Top Baby Photography Tips For Every Parent Top Baby Photography Tips For Every Parent Baby photography tips – Some of the most rewarding photos to take are definitely those of babies. However, they are definitely one of the most challenging. Here are some tips to help you capture those precious moments. Crying, screaming, squirming and eating is what babies do very well. Posing for your Camera is the last thing that is on your baby’s mind. Once you capture that perfect moment frozen on a photo, you will realize that all your hard work was worth it as you will have amazing photos to share once they have all grown up. There is no doubt that photographing a newborn baby is difficult. When they are first born, they will not move around very much and will sleep most of the time (except for late at night – when they cry all night). In this situation, it’s best to get up close and use a large Aperture (f/1.8 ideally). This ensures that the focus of the photo is on your baby. Try to also take the photo from an interesting angle and it will make your photo more interesting. Patience is the most important tip in photographing babies. Lots of patience, coupled with an understanding of children will help you to take those photos. Six month old babies tend to be quite shy at the beginning and may need to warm up a little. This is where you have to put yourself in the shoes of your children and use a little bit of psychology. Try having fun with them. Play with them instead of being focused on the end outcome of taking the photo.
Feel up to a challenge? Check out the video – there is a quick 4 question quiz… How do you think you will do? On Target Photo Tips When they are seven months, they start to get a little more difficult to photograph. They will want to move around a lot and staying in the same position to pose for you is out of the question. Take candid photographs and try to have as many distractions around them as possible so that they don’t get bored. Focusing on their favourite toy for example is much more interesting than looking at your big camera Lens. When they start to crawl and walk it will be increasingly difficult to photograph them as their sudden movements will cause a lot of blurred photos. You have to be prepared for this. I suggest increasing your ISO to around ISO800 and setting your camera to continuous shooting mode. This will ensure that you will have multiple shots and you can then select your favourite Picture after that special moment.
Another great tool that I have used in photographing babies is the Flash. Ideally an adjustable bounce flash will help to diffuse the Light and not only create a soft “daylight” feel to your photos, but also help to control the amount of motion blur that is captured due to your child’s sudden movement. Babies tend to put their fingers into their mouths a lot especially to suck on their thumbs in the absence of a pacifier. It may look cute in the first few photos, but after a while this habit tends to block their face. These tips have helped me to take some amazing photos of my baby and I hope that it can benefit you too in capturing those happy moments for you to revisit many years from now. -By: Jonathan B Chan Jonathan Chan is an avid amatuer photographer and loves taking photos of all types. If you are looking to find the best advice on your Digital Camera, then visit to find the best advice on digital photography tips. My e-books are meant to be read on your Kindle reader. If you don’t have a Kindle, you can still read the book on your computer or tablet. Just download a free app from Amazon – then it is a matter of one click whenever you want to download a book. Here is the link to get the FREE app, just click the Image:
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