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Objective: Explore methods of manifesting abstract ideas into inhabitable space
Project Dates: Fall 2020-Spring 2022
Instructors : Various
Throughout the first and second year of the program, a variety of short projects explore different concepts and methods of manifesting said concepts within a variety of different mediums. Using a mix of charcoal, graphite drawings, collage, 3D modeling and physical fabrication, a variety of artifacts are produced to create inhabitable spaces both physically and digitally.
Initial Charcoal Light Study: Reflectance
Initial Charcoal Light Study: Aperture
Final Charcoal Study: Textured Light
Year 2 Charcoal Light Studies
Inhabitable Interface
Program of Designed
This inhabitable interface to provide varying potential The space treats time concepts. The entrance dynamic and free form ization of ideas and extensive through the space, they from their peers, encouraging life. Additionally, the overhanging outwards, showcasing into Cheever Hall itself.
Program of Designed Space
This inhabitable interface would act as a multi-layered work and study space, designed to provide varying levels of potential for collaboration as one moves through the space. The space treats time as a function of solidity, notably, the solidity of ideas
Abstraction of Sound Projection how the water bent and created beautiful patters as it ran into various rocks river. I intensity areas where the water was diverted and could thus erode the banks infatuation led to me isolating the phenomenon of water intensity in my final Abstract of the creek and reconstructing the creek in a way that make the often invisible visual experience. Additionally, this inquiry also led to me considering how humans altering obstruction when they are wading through the creek, leading to the idea would allow people to see their own personal impact on the creek simply by being creek proved to be one of my favorite parts of this semester, sparking my creativity take my observations and show them in a different way.
The facade consists of a series of panels that rotate at various angles to provide a variety of lighting conditions within a space. These panels would then connect to a structure able to conform to a variety of different types of surfaces. The stairs take inspiration from the work of artist M.C. Escher, and continue indefinitely within multiple axes.