Top 8 Healthy Desserts
By Daniel Harper
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Desserts are one of life’s pleasures. A piece of chocolate, a slice of pie, a donut, or a cone of ice cream, surely, a week won’t go by without giving in to these pieces of heaven. But for those wanting to lose weight or having health issues with sugar, your sweet tooth can be a little difficult to manage and you’ll sometimes find yourself feeling deprived. Fortunately there are ways to satisfy your sweet cravings without sacrificing your health. Here is a list of top eight healthy desserts.
1. Grilled fruits. Some would advise having fruits as an alternative for sweets. It’s good advice but people rarely follow it because it isn’t as sugary as candy. If that’s the case, take your favorite fruit then toss it into the grill. Grilling fruits such as pineapple, pear, peach, banana, and apple, make them sweeter because the heat releases the fruits natural sugar and caramelizes it. Now these are healthy sugars that don’t pack a lot of calories.
2. Dark chocolate barks. Melt dark chocolate then spread it evenly on thin foil. Sprinkle other ingredients such as dried fruits or sunflower seeds then refrigerate it for five minutes then break it to smaller pieces. Dark chocolate is good for the heart and has less sugar than milk chocolate. Plus, the fruits and nuts make it tastier and healthier. Remember, consume in moderation.
3. Yogurt with fruits. If you’re craving for frozen treats, yogurt is a good alternative. Get a scoop of yogurt then sprinkle some of your favorite sliced fruits. You can also add some whole grain cereals for a tastier and healthier punch.
4. Healthy smoothie. Smoothies can still be a healthier alternative. Make a healthy smoothie by combining fresh fruits and berries with skim milk, fat free yogurt and ice in your blender. Blend until smooth. Not only a fruit smoothie is healthy, the fiber from the fruits can keep you feeling full which in turn helps you lose weight.
5. Low fat ice cream sandwich. You can still enjoy the sweet benefits of an ice cream sandwich by making a healthier, low-fat version of it. Simply take two graham crackers or low fat cookies then sandwich a nonfat whipped topping. Put it in the freezer until it is firm enough to eat.
6. Sugar free Jell-O. Instead of going for ordinary Jell-O, buy the sugar free alternative then serve it with a scoop of a low fat whipped topping. If you’re craving for more flavor then mix in some of your favorite fruits and berries.
7. Oatmeal cookies. Cookie lovers don’t need to be deprived as well. Instead of indulging in high-sugar chocolate chip cookies, go for the healthier route with oatmeal cookies. Usually these cookies can be bought in the grocery store but it would be better if you can bake some yourself. That way you can control the amount of sugar and add other healthy ingredients such as raisins and nuts.
8. Dark chocolate covered fruit. Here’s another alternative to a chocolate dessert. Heat some dark chocolate bar until it’s fully melted, then dip your favorite fruits such as strawberries, bananas, mangoes, peaches, papaya, and apples. Fruits combined with dark chocolate are always a good and healthy combination compared to having chocolate only. But to keep your calories in check, just make sure that there are more fruits than chocolate.
Desserts don’t always have to be unhealthy. If you’re craving for something sweet don’t immediately give in to it by going to the nearest grocery store then buying the first chocolate bar, donuts or cake that you see. There are lots of healthier alternatives. You just have to pay more attention and be smart and creative with what you eat.
“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you who you are.” ~Brillat-Savarin
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