5 Quick Ways to Find Inspiration
By Daniel Harper
Inspiration is the driving force that makes us do the things that we love. It is called by many as the spark, excitement, or divine influence. It opens our minds and hearts for ideas that help us create great things. Inspiration is a good thing but the problem with inspiration is that you just can’t turn it on like a switch. You have to search for it, realize it, or sometimes have to wait for it to arrive. So for those who are in need of inspiration, here are five suggestions on how to find inspiration.
1. Read. Pick up a book or browse the internet and read something that makes you feel good. It can be an inspiring story, a funny comic strip, or a book of quotes. These reading materials are also a product of inspiration, so read them and do your best to absorb them. This will help bridge the gap that is blocking your flow of inspiration.
2. Listen to music. Music has a lot of benefits to your health and one of these benefits is its ability to inspire a person. It does this by altering your mood to something good. When you’re feeling good, inspiration comes more easily. So choose the music that calms the mind or excites your soul and keep on listening.
3. Exercise. Most of the time inspiration is hard to come by when you’re feeling stressed or weak. Exercising cures that by relieving stress and giving you a quick boost of energy. Some stretching, breathing exercises or even a brisk walk is good enough. Remember that it should make you feel good and full of energy after doing it.
4. Call a friend. When we’re experiencing problems and are feeling down, we usually talk to a friend because that person can give advice while at the same time keep you company. You can get the same benefit from a friend when you’re lacking inspiration. Spend time with a friend that listens and understands. Like a good exercise, a friend can help clear your mind and put it at ease.
5. Meditate. It is usually hard for a person to get inspired when the mind is stressed and the heart is full of anxiety. You know the saying that before you can fill your cup, you must empty it first? That same principle applies when it comes to being inspired. Remove your mind and heart of clutter and worries by meditating. When your mind and heart is clear, it will be easier for you to get in touch with your spiritual side which is sensitive to inspiration.
These are just some of the things that you can do to find inspiration. The goal here is to always keep yourself inspired in whatever it is that you do. Because the more you are inspired, the more you are likely to succeed.
“Don’t loaf and invite inspiration; light out after it with a club.” ~Jack London
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