Portfolio 2019_ for mvrdv

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Selected Works




// P O R T F O L I O //


PING-YI HUNG Date of birth: 08. 31. 1995 Place of birth: Taipei, Taiwan Mobile: +49 1523 664 1491 Email: ping-yi.hung@weimar-uni.de Address: Amalierstrasse 3, 99423, Weimar, Germany


Language Skill

Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany

Chinese: 5 / 5 (native language)

2013 - Pre

English: 4 / 5 (C1)

MS in Integrated Urban Development and Design (IUDD)

German: 1 / 5 (A2)

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU), Taiwan 2013 - 2017 BS in Urban Planning, GPA: 3.63 / 4.0


Computer Skill

National University of Singapore, Singapore


Adobe photoshop

2017- 2018


Adobe illustrator

Exchange program in School of Design and Environment

Google Sketchup

Microsoft office


Rhinocreos / Grasshopper

Professional Experience 2018 - 2019

CECI Engineering Consultants, Inc. Taiwan Urban Planner in Dep. Urban Planning, Nantou County Hall, Taiwan - Facilitated government and community workshops, public meetings related to regional planning - Compeled and mapped data using Geographic Information System (GIS) for regional planning - Provided technical and analytical support to the department including land use survey and census data analysis

2016 – 2017

Chen Chih-Hung Office (Urban planning, NCKU) Part-time research assistance - Conducted a demonstrative site plan and updated the urban design regulation for “Research of the Urban Design Regulation in Hu-Wei Sugar factory district “


Metropolitan Engineering Consulting Co. Ltd. Intern - Researched and collected data of public facilities


ACAU 2016Tongji workshop@ Shanghai Workshop - Worked with architecture students across Asia on designing masterplan of Ka-Ting Park

Extracurricular Activities 2015 – 2016

Urban planning Student Association, NCKU Vice-President

2015 – 2017

TEDxTainan Design Team Graphic Designer


// C O N T E N T //


Parametric Urban Design Parametric Urban Development and Design & Urban Model Simulation Bauhaus Universität Weimar, IUDD WiSe, selected projects, 2020

Urban Design & Development Urban design regulation in ‘sugar industry style zone’ Chen Chih-Hung Studio, 2017 Commercial complex development plan Studio work, 2017 Spring

Urban Planning Land-use plan review in North district, Tainan Studio work, 2016 Fall Research of unrestricted urban fringe, Taiwan Dep. Urban planning, Nantou city hall, 2019


WiSe PUDA & UMS project I Location: Weimar, Germany Superviser: Jun.- Prof. Dr. Reinhard Kรถnig, Vertr.-Prof. Dr. Sven Schneider


Parametric Urban Design Parametric urban development and design & Urban model simulation

Parametric design_is a supportive tool to create a sustainable urban form for the modern living environment. The possibility of creating design variants and equiping spatial analysis methods (density, visibiltiy, and accessibiltiy) will strehgthen a substantial and rational planning process. Background_These projects are made on the course of Parametric Urban Design and Design Analysis(PUDA) and Urban Model Simulation(UMS) in first semester of my study in Bauhaus Universität Weimar. The focus of the fist sub-project is about using C# scripting tool to decide suitable landuse, population in the empty district; the second is about a practicing of C# programming for a idea cities form; and the third is setting experimental urban design elements and analizing it. Approach_The three small projects make a basic test about utilizing the theoretical and technological parametric design method in urban scale. C# scripting and grassshopper in Rhinocero are the main tools for these tests. I implemented it to create a ideal city form and analysis result based on a actual district in Weimar, Germany.


Population Distribution and Land-use Assigning _ UMS Assignment 2 Based on the network of Weimar Nord-West, the task aims to create the urban model building process regarding to various conditions, such as the attraction of centre working and population attraction, the repulsion of NIMBY facility. The script of C# sets a rule to calculate the spatial relation of each parcels and made a population distribution distribution. Based on this result the land-use and building types will eventually be set up.


Population distribution and Land-use assigning _ UMS assignment 1 Metabolism model: Clusters in the Sky The task aims to use C# scripting in grasshopper Rhinoesro to reappear Metabolism model “Clusters in the Sky� by Arata Isozaki (1962), The coding is divied to two parts. First part, it generate the orthogonal flats randamly; and the seconde step, the vertical village grows up accoring to slant line of the first part.


Weimar Nord-West (project of PUDA) The project aim to organize components in grasshopper in order to create completed urban elements. It starts with setting the inner-district network, block shape to the division of plots and the individual building. During the whole process, the surrounding context and the practical size of building block, plot should also be considered.

Urban analysis_visualization

Urban analysis_density


After organizing of the components in grasshopper, The change of different variable may create different proposal. Figure 1 shows all the result of different varients. The proposal I did are down below, it repesent different priority of design principle. For example, the varient 2 enclured network design, varient 3 represent more inclusive open space. Beside the shift of the main-axis also effect their conncetivity to the surrounding area.


Chen Chih-Hung Studio, 2017 I Location: Yulin, Taiwan Team members: Steven Chung, Chia-Che Hsu, Ping-Yi Hung Responsibility: masterplan drawing, urban design regulation updating


Urban Design in Hu-Wei Research of urban design regulation in Hu-Wei Sugar Industry Style Zone

Background_The Hu-Wei Sugar Refinery area was prosperous in the Japanese Colonial Period (1895-1945). However, most of them are currently unutilized. Therefore, its owner, Taiwan Sugar Company intends to demolish it and sale the land for real estate profit, but the local government expects to conserve the historical buildings and scenery. Approach_The project aims to research the new urban design regulation for Hu-Wei Sugar Industry Zone to regulate its revitalization. Our team was commissioned by the county government to propose urban design regulations and masterplan for fitting both the Sugar Company’s and the government’s needs. We proposed a concept of “conservative development” to keep the scenery, conserve key factory buildings but allow new development in designated areas. We hope this area can be revived as tourist attraction or Sugar-theme outlet in the future. Responsibility_I was mainly engaged in the process of site research, masterplan drawing and urban design rule adjusting. The following figures are my work.


Site Plan in Hu-Wei Suger Industry Style Zone Urban planning in Hu-Wei: The urban design regulation in zone of Suger industry style zone’ As a temporary assistance in Prof. Chi-Hung Chen’s office. I was in charge of the site plan, in the north part of the sugar factory. The plan is designed under the consideration of a new esthetic area and preserve the old industrial landscape at the same time.

The layout of the masterplan is inspired by the context of railroad. Among the building, the conserved warehouse (colour white) will be revitalized as museums. And new building (colour pink) which pertains the warehouses scale and style will become retail or workshop or coworking space.


1_emergency evacuation plan

2_pedestrian and vehicular circulation plan

3_landscape plan

4_active public space plan

5_building function plan

6_flood detention pond plan

The existing condition like traffic entrance, flooding and old tree has being considered in the masterplan. Huge focus is on transport connectivity, the north side of the site has set two main entrance to ensure the pedestrian and vehicular circulation and emergency evacuation.


Studio 2017 Spring I Location: Tainan, Taiwan Team members: Sally Chung, Gary Lee, Ping-Yi Hung Responsibility: site plan, concept study, diagram, product portfolio strategy


Parkway Plaza Commercial complex development plan

Background_The project’s site is 15,155 m2 and located 500 m north of the main train station, near the linear park. We participate as the private developer who lease the land for 50 years and aim to develop a commercial complex. In our product portfolio, we will provide hotel for the business tourists, and department store for North district customers who want to enjoy food, recreation and reading. Approach_This final studio project aim for understanding the perspective of the developer and familiarizing with the practical procedures of land and real estate development such as land acquisition, urban design guidelines, architecture plan and market segment analysis. Our building design is affected by the urban design regulation. Therefore, the building volume is cut and produce an inter-block pathway for connecting the surrounding public space. This design also provide a strength to invite the pedestrian form the park. The name “Parkway Plaza� comes from this identity.


The aerial map shows the vision of the whole redevelopment area. Our project is the catalyst to revitalize this area.


1_site and surrounding

2_buildable area (according to set back rule)

3_cut the volume, create a pathway and central courtyard (according to rule of the in-block pathway)

4_exclude the western volume to create viewing hotel (according to building-height-to-street-width ratio)

5_undercut the plaza and outdoor sky bridge to connect volume in a certain layer

6_avoid conflicts between drive-in, walk in and hotel customers by allocating them independently

This diagram is not showing an innovative architecture design process but demonstrates the primary type of the commercial complex instead. It shows the architect can follow the considerable urban design rule and create a design with the consideration of its context.. 19


We i



pa ar ne Li

Bei -Me n Roa d




In the site plan, The north-east entrance connects the linear park; the south-east gate connects the neighbourhood park. The entrance of the hotel is set on the side of He-Wei Road, respectively. 20

Floor Plan









service hotel coworking space / meeting room movie theater book store restaurant / food court cloth / glossary shop others




The product portfolio is generated by detail studies of local retail market analysis. The architecture design is followed by the construction rules in Taiwan. The development is comprised of three parts: Service Hotel (6-11 West building), Recreation Center, (35), Living centre (-2-0). Beside, the parking lot (-2--4) provides for 500 car spaces and 1500 scooter spaces.



The holistic urban design and development trainning in NCKU is an overview of the system of urban planning, design and development industry in Taiwan. During the process of desiging the Parkway plaza, I realized what different stakesholders needed, and as an urban planner, I should consider deeper about the multi-professional solutions.. This multidiciplinaty training maked me develop a strong interest to find more implemental urban planning strategies or plans with consideration of many practical detail. On the other side, I believe I aim to be a more sophisticated urban issue coordinater after finishing these projects.


Studio work 2016 Fall I Location: Tainan, Taiwan Team members: Sally Chung, Gary Lee, Yen-Sheng Wu, Ping-YI Hung Responsibility: legislation analysis, concept generation, diagrams, land-use plan


Urban “Sewing” Masterplan review in North district

Background_This project aims to review the masterplan of the North District, Tainan, for adapting the change brought by the railway underground project. The project resolves problems such as the unregulated developments, lack of green space, and poor traffic circulation near the surface rails. Our proposal is titled, Urban Sewing, a concept of reconnecting the urban green spaces and road networks to transform the district into a mixed-use community Approach_In half years’ mapping and researching, our team set up a masterplan, land use plan and its supported financial and implemental strategies. About the implemental process, we first propose to transform the existing railroad into a linear park and then integrate the surrounding green space to form a green network. After that, we activate the land acquisition and redevelopment to improve the district’s traffic circulation and its living quality.



The district is composed of contrasting urban fabrics; Parts of its ill-utilized parcels of land and under-regulated built area limit the living quality. By adjusting these places, including the existing railway infrastructure, decommissioned military base, and the under-regulated built area, we can improve North District’s living condition.


1727 1727










50 UX HQ

00 67




under-regulated built areadecommisddecommisioned military base elementary School Secondary School high school 1727



1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


town house townhouse with poor condition apartments condominium public facility (school, temple, market) suggested urban renew area railroad underground area


According to the analysis, unregulated developments, lack of green space, and poor traffic circulation are the main problems. We proposed the following solutions with considerations of the finance and implementation condition.

Issue 2_low living quality in unregulated areas and low efficiency on land utilization

Issue 3_lack of green space, limiting living quality

Solution 1 road hierarchy_ by redeveloping according to the revised land use plan, a better road hierarchy is achieved.

Solution 2 mixed-use zone_by redevelopment, proper land use regulation and proposed road system, greater land utilization is created.

Solution 3 green network_ by changing ill-utilized parcels of land as local parks and by building the linear park, greater living environment will be provided


Issue 1_messy traffic circulation, lack of spatial hierarchy


The masterplan illustration shows a vision of the north district, Tainan in 2030. The linear park is built and spurs the surrounding urban redevelopment. A mixed-use and livable area can be expected.

suggested urban renew area linear park


In this planning report, our team provides detailed strategy plan, financial plan and urban design regulations in hope of resolving the difficulty of executing and detail controlling of urban space in the past. Concept

More cohesive green network by public participation the project includes a system of public participation espe-

Land-use Plan how to reuse the ill-utilized places and semi-public spaces (schools).

cially for building a green network. The public will decide




L4 9.


L2 2.

10. 3



6. 5.



Redevelopment and road reconnection in stages

Open space centric urban design regulation

we set up the 3 redevelopment stages, and start it from

we regulate the building-height-to-street-width ratio so

the urban centre (south to the north).

every building can benefit from the landscape of green spaces.

Besides, we also aim to make a communicable report by designing figures and authoring essays that are more vernacular in order to let the public to be more aware and willing to participate instead of only professionals, as it has been a difficulty for Taiwan’s planning work.


Dep. Urban planning, Nantou city hall I Location: Nantou, Taiwan Responsibility: GIS analysis, suburban studies


Nantou Regional Plan Urban spraw? Research the boundary of “suburban area” surrounding Caotun Urban Area Background_ The project aims to update the Nantou Regional Plan and 1 to define an applicable boundary of “suburban area ” in order to mitigate the land management difficulties from the developments under the previously non-enforced regulations to prevent urban sprawl. The boundary is hard to define since it should consider both theoretical and practical factors. Purpose_Proposing the boundary of the “suburban area” surrounding Cautun Urban Area is one if my cases. I combined various spatial data such as cadastre, the current regional plan zoning, and environmentally sensitive areas via aggregate analysis by Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The combined result and the proposed boundary is subjected to discussion by the department’s managers in Nantou city hall. The “suburban area” consists of buildings from varying degrees of legality. The majority of residential areas is evolved from mainly former agricultural villages and their subsequent expansions, with under-regulated and illegal factories and warehouses scattered within them. While setting the boundary for the “suburban area”, it is also required to categorize the are1. Suburban area is an area which overlaps with the original regional zoning. It has the seperated land-use guildline and urban design regulation for fitting its unique spacial pattern.


The “suburban area” boundaries are mainly composed by two cat1 2 egories, “Agriculture Village Area ” and “Development Area ”. 1. The area with farm and agriculture feature and will be financed by Ministry of Agriculture. 2. The area contain a lot of factories, warehouse. It should be considered as semi-urban area

agriculture village area


development area existing urban planning area building foodpoint rivers


Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

select all legal agriculture village area (data from the previous regional plan)

select existing factories and warehouses (data from Survey of illegal but registered building)

select the actual built-up area and run spatial analysis (data from Taiwan digital topographic map)

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

map the preliminary boundary by overlapping the above layers.

add the “agriculture area”, “building use”, and “environmentally sensitive area” to categorize the boundaries.

use the cadastre to define the precise edge of the boundary.

As my position, an urban planner stationed in the government, the hardest part of this project is setting the process of GIS analysis and coordinating with the department leaders. 33

// P h o to R e s o u r c e //


p.09_ https://www.archdaily.com/912738/the-city-in-the-air-by-arata-isozaki p.12_http://www.formosaimage.com/gallery2/main.php?g2_itemId=98539 p.24_http://constitutiontw.org/archives/3683 p.30_https://nooho.net/2018/04/DPPfraud8063/


PING-YI HUNG ping-yi.hung@weimar-uni.de

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