Everything you need to know about DACA:
What is DACA?
Government program protecting immigrants who came as children into the U. S. against deportation and their right to work and study.
The Trump administration has decided to eradicate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, also known as DACA, in an effort to protect the laws of the U. S., because it is considered “unconstitutional.” President Trump’s decision has caused outrage immigrants affected throughout the nation as thousands of immigrants are being threatened by deportation. Why keep it?
800,000 21%
support DACA
Resources for DACA recipients DACA recipients came as children, but can’t apply for a green card or residency because they’re undocumented.
$11.64 Billion of income taxes are paid by DREAMers. DACA recipients helped raise wages
$9.83 → $13.96 by creating new job opportunities
700,000 people will lose their job
Billion in lost revenue
8/10 Americans
St. Mary’s fully stands with DREAMers. Visit the St. Mary’s webpage for resources available for students: https://www.stmarytx.edu/dreamers/
of DACA recipients work in education & health
of American voters support DACA
of Trump supporter support DACA
How to support it?
Spread awareness by sending tweets @speakerryan & use
#DEFENDDACA Text RESIST to 50409 to contact your representatives or Senators.
Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services (RAICES) offers free and low-cost legal Donate to nonprofits like “United We Dream” & “National Immigration Law services to immigrants . Center.”
believe DREAMers should be deported
Sources https://www.fastcompany.com/40462984/dacarecipients-by-the-numbers-whos-affected-wheredo-they-live-what-now htt p s : / / w w w .vox .com / p ol i c y - an d- p ol itics/2017/8/31/16226934/daca-trump-dreamers-immigration https://www.bustle.com/p/8-daca-statistics-thatshow-how-vital-dreamers-are-to-american-society-80753 http://files.www.iwj.org/resources/state-by-statedaca-fact-sheets/DACA_Fact_Sheets/Texas_ DACA.pdf