5 Ways to Build Your Relationship with God
By Daniel Harper http://ezhealthmanagement.com/blog/
For people who are concerned with their health believe that they owe their physical existence and well-being from God. That is why those who are seeking complete health do not just focus on the physical aspect of it because they believe that spirituality is as important. And one way to improve your spirituality is to improve your relationship with God. Here are 5 ways in which you can do it.
Read God’s word. It doesn’t matter if it’s the Bible or the Qur’an. One of God’s ways of communicating to his children is through his words. Those words give you an idea on how he thinks and how much he loves you. In return of reading and understanding God’s words, it gives you hope, courage and faith. His words are written guides to how you can achieve a life of goodness. But if you’re having difficulties in understanding God’s words, you can…
Listen to sermons. The reason we attend a sermon is to receive an insight and better understanding of God’s words through people who are more experienced spiritually. Listening to sermons can be done in different ways. It can be in a church, over the radio or on TV, or through everyday conversations with a spiritual or enlightened person. You can choose which way is more comfortable with you. The most important part is doing what is best to help you understand God.
Read books on spirituality. I always believed that a healthy spirit is a result of an open mind. And having an open mind means being open to how spirituality is interpreted by other people. These people wrote books about their own experiences with God and how they achieved the level of spirituality they currently have. Surely, there will be times that you will disagree on what they are saying but having an open mind means giving yourself time to let those ideas sink in. And when that time comes, you’ll be amazed on how God works through these people in different ways.
Serve others. Your spirituality is best improved if you practice it constantly. If having an open mind is important, having an open heart is much more. Be sensitive to the needs of people around you and help them. You don’t need to be a guru that can impart words of wisdom, sometimes all you have to do is listen to those who need to be heard. You don’t need to be a millionaire so you can help the poor; there are others ways to help. Practice your faith every day. One good deed a day is a good way to start.
Pray daily. Remember when you were taught to pray every day as a kid? Now that you’re an adult, you should have more reasons to pray every day. Make sure to have some alone time with God. Aside from reciting a prayer, try conversing with him like you would normally do with a person. Tell him about your worries, concerns, as well as things that made you happy and thankful. Whenever you feel that your heart is troubled, do not hesitate to talk to him.
Having a healthy spirit is very crucial if you want to achieve a healthy life. There are people out there who are physically healthy and blessed but find themselves lacking and incomplete. If you have time to improve your physical health I’m sure you can find time to improve your spirit. You can start doing so by improving your relationship with God.
“I’m touched by the idea that when we do things that are useful and helpful – collecting these shards of spirituality – that we may be helping to bring about a healing.” ~Leonard Nimoy
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