Portfolio ud_201812

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CONTENT Academic Works Porous City- North District Masterplan


redrawing Land use plan for in north district, Tainan

Parkway Plaza

Commercial Complex (shopping center) development plan

In and Out [BERLIN] Gourmet Street Food Competition, [AC-CA], UK

Professional Works Site Plan in Hu-Wei Suger Industry Style Zone Urban planing in Hu-Wei : The urban design regulation in zone of suger industry style zone’


Porous City- North District Masterplan redrawing Land use plan for in north district, Tainan Thi Th his is is is pro roj ojject e fo for or Urba Urba r n Plan lannin nii g and nin and Des De ign g Pr Pract ctice ct ice e, UPDP PD P DP(V) V ). V) Th The h go goal al of thi th s proj proj oject e is to ect to pr propo op opo p se new ew ma masste te err p plan la lan an n fo or Nort Nort orth rth Dis Distri istri rict ctt aft c a ter e the e ra ailw way ay und derg grou ou und pro proje jjec ct. t In n planni pla ann nniing ng are a a, a, the h e ar he here are e ma mainl n y resi nl resi ess den entia en tia al arrea ea as on the e ssid sidess off the o t rra aiilw way. Due e to to th the e phys hysica icall bloc ica blockag kag a e of of the e rai railwa lwa way, y ass y, w l as wel we as be o on n the periph perriph iphery ery off th he city y at th the time me m e off de devel ve opvel m t, men t itt wa wass po poorl or y-r orl y regu egu gu g ulat lated. ed. Th he rail a way w iss no ow und nde ergo on ne e an a u erg und e rou er ro o nd pro p jec ject. t T t. The he ar area e has ass ha had d sseve everal ral mi milit littary ry ba ry b ses ess e sta t tio i ned ed wi with t one n re remai mainin nin ng, g mil milita ita tary ary y dep depend endent end entts’ se ents’ se tleset tle eme men ents, ts, lo low rise e hiigh h den densit sit ity y hous ousing ing n ,a and nd a mark a et, ar e ssc et cat att attere t ere e d in


a wide de spect sp pect ectrum r rum of ti time m and me an lo l cattion ion.. The io h maj majori ori or r ty ty of the he e di d striictt has th there erefor er fore, e a poor po oorr sp pati tial ial a ori orient entati ation, on, n, ineffi n iin neffi effici cienc ci ienc cy in land land us , traf use trafffic fic fl flow, ow ow, w an nd insuffi fficie cient nt pub pu ublic se ub errvi viices e an and faci faci ac lit lities ess. With the ove Wit vera ve rall exp ral rall xpansi nss on nsi n of o the the ci city ty ov ty ove ve er time im me,, w what ha h hat at u ussed to o be on the he pe perip ripher he y is is now now w wel welll within we ith t in th n the the de th d vel ve oped ope ped a area rrea ea a, thus hus hamperss the th integr egrrati attion o of on o the he h ec ciity. ty With the und underg rgrou round n rai a lwa ai wa ay proj roject ect un under de w way ay y, tthe he a he are rea r a fa re ace ce ess a chance of o reo e rga r nization. n n. With our project, we ar a e reim magi a nin ag ning ni g the h vission io on a on an nd thus uss, rreal eal-eal locating the land use e in an and arou und d the the e site. sitte. si te e Wi e. W th ho our urr re ese search rc c , we have identified the key obs b tacles off rre esstr trru uc uct c uri ur ng. ng and an nd the the h according solution. The projec jection of th the plan pla an and nd re reg e ula ulatio tion n is is set to work and bring changes in the fo ollo lowin w g 5-10 win 0 years years a .

Location: North District, Tainan,Taiwan Plan area: 616.8 acre Date: Sep 2016- Feb 2017 Property: Academic group project, Urban Planning and Design Practice(V) Team members: Sally chung, Gary Lee, Yensheng Wu Role in the project: site analysis(30%), concept generation(40%), visualization(80%) Instructor: Horng-Chang Hsieh Image: by the applicant


Site Analysis


2. 3. 1.

4. 1.

Town House Townhouse (bad condition)



Bridge & Underpass The existed underpasses, bridges will be removed and the land will be revamped at parks and roads. Without the physical barrier and with an increase in public parks, the area’s spatial structure will be reorganized, and the surrounding land value is projected to increase. Blocked place The removal of the surface railway will give direct and smooth access to schools, parks, and services to both sides. With the communities connected, both general and commercial activities will increase with greater basins to support. Thus, creating the need for proper spatial restructure for the anticipated development. Renew area With the anticipated development and investment, older valley and housing will be inadequate, thus will be gradually phased out with new housing and shops.

Condominium Public Facility (school, temple, market) Railroad Underground Construction Region Suggested Urban Renew Area 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

96 Military Dependents’ village Reserve Command Elementary School Secondary School Tainan Second High School


With the three foreseeable future renewal and demand, the current district plan should be reconsidered. With the proximity to the future new main railway station of Tainan, the plan calls for a increased density with an integrated road network and public services, at the same time focusing on a more sustainable and friendly development approach. 2

Concept Plan

Land Use Plan

We perceive the area as a human circulatory system. The network system and green park system is like blood and lymphatic. In this surgery (urban revised plan). We need to redge the both system and make it have well circulation.

Urban design regulation for the newly released plots, the developers should adhere not only the rule of FAR and BCR but also follow to the extra rules of setbacks, inter-block path. The rule will be different on its site area and condition >500m2



Retail(allow residential) Residential Residential(renew) School Park & Recreation Public Facility (sports center) Market Plaza Recommend Renew Areal


Street design regulation To control the nearby public space of the linear park (the original railway path), the main road will be detaily regulated of their road wide, DH rate and landscape.


Staged Development (implementation) Plan

Phase 1 (2018) -redevelop the underground area, railroad crosing, bridges -Connect Beimen Rd. and Shengli Rd. -Design the liner-Park -Start urban renew in public land (L1) -construct the sports center

Phase 2 (2020): -rebuild the area of 96 Military village -merge two schools and create more open space -rejuvenize the old district (L2) -promote the better environment in existed public space.

L3-2 L3-1


Phase 3 (2025): -rejuvernize the old district(L3-1) -Land acquisition of the intersection of the Beimen Rd. and Changrong Rd. -Rejuvenize the old district (L3-2) -promote the better environment and public space.




Parkway Plaza Commercial Complex (shopping center) development plan This is the project of Urban Planning and Design Practice, UPDP(VI). It is based on the UPDP(V), which is the revised Urban Plan (District Plan) of North District. UPDP(VI)’s goal is to select a site within the District Plan boundary to develop with the concept of a porous city. The site should larger than 3.74 acre. The aim is to let us understand the angle of the devleoper, realize how the urban regulation limit their benefit. we are asked to produce a practical development plan including market analysis, financial analysis, a proposed development, site and architecture design. This project calls for the integration of all four years of knowledge, and its implementation.

Typ Type ype yp p : Ur U ban ba ba an n Plan lan nn ning ing ing g & De esig es s gn Pr Practice (UPDP) ( ) Stud Stu udio ud o VI: Urban Urban r an Pla rba Plann lannin la n nni ga an nd De esign siig sign sig ig gn n Pra P ctic i e(V ic e(VI (VI (VI (V VI), ), Re eal ea al Esta Estate te e Devel eve ev ve opme ve opm pm p m ntt Loca oca oc ca c attion tio io on o n: N No orth orth th h Dis Disstrrict Dist ric ct , T Ta ainan ina an, Ta an T iw iwa iwan wan w Site ite it te Area: Area Are a: 3.74 7 acre e Date ate: M Ma Marr 20 017 177-- July J ly ly 2017 2017 ((5 20 201 5 mth h) Col Co Coll oll l ab ab ator abor abo to : Sally Sally y Chun C g,, Gary g y Lee Le Inst nsttru ructor: ruct or: Asst Asst s .P Pr Prof of Horng orng-Cha or g-Chang -Cha Chang g Hsieh sieh Ro in the Role he Proj ojject( ec (cont ect contribu ribu bution tion): tion )):: conce co once cept pt gener n atio ner at n(50 ( %), (5 %)) grou g ou gro oup leader de , visual visual sual-izat zation( zat on( n(70%) 70%), ) si site te plann a ing( ing( g(100% 00% %) Imag mage: ge: By By th the e Appli Ap pplic plicant plicant n


Site Introduction Th T The h ssiite t is is loca locate loc ated in the ated h intersect he ection i n off Be io B i Beim men Rd. and Rd and d He Hewei Hew eii Rd Rd. It I is i to o be b a red r deve evelll-opment p ent as th the h orig gina ina nall loc loca catio tio ion of the the h 96t 96 h 9 military dep depend e dent end nts’ s’ set ettle tlemen tle l men nt. t. We W as assume ume me the ro ole l of of the h de he d velope vel per, and d se secur cures cur e a sues up fic perfi per ficie ie es ri right ight ght le ght l ase of 50 years lea ye s fr f om from m the h pr proo prie pri ietor, r, the h Ministry of Defence. Th he The proj roject ject is is a comm ommerc ercial erc i l re ial reall e est s ate development.

i we He






O development Our velopment wiill be strongly supervised by the Tainan government who hope this site can be the first spotlight of the north district’s development. Th y expecta They The e p ctatt this this h pr hi p oject proje oje j ct can boost b ost in inner cit city’s i y’s ec econo onomy y gro g wth wth, h, supp support pport th the he rest redevelopment residential block. We conduct the actual acuisitioin process and to the estimation about what this district will be like in the following five years. 6

Architecture Design process


1.Basic volume according to the FAR.






750 150 2280





2.Set back and cut a passage with in the block, accord-


(M UJ U)

ing to the Urban design regulation


3350 1220








3.Extend the centre plaza for collecting the customers

5. Use different entrance and elvators to separate the movement of costomers and travlers

Development Proposal

4.Raise the westen building to fill make up the volume lossing at center plaza

This commercial complex, we use the “culture� as its concept and assume the Elite cooperation as the menager. By this we do want to build a commercial center with multi-service. It will contain co-working space, langue classroom and a service hotel on the top. We wish to use these to distinguish from the other existed competitor In our commercial program, we combine three major

programs (living, traveling and creation) to share and cooperate the venue in order to decrease the risk and enhance greater value. Furthermore, we not only sell the high-class product but provide the local need in our underground supermarket. We also become a autonomic and sustainable regional complex. The detail space arrangement, such as pedestrian paths, function integration also have being well considered. 7

This project let me understand the whole system of planning, designing and real estate development in Taiwan. However, for setting up the concrete development proposal, I still lack of practical experience and the understanding of specific feature of certain company. Moreover, since I am not professional architecture, it’s ha ard for us to make a innovative architecture design.

IN & OUT [BERLIN] Gourmet Street Food Competition, [AC-CA], UK The go goal of the he e pr proj oject oje c is i to des desiign ign n a tem tempo porrary fo ood d co container e in orde de er to er to mak ke the the pl pla l za a of Ber Berlin lin ner Ferrnse nsehtu hturm htu rm get et th the stre tr et foo od succ success e fu ully. Th ul The e plaza pla za is 60 6 m X 90 90m m and and iss lac ack ko off any y act activi iv tie ivi ties, s, Th The reason is it it is i in the sup supererblo b ock and d un u de der th he monu on numen m ntt buil u din di g. We thi h nk the th sp pace e is a neg negati ative v voiid ds. s The es The esssen sentia sen se al aspe aspe sp ct c off tth his “str hi street eet fo food o des desser ss rt” t is the he scale. In I the cur urrren e t sca sca cale, le, pe p opl ople e have ave to t “d “de ecide” eci de” to “crosss,” wh w ich me means ans ge getting “out of” a getti bu ldi bui lding ld ng g jus justt to to get “in in nto” to o” anoth another; er; we th t ere erefor forre star tartt with with th h a se ssem e i-outdoor oor o street ett fo food od “un u it” t to ob bllur thi h s bou boundar dary y, the then we segr eg ega ate te the si s te int in n o ma many sm llerr patc sma patches hes h ess wi with ith h ssug ugges g estiv tive e cues in n th t e pave p vemen ment; men t; the he h e de desig esig ig gnss comple com mpl p te each eac h othe otherr in in a nu numb mb r of ways mbe way .

Type: National Competition Location: Berlin, Germany Date: Dec 2016 Collaborator :Steven Chung, Chia-Che Hsu Instructor: Asst. Prof Chih-Hung Chen Role in the Project: Concept Generation(50%), Visualization(70%)


Street Food Analysis Variouss type Variou typess of of stre street et foo food d bloo bloom m all all ove overr Berl Berlin, in, th they ey hav have e not on only ly fed Be Berli rliner nerss but but als also o have have cr creat eated ed a stre street et foo food d cultur cul ture; e; we loo look k into into th the e esse essenti ntial al par parts ts of the these se str street eet fo food od types, typ es, an and d work work to re reena enact ct the cu cultu ltural ral se sensa nsatio tion. n.

Container Design The street food unit ecompasses the minimum space and function of street food activity: the serving area, the queuing area, and the dinning area; resembling a typical food truck. The total area of the street food unit is 48 square meters.

Type1-looking for fun The most flexible. This is street food as its simplest, a food truck can go anywhere, anytime.

Streel fram

Glass panel Service sector

Type2-sharing the space The mutual benefit draws the perfect match. More sets of menus makes more satisfaction.

Type3-congregating for more The group brings out the festivity. A group of happy Berliners makes all kinds of fun possible.

Type4-belonging to Berlin The location becomes associated with street food, and enrich the street food culture in Berlin.

Steel board

Display Area (Refrigerator)

3 Basin Food Sink (Cutting Board Area)

Main Cooking Area

(Steam Area, Frying Area)

Hood System 3M

Food Preparation Area Storage Area Service Counter (Ordering)

Service Counter (Serving)






The openness of the unit serve to blur the boundary horizontally, as people would regularly hop between units, creating layers of spaces.The steel frame’s sloping feature serve to blur the boundary vertically, as it would encourage people to venture between levels; it would also serve as a visual intermediate between the rail and the Fernsehturm’s sloping wings. At last, the created places echo with those aside it.

01 2

An urban void The site doesn’t have a center and only serve to pass.

Cut to connect The rail cut the site into patches, and strengthen the connection between sides.

Add in type I The units attract people, slowing and altering their path

Add in type II The units cooperate to further enrich the space in front of them.


10 m

Add in type III

Add in type IV

The units create a plaza within, a positive space allows more possibilities.

The units close in to form a venue, like a street food center.


Site Plan in Hu-Wei Suger Industry Style Zone The urban design regulation in Sugar industry style zone As a temporary assistance in Prof. Chih-Hung Chen’s office. I was in charge of the site plan, in the north part of the sugar factory. The plan is designed under the consideration of a new esthetic area and preserve the old industrial landscape at the same time.











Type: Wo W Work rrk k Position: io on: n Pa P Part-time artt-time me Assistance issttan in Pr. Chih-Hun Chih-Hung -Hun ung ng gC Ch Che Chen’s he s of office Location: t :Y Yunlin, un n, Ta un Taiwan i Date: D Da a July y 2017 201 017 Image: m e By y the the he Applicant Applicant 1


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