Comenius project ECO-LIVE TV
The goal of ―Zero Waste is: •To ensure resource recovery. •То protect scarce natural resources by ending waste disposal in incinerators, dumps, and landfills. •In a ―Zero Waste - approach, waste management is not left only to politicians and technical experts; rather, everyone impacted—from residents of wealthy neighborhoods to the public, private, and informal sector workers who handle waste —has a voice.
The plan of ―Zero Waste еncompasses Waste reduction: composting, recycle and reuse, changes in consumption habits, and industrial redesign…
In an average European citydweller garbage bin, we can find: • o 25 to 35% of organic wastes • o 10 to 20% of paper and cardboard • o 10 to 20% of plastic • o 5 to 15% of glass • o 5 to 10% of metal • o Others (composite, textile, toxic…)
In Europe, 1 pers. produces in average1kg/day of wastes •Facts about PLASTIC BAGS: - 500-1,000 B consumed each year; - 100,000 sea animals die each year for mistaking with food; - 90% of floating rubbish on sea made of plastic…
Facts about PLASTIC BAGS: • Oil used to make 1 plastic bag could drive a car for 115 meters; • 8 plastic bags would be enough to drive 1 km…
Management of our wastes • We should separate our wastes, first of all in _organic‘, _non-organic‘ and _hazardous‘; • As last solution, treatment and appropriate storage of remaining wastes should be done: burying, burning, freezing; • Recycling is a way to limit the release of toxics in the wild and to save natural resources like wood, soil, sand, oil, as well as energy and water. But it still requires energy and water for transport and process; so, it is the last option after reducing and reusing…
The ’3R’ at the core of the ― Zero Waste
Every actor of the society has a role to play in ― Zero Waste •The problems of what to buy and consume are before the problems what to throw in the bin and what to do with the waste. •So we should choose what to buy and how much according to the necessity.
Do you know? 1000 kg of electronic cards contain: - 130 kg of copper; - 20 kg of tin (white metal) - 450 g of gold
The top 3 of non - Zero Waste products
1. Disposable items 2. Individual portions 3. Exotic products
Waste management
Waste management
Waste management
Our PLANET suffers because of the pollution
The planet is submerged in waste. It malates and suffers from the pollution.
We can help our planet to become a beautiful and healthy place to live! We are responsible for that! All together now!