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Intel速 corporate brand identity guidelines

“A corporation is a living organism; it has to continue to shed its skin. Methods have to change. Focus has to change. Values have to change. The sum total of those changes is transformation.� Andrew Grove

Table of contents Section 1

Section 3

The Intel Brand


The Intel brand


Design application


Why and how to read this book


Web experience






Brand mission, goals and values




The Intel brand experience






The Intel logo


Color palette


Contact info




Die’namic signature






Section 2

The Intel Brand Elements

4  •  The Intel Brand

Section 4

Brand support


The Intel brand Great and successful companies are built on strong brands. A strong brand is the essential springboard that thrust a company forward, being the decisive asset to build customer loyalty and giving a competitive edge. A strong brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients and prospects. It is the total sum of their experiences and perceptions, which are the ultimate target of an efficient branding strategy. When the essence of a brand is understood within a company, it can serve as a source of inspiration, excitement, and employee satisfaction. Ultimately, a strong brand is the catalyst for business growth. Ideally, the perception of Intel our actual or potential customers have, should align with our own vision and aspiration. We strive to be essential to the global technologic community, our goal is to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth. When our customers share that vision, our branding efforts will be successful. Our idea of Intel is a forward-moving society, already working on the next century’s innovations. We can really claim to be the genuine Sponsors of Tomorrow™

6  •  The Intel Brand

Why and how to read this book WHY


Intel has historically focused much of its marketing effort

This book is a reference manual to anyone who looks

on pushing the sub-brands of its microprocessors, as well as

after the Intel brand, caring to maintain and strenghten

communicating product features and the experience they

its perception in the world. Please strictly follow these

can deliver. Processors, like the Pentium, are well known

guidelines to achieve a high level of consistency within Intel

by everyone, but people don’t necessarily know that it is

communication. A correct use of this book will help ensure

an Intel product, or did not immediately associate the sub-

that customers, members, industry professionals and other

brand with the Intel master brand. This book’s intent is to

organizations, will perceive Intel as a leader in the global

go back to basics, and to bring the focus on increasing brand

technology community. Should there be any question or

awareness of the Intel master brand. This tool will help lay

concern on how to use these guidelines, you can find the

the groundwork for a future Intel wants to be part of.

contacts you need in the last section of the book.

8  •  The Intel Brand



History of a brand 1974 1968

Bob Noyce and Gordon Moore found Intel


Released the 1103, the first DRAM chip

1984 Intel is chosen as one of the “100 best companies to work for in America”

1976 Intel introduce the world’s first microcontroller, the 8748 and 8048



The 8080 processor is used on one of the first PCs, the Altair 8800

The birth of Intel logo


First Intel ad, to publicize its first microprocessor, the 4004

10  •  The Intel Brand

Intel launches the 8080 microprocessor, destined to have a huge success


Intel, with DEC and Xerox, announces the cooperative Ethernet project



Intel is named one of the “Best triumphs of the Seventies” by Fortune

Intel launches the high-performance 16-bit processor, the 286


Second generation supercomputer, based on 386 processor



History of a brand 1991

Intel launches the ‘Intel Inside’ new brand marketing campaign



Intel introduces its Pentium processor

1992 Intel becomes the largest semiconductor supplier in the world


12  •  The Intel Brand

Intel releases the Intel Celeron and, one year later, the Pentium III

Intel delivers the world’s first quad-core processor


1995 Astronauts on the Endeavor conduct the first real-time conference from space using Intel technology

Going green. Intel is the largest buyer in the U.S. of green power, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

New Intel Hyper-Threading Technology improves system performances in multitasking environments


Intel introduces the 42-million transistor Intel Pentium 4 processor




Intel announces that more than 1 million teachers are being trained through the Intel Teach to the Future Program

Intel announces breakthrough 45nm process technology

2010/2012 Intel introduces a totally new Core family, based on the Nehalem microarchitecture, going from 2 to 6 cores


Brand mission, goals and values QUALITY


Our mission


Extend our silicon technology and manufacturing leadership Deliver unrivalled microprocessors and platforms Grow profitability worldwide Excel in customer orientation

14  •  The Intel Brand

Take pride in our work Continuously learn, develop and improve

Customer orientation


Do the right things right


Create and extend computing technology to connect and enrich the lives of every person on earth

Achieve the highest standards of excellence


Listen and respond to our customers, suppliers and stakeholders

Conduct business with uncompromising integrity and professionalism

Clearly communicate mutual intentions and expectations

Make and meet commitments

Deliver innovative products and services

Properly plan, fund and staff projects

Make it easy to work with us

Pay attention to detail



RISK TAKING Encourage and reward informed risk taking

Promote a challenging work environment that develops our diverse workforce

Foster innovation and creative thinking

Recognize and reward accomplishments

Embrace change and challenge the status quo

Work as a team with respect and trust for each other

Listen to all ideas and viewpoints

Manage performance fairly and firmly

Learn from our successes and mistakes

Be an asset to our communities worldwide

RESULTS orientation

Assume responsibility Execute flawlessly and acquire confidence



Set challenging and competitive goals


Constructively confront and solve problems

Focus resources into the expected output Looks for ways to add value beyond the client’s immediate requests


The Intel brand experience What do you think when you think of Intel?



DIRECT CAPABLE 18  •  The Intel Brand

«INTEL shows foresight and anticipates need»

is focused and thoughtful» works according to plan» adapts and evolves»


The Intel brand experience



«INTEL functions from a unique perspective»

improves on what came before»


presents things in a new light»


looks to the future»

20  •  The Intel Brand


The Intel brand experience




inspires others with its words and deeds»


is in front of technology, ideas and initiatives»


is respectful of all people»


creates opportunities»

22  •  The Intel Brand


24  •  The Intel Brand

The Intel brand elements Welcome to the Brand Identity Elements section. What are Brand Identity Elements? Put simply, they are the pieces of the visual system that bring the Die’namic Signature Style to life. These can change from something as simple as our Intel corporate font, Neo Sans Intel, all the way to the complex, yet beautiful graphic Die. When used throughout all of our communications, the Brand Identity Elements work together with our Intel voice to help our Brand stand out and be recognized among the clutter and noise. Through imprudent exposure to each of the Brand Identity Elements, our audiences will come to associate them with Intel as they become iconic metaphors for the Brand. We use these tools to amplify our message.







1 Logo 2 Basic colors 3 Core design 4 Typography

Neo Sans Intel


5 Die’namic Signature


6 Graphic elements 7 Imagery 8 Color palette

26  •  The Intel Brand Elements


The Intel logo

The dot on the i is one of the focal point of our logo. It represent the chip, ergo innovation, one of the main values of Intel

Our original logo was a defining part of our past and has since evolved into a new symbol of our brand today.


+ 1969-2005


Designed by an Intel employee in 1969, the name was derivated from “Integrated electronics”.

Along with the company logo, in 1991 the Intel Inside logo made its appearance in ads and on PC’s worldwide.

The distinctive aspect was the “dropped e”, which remains in the successive Intel Inside logo.

It was part of a marketing campaign to help users identify PC’s based on Intel processors.

28  •  The Intel Brand Elements

Customized letterforms, designed with precision to be future forward. The rhythm created, along with the swirl, represent the momentum of our company

The convergent motion and movement of the swirl convey new possibilities, solutions and benefits for our consumers

Motivated, ambitious and relentless research and development will lead us to the next big thing


The Intel logo usage To achieve the desired Brand consistency, and ensure Intel image is well perceived whichever the environment is, we provide these additional guidelines regarding our logo specifications and restrictions. Thank you for your contribution to this effort.




Give it space. To preserve the integrity and visual impact of the Intel logo, always maintain adequate clear space around it. The clear space around the logo is an integral part of its design, and ensures the logo can be seen quickly, uncluttered by other logos, symbols, artwork, or text.

There is no maximum size for Intel logo usage. However, when using the Intel logo at very large sizes you will need to adjust the size and position of the ® symbol. The ® symbol should be reduced and repositioned closer to the Intel logo so it is legible but unobtrusive.

clear space around the Intel logo equal to the height of the “n” in Intel

MINIMUM SIZE The minimum size for use of the Intel logo in most environments is 2.54 cm or 1.00”. Minimum size is measured from the outside edges of the “swirl”.

•• BACKGROUNDS •• IMPROPER USE Minimum size 2,54 cm wide

32  •  The Intel Brand Elements

Minimum online size 62 px wide


The Intel logo usage

IMPROPER USE Improper use of the Intel® logo lessens its value as a recognizable visual entity. The following examples demonstrate inappropriate or unacceptable usage of our Intel logo.


These kinds of applications weaken our brand and negatively impact the value of Intel.

Approved colors for the Intel logo are: • Intel blue (refer to our color palette) on white background • Reversed to white out of a high contrast background (50% or darker) • Black on white background

do not outline the logo

do not change the color of the logo

do not distort or rotate the logo

BACKGROUNDS The Intel® logo should always appear on a clean, clear solid background. The background should provide high contrast to the Intel logo color (example: value equivalent to 50% black or darker if using a white Intel logo).

black logo on 40% black

white logo on 60% black

do not create a pattern with the logo

do not put the logo inside a holding shape

do not change the typeface

white logo on dark neutral section of an image

black logo on light neutral section of an image

do not remove or add graphic elements

do not apply gradient or patterns to the logo

do not apply shadows or any other effect

If placing the Intel logo on a photograph, the area where the logo is positioned needs to be clear of any patterns and variations of color. Intel blue logo is meant to be used JUST on white backgrounds.

34  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Color palette Color is the most fundamental yet most powerful tool in creating or expressing a mood or feeling, and it plays an important role in representing the Intel brand. Color used simply and with balance can communicate clarity, consistency, and modern sophistication. We want our color system to reflect a bold, dynamic, multi-dimensional Intel. We defined a new “Intel blue” as our core color, which embraces and represents Intel values and philosophy, as well as making it immediately distinguishable. Along with the Intel blue, is highly recommended to use plain white when creating a duo-tone graphic element. Grey could be a good alternative to black or white when creating body text.

36  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Intel blue

Pure white

Pantone 285C

No Pantone

R: 0 G: 125 B: 196

R: 255 G: 255 B: 255

C: 89 M: 43 Y: 0 K: 0

C: 0 M: 0 Y: 0 K: 0



Pantone: Cool grey C11 R: 113 G: 112 B: 115

C: 0 #71 M: 2 70 Y: 0 73 K: 68

Our color palette is enriched by these secondary colors which will help our communication reach its intended target, mantaining the Intel tone of voice. We provide you three ulterior tones of blue, to be used in plain tint or into linear gradient fills. Gradient fills might come in handy when using graphic elements like icons or bounding boxes. There shouldn’t be used lighter nor darker shades of blue as the ones provided in this color palette. The other colors are totally synergic with our Die’namic Signature and, added to our blues, will make our communication smarter, giving it vibrance and enthusiasm. Use them to create additional graphic elements, but remember that blue has to be the dominating color.


298 C

R: 19 G: 181 B: 234

660 C

R: 2 C: 90 M: 57 #026 G: 108 CB6 Y: 0 K: 0 B: 182

534 C

R: 23 C: 100 M: 80 #174 G: 74 Y: 30 K: 5 A7C B: 124

Yellow 102 C

C: 69 M: 7 Y: 0 K: 0

#13B 5EA

R: 255 C: 0 M: 4 #FFE G: 232 Y: 100 K: 0 800 B: 0

130 C

R: 253 C: 0 M: 30 #FDB G: 185 Y: 100 K: 0 913 B: 19

1788 C

R: 240 G: 81 B: 51

C: 0 M: 84 Y: 88 K: 0

375 C

R: 160 G: 207 B: 103

C: 41 M: 0 #A0C Y: 78 K: 0 F67

362 C

R: 73 C: 70 M: 0 #49A G: 169 Y: 100 K: 9 942 B: 66

#F05 133


Typography The type you use tells a story, and becomes critical when creating clear and effective brand communication. The right typeface, used consistently, builds character. Neo Sans Intel is our official typeface, tailored specifically to the Intel brand. It fuses modern basic forms with universal functionality, making our information clear, organized, outstanding. Our typeface comes in three weights - light, regular, medium - in order to maximize its versatility and create distinction across all corporate-wide and sub-brand communications. Default to Verdana if Neo Sans is not available. Instances where Neo Sans could be not available are, for example, on the web, in emails or in documents created in Microsoft Office applications.

38  •  The Intel Brand Elements









neo sans intel light

neo sans intel light italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

neo sans intel regular

neo sans intel italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

neo sans intel medium

neo sans intel medium italic

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

basic glyphs

!"#$%&'(*+,-./:;<=?@[\^_`{|~¡¢£¤¥¦§¨ ©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿×÷łƒˆˇˉ˘˙˚˛ ˜˝π–—‘‚“„†‡•‰‹⁄€™Ω∂∆∏∑∙√∞∫≈≠≤≥◊


Examples of typography

Leading / tracking

By using different size and weight variations, we can optimise legibility and give the reader a better overview. Each variation has its own specific role in communication.

As a general rule of thumb: the smaller the point size, the larger the leading; the higher the point size, the tighter the leading. Leading should be set between 100 to 140% of the point size. When using Neo Sans Intel, auto or metric kerning is recommended. As a general rule, keep tracking set to zero between 9 and 12 points. Set to -8 starting from 30 points.

Example of a headline over 2 lines aligned left for covers, lorem ipsum novum ata nisi alter ego qid propter anno.

9 PT. / LEADING: 12.6 / TRACKING: 0

Cover and advertising headlines, main titles and headings in documents Neo Sans Intel, light

Lorem at vomsequat, illum et iusto odio digsigm qui blandit et iusto eronylar at ille pellit sensar luptae nosotros annos interlingua perfectos lorem ipsum novum ioust laor annos inter patris et mater inter familias. Vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilitis ad vero eros et accususam et. Introductory paragraphs Neo Sans Intel, light

Lorem quatus rent expla consecte suntis il init, sit eum nobis unt. Bus et pla qui con eossust iorehendenis adigent otaepre, vendandi dolentectur? Sub-headings Neo Sans Intel, medium - 9.5/11.5 pt Igniet explis etur anistrum ipid ut quiduciet hit voluptur? Ad errume odition con expedis ipid expe pro et ut quaepro vidus, simos voluptibus nihitio repuda sust maio. Liquamus simolestrum as esti dolor si quati abor aut ut quam, necum volor auda eumquis aut fugiti as et quatqui oditati beatectecese delesti onseque rem. Body text Neo Sans Intel, regular - 9.5/11.5 pt Emphasize with medium

40  •  The Intel Brand Elements

In et omni te soluptas dolupta quidenim lam volorat iatur, quaspis nonserehenis remquidunt evellaborae evel inime exceprat ilit acestia volesto explisq uoditecabor rehentis aliciis et qui in re quatias eossincia volorita que nonsecum aut dollaccus sa eaqui que voloris susani omnit ipsam volupid quis ea ni dis inti cuptati busanda ndebit, quibust que la pere qui officipsa di di consequam.


Sa ipses halerevidem henatus bonfintrae cons sentere morac opopte, nos rem furorum quod prared consiliam iptid fuit. Sincum detiorte, consum es condam erem, auciam iae conter hilleror loccivit vivitina nonfex nos hocus alicierites. Porum labes cienimus re publiquo intium hos ocupio.

20 PT. / LEADING: 22/ TRACKING: -5

Intel Core Processors New levels of floating point performance with 3D graphics for visually stunning use cases 41

CREATING A DIE’NAMIC SIGNATURE STYLE AROUND THE WORLD The world according to Intel. Our Die’namic Strip holds it together. In the next chapter we’ll discover how our Die’namic Signature Style blends into Intel Brand Identity and helps enhancing our idea of a company constantly looking forward to improving and discovering.

The Die’namic Signature Style Think of what makes a computer brilliant, the element that is vital to any technological device and helps to achieve top performances. You’re thinking of a high-end processor, the electronic brain that makes everything possible. Whenever you think of Intel, you think of the best processors powering the best PCs or server workstations. We want to go beyond the processor itself, and bind Intel Brand essence to its ultimate thinking component: the circuit Die. The combination of Die and dynamism leads to Die’namism, a winning formula embracing the spirit of a smart, zippy component, the core element of our new Brand Identity.

Drawing inspiration directly from the Intel processor chip, we developed the core element of the new brand identity, The Die’namic Signature Style.

Here is how we built the Graphic Die. Breaking this pattern apart reveals the shapes that form Intel’s Die’namic Signature Style.

Here is how we drew inspiration from a chip. Refer to the next sections to find out how and where to use it.

44  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Graphic elements These Die’namic Shapes come straight out of the Graphic Die itself. They form a visual system which can be used to frame or hold text or content. They are unique to Intel and should be used as often as possible, as the thread of continuity across all communications. We divided the Shapes in two groups: vertical and horizontal. Be creative. Use combinations of two or three overlapping shapes to create unique layouts. Feel free to rotate and flip them; make a wise use of color and discover infinite visual possibilities. Some Die’namic Shapes are accompanied by a Graphic Die Strip which ties the shapes back to the Die.

vertical shapes

horizontal shapes


combine the shapes overlapping a smaller one over the edge of a bigger one

rotate the shapes. stick to multiples of


flip shapes horizontally and vertically

apply a die’namic strip

die’namic shapes layouts

to the shorter side of the biggest shape

the color scheme is blue and its gradations. use the suggested solutions

46  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Imagery Now that you’ve been introduced to the Die’namic Signature Style, the Graphic Die and Shapes, we’re ready to find out what kind of shots and photographs are synergic to Intel brand identity. At Intel we shoot our own photography. So no matter what type of image you need, whether it’s lifestyle, product shot, environmental, or technology interaction, you should be able to find the visual assets you are looking for. We grouped Intel imagery into three major categories: people, environmental and product, each one with a distinctive aim and message to convey. Follow the guidelines and support Intel brand identity with stunning images.

48  •  The Intel Brand Elements


People imagery People images reference Intel staff and the individuals and groups that Intel reaches, including members and users. People are captured in casual business attire, working on a computer, or engaged in an activity. At times, they can be looking at the camera to create an immediate connection with the reader. IEEE also strives to highlight diversity, reflecting the global and cross-cultural nature of the organization. The images can be either portraits or group photos and should reinforce the idea of Intel as a global community. People images can be photojournalistic style or silhouettes and should be used in color whenever possible.

50  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Environmental imagery Environmental imagery for Intel should share the same qualities of lifestyle imagery, only opened up to capture a larger sense of place. No matter what you are shooting - a street scene bursting with motion, a city scape full of people, or a serene shot of people in a landscape, never lose sight of the Intel promise: we want to enrich the lives of every person on earth by creating new technology and removing the barriers to communication.

52  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Product imagery Make the product the hero. Product imagery should always be innovative and engaging, while emphasizing the high quality of Intel products. Images should convey a premium look, with dynamic, vivid contrast, and sharpness in the details. Here the Die’namic Signature Style touch becomes predominant: showing a colorful wave bursting out of an Intel product will be the unique way to signal that that product is Intel Inside.

54  •  The Intel Brand Elements


Design application So, how do you apply these brand elements in the real world of Intel communications? First, know your audience. Second, stay flexible. Third, be inspired. Keep it simple. Most of Intel communications consist in a dominant image which is relevant to the message you need to convey, or use a collection of images that combine to tell a compelling story and bring the topic of your communication to life. Type and logo should be put into a large clear or dark section, like a banner to the side of the visual part of the communication.

examples of text and logo put into a large solid area intel logo should always be positioned at the bottom in this case

Otherwise use the Die’namic Signature Style to create holding shape for text or logo. Please refer to the examples provided.

56  •  Applications


Design application

various examples

examples of text and logo put into creative holding shape. notice the use of the graphic die’namic elements

58  •  Applications


Web experience Intel website is bold looking, and easy to use and visually stunning. Again, the Die’namic Graphic elements make it amazing and reinforce the brand consistency

60  •  Applications



Tradeshow Some shots from CeBIT 2012

62  •  Applications


Packaging Here are some examples of different kind of packaging. The Die’namic graphic elements are used for processors and all kind of hardware component. Other products adopt a plain, usually on clear white, packaging option.

64  •  Applications


Brand support For questions regarding the Intel Brand Identity Guidelines please contact Or send an email to

66  •  Brand support

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