16 minute read
4.3. Five landscapes of Livo Valley
Five landscapes of Livo Valley
Landscape of waterfronts
The landscape of waterfronts is characterized by all those spaces directly related to the lake and the Liro water stream. Here the main goal is to create a system of public spaces integrated with the touristic sustainable development. In particular it takes shape along two main axes: the shore of the lake and the edges of the river that flows into it.
Working on the waterfront of the lake means to reach and to complete a system of spaces of relations already existing, that is developed from Dongo to Domaso. This system involves the shore of beaches that longitudinally crosses all the area, the camping areas that are here located, the system of slow mobility that from Domaso reaches Sorico till the borders of the province of Sondrio, the ancient axis of the Regina, the system of lakefront of Gravedona with the green areas, public spaces, commercial activities and services and sports areas. Even if the aim of the strategy is to consolidate urban functions, the shore of the Gravedona municipality presents strong natural characters, with environmental and landscape values. For this reason the development of the touristic supply and the continuity of public spaces meets the necessity to preserve and defend the ecological and environmental value of these areas, giving priority to sustainable solutions. At the same time moving into the inner part of the municipality, the context appears more urbanized and the green spaces and the agricultural areas are subjected to a strong fragmentation. In this scenario the goal is to use the river as a tool to guarantee the continuity of green spaces into the more dense built up area, to be used by tourists and inhabitants. According to the general goals, some abandoned or underused areas have been selected on the edges of the water stream to strengthen the ecological function and to make them working in synergy with the existing elements such as the hospital, the historical paths and the MTB paths that run towards the “mezza costa”. The key element, that represents the intersection point between the two axis is the realization of the touristic area, the Glamping, that is identified as element of completion
to guarantee the continuity of the system of public spaces and at the same time to preserve the environmental and ecological connections.
Landscape of terraces
The landscape of terraces involves the system of terraces that is located from the settlement of Argesio till the Northern part of the municipality of Domaso. It includes all the strip that links the lake with the “mezza costa”, once characterized by the rural infrastructure of cultivated terraces, oriented towards the lake, in a privileged and strategic position, both in terms of exposition and in terms of landscape value. If the Northern part of this system is strongly characterized by the element of terraces associated with large cultivated areas (fruit trees and grapevine), the Southern portion is subjected to a stronger process of abandonment. Into this process it is possibile to identify phenomena of degradation related to invasive vegetations, falls of dry stone walls, loss of cultivations, with some exceptions of active private cultivators. Another strong and evident example of this landscape is certainly the presence of some small and ancient settlement, located both at “mezza costa” and at the lake level (Travisa, Traversa, Argesio, Rancio, Pozzolo, Meglio). These settlements, although the high degree of transformative interventions in their external and marginal part, have preserved many portions and elements of their historical tissue. Moreover these small settlements, and the paths that link them, thanks to their position towards the lake, offer a series of panoramic spots with a strong landscape value. The strategy in this context aims to valorize the existing system of terraces, in order to make them productive again. The recovery of terraces is totally related to the regeneration of the settlement of Argesio as example of “Agriturismo diffuso” and so to the development of a specific model of
agricultural supply and production oriented towards the grapevine, olive trees and fruit trees. An other intervention involved in the strategy is the strengthen of the panoramic spots, both inside the small settlements and located along the paths of connections through the creation of panoramic terraces. These interventions, associated to the valorization of the historical paths, create a real thematic path that runs between terraces, agricultural lands and wide landscape views. For this reasons, the idea to regenerate a series of spaces of aggregation that compose the historical tissue of the small settlements and nowadays in state of degradation or underused represents a strong opportunity to enhance the attractiveness both for tourist
and for residents, offering new spaces for events, services, local units.
Landscape of ancient plantations
The landscape of ancient plantations takes form in the area of the “Pian del Gorghiglio”, involving the settlement of Livo and partially the one of Peglio. This flat area is located
at “mezza costa” and in the past was characterized by the typical cultivations of mountain areas such as rye, potato, canapa, alternated to the permanent fields. Today
these areas are characterized by a process of simplification that makes the variety of
this landscape weaker: the plantations have been substituted by fields or by processes of
reforestation. The main goal of this strategy is to reconsider these ancient plantations inside a specific
area, located close to the Southern edges of the settlement of Livo. This intervention aims to re-activate the cultivation of rye and potato, that are two of the main important agricultural practices of this landscape. Associated to this goal, the strategy offers a series of supporting interventions related to the historical centre of Livo, the rural paths, the mule tracks, the rural productive infrastructures. Fundamental is the valorization of the ancient mills Molino della Valle, located along the mule track Livo-Domaso, to re-activate its productive function: the cultivation of the rye was once related to the production of flours and bread, that took place in the mill.
Its recovery, supported by collective and touristic activities, aims to valorize the rural and agricultural practices of the tradition. An other important element that wants to support the recovery of ancient cultivation is the possibility to intervene on the existing built up system in the edges areas, in between the historical centre and the fields. The
regeneration of those spaces, characterized by rural underused or abandoned buildings appears as a supporting element for the agricultural production, through collective spaces, goods production, events, laboratories and storages. Work on the edges is a recurrent element that characterizes this strategy, also in the Northern part of the settlement. In the areas on the edges is in fact possibile to identify a series of small private orchards and gardens that numerously follow the buildings, reclaiming a certain sense of rurality. Main goal of this project is the creation of a thematic path on the edges that wants to reconsider these spaces, with the creation of some panoramic spots in the places in which the views match the panoramic glimpses on the fields and on the agricultural areas.
All these strategic elements work in synergy with the central element of the project, the
creation of a “Borgo diffuso”, whose model doesn’t want only to offer a deep experience to the tourist, but also it creates the possibilities to develop activities strictly related to the local rural culture and tradition.
Landscape of woods
The landscape of woods is developed from the central role played by the chestnut groves, historically present in the territory. These areas, located between the “mezza costa” and the higher altitudes, have represented in the past one of the most important element in terms of basic goods and food for the local population. With the abandonment of the agricultural activities, in the Valley of Livo and more in general in the entire alpine chain, these woods, result of a strong and continuous maintenance and attention, started to fall into processes of abandonment and degradation. These processes are nowadays still present and clearly recognizable in the constant growth of the undergrowth, in the development of hydrogeological diseases and in the loss of activities related to the harvest of the chestnut. The main goal here is the valorization of the chestnut grove that includes all the activities of maintenance, care, cleaning, and harvesting. Intervene on the wood needs to consider also the directly related spaces, occupied by fields
and pastures, in order to stop or slow down the process of spontaneous reforestation. At the same time the maintenance of the wood is also related to some positive effects that reduce hydrogeological instability and geomorphological diseases. The actions and the interventions that support the valorization of the wood take place both in the settlement system, in the mobility system and in the open spaces. In particular the area is strictly characterized by the presence of the “monti”, rural historical settlements, nowadays in conditions of abandonment, degradation or use as seasonal vacation homes. The aim of the project is to develop a punctual regeneration of the underused or degraded buildings close to the chestnut groves, as spaces for collective activities able to involve both tourists and the local population. An other intervention that, as appears in other strategies, emerges as fundamental to develop a “path in the wood”, is certainly the valorization of the paths, both inside the woods and in the pastures, in order to offer a stratified and diversified network.
Central role is played by the Crotto Dangri, localized in a node between the woods and Baggio, one of the larger “monte”, identified
as strategic place to develop a project of diffused hospitality. Dangri, the last place in the valley accessible by car, is involved in the regeneration action oriented towards the expansion of the “Crotto”
and the introduction of activities such as the sell of local products, public and collective spaces, info point and reception for the diffused hospitality model active in Baggio.
Landscape of alpine pastures
The landscape that could be identified in the
upper area of the valley is the one of the alpine pastures. Here the aim is their regeneration in order to re-activate the production of alpine milk and cheese with the introduction of a new touristic model based on the diffused hospitality (Rifugio diffuso). In the Northern part of the Valle of Livo, into the wild Valley of Darengo, a high natural value context, from the cross border path that runs along the river Borgo, origins an intense system of pedestrian paths. This network reaches the peaks passing through fields
and pastures, once places of production during the summer periods: Alpe Darengo, Alpe Cavrig superiore, Alpe Cavrig Inferiroe, Alpe Ledù, Alpe Inghirina. The last one (Alpe Inghirina), thanks to its centrality in the network of “alpeggi” and close to some alpine shelters (Capanna Como, Rifugio Pianezza), usually used during the summer period, is identified as strategic space to develop a
supply of diffused hospitality able to valorize the tradition and the culture of “alpeggi”, nowadays partially abandoned and less preserved. The strategy gets stronger through the attempt to re-activate the production of alpine cheese and milk, thanks to the regeneration of the productive buildings where animals are hosted (storages, laboratory of production, water storage), the maintenance of pastures and the possibility to activate a sell of local products in the valley floor.
The strong natural values of this area, thanks to the presence of large portion of woods that at the higher altitudes leaves the space to open fields with rock areas and alpine
lakes, gives the possibility to identify a series of historical paths to be valorized. The aim of these interventions is to create the conditions to move into a clear and well defined system
of paths, with high level of maintenance and with panoramic spots. These could become a strong qualitative element due to the presence of crests and peaks on the edges between different valleys, regions and nations (Italy and Switzerland).
Actions, interventions, policies
Each landscape is associated to specific
strategic spaces, in which the strategy defines actions, interventions and policies. In
a more specific way actions are considered
and classified into regeneration, valorization,
transformation, cultural variation, strengthen. Regeneration includes all the actions that aim to recover and redevelop the structure of living spaces, connective tissue and buildings related to historical settlements that are in conditions of abandonment or degradation, giving them updated use and shape. This definition represents a specification of the
recent Regional Law 18/2019 on
“misure di semplificazioni e incentivazione per la
rigenerazione urbana e territoriale, nonché per il recupero del patrimonio edilizio esistente”, in which the urban regeneration is “l’insieme coordinato di interventi urbanistico-edilizi e di iniziative sociali che possono includere la sostituzione, il riuso, la riqualificazione
dell’ambiente costruito e la riorganizzazione dell’assetto urbano attraverso il recupero delle aree degradate, sottoutilizzate o anche dismesse” (L.R. 18/2019). In the strategic proposal the regeneration is specifically referred to two main typologies
of spaces: the abandoned and/or underused settlement system and the spaces of aggregations inside the degraded historical settlements. The valorization can be described taking into consideration the definition proposed by
the code of cultural and landscape goods (Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio) (Decreto legislativo 22 gennaio 2004, n. 42): “La valorizzazione è ogni attività diretta a migliorare le condizioni di conoscenza e di conservazione del patrimonio culturale e ad incrementarne la fruizione pubblica, così da trasmettere i valori di cui tale patrimonio è portatore” (D.lgs. 42/2004). The valorization involves all those spaces in an underused or abandoned condition, in which the strategy aims to reconsider and reintroduce uses and functions that represent a specific historical identity. The valorization
in this case involves two typologies of spaces: the productive rural infrastructures (terraces, windmills and pastures), historical paths and wood areas of chestnut.
The transformation involves all the areas in which it takes form a change in the land use, in particular from free spaces without buildings to new uses and functions, such as defined by
the D.P.R. 6 giugno 2001, n. 380 “Testo unico delle disposizioni legislative e regolamentari in materia edilizia”.
The cultural variation defines all the actions
that change the cultural typologies, usually output of a process of abandonment or
simplification of plantation present on the
territory (ryes, potato, grape vine, fruit trees). The strengthen, lastly, is intended in its consideration from the literature as “ll conferimento o il raggiungimento di un livello notevolmente più elevato, per quanto riguarda l’efficienza e la produttività” (http://
www.treccani.it/). In this case is defined as a consequential
development, in terms of services, of a spaces in which it is already present a specific use
that needs, as said, a strengthen in terms of optimization and maximization. Belong to this consideration the areas of slow mobility, the panoramic spots and the underused green areas. The abacus of actions is followed by the abacus of punctual interventions. Each intervention represents the use and the configuration that
the space assumes through the project. These define the punctual guidelines that explain the
use and the typology of interventions. Finally the social, economic and management characterization of the strategic proposal is described through the abacus of policies. In particular the goal is to propose in different policies the involvement of local population into the network of tourism of diffused hospitality, the definition of a touristic supply not only
oriented towards the tourist as “spectator” but also “actor” of the territory and of landscape. This is described into a series of activities related to the five landscapes (activities
on terraces, harvesting, rye and potatoes cultivation, workshops and collective lessons). This creates the conditions to create a local production chain oriented towards its valorization and preservation (organization of events, organized thematic paths, local market network).
Stakeholders and forms of partnernships
One of the main important and specific goals
of the project is to enhance the creation and the development of different forms of partnerships and collaborations between public and private actors, between different scales and areas characterized by multiple interests. For these reasons, inside the strategic proposal, two possible forms of relationships are considered, that are different according to the aims and the role of actors. In the first
case the strategic proposal aims to define a
limited company of diffused shareholders, that is, for definition, open to many investors.
The actors that belong to this typology are all interested in investing in the projects, both directly and indirectly, obtaining an economic income. Their role is for these reasons mainly financial and economic.
Speaking about this, all the stakeholders that are active on the territory and are possible element of investment have been considered.
Two levels were considered to classify these actors: public and private; local, provincial, regional, national scale. The second typology of partnership is the community cooperative, described as “un modello di innovazione sociale dove i cittadini sono produttori e fruitori di beni e servizi, è un modello che crea sinergia e coesione in una comunità, mettendo a sistema le attività di singoli cittadini, imprese, associazioni e istituzioni rispondendo così ad esigenze plurime di mutualità”. “La cooperativa di comunità, per essere considerata tale, deve avere come esplicito obiettivo, quello di produrre vantaggi a favore di una comunità alla quale i soci promotori appartengono o che eleggono come propria” (http://www. legacoop.coop/quotidiano/). The central and necessary element to define
and develop a community cooperative is the common goal to valorize the local community, the resources of the territory, the identity and the local economy. For this reason it is possible to consider a strong cultural and social role related to the local dimension. To develop this model it is always necessary a preexisting condition: a strong sense of belonging to the territory, to the community and to the local values, that are translated in the thematic of active citizenship. Specifically for these
reasons, the aim of the strategic proposal is to give to the community cooperative a strong social and cultural identity, declined into an activity of territorial promotion, of collective management of events and activities, of involvement of tourists and local population. What emerges from the classification of the
potential stakeholders that characterize the two forms above descried is the strong local characterization of the community cooperative, that is different from the first one
for its connotation of identification of actors on
the territory.
Fondazione Cariplo
Coldiretti Como Autorità di MICRO SCALE Craftman firms Bacino del Lario e dei Laghi minori Wineyards Municipality of Livoagricultural firms
Banca Popolare di Sodnrio Livestock firms
Agritourisms Bakeries CAI dongo Municipality of Peglio
Credito Valtellinese
ASF como Private owners
Small farmers
Inhabitants Municipality of Gravedona
Restoration firms Camping Cereal agricultural firms Municipality of Domaso
Consorzio IGT Terre Lariane
Latteria Sociale Valtellina Como province Comunità Montana delle Valli del Lario e del Ceresio
Gestione Navigazione Laghi Regione Lombardia
Role: Economical , financial, managment Interest: investing in the project Typology: diffused shareholders (private and public) Members: direct or indirect
Consorzio IGT Terre Lariane MICRO SCALE Craftman firms Wineyards agricultural firms Municipality of Livo Livestock firms
Agritourisms bakeries Sports Association
Private owners
Small farmers
Inhabitants Municipality of Peglio
Municipality of Gravedona
Latteria Sociale Valtellina Restoration firms Camping Cereal agricultural firms Municipality of Domaso Comunità Montana delle Valli del Lario e del Ceresio
Role: social and cultural Interest: activities of valorization of local practices, landscape, production. Promotion of the territory, supporting activites for tourism Typology: private and public Members: interested people