The TheaTrical Dream hoTel PorTfolio The
hoTel is a sTage onTo which five of The mosT common dreams are
projecTed, including evenTs and percepTibiliTy of flying, falling, being laTe, naked and deaTh.
The projecT is abouT a new waTerfronT hoTel Thames clipper suppliers To The convoys wharf communiTy. as a TheaTrical hoTel The building will include 5 main Types connecTed To The
of space which are deliberaTely very differenT in The way They are used, allowing The TheaTrical dream experience for The hoTel guesTs in differenT areas of The building.
occupanTs of The space
someTimes can be read as a “fading” creaTure, one ThaT ofTen appears in dreams.
hoTel is a TapesTry of dreams in a bouTique sTyle and
a surrealisT mediaTion on The collapse of our noTions of archiTecTure.
The dream palace will be examined The room and a noTaTion
of which bed or beds have been slepT in, wiTh a descripTion of The nighTmare realms of childhood visions and dreams The guesTs have lefT.
Time passes, The occupanTs of The rooms will change and
Then The sTory of The spaces.
you’ve goT To go four levels deep
“The TheaTrical dream hoTel”. monumenTal sculpTures will inhabiT The building made ouT of everyday objecTs seen in The dream and describing iTs experience. spaces in The before you geT inTo The sTory of
building symbolizing and The abiliTy To become manifesT in physical space or remain energeTic in various conscious or subconscious realms.