WHO WE ARE Founded in 1984 and possessing official Consultative Status with the United Nations, Franciscans International (FI) is one of the world`s largest faith-based NGOs advocating for Human Rights. We work with the global community of nearly 700,000 Franciscans to provide the tools necessary to represent and defend the rights of those they serve at the United Nations. Our Mission is to influence policy and decisionmaking at the United Nations on behalf of the poor and those most at risk.
HOW WE WORK at the grassroots share their concerns with 1 Franciscans FI on behalf of victims and vulnerable people who are exploited, enslaved or abused.
Peace Poverty Planet
these concerns by training Franciscans and 2 FItheiraddresses local partners to address their concerns through seminars, workshops and publications.
facilitates discussions between Franciscans and 3 FIGovernments to raise public awareness and to harness grassroots support.
submits reports to the UN Human Rights Council, 4 FISpecial Rapporteurs & Treaty Bodies to exert international pressure upon negligent Governments.
proposes concrete recommendations for change and 5 FIaction at the grassroots through our reports to the UN.
serves as a watchdog with Franciscans by tracking 6 FIimplementation of UN recommendations.
HOW CAN YOU HELP? Learn more about Human Rights by visiting our website! Make a donation to support our work!
Be a Defender of Human Rights!
W W W. F R A N C I S C A N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L . O R G