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Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom

Daniel Hinds lives in Newcastle. He won the Poetry Society’s Timothy Corsellis Young Critics Prize 2018 and his prose poem book review of Jay Bernard’s Surge was one of the winners of the Shortlist Book Review Competition 2020, held in celebration of the Dylan Thomas Prize. He was shortlisted for the Streetcake Experimental Writing Prize 2019 and the Terry Kelly Poetry Prize 2018. Two of his poems were highly commended in the Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts Water Poetry competition, judged by W. N. Herbert and John Burnside. He has poetry forthcoming in The London Magazine, The Seventh Quarry, BFS Horizons, and Orbis. He has been published in Wild Court, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, Riggwelter, Streetcake Magazine, The Wilfred Owen Association Journal, Nightingale & Sparrow, and Pre-Raphaelite Society Review. He was part of a panel of judges for the Newcastle Centre for the Literary Arts Belonging Poetry Competition.
