August 2015
The Brazilian Jazz J – Bossa a Nova Braz zil: Origin of o the Jogo o Bonito and d of the So occer Ench hanting Carn nival In Rio o Sam mba in Rio Rugby Return to t Olympicss Games The Alternativ ve Olympic Games Nigh htlife in Rio o
Braz zilian Jiu Jiitsu
August 2015
Braz zilian landsc capes
o the Olyympic Gam mes you ca an If you go to nnect with h the Braz zilian culture especially con witth the music, one of o the mosst importan nt rhyythms in Rio o de Janeirro is Bossa Nova, whic ch is a popular music m and you y can en njoy it in th he sta adium in th he Olympic c Games op pening whe en petts do their appearance e. Vin nicius and Tom are pets in the t Olymp pic gam mes and their names was w chose in i honour to t the e principal musicians and autho ors (Viniciu us de Morales and a Tom Jobim) of “Garota de d Ipa anema”, one e of the mo ost popularr songs in all a tim mes.
Bossa a Nova wass born as a new style tto perform the o original Sam mba, in the e beginning g the term “Bosssa Nova”, simply referrred to a new way of playin ng and singiing samba w with incorp porating of some elements from jazz music. Orriginally in the 11950s, the g genre deve eloped in brief social meetiings in Rio o de Janeirro middle-c class. The style, during itss early sta ages of dev velopment sprea ad to othe er significan nt cultural areas of Rio d de Janeiro o (universitties, pubs),, giving it
cultu ure.
August 2015
more presence into the local and d Brazilian
des. Bossa Nova bring g a sophistiicated mix decad of m melody, harrmony and rhythm w with more elabo orated lyricss tied to ev veryday life e, in order to cre eate a more e relaxed w way of singin ng. The ttypical insttruments h heard in Bo ossa Nova songss are the classical guittar, piano, electronic organ n, acoustic bass and drums. Furrthermore, a key element in n Bossa Nov va is silence e. As Tom Du uring the se econd half of o the 1960 0’s, the Bosssa
Jobim m, one of th he fathers of Bossa N Nova, used
No ova music became ov vershadowe ed by othe er
to sa ay: “music is the silence bettween the
mu usic styles in Brazil, mainly m the emerging e po op
and d rock scene of the Jovem J Gua arda and th he cre eative
rev volution
of o
tropic t
Ho owever, Bosssa Nova ass a genre did not in an ny way disappearr or die. Du uring the se econd half of o the 1960 0’s, the Bosssa No ova music became ov vershadowe ed by othe er mu usic styles in Brazil, mainly m the emerging e po op and d rock scene of the Jovem J Gua arda and th he rev volution
of o
tropic t
Ho owever, Bo ossa Nova as a gen nre did no ot dissappear or die d in any way. w
A parrticularly in nteresting ttrend durin ng the last two decades h has been tthe fusion of Bossa nova and electrronic music c. The opttimism and encha anting rhytthms found d in Bossa N Nova have
This moveme ent was org ganized mo ostly by ve ery
captiv vated
you ung people because they t chose to composse
comp posers all arround the w world.
mo ore
music c
an nd
influen nced
the eir
gen neration op pposite to o the suffe ering in th he tun nes and lyrrics of son ngs from the t previou us
By. D Daniela Morreno Pulido o
sing gers
and August 2015
cre eative
Do you know which of the natio onal soccerr team m is name ed like “th he Canarin nho” (little e Can nary), Verde e-Amarela (tthe green and a yellow),,
mes 2016, I mean Rio de Janeiro o. Although h Gam he iis 74 years old he ha as joked ab bout playing g the Olympic G Games 2016.
or P Pentacampe eões (five time t champ pions)? The e answ wer is very easy bec cause it iss the onlyy national team that has won the FIFA F World d Cup p and FIFA Confedera ations Cup with 5 and d 4 times, respe ectively. However it has neverr won n any Olympic Gamess. The nam me is Brazil national socce er team (no ow Brazil). Brazil is a national team who has had h soccerr players in n impo ortant leag gues of the t world like Pelé,, Ronaldo, Rona aldinho, Ne eymar, etc.. The firstt one was membe er of delega ation from Brazil thatt won n the place to celebratte the Olym mpic Gamess
Peléé is celebratin ng a goal in tthe FIFA Wo orld Cup Fina al Mex xico 1970. The he Canarinho and Pelé had d got its third rd FIFA A World Cup [[1].
20166; the second one was w born in Rio off socc cer player; and Neymar would play p soccerr in th he Olympic Games Rio o 2016.
Luizz Nazario d de Lima Ro onaldo was born in Rio o de Janeiro. People ussually call him "the e phe enomenon". He has be een conside ered as one e
The soccer riv valry that exists e betw ween Messii
of tthe greatesst soccer players of all time byy
and Cristiano Ronaldo could be compared d
The definiition and c man ny people. T coldness to o
with h Maradona a and Pelé some yearrs ago. Pelé é
was a Brazilian soccer pla ayer who is considered d
cha racteristicss. Neverth heless he ha ad a strong g
to b be the greatest playerr of all time es for a lott
mage in his knee in 200 00. Then he e could not t dam
peop ple in the world. Pe elé scored 1280 goalss
playy soccer fo or one a half year. He e played the e
apprroximately, including unofficiall friendliess
FIFA A World Cu up in 2002; he scored eight goals s
and tour gam mes-Cristian no and Messi M have e
(Spa ain team made in Sou uth Africa World Cup p
scorred less tha at 1000-. Ad dditionally,, Pelé has a
the same, an nd they w were champ pions); and d
Guin nness World d
Brazzil was th he winner of that W World Cup p.
Record price for f most career c goalss scored in n cer. Certainly, he iss the goalscorer forr socc Braz zil with 77 goals in 92 games. On n the otherr hand d Pelé wass a Brazilia an delegatio on memberr whic ch won the e place to celebrate th he Olympic
Ron naldo
g goal
were e
amazin ng
coordin nated
the e
con struction of some soccer sttadiums in n Brazzil. These w were used to play the last FIFA A Worrld Cup and they are going to u use them to o playy soccer in tthe Olympic Games 20 016.
August 2015
Jane eiro; the th hird one iss an emblem m of Brazil
Now w Neymar iis the capttain of the Canarinha a. He is known ffor his vellocity, drib bbling skills s, abiliity with botth feet, and outlandissh hairstyle e. A llot of soc ccer playerrs like Criistiano and d Messsi have said that Ne eymar will b be the best t of tthe world.. However he has b been in the e socc cer criticss mount d due to hiss attitudes s insid de and outtside from the field. Sometimes s the
ha ave
consid dered
him m
imm mature. Neyymar will p probably be e the player who o will have e to chang ge the Brrazil soccer Rona aldo won his first f FIFA Wo orld Cup in 20 002. Brazil wass the c champion for five times [2]].
histtory in the e Olympic Games in R Rio 2016, I mea an he should comman nd the Verd de-Amarella a to w win for the first time a an Olympic c Games.
Even n so, there e is a socce er player that in love e with h his magic c in the ba all, the techniques to o chea at the rivals, about no o-look passe es and free e kick ks.
com mmonly kno own as Ronaldinho Ro “Gaucho”.. Now w he is pla aying in a Brazilian club c called d Flum minense, a Rio R de Jane eiro team. Ronaldinho R o has had some scandals about a his private p life e like delay in the training and a nocturnal parties.. He w would prob bably go to o Olympic Games G 20166
Neym mar probablyy will comma and the Cana narinho in the he Olym mpic Games R Rio 2016 [4].
open ning. Besid des, if he recovers his h level att leastt
cou uld
convocated c d
the e
Can narinha and d he would play this tournament t t in 20 016.
zil has bee en a power Thrrough the times Braz glob bal
so occer
bec cause
given n
sign nificant and d good playyers. To sam mba rhythm m it h has delighte ed people with tech hniques and d style e to play ((Jogo Boniito). Now the Verde eAma arela does not convin nce but it c can surprise e
By: Yeiner An ndres Urie eta Alfaro
Ron naldinho is co onsiderated th he soccer mag gician by a lott of people e [3].
August 2015
in a ny time, eve en in the O Olympic Gam mes 2016.
nival in Rio o de Janeiiro will surrely have a Carn the Olympic Ga ames of 20116. The carrnival in Rio o de J Janeiro is considered the t biggestt carnival in n the world. Thiss great worrld attractio on will be a strik king way of o welcoming attende ees to the e max ximum globa al event in sports. s The e carnival iss charracterized for its large and beautiful danc ces, especially the samba, s costtumes and d floatts for six days. d
b between
al socia
ma asters
who o
g gathered to o celebrate e tthe
same e identityy, wearing g
m masks
and d
costumes s,
The Carnival in n Rio de Ja aneiro began in 1723, itt
whic ch allowed d equality tto all the c contestants s.
is th he result of o extrapollation of the t ancientt
The e Portugue eses broug ght many sslaves from m
Euro opean traditions to th he lands co onquered in n
Afrrica, which is the rea ason why tthe carniva al
the new world d. This cullture was born b as an n
pressents an important Affrican influ uence.
offe ering to Bac cchus, the Greek god of wine,
August 2015Â
shorrt presenta ation at the e gala inaug guration off
Afriicans used masks and d costumes made with h
h tourist spends a an average e of seven n each
featthers, bone es, herbs, sttones and other o itemss
hun ndred dollarrs, which m means
to in nvoke the gods g and to o repel evil spirits. All
con tribution
this had a symb bolic meaniing in the tradition t off
bec ause it cre eates jobs, develops to ourism, and d
this region and now an integral part of the e
reve enue from sale of ttelevision rrights, etc c.
a great t economyy
design of the costumes c fo or the Carn nival of Rio o mod dern . The e word Ca arnival is said s to be e deriv ved from the t latin Ca arne Vale, "F Farewell to o meatt". It was performed d in accord dance with h the Lent, a pe eriod of 40 0 days of abstinence e from m meat co onsumption, alcohol, and otherr eartthly pleasurres. This practice of abstinence e begins for Cattholics on Ash Wedn nesday and d lastss until Eastter.
Tou urists and athletes can see both the e
In tthe Carniv val, the da ances, cho oreography,,
Olym mpic Game es, large p part of Th he Brazilian n
ance estral dresses and the floatts have a myth hological
and d
to o
presserve nature and tra aditions. Itt's a partyy with h much div versity, democratic and a for all social classes.
ope ning cerem mony and the closiing of the e cultture and jo oy displaye ed in the typical and d livelly dances that are e performe ed at the e carn nival. Everyyone can sspread enerrgy, joy and d kind dness that emanate the carioc ca countryy.
Sam mba is the characteristic dance e in Brazil and especiallyy at The Carnival in Rio de e Jane eiro. This traditiona al dance iss originallyy from m Angola an nd West Affrica and was w broughtt to B Brazil by Affricans, wh here it even ntually won n popu ularity. Thiss dance fo ormed clu ubs and so ocieties to o com mpete with one another. Curre ently there e are forty samb ba schools that comp pete in the e carn nival of Rio o de Janeiro and its main m temple e is the Sambod drome, wh here each year everyy not possible to o repeat. The festivitiess at The Carnival in Rio de e Jane eiro have become b one e of the mo ost famouss even nts of the world, because every e yearr 850.000 tourissts come to enjoy th he carnival,,
By: J Jhon Rodriguez Ruan no August 2015Â
danc ce, move and disguise e is different and it iss
Sam mba is original from A Africa, it c comes from m the Word Sem mba and th he meaning g is pray or plea ad to sprit,, the samba a in Rio sta arted in the e 20th h
m majority
o of
African n
pop pulation live ed in the ba ay thanks to o arrive the e sam ba to Rio. Since then samba is a principa al dem mostration of Brazillian popular culture e actu ually samb ba has diffferent rh hythms for exam mple comm mon samba, padoga, ne eopadoge, que, and iss it importa sam bra de breq ant to stand d out that all th he sounds about the e samba are e real ly beautifu ul. In A August 2016 Rio de Janeiro J (Bra azil) will be e the most important citty around the world d beca ause in thiss city the Olympic O Ga ames will be e cele ebrated bettween the first f and twenty firstt of A August. Rio de Jane eiro is loca ated in the e soutth – east of o Brazil, it is the second s cityy with h more pop pulation in this country and it iss the first Olymp pic city in south s Amerrica. If you u R this is a great opo ortunity to o will travel to Rio
Rio is represe ented in tthe musica al genre byy sam ba schoolss, each school represe ents a storyy abo ut specific c topic an nd the top pics can be e abo ut politics,, sports or art. The presentation n of e each school is amaz zing and th hey include e colo or costumes, amazin ng choreog graphy and d carn nival songss that mak ke a beauttiful show w. The e competitiions are alw ways original and theyy have e a lot off surprises for the participants s.
know w about the culturre to hav ve a good d expe erience.
If I
would w
know w
happ piness, Rio in the perffect place because in n this culture yo ou can fin nd differen nt kinds off music that che eer the life e of the Ca ariocas up,, henc ce in this article yo ou can find d a lot off in R Rio, Samba.
August 2015
info ormation ab bout the most m importtant music c
Diffferent insttruments produce p th he magical soun nds of the samba, the e principal instrumentt is
whic ch
percussion n
instrrument and d its sound is thud and d high, it iss mad de of Wood d or brass. The Apito o or whistle e is an n importantt instrumen nt too, in th he Samba itt is used to pro oduce diffe erent rhyth hms and itt anno ounces the changess in the dance, d the e Surd do is a kin nd of drum, it’s sou und is veryy Dee ep, it is mad de of Wood d and at the e bottom itt has leather. Deffinitely a fla ashy aspectt in the sa amba is the e dressses that itts dancers use, the drresses have e a lo ot of shinyy colors, sequins s and d preciouss ston nes, the ba ase of the e dress is very v simple e beca ause it is a small swim mwear or underwear. u . Finally
dress d
complete c
two o
impo ortant acc cessories: a helmet made off featthers
with h
preciou us
ten n
centtimeters off high heles.
Sam mba is an intteresting kind of mussic, you can n find d o lot of be eautiful songs and you u can know w Rio
Games G
tha at
the e
ortunity to know and learn about this good d oppo cultture. By: J Jenniffer Diaz D
August 2015
more e about this musical genre, g if yo ou travel to o
Rugby was bo orn in Englland in 182 23, then in n 1900 0, rugby was introdu uced in the e Olympicss Gam mes, it was played in Paris P where e the hostss were e the champions, bu ut in 1925 rugby wass remo oved from m the Olym mpics Gam mes by the e Inte ernational Olympic O Co ommittee, IOC. I Now,, this interesting g sport of contact comes c back k to tthe Olympiics in the category sevens (7s)) afte er 90 yearrs and the e Colombia an Women n Sele ection is go oing to be e in the co ompetitors.. Alon ng this artticle you will w find information n abou ut the tec chnique, th he selectio ons around d the world and the t colomb bian teams. Rugby is playe ed in a rectangular grass field d with h 2 oppossite goals in form of H, itss obje ective is to o bring the e ball over the line to o scorre a try, bu ut players can not make m passess with h their han nds to a pa artner who o is beyond d the
cate egories in rugby, r rugb by 15s thatt is a game e with h 15 playerrs each tea am, two tiimes of 40 0 minu utes with a lot of co ontact, and rugby 7ss whic ch is a gam me with 7 pllayers each h team, two o time es of 7 minutes m where w agilitty is veryy
August 2015Â
impo ortant and it has less contact. c
The Olympic Games arre going to o have 244
Colo ombian Ru ugby has b been developed since e
National Selec ctions in co ompetition,, 12 female e
19955. That pro ocess has been with the creation n
and 12 masculine, where only o 8 selec ctions from m
ugby in the of tteams of ru e universitiies, schools s
each h categoryy have bee en confirm med at the e
and private c clubs. The e principal colombian n
mom ment. The host, Braz zil, is goin ng to have e
regi ons that h have sport lleagues are e Antioquia a,
reprresentation n in both branches, like New w
Boggotá, Santander, Qu uindío, Ca aldas, Cali,
Zea aland, Engla and, France e and Unitted States,,
Atlá ántico, Ne eiva, Ibagu ue and Viillavicencio o.
countries werre selected d in the last World d
The e
Com mpetitions. The othe er selected countriess
were e masculin ne teams from f Fiji and a South h
Afriica and fe emale team ms from Canada C and d
Con nfederation n, SAC, sin nce 2004 and Colombia a
Ausstralia. The e Selectionss selected from Latin n
has been a strong selecttion. This year it was s
Ame erica were e Colombia a and Arg gentina forr
the champion in this com mpetition and it won a
wom men and men category,, respective ely.
tick ket to the O Olympic Ga ames, in oth her times it t
These teams are the mosst importan nt for theirr regio ons,
deve elopment
are that
an n
example e
rug gby
the e
Add ditionally, rugby is going g to participate e again in the Olympics Games, it is the e
Colomb bian in
mad de
Wom men
Selec ction
has s
th he
American n
th he
American n
playyed 3 timess the final match against Braziil but it always lost. Furthermore th he Nationa al Wom men Selec ction participated in n the Pan nAme erican Gam mes of Torronto; the fifth place e wass gotten by the girls.
oppo ortunity to o improve the leve el and the e
August 2015
num mber of cou untries where rugby is played.
ating and interesting sport, you u In tthis fascina will find very sttrong and fast f playerss, moreoverr rugb by is recogn nized by its teamwork philosophyy whe ere
and a
individ dual
com mbine, there e is respec ct for the authority,, and how the proverb p sayys "rugby iss a play off beasst that is played p by gentlemen". g . Finally we e wish h a successsful debutt for the Colombian n team m that is go oing to be on o August 6th 2016 in n Rio Olympics Games. G
August 2015
Adriana Du ueñas Conttreras By: A
The 2016 Olyympic Gam mes are th he perfectt prettext for traveling t to t Rio de e Janeiro.. How wever, if either your budget is limited orr you are just no ot intereste ed in all gam mes, staying g at tthe hotel iss not an op ption. As a matter off factt,
ca an
tim me
visiting g
interesting pla aces near Rio R de Ja aneiro; thiss plan n can be cheap and short in order to be e acco ording to your budget and schedule.. Therefore, if you love the natural places,, relax xing in a be each or knowing abou ut Brazilian n you.. In fact, Angra A dos Reis has the t perfectt balance betwe een a beau utiful beac ch and all feattures of a metropolis. m Neither yo our budgett nor
sc chedule
matter, m
he ere
reco ommend you differentt activitiess to do forr
sunb bathing. On the othe er hand the ere are also o beac ches with good wav ves to surf. Besides s therre are oth her islandss like Cattaguases, a perffect place e to trave el with children; and d Itan nhangá whe ere you ca an do man ny activities s
you to select the best opttion.
like diving, hiking, canoeing or climb bing.
With h 365 island ds and two thousand d beaches,,
In sspite of th he beachess, which arre the main n
Ang gra dos Re eis offers variety v of landscapess with h white san nds and lussh nature. Regardlesss some e islands arre private, most of th he beach iss open ned to the e public an nd can be enjoyed all yearr long. Ilha Grande is one of the em; it is the e large est island with w crystalline waters and manyy famo ous
beac ches,
acce essible
foottpaths or by b boat onlly owning to t the factt thatt there are not roads or cars on the island.. Non netheless, due d to Ilha a Grande iss the mostt famo ous island,, its beach hes are cro owded, forr this reason yo ou can con nsider visitting Gipóia a islan nd. On the e one han nd Gipóia has desertt beac ches to enjoy the tran nquility or simply s for
attrractions in Angra dos Reis, it alsso has other natu ural alluress. On the o one hand, w we can find d fam mous peaks like Frade p peak: with 1578 meters s of a altitude, it is one of the highesst points of f the city, hourr and a hallf of heavyy walking in n the Atlantic F Forest is re equired to reach this s peak k. As welll as Papa agaio peak k: with 982 2 metters, it is tthe second highest po oint of the e Big Island, it is a monum mental stone of manyy face es; depend ding on th he angle an nd position n thatt we look, we can im magine a do og or a rat t. On the otherr hand, yo ou can find a lot of f watterfalls such as Serra do Mar orr Cachoeira a Da Feiticeira. The last is the mosst beautifu ul
August 2015
histo ory, Angra dos Reis iss a perfect option forr
wate erfall in th he island, and it hass a natural pooll and slide es. You mu ust just be e willing to o walk k in order to enjoy bea autiful land dscapes Morreover not only the natural land dscapes are e interesting in Angra A dos Reis, if yo ou want to o know w some ab bout the hiistory in th he city you u can visit the Shipwreck ked Monum ment. Thiss mon nument wass built in 1913 1 in tribute to the e ship pwrecked of Aquidabã ã ship, thiss battleship p sank k in 1906 in n the coastt of Angra a dos Reis.. The mortal rem mains of th he crew of Aquidabã,, the most powe erful ship of o the Brazilian Navyy he early tw wentieth ce entury, restt under the e in th mon nument. Apart from this mon nument, in n Ang gra dos Re eis there are many old o colonial style e buildings, the most of o them are e churchess thatt nowadays are formallly protecte ed such as : Con nvento
Senhora S
do d
Con nvento de São Bernardino de Sena and d Nosssa senhora a da Conceição. In conclusion, c , the streets off the city have h a lot of history,, you only need to t walk through them. Eith her if you have h in min nd to spend d your time e relax xing, doing g extreme sports s or kn nowing the e cultture, for su ure you mu ust have fo ound some e grea at ideas forr your trip in this artticle; or, iff you do not kno ow what ac ctivities to o do during g you travel to Rio de Janeiro, now w you mustt have e a lot of id deas. No matter m whatt your case e is, the next tim me you thin nk of trave eling to Rio o Janeiro, I bet Angra dos d Reis will be in yourr de J
By: L Luisa Natalia Rey Gom mez
August 2015
plan ns.
he-football-wo orld-cup-part-1. of-th Date e: August 9th, 2015 [2] http::// m/photos/sport/ronaldosayy sgood dbye/Article4 4-662398.aspx. Date e: August 9th, 2015 [3] http:://www.dailym 021/Ronaldinh ho-VIDEO-The-original-showboater.reca alled-Brazil-celebrate-magic cal-moments.h html. Date e: August 9th, 2015 [4]
http://www w.trendolizer.c com/2015/07/b brazil-captain--
mar-i-want-to-p play-in-the-olym mpics-and-cop pa-americaneym 2016-but-selecao-m more-than-jus..html. Date e: August 9th, 20 http::// carnaval-derio/historia.html 1
http p://www.rioca
rio/historia.html 1
http p:// naval/historia a.asp 1
http:://www.emol.c com/noticias/economia/20112/02/17/52680 0 8/carrnaval-de-rio-d de-janeiro-un-movimiento-m muy-grande-
August 2015
de-re ecursos-en-bra asil.html
August 2015