Dania Nurulhuda
photography portfolio
Hi! Lemme tell you about myself first. Everyone calls me Dania. I'm pursuing my Bachelor's & Master's Degree in Architecture at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, Indonesia. While studying architecture I really enjoyed traveling and playing with my camera, either a cellphone camera or a DSLR camera, because from photography I understand more about how architecture can be appreciated well. So, this is my photography portfolio. Hope you enjoy it!
Tawangmangu. August 2019 OPPO F1 Camera
Lawu Park, Tawangmangu. August 2019
Rumah Atsiri
It's located in Tawangmangu, Central Java. This is one of my favorite spots in this place. Do you know? My phone did the photograph.
Tawangmangu. August 2019
Lampung. January 2019
No, this is not Netherland, but I hope one day, will be there. By the way, I use my DSLR here.
Brightest Spot Bandung, 2019.
Architectural Detail It seems that architectural photography is never separated from architectural details, and these are some of the details. -Surakarta, 2017-
Human Interest
"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still" - Dorothea Lange
Surakarta, 2017
Nature Photography
Tell me why you really love a sunset?
It's one of my commission work.
So, that's all my photography project. If you wanna see more, just catch me on Instagram @daniadinda Look out my feed and highlight, I give you more than these, or just email me at danianurulhuda@student.uns.ac.id Thank You, Dania