Danger Dogs from Nepal – Folk Art from the Himalayas
Sanjib Rana
Sanjib Rana is the only artist I’ve worked with who is not a signboard artist. He had never painted on metal before. We met through a friend who recommended him highly. Sanjib paints everything from murals to shower curtains (!) for the well-to-do community in Kathmandu, specializing in birds and horses. Sanjib has his own stock of pictures of plants, birds and horses which he uses in his paintings. Like many other signboard artists, he subcontracts the lettering and rarely uses both English and Nepali in his signs. Sanjib changed phone numbers last trip and I frantically looked for him, not finding him until I was back in California. But now we’re back in touch and I cannot wait to see more of his work. I once gave him a photo of Goya’s ‘Duquesse d’Alba’ – a lady in white with her little dog. See the result below left.
www.NepalDog.com Visit the blog at NepalDog.typepad.com