Danger Dogs from Nepal – Folk Art from the Himalayas
Asha Arts
I call Asha the ‘Dog’s Dog’ painter. His Danger Dogs are realistic and masculine. He always paints on a blue background, sometimes using a baked-on blue metal, other times he paints the background blue. My fourth trip to Nepal for the Danger Dog Project, I called ahead to let him know I’d be coming by to give him some work. Someone answered and said that he had moved to Saudi Arabia for a 3-year contract. Needless to say, I was hugely disappointed, but went to the studio anyway and ordered 4 signboards. When I went to pick up, I realized that Asha was the business owner and the portraits had been done by Nara! I quickly ordered a dozen more! Asha Studio is hard to find. Asha studio is in the Jyatha District near Thamel. I found him on my first trip. I sent a local who had lived in Kathmandu almost 30 years to find him -- with good directions and pictures of his street -- and she couldn’t.
www.NepalDog.com Visit the blog at NepalDog.typepad.com