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Tech TAP has been created with technological innovation in mind. Our aim is to provide a snapshot of the latest cool campaigns, future trends in technology and general marketing news. This month we introduce the edition with the concept of “Newism� and go on to show how technology is further shaping mobile phones, vending machines and even paint! We also delve into what constitutes the pins on our own Pinterest boards.

TECHTAP // V7.12


Contents 01-03


lemonade made cheaper when the temperature rises

consumer trend: newism



High-Tech Shopping Trolleys


adidas: Light You Up Projection


IBM has released a prototype of an augmented reality mobile shopping app



Special Paint Turns Any Surface Into A Battery


What’s your favourite app and why?


Getting In Touch


Transparent TwoSided Touchscreen Could Be The Future Of Smartphones


Turn Your TV Into A Giant Tablet With This Portable Gadget


Speed of Light: Mini Projection Mapping Movie


Editors Pick Fave ‘Techy’ Pinterest boards

BOS Ice Tea: Twitter-Powered Vending Machine


Google Creates Street View For Hiking Trails

15 Learn How To Cast Spells Like Harry Potter With PlayStation’s Wonderbook



Restaurant Offers Futuristic Dining Experience With Fully Robotic Staff

TECHTAP // V7.12


NEWISM ‘THE NEW HAS NEVER BEEN HOTTER’ WHY, MORE THAN EVER, CONSUMERS LUST AFTER THE NEW AND WHY THAT SPELLS HEAVEN OR HELL FOR BRANDS. The ‘new’ has never been hotter, as the entire world, from emerging to mature economies, is now creating new products, services and experiences on a daily, if not hourly basis, in every B2C industry. Which moves ‘new’ from being a tired marketing ploy by ‘old’ brands (‘new and improved!’), to a genuine, exciting proposition for consumers.

1. CREATIVE > DESTRUCTION Creative destruction may have an alarming ring to it, but it’s something to be celebrated (despite recessions, bank runs and collapsing currencies). With the volume and pace of innovation faster than ever, the ‘creation’ is outweighing the ‘destruction’. In fact the entire world, from emerging to mature economies, is now creating new products, services and experiences on a daily, if not hourly basis, in every B2C industry. Which moves ‘new’ from being a tired marketing ploy by ‘old’ brands (‘new and improved!’), to a genuine, exciting proposition for consumers. Show us a day in which a previously unheard of brand, or even individual, doesn’t release a new – and better and more convenient and more surprising – offering that promises a novel or improved experience. A global celebration of innovation, of the new, indeed. 2 million patents were applied for in 2010, up from 1.4 million in 2000 (Source: World Intellectual Property Organization, December 2011)

2. FSTR Everything is getting faster and FSTR ;-). The online world, with its relentless acceleration and amplification – of information, of excitement, of attention – is of course a major contributor to NEWISM. Witness phenomena such as Instagram (10 million users in under a year) or Draw Something (35 million users in just 6 weeks!). And just to highlight NEWISM’s often-fleeting nature, many Draw Something users have now abandoned the app, no doubt off to seek something new. Products too: witness Pebble raising over USD 10 million in 37 days on Kickstarter*. Indeed, any new innovation that taps pent-up demand will erupt and spread faster than ever. Taco Bell sold 100 million of its new Doritos Locos Tacos in 10 weeks, making it the chain’s fastest ever product launch. *Kickstarter is a great enabler of the ‘new’ innovation ecosystem: anyone can now test, fund and launch almost any new idea.

“Excitement and attention are being amplified and accelerated.”

To follow are half a dozen forces propelling ‘newism’ into even more prominence:


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NEWISM 3. EXPERIENCE CRAMMING The desire to tell interesting STATUS STORIES is further fuelling consumers’ never-ending lust for new experiences, especially acute in a world where so much of identity is expressed online. Any experience that few others can or have had is a sure-fire status symbol. However, with more people than ever searching for ‘unique’ experiences, they are becoming harder-to-find and thus often expensive. The (cheaper, more practical) alternative therefore is for status-hungry consumers to resort to EXPERIENCE CRAMMING: collecting and mixing-and-matching as many, and as wide a variety, of new experiences as possible. “Consumers want to collect and mix-and-match as many new and varied experiences as possible.”

4. STATUS STREAM On top of collecting experiences, in a world where everything is transient keeping one’s finger firmly on the pulse of the endless global torrent of new products and services (see driver 1), showing one’s connectedness and being in the know, will be an ever-richer source of social status (especially for SOCIAL-LITE consumers). Yes, ‘new’ is the new prestige. In fact, supporting consumers in their pursuit of the newest of the new, or to be first in finding, knowing, doing or owning something is an opportunity in itself. Just one innovative example: in April 2012 Nike launched a number of highly collectible limited edition sneakers using a Twitter reservation system. Stores would randomly tweet specific product hashtags during the day of release, and the first followers to include this in a direct message to the store would reserve a pair of the sneakers.

5. TRYSUMERS The innovation-spurring eco-system described above is also totally transparent, with everything now reviewed and rated the moment it’s created, meaning the risk for consumers of trying out something new is approaching zilch. Furthermore, new business models (from LIFE: SUBSCRIBED and TRYVERTISING, to OWNER-LESS and RECOMMERCE described below) are enabling consumers to experience the ‘new’ with less commitment, and at lower cost. “The risk of trying out something new is approaching zilch.”

“Social status will come from being in-the-know, and from being part of the ‘new’.”


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NEWISM 6. TO HAVE IS TO (H)OLD Many possessions don’t (need to) get old anymore. For consumers who’ve embraced OWNER-LESS solutions, renting or sharing everything (from cars to clothes to electronics), perpetual upgrades and ‘new’ experiences are but a booking away. And, thanks to the RECOMMERCE trend, even for those consumers who have bought items, it’s never been easier to unlock the value in past purchases. Novel brand buy-backs, exchange schemes, online platforms and mobile marketplaces offer smart and convenient options for consumers keen to ‘trade in to trade up’ to the new. Oh, and online, everything is of course endlessly, if not automatically, renewed and refreshed (whether ‘owned’ or just accessed). “Possessions don’t (need to) get old anymore.”

WHAT NEWISM IS NOT (AND THE INEVITABLE COUNTER-TREND) Now, NEWISM is not ‘just’ traditional product innovation. The ‘new and improved’ from yesteryear has been surpassed by a genuinely innovative and creative explosion, taking place worldwide. It is also not just breathless, eco-unfriendly, product-replacing madness (see also driver 6): in fact, there’s an absolute avalanche of new eco-friendly products and services out there as well.

IMPLICATIONS NEWISM is creative destruction, hyper-competition, globalism, consumerism on steroids and a celebration of innovation, all in one. For brands, new and established, it boils down to capturing and holding consumers’ attention. While consumers’ attention spans might be shorter and shorter, the rewards can be instant and massive. And it’s not like you have any choice anyway.

Last but not least, it does not mean all consumer attention will be focused on the new. There will still be endless value in heritage brands, known to deliver constant, trusted quality and provenance. There will be value in well-told, compelling stories. In comfort. In tradition. In the local. In curation of existing products. In tailoring. Remember, no trend applies to all consumers, all of the time, and the ‘new’ doesn’t always kill the old.


TECHTAP // V7.12

In Spain, lemonade made cheaper when the temperature rises

In Spain, lemonade made cheaper when the temperature rises Momentum Madrid has come up with a campaign for Coca-Cola’s Limon & Nada still lemonade, which offers customers discounts when the temperature outside rises.Â


18 machines with integrated thermometers were installed in traditional summertime locations such as water or theme parks in Spain. The temperature was shown on a large display above the machines and the cans, priced at EUR 2 each at 25 degrees Celsius or less, took a 30 percent price cut (EUR 1.40) at 26 to 29 degrees and cost EUR 1 when it hit 30 degrees or more. The idea behind the concept was to help thirsty customers get more for their money when the weather got hotter, just as other recent discount schemes have relied on outside data to determine product prices.


TECHTAP // V7.12

High-Tech Shopping Trolleys

High-Tech Shopping Trolleys American app developer Chaotic Moon. It includes a Windows 8 tablet, allowing customers to compile a shopping list, from which the cart subsequently suggests suitable products and recipes. It can help save yet more time with the use of a UPC/ RFID scanner that can identify the products placed inside the trolley, checking items off the list and ringing up the purchases automatically. Another key, somewhat futuristic feature, is that the cart is self-propelling – meaning it will follow customers around the store while they find their desired items. Whole Foods isn’t the only retailer to have jumped on the tech-fuelled shopping cart bandwagon. The Lambent Shopping Trolley Handle, developed by researchers at the Open University in England, incorporates a multi-colour display and scanner that provides additional product information.

Technology is slowly but surely infiltrating our shopping habits on every level – now including the humble shopping trolley.

a prototype for a high-tech interactive shopping trolley that the brand claims will help consumers save time and money.

In an effort to enhance the in-store journey, US supermarket chain Whole Foods has launched

Branded the ‘Smarter Cart’, it’s been designed by US computing giant Microsoft in collaboration with

In China and Korea, the Smart Cart – designed by South Korea’s SK Telecom – comes equipped with a tablet that can be synchronised with consumers’ smartphones. The system is capable of downloading a shopping list direct from the phone, then offering relevant information regarding the location of those items and also discounts. 05

TECHTAP // V7.12

Transparent Two-Sided Touchscreen Could Be The Future Of Smartphones

Transparent Two-Sided Touchscreen Could Be The Future Of Smartphones Japanese mobile company NTT Docomo teams up with Fujitsu to create a unique transparent OLED screen that houses touch sensors on both its front and back. Recently debuted at Wireless Japan 2012, the prototype marks the future of screens, allowing users to multi-task on two screens with one device. Although the two-sided OLED is only housed in a small 2.4-inch screen with QVGA (320Ă—240) resolution, plans to continue developing this technology could very well end up in replacing current smartphone screens with this dual screen. At the exhibit, a demonstration showed that scrolling through the dual screen did not obscure the display, and users can easily reach the slide down notification bar on the other side of the screen with their index finger. Watch the video below for a more in-depth look at this innovative new technology. View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

Speed of Light: Mini Projection Mapping Movie

Speed of Light: Mini Projection Mapping Movie

This new short film, “Speed of Light”, is by the same guys that created the award winning “Address is Approximate” film created in Google Street View. Only this time, they’ve gone completely different, with “Speed of Light” being the world’s smallest police chase, projected by the world’s smallest hand held laser projectors, all from an iPod touch and captured on a Canon 5d MkII. Very cool! View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

BOS Ice Tea: Twitter-Powered Vending Machine

BOS Ice Tea: Twitter-Powered Vending Machine

Here’s another great vending machine installation. This time it’s from South African brand BOS Ice Tea, who have launched this Twitter powered vending machine in Cape Town.

Nice idea to combine an online platform with a real life installation. View Video

Users simply have to send a tweet to the BOS account, @bos, with the hashtag #BOSTWEET4T and the vending machine will dispense a free sample of BOS Ice Tea.


TECHTAP // V7.12

Editors Pick Fave ‘Techy’ Pinterest boards

Editor’s Pick FAVE ‘Techy’ Pinterest boards windows/ techmama/

Windows is just one of the companies that are taking an active interest with its branding on Pinterest. There are pins from the day-to-day life at Microsoft, and the usual boards on Microsoft products and hardware. I like the board that depicts the history of Windows and the funny My Style.

Beth Blecherman is the founder of Techmamas. com, a technology blog focused on parenting and the family. She has eleven boards on Pinterest. From yummy food and fitnesss to Interesting Tech, which is a board of curated articles, news bytes, and tips from around the web. charmainezoe/technologygeeks-nerds-united/ janew/ideas/

Check out some of the geekiest stuff you can find online, from Yoda tee-shirts for all those Star Wars fans, to a DIY bread board charging station. There are photo-memes and tips and treats spread among the more visual tech stuff.


The 173 pins on this board all force you to look beyond the ordinary into how creativity and imagination, with the help of technology, brings about innovation. From paper alarm clocks or vertical farms, to a projection screen on any surface, the Ideas board is your one-look view into the world of tomorrow.



TECHTAP // V7.12

british airways - home advantage


So this is perhaps not a typical Tech story, but we love this so much we couldn’t resist sharing.

Click here

Arguably a neat use of technology, simply type in your post code and it sends a plane down your street ….very cool. 10

TECHTAP // V7.12

adidas: Light You Up Projection

adidas: Light You Up Projection Here’s a great example of what happens when projection mapping meets social media. Here is a nice piece of projection mapping from adidas that lets the user see their name in lights! This ‘Light You Up’ Projection from adidas was held in New York’s Madison Square Garden and features the Argentinian soccer star Messi. Facebook fans were invited to log onto an adidas Facebook app and post an answer to the question ‘What does light get you?’ Each response was rewarded with the person’s name appearing on the big screen, plus a sharable image and video. A great piece of social/real world integration. View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

Special Paint Turns Any Surface Into A Battery

Special Paint Turns Any Surface Into A Battery Researchers at the Rice University in Texas, USA, have created a lithium-ion battery paint that can be applied to any surface. The battery-based paint was experimented on bathroom tiles, which were able to power a set of LED lights for six hours, and provided a steady 2.4 volts. The lead author of the project, Neelam Singh, commented that her team had spent hours formulating, mixing and testing the paints. The working concept means that traditional packaging for batteries can have a “more flexible approach that allows all kinds of new design and integration possibilities for storage devices.”


TECHTAP // V7.12

Turn Your TV Into A Giant Tablet With This Portable Gadget

Turn Your TV Into A Giant Tablet With This Portable Gadget Pocket TV is a Kickstarter-funded gadget that can convert any television set into a Smart TV. This small pocket-sized dongle that connects to the HDMI port of any regular TV and runs Android 4.0 on any TV, turning it into a mega-sized tablet. Users can download apps from the Google Play Store to stream videos, play games, connect with friends on Facebook, catch up on news, make video calls or simply surf the web. The best part of Pocket TV is its ultra-portability. Users can receive all the benefits of a smartphone with the ability to display it on a much bigger screen. A Standard IR Remote is shipped with every Pocket TV, which uses infrared signals and gives users the ability to control the Pocket TV using up/down/side arrows and several buttons. For an upgrade, the Pocket TV is also compatible with an Air Remote, which features a gyroscopic sensor that can control the Pocket TV just by moving it around – more like a Wii controller. View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

Google Creates Street View For Hiking Trails

Google Creates Street View For Hiking Trails Google’s quest to create the perfect map has reached a new milestone. Using a backpack-mounted multi-lens camera setup, Google employees can now record places and routes only reachable by foot (or ski). The Android-powered device weighs 40 pounds and holds 15 cameras, a hard drive and enough battery power for a full day of exploration.

After Google’s indoor maps for navigating large interior spaces and Street View for the Amazon and landmarks, perhaps this was inevitable. It certainly democratizes outdoor spaces to an extent, allowing those unable to travel far the benefit of at least visually experiencing nature. View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

Learn How To Cast Spells Like Harry Potter With PlayStation’s Wonderbook

Learn How To Cast Spells Like Harry Potter With PlayStation’s Wonderbook Sony has recently announced a new project called Wonderbook, a physical and interactive book that uses augmented reality and PlayStation Move products to bring different stories to life. The first title to be published for this new peripheral is Book of Spells, from the world of Harry Potter, with original content by J.K. Rowling. This enchanted textbook lets you discover and practice 20 spells, such as Incendio, Wingardium Leviosa, and Expelliarmus. As you progress through the chapters, you can read about their backstories, pick up valuable experiences and lessons, earn house points and unlock more writing by completing tests. View Video


TECHTAP // V7.12

Restaurant Offers Futuristic Dining Experience With Fully Robotic Staff

Restaurant Offers Futuristic Dining Experience With Fully Robotic Staff A restaurant located in Harbin, China has recently adopted a full robotic staff to serve its customers. This robot-friendly restaurant features 18 different robots that are capable of doing everything from cooking to serving. Equipped with motion detectors, these innovative new workers are capable of expressing ten different facial expressions and able to converse in basic Chinese. Once a diner walks in, an “usher robot” directs him to an empty booth while reciting a clever greeting: ‘Earth Person, Hello, Welcome to the Robot Restaurant.’

Depending on what the customers order, cooking robots such as the “dumpling robot” and “noodle robot” start cooking. And finally, when the dish is prepared, a robot waiter, which runs along tracks on the floor, carries it from kitchen to table.


TECHTAP // V7.12

IBM has released a prototype of an augmented reality mobile shopping app

IN THE NEWS IBM has released a prototype of an augmented reality mobile shopping app The company hopes to partner with a number of different retailers to integrate loyalty schemes and promotions into the as yet unbranded app, which is due to launch by the end of the year.

IBM has released a prototype of an augmented reality mobile shopping app that retailers could adopt to offer consumers a more personalised in-store experience. The technology company’s research scientists say the personal shopper app will allow retailers’ marketing to act as a “welcome service” to customers, by overlaying product information, reviews, offers and suggestions of other items they might like. IBM Research adds that the app will build in-store traffic and make it easier to understand consumer likes and dislikes, which could in turn influence floor plans and product arrangements in-store.

Users will be able register to use the app in participating stores by using their telephone number or loyalty cards. They can begin to build a profile of preferences - including dietary needs, pricing, environmental and religious preferences - and the app will use this information to address their needs with the products in store. A consumer can use the app by pointing their mobile phone’s video camera over the retailers’ shelves. Products are recognised according to their shape, colours and other features. The app will then tap into the retailer’s back-end computer system to overlay information on the screen and draw attention to offers and other similar products. Sima Nadler, retail lead at IBM research, says: “In the age of social media, consumer expectations

are soaring and people want information and advice about the products they’re going to buy. “By closing the gap between the online and in-store shopping experience, marketers can appeal to the individual needs of consumers and keep them coming back.” Smartphone users are already helping boost sales at bricks and mortar stores, according to Deloitte. A survey conducted in March by the research firm states that about half (48%) of smartphone owners say their phones have influenced their decision to buy an item in store. It adds that 61% of smartphone owners that have used their devices to shop have done so in-store and 52% have used their mobile to influence their purchase decision on the way to the store. The influence of smartphones on consumers’ shopping habits translates to about $159bn (£101bn) in forecasted sales for 2012, Deloitte claims.


TECHTAP // V7.12

What’s your favourite app and why?

What’s your favourite app and why?

LOCOG The one app that I think is really good right now is the ‘Join in’ app that from LOCOG. I find it really good because it puts together everything you need to know about the Olympics. It’s good for news, it’s good to plan your games in advance (it shows you the transportation plans), it’s good to learn about cool sports stuff and it will be good for following games results and medals.

EVERNOTE My most used app at the moment is Evernote. I use different devices across a range of operating systems, and Evernote works across all of them. Plus it’s good for sharing notebooks with friends and colleagues.

Tina Saul Senior Account Director

Rodrigo Coelho Strategic Planner

FIFTYTHREE This app is basically a digital sketch book, but a beautiful digital sketchbook! It includes the most wonderful array of drawing tools, perfect for sketching and watercolour drawings, flicking through pages within personalised moleskin sketch books.

Kayleigh Hannah Retail Designer

Sources:,, digitalbuzz,,


TECHTAP // V7.12

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