1 . 111 7 1 73 962 78 002 5.1 107 9 922 103 973 3.3 997 04. 56. 89 1.6 5.5 748 06. 7.6 1 706 06. 1.5 3475 62 3.2 642 1 0 49 3.4 1 50 3 9 6.8 1976 947 .57 111 3 3 1 7 9 9 .051 065 102 0.5 481 963 449 988 27. 16 6 7 9 9 9 8 8 438 423 66. 1.0 34. 49 7 814 .82 1.8 .99 9.5 677 929 11 7 92.3 9 20 .64 7 .62 5 .37 095 4 925 2.5 111 6 105 . 9 4 1 950 2 977 323 1.4 9 014 .077 3.4 737 93. 901 856 3 9 1.8 8.9 .58 906 5.9 99 67 642 8.0 4.6 4 0 7.5 903 7 640 6.1 9 4.1 5 105 904 1 1 3 0 100 7 0 9 9 . 9 9 4 . 6 1 4 90 637 652 7.7 350 49. 7 49. 6.4 53. 9 877 847 2 67 8.8 6 45 .28 0 .30 881 16 1.5 1.2 665 7 2 8 7 6 105 5 8 6 2 5 9 3 1 . 884 05. 51. 996 27 03. 785 1 743 .69 19. 896 951 918 76 12 28 0.2 844 5.7 .36 634 16 3.2 860 0.1 8.4 3.6 790 6 5.3 5 637 2.1 11 860 6 7 3.6 1 2. 8 5 7 8 2 8



After many trials and tribulations, we have finally grasped the basic abilities to create datascapes. Although, pondering on our work, it is hard to distinguish between how much work has gone into it to how accurate and pragmatic our work is to the overall goal of producing this game. The datascapes that have been created (distance from path, vegetation, etc.) are yet basic and fall more under the heading of physical maps. Our analysis of sound that has been used to illustrate the different perceptions of users has little to no use, as it is almost ineffectual. More useful perception maps could include different walking abilities and therefore lengths. This sort of information could be more influential and effective. For the future, we want to progress to less literal interpretations and visual techniques to an integration of more provocative and unseen processes will allow our team’s work to say more and be critically influential to the game design. Maps such as our value map. A map of historical value (we must remember that this park was once a set of quarries) would create a more interesting analysis of the park. We will also need to do more site analysis at different times, as the park is utilised very differently depending on the time of day, week or year. We wish to engage the gamer with site and in doing so help the users understand the site as a dynamic, temporal system.


Bibliography Jacobs, J. 1961. The role of Parks. Jacobs, J., In The death and life of great American cities. Michigan, U.S.A. : The University of Michigan Press. Rosalyn Deutsche, The question of public space. Retrived form rosalyn-deutsche-_-the-question-of-_public-space_.pdf. Suburb Profile Report For Clifton Hill VIC (3068). Your investment property, Retrieved from http:// top-suburbs/vic-3068-clifton-hill.aspx.






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