Top 10 Ways to Build Self-Confidence
By Daniel Harper
Confidence is a very important factor in self-development. A confident person is more likely to be successful than a person who isn’t. In addition, confidence plays a vital role in a person’s overall health. If he is confident, then he’s more likely to be aware of his strengths and knows how to use them to improve on his weaknesses. Most people know the importance and the benefits of having confidence, yet so many people are struggling to have it. The good news is everyone has confidence and it can be built on and developed. Here the top 10 ways to build self-confidence.
1. Dress Sharp. What you look like on the outside reflects on what you feel in the inside. Even if you don’t feel confident, dressing sharply can do the reverse effect. Dressing sharply doesn’t always mean that you have to wear a suit and a tie or buying expensive clothes. It means being neat about your physical appearance, wearing clean clothes, bushed and polished shoes, bathing and shaving frequently. Knowing that you look good on the outside will help you feel good from the inside which will bring out your confidence.
2. Walk with confidence. Have you seen what you look like when walking? Do you walk with your head and shoulders down or is it chin up and chest out? When you have places to go to or people to meet, make it a habit to look confident when walking. Look forward, keep your body straight and walk like you have a purpose. Not only you will look confident, but you will also look good as well.
3. Observe good posture. People who observe proper posture are more perceived to have healthy confidence. It’s because it gives the impression that whatever they’re doing is a matter of importance. Whether if it’s talking to a colleague or sitting on your desk typing on the computer, always make sure that you observe good posture to exude the aura of confidence.
4. Invest on personal development tools. I’ve heard people wanting to build their confidence yet they don’t put any effort on it. If you want to boost your confidence, make sure that you invest a part of your time and resources for it. There are lots of resources on the internet that are giving free information such as this one. Listen to motivational speeches. Buy books or audiotapes if you have to. Confidence is a long term investment that will definitely benefit you in the future.
5. Be thankful. Just because you know you have something to improve on doesn’t mean you have to hate yourself for it. Focusing on what is wrong with you will only lead you to dwell on your weaknesses and this will drag you down. The best suggestion is be thankful for what you have and appreciate yourself while working on things that you need to improve on.
6. Appreciate others. Knowing that you’re lacking on something sometimes makes you compare yourself to others. The problem with comparison is that most of the time it reflects badly on you. Avoid this kind of negativity by learning how to appreciate others for their blessings instead of comparing yourself to them. Simply put, look for the best in others so you can find the best in you.
7. Stay in front. Sitting at the back whenever there is a public assembly sounds like a good idea especially if you don’t want to get noticed. But this act also reflects as lack of self-confidence. Sitting in the front builds your confidence by allowing you to face your fear of being “visible”.
8. Speak your mind. Some people are afraid of speaking up because they are afraid that they will be judged or that people will find what they say as something absurd. This kind of fear hinders confidence. You should know that people, in general, are open-minded. People like to hear suggestions especially if it make things better. Make it an effort to let people know what you think especially if it can benefit others. This will help you overcome your fear and be perceived by your peers as a leader.
9. Shape up. Physical fitness plays an important role in developing your self –confidence. Discipline yourself, exercise daily, eat healthy and energize yourself. If you look good on the outside, you’ll feel good from the inside, and if you feel good from the inside your confidence will show.
10. Believe in yourself. Confidence is simply about knowing what you can do and believing that you can do it. Trust your abilities and don’t let it go to waste. You know what they say about “If you have it, flaunt it”? The statement holds true if you want to build your confidence. Know your talents, assets, and strengths and use it to build the confidence that you always wanted. Just believe.
Confidence, like any muscle in your body, can be improved and built on. Just put some faith in yourself, believe in your abilities and don’t let failure stop you. Just keep going and keep improving.
”If you hear a voice within you say “you cannot paint,” then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.” ~Vincent Van Gogh
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