GRAPHIC DESING GROUP. Karol Tatiana Medina Linda Agudelo Cristihan Chavez EDITING GROUP. Andrea Romero Constanza Arias Angelica Hurtado MARKETING GROUP. Luis Alberto Moreno Sebastian Rivera AUDIT GROUP Mayra Castro Dennyse Rey
Important challenge for the society… By. Karol Tatiana Medina
The expression “Mental Health” re- that they have their life and it’s their fers to a psychological and emotional state and its favorable conditions to have a mental balance. The majority of studies show that approximately 20% of adolescents in the world have mental health problems, behavior problems and disorders. It’s a really important problem in the society because this is ending with our future, I mean the young people. The depression is the most common illness especially in teens between 15 and 19. Also Suicide is one of the three principal causes of death in young adults between 15 and 35. Mental disorders have risen since the last 20 and 30 years. What are the reasons?, nowadays the reasons are divorces, unemployment, bad relationship, sexual health, drug addiction and the absence’s rules and limits in the families. Adolescence problems aren’t only for themselves. The problem involves some surroundings like the social, family, personal and school. What’s the cause? All of surroundings let them develop as human being. Nowadays the loneliness and depression problems in teens are very common because adults think
responsibility but they don’t have conscience that their examples and education are the basis to grow as complete persons. Remember that the human being’s education began in our houses. The expression “Mental Health” refers to a psychological and emotional state and its favorable conditions to have a mental balance. The majority of studies show that approximately 20% of adolescents in the world have mental health problems, behavior problems and disorders. It’s a really important problem in the society because this is ending with our future, I mean the young people. The depression is the most common illness especially in teens between 15 and 19. Also Suicide is one of the three principal causes of death in young adults between 15 and 35. Mental disorders have risen since the last 20 and 30 years. What are the reasons?, nowadays the reasons are divorces, unemployment, bad relationship, sexual health, drug addiction and the absence’s rules and limits in the families. Adolescence problems aren’t only for themselves. The problem involves some surroundings like the
http://www.actforyouth.net/resources/rf/rf_mentalhealth_1208.pdf y )
Anorexia.. By. Mayra Castro Lòpez
Anorexia is a psychological and physical condition that is suffered most of the times by young women. It’s very common that people have a little knowledge of this disease but many people don’t know how to control or to prevent it. Experts say anorexia is considered an eating disorder characterized mainly by excessive weight loss. People with this disease live obsessed for being
It’s very difficult for a person with anorexia to
very thin. Usually anorexic people enjoy saying
recognize this disease. It’s necessary to recover
that they are thin. They take a lot of water, cut food
slowly by eating, and controlling weight led by a
into small pieces and the mirror becomes their best
recover the self-esteem of the person and stimulate
There are a lot of reasons why anorexia can occur
new ways of thinking. It`s important for an
in a person's life. One of the most common factors
anorexic person to overcome this illness and get
to get anorexia is because this people have
psychological support from people who are willing
person begins to lose weight to feel heard and
“I don’t want to live, I want to kill me, everybody
hates me, I'm too fat.” These are common phrases
dysfunctional families, and that is why the affected
As a second step it’s necessary to
to help in the recovery process.
anorexic people say. It’s important to seek medical help when anorexia is detected because this can lead to death. When a person is mentally harassed by their physical appearance it’s important to see a psychologist or seek professional help because anorexia can be tragic and there is no time to lose .
Anxiety disorders… By. Linda Agudelo.
Everyone knows how it anxiety feels like that tingling in the stomach before the first date, or maybe the stress you feel when your boss is angry, the way in which our heart beats when we are in danger but this is normal, the trouble is when the situation is more serious, these cases are called “ anxiety disorders”. The anxiety disorder is featured for excessive anxiety and worry about events of everyday life without reason to worry. People with symptoms of anxiety disorders always expect disasters and they can’t stop worrying for health, money, family, work and school, in these persons the concern is often unrealistic, unfortunately their everyday lives become in a continual state of concern, fear and fright. There isn’t an exact cause to determine why is causes this disorder but some factors like http://www.webmd.com/anxiety-panic/guide/mental-healthanxiety-disorders.
genetics, brain chemistry and environmental stress appear to contribute to its development. Fortunately today there are a lot of treatments and drugs that can help you to control and get over this disorder. Anxiety disorders begin to diagnose at age 14 and in some cases even earlier. Puberty is phase very unstable and therefore anxiety disorders appear more often, if childhood ended the teenager begins to assume responsibilities of adult and that creates fear in the young. These are often the symptoms in young: difficulty making decisions, negative thoughts about oneself, cry inconsolably and often, insecurity, concern, sweating, tremble and others. Psychotherapy involves talking with a trained professional mental health, such as psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker or counselor, to discover what caused anxiety disorder, and how to manage their symptoms.
Depression. By. Andrea Romero Nowadays, teenagers suffer more and more from depression. It’s very common to know someone that suffers this problem. The WHO says that depression will become the disease that humans suffer more. It's worrying because the majority of people that suffer this problem are teenagers. The adolescence is one stage very important in the passage from childhood to adulthood. Young people experience physical changes and emotional changes especially. Sometimes, the adolescents don't have the capacity to adapt to the new changes, they react to the affective form like: low self-esteem and demotivation to do something. The adolescent thinks in the future constantly and he thinks the actions don't change and they are eternal. So, they can feel unsure and desperate. Sometimes people do not know about depression and confuse the symptoms with a physical illness. According to MediLexicon's Medical Dictionary, depression is "a mental state or chronic mental disorder characterized by feelings of sadness, loneliness, despair, low self-esteem, and self-reproach; accompanying signs include psychomotor retardation (or less frequently agitation), withdrawal from social contact, and vegetative states such as loss of appetite and insomnia." The depression causes a lot of pain and problems therefore it's very important to know the symptoms before. Here are some of the symptoms that people have when they're depressed: Long time with depression without reason, a little energy to do anything, don't enjoy things that brought pleasure before, think about death or suicide, changes of mood, feel anxiety or anger, difficulty to concentrate, changes of weight, feel aches without cause medical and significant changes in sleep habits.
World Health Organization.
If you know someone with these symptoms, you can help him and you can listen to him. Depression is real. Unfortunately, most young people suffer this disease. But, there are treatments to help them to leave this situation. We can help them of different ways: First we don't think that depression is a lie, it's
possible that short depression become in a great illness. Pay attention the previous symptoms, especially if them during long time Put yourself in their shoes; think as if that person was you. Be there for them, we can share more time with them. Express your love, this it will do that they don’t feel alone. It’s important to follow medical treatment, if it’s necessary. You can help to person to keep the treatment to recovery. Motivate them to do exercise, the exercise is an Antidepressant. You can help them to have happy thoughts; the trick is to replace negative thoughts with more balanced thoughts.
Don't forget that the live is beautiful and we have reasons to live.
Bipolar Disorder. By. Dennys J. Rey
Have you ever heard about bipolar disorder? Have you thought in this like a disease? Do you really know what a bipolar disorder is? Most of the people unknown about many difficulties that can generate in the mind and several times they do not attribute to the mental disorders like diseases. Have a good mental health is synonymous to have a nice quality of life since it will be having the faculty of face the emotions in different environments, allowing to know its own state to take decisions that will enable to have a personal welfare. Clearly, bipolar disorder or manic-depressive disorder is a serious mental disease. The bipolar disorder is characterized to have drastic mood changes through attacks. People can go from being in the mood, hyperactive or irritable to be depressed and melancholy. Commonly those people change their normal mood from each other, between manic symptoms (euphoric feelings) and depressive or sometimes mixed. This disease is from family origin quite common in the world, frequently starts in the adolescence and early adulthood, is less probable its appearing in people over 50 years (although usually appears between the ages of 90 years approximately). Also there are some physiological or environmental factors such as environmental stress, lack of sleep, medicine and drugs. All these contribute to the onset and evolution of this disease. Once the disease appears, there is the possibility to suffer attacks for long-life. These attacks or episodes are of varying duration, they can last from days to years. Many times the patients do not realize that they are sick; also they do not accept their illness and almost always have social and family problems. In severe cases people could suffer from hallucinations and delusions. There are 5 types of bipolar disorder: Type I, where the patient present manic, mixed and depressive episodes, generally, they use to be severe presenting psychotic symptoms too. Type II, are presented depressive and hypomanic episodes (milder than manic). The follow-
ing is the type cyclothymia where the patient has hypomanic and slighter depressive symptoms (not considered episodes), many times they go to psychiatric help. Unspecified bipolar disorder is one in which the patient attributed bipolar disorder but this cannot be classified between type I, type II and cyclothymia, characterized by severe depression with some features that would include among the bipolar. Finally there is the bipolar disorder of organic mania, which is caused due to a medical illness that is treated with certain substances. If you believe that you are suffering from this disease do not hesitate to go to the doctor, often the mood swings owed to the medicines that are prescribed for certain diseases. However, you should verify that you don not suffer from bipolar disorder, because it could cause instability in different social environments such as family or work, in certain cases it can also lead to suicide. There are different treatments for bipolar disorder, depending on the type, almost always one appropriate medication combined with therapies of conversation usually work satisfactorily.
Bullying. By. Sebastian Rivera.
Bullying is a social problem that affects people emotionally, and also affects their attitudes so they can suffer depression or something like that. People that usually practice bulling had problems in their houses and they performs their problems with violence. The (wo)man affected changes totally his(er) attitude, in some cases the person has hits or some bruises, (s)he is sad all the time, (s)he doesn’t pay attention to things that before he liked, and maybe he wants to die. Bullying is common in young people or adolescents. There are different types of bullying but between the most popular we have bullying in the internet, and bullying at the school or neighborhood. Bulling in the internet is very strange but is very dangerous too. Usually another person wants to blackmail with photos, things that (s)he said before or something. For example last month I was seeing TV and I listened that a Canadian girl was suffering of internet bullying some undressed photos of her, she did a video where she said that she felt nobody trusted in her, and she decided to kill herself. Bullying at the school or neighborhood: It’s the most common type of bullying,
usually a person insults or wants to trouble all the time to another person. According to some scientific studies the people that use the violence like bullying, are jealous of the victim, because they think that the life of their victims is perfect. This kind of bullying is the most dangerous, because the person can hit or strike the victim, and the victim changes his attitude and turns more aggressive. Bullying is very dangerous and very common too, that’s why you have to pay attention to the attitude of your children, if (s)he doesn’t want to go to the school or if (s)he has some hits.
Sex addiction is a silent problem. By. Angelica Hurtado Acosta
Sex addiction is an uncontrollable hypersexuality for all kind of sex from sex with other people until consumption of pornography or masturbation.
and that only 2% of those affected are women. It has a treatment, but when the person who has it can be able to recognize this like a problem.
Hypersexuality is one of the least known and visible entities, as people who have it tend to keep it hidden, and conceal, especially with known people. Culture plays an important role because in one way or another it becomes a reinforce of these behaviors. Hypersexuality is characterized by request genital stimulation that once reached, may not result in emotional (or sexual) satisfaction, in the individuals. Instead, it’s accompanied sometimes of discomfort and guilt feelings. It is thought that this dissatisfaction encourages the high frequency of sexual stimulation, and psychological and neurological additional symptoms.
The culture helps a little to this addictive behavior in men, to the extent that it is permitted sex regardless the frequency of it, because it has been seen as something of their sexual condition. Instead, in women it is considered undignified, it’s not well seen in society.
The state of euphoria experienced by these patients takes them to get the pleasure to avoid discomfort, and experiences an emotional collapse after getting it. Sex addiction provides a mechanism of evasion, a temporary relief for personal, family, social problems. It is also a way to escape, a way out of emptiness existential inside the person, These people can have job, have families, which leads to the search for illusory solueconomic and social problems. Their sexual tions to fill that emptiness. desire forces them to go to brothels, buy pornographic items, make erotic calls often It should be noted that there is not an unique maintaining sexual relations with strangers patron to follow in the expression of sexuality, making their life around sex. It’s estimated since each individual or couple experiences that up to 6% of the population develops it, are different. It should be considered that while there is pleasure, common interests and tastes about sexual practices in a couple, it will be functional. We talk about dysfunction when other areas of their lives are affected and interrupted significantly by these practices (sex).
Yadith Saleme Negrete. Pensando Psicologia. Revista de la Facultad de Psicologia. Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Volumen 6, Numero 10/2010.
Curiosity or Acceptance. By. Cristihan Chavez
Now is normal in Young people the use of the drugs, either by a acceptance or well by curiosity . Do you need to learn about drugs? The most common factor to know about drugs are insinuation or curiosity , if you see your friends smoking weed or using other drugs in your mind born some question about the use , why ,how and what is the sensation; Only have the option of Consume or not Consume. The problem begins when you need to be accepted in your group because you’ll consume drugs only to keep a friendship or to be part an Urban Tribe or only the curiosity is bigger and you want to undergo different sensations this is the first problem but ,why they do it .
The answer isn’t simple (the curiosity killed the cat) because the problem in the society is big either for curiosity or acceptance simply the person that consume drugs is not similar to degenerate or bone -idle person. Drugs are an easy way to get over problems although in not the best way, nevertheless now the drugs are normally used in parties or in concerts because it’s easier get drugs in this era than in the past In the other words the big problem in when you’re repeating the same activity smoke , injected , inhale the drugs all time because you begin creating dependency and your life and your physical appearance changes and you can end up being junkie .
Internet additi on. By. Constanza Arias Hernandez.
Echeburúa and Corral (1994) say that any pleasurable normal behavior can become an addictive behavior. This occurs when an activity, whichever is practiced by someone with an excessive frequency, when investing a lot of money in this and when there is interference in familiar, social and work relationships of the people involved. Addictive disorders are characterized by loss of control and dependency. The most important are the relations established with the dependence, they become negative and destructive until that people cannot control themselves. Young (1996) proposes criteria adapted to identify internet addiction, based on the criteria for detecting pathological gambling, these are presented in the following form: 1. Do you feel preoccupied with the Internet (thoughts about the last connection or anticipate the next session)? 2. Do you feel the need to increase the amount of time using the Internet to achieve satisfaction? 3. Have you repeatedly made unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop Internet use? 4. Did you feel restless, moody, depressed or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop Internet use? 5. Do you stay online longer than originally thought?
6. Have you lost or compromised any significant relationship, job, educational or career opportunity because of the use of the Internet? 7. Have you lied to family members, therapist or others to conceal the extent of involvement with the Internet? 8. Do you use the Internet as a means of escaping from problems or of relieving a mood of irritability or anxiety? If someone answers affirmatively to 5 or more items, that person is considered addicted. The consequences of this kind of addiction are sleep deprivation (Young, 1999) by the inability of the addicted to end his Internet connection, stays up late, generating fatigue, immune system impairment, health impairment, depression, loneliness, irritability, restlessness, decreased social and family relationships among other negative psychological effects. Internet use is greater every day. For this reason, people should be aware of the influence that this can generate on their mental health. It’s very important that everybody to learn what are the effects of the internet in other areas of life, such as personal and social areas.
Echeburúa, E. y Corral, P. (1994). Adicciones psicológicas: más allá de la metáfora. Clínica y Salud, 5, 251-258. Young, K. S. (1996). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. Artículo presentado en la 104th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 11, 1996. Toronto, Canada. Young, K.S. (1999). Internet addiction: symptoms, evaluation and tratament. En L. VandeCreek & T. Jackson (Eds.) Innovations in Clinical Practice: A source book. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.
Videogames Addiction. By. Luis Alberto Moreno Chanchay
An “Addiction is the continued use of a mood altering substance or behavior despite adverse dependency consequences, or a neurological impairment leading to such behaviors.”1 and now for most of young people who play video games, it has become an addiction. Now on the technological age is a big problem that affects specially to teens and pre-teens, and it has severe consequences in their lives. I’m going to show how to recognize a video games addict, the consequences of this condition and some recommendations to fight with this problem. Gamer is the word to denominate people “who spend much of their leisure time playing or learning about games2, but not all gamers are addicts. Gamers can become addicted when they have an uncontrollable compulsion to play video games, and this is beginning to get them away from their parents, friends and all personal relationships. They also don’t do activities that did before and have a bad performance in the school. This addiction has several consequences not only physical, but also psychological. For physical side we have obesity, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, sleep disturbances and dry eye, these are the most important consequences that are related to the large journey of videogames. And for the psychological side are depression, hallucinations, violence episodes without reason and more distance to relationships. Sometimes this creates a wall to be related with other people.
Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 28, 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Addiction Wikipedia. (n.d.). Retrieved 10 28, 2012, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gamer