“ERI draws the attention of those in power to the situation of the most vulnerable in each country, in order to achieve positive change”
GET INVOLVED INFORM US! ASK US when your country will be reviewed and how you can participate.
IDENTIFY issues that the Edmund Rice Network in your country would like to raise. COLLECT information on those topics in collaboration with ERI. LEARN about the UPR process.
ORGANIZE a training session with ERI on how best to participate in the UPR. PARTNER with other organizations or communities in your country who are willing to engage in the UPR.
www.edmundriceinternational.org Edmund Rice International New York Office 33 Pryer Terrace New Rochelle, NY10804 USA T – 914-636-6194 F – 914-636-0021
Edmund Rice International PO Box 104 37-39 rue de Vermont 1211 Geneva 20 SWITZERLAND T +41 22 919 4010 F +41 22 740 2433
COME to Geneva to raise your concerns at the UN, with ERI. RAISE AWARENESS in your country, including through the media, about UPR FOLLOW-UP on the implementation of the UPR recommendations after the Review.
What is the Universal Periodic Review?
What is the Role of ERI?
Universal: All States are reviewed; No State can escape scrutiny!
We provide information on Human Rights in the State under Review by submitting reports.
Periodic: The Review cycle is ongoing; States are reviewed every 4 years. review: The implementation of human rights in each country is examined; Recommendations are issued to improve the situation in the ground. The Review is conducted within the UN Human Rights Council- the UN’s main body charged with promoting and protecting Human Rights across the globe
we lobby States to raise issues that are urgent and important to the poor and marginalized. we monitor the Review and mobilize public attention on the formal recommendations, and intervene when Human Rights are not respected.
What are the phases of UPR?
Why does ERI engage in the UPR? Phase 4
Phase 2
Phase 3
Preparation of the 3 basic Reports for the UPR:
The actual Review takes place:
Final adoption of Report:
Follow up:
(1) National Report (2) Compilation of official UN documents (3) Summary of civil society input (including ERI).
States ask questions and make recommendations to the State under review. ERI attends and advocates to ensure key issues are raised.
The review Report is adopted by the Human Rights Council. ERI makes declarations on the outcome.
Relevant stakeholders, including ERI, participate in making sure that the accepted recommendations are adequately implemented.
WE EMPOWER members of the ERI to become advocates in their local environment.
The State under review takes positions regarding the recommendations made during the Review Phase.
ERI works at the international level to promote and protect the rights of children and young people particularly in regard to education. Care for the environment is a value that is embedded in all that we do. Inspired by the vision and life of Blessed Edmund Rice, we believe that education in all its forms offers opportunities for the promotion of a rights-based and faith-based approach to social justice and ecological advocacy. We work in partnership with other faith-based groups in the promotion of peace and justice. Our work involves engagement with the change-makers at the international level in order to bring issues and situations to the attention of the international community at the United Nations in New York and Geneva as we seek shared solutions to the issues affecting the lives of the most vulnerable people on our planet.. We are committed to bringing about God’s dream for the world and for humanity. God’s dream is also ours.
Find out more about the UPR! Edmund Rice International: www.edmundriceinternational.org
UPR-Info: http://www.upr-info.org
official website: Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR): http://www. ohchr.org/
“Have courage; the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on”. [Blessed Edmund Rice]
To be fully involved in the UPR process ERI relies on the information provided by the Edmund Rice Network working at the Grassroots. This input is critical because we are able to draw attention to the situation of the most vulnerable who may otherwise be forgotten.