Post Primary SSE Presentation

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School Self-Evaluation Seminar for Post-Primary School Principals

2012 Session 1

Overview of seminar Session 1 9.15 – 11.00

SSE : Context and rationale Introduction and overview of School Self-evaluation Guidelines The school self evaluation process ; an overview Reflection - Where are we now?

11.00 – 11.15


Session 2

SSE through the lens of Literacy – working through the process Spotlight on Target Setting Reflection – The process in action

11.15 – 12.45 12.45 – 1.45


Session 3

SSE through the lens of Numeracy – working through the process Reflection – where to next?

1.45 – 3.15

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Session 1 objectives • To introduce the School Self –Evaluation Guidelines for Post-Primary Schools • To provide a rationale for school self evaluation • To set the context for school self-evaluation • To outline the school self-evaluation process

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Reflection.. What questions do you currently have about planning for and implementing the Self - Evaluation process in your school?

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

What is in it for your school? Affirms good practices Inclusive of all voices

Trusts teachers’ professionalism

Improvements in learning

Acknowledges school context

Evidence based judgements The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

School Selfevaluation

External Evaluation

School Improvement The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

A reframing of the SDP process 4. Implementation and monitoring

5. Evaluation Gather solid evidence Analyse it 1. Review Make judgements

3. Action Plan

2. Prioritise and set target(s)

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Introducing the Guidelines

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Key Messages • The primary purpose of school self-evaluation is to improve the quality of learner outcomes • School self-evaluation is an internal, reflective process of school review which requires schools to examine their practice honestly and critically • The gathering of evidence to justify and to inform action planning for improvement is a fundamental principle of school self-evaluation The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

To summarise‌

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Broad requirements • build on the existing SDP process • evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in literacy, numeracy and at least one other aspect of T & L over the four year period from 2012/13 to 2015/16 • write a short SSE report for the area examined • devise a SIP for aspects of practice identified for improvement in the area examined • First SIP to be in place by June 2013 • subject departments set targets to improve outcomes for students in the subject and to support and improve the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

The Teaching and Learning Quality Framework


Teaching & Learning

Learner outcomes

Learner experiences

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Teachers’ practices


Getting started; using the teaching and learning framework

Page 24 / 25

The Teaching and Learning Quality Framework



Teaching & Learning Learner outcomes

• Attainment of curriculum objectives

Learning experiences • Learning environment • Engagement in learning • Learning to learn

Teachers’ practices • • • •

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Preparation for teaching Teaching approaches Management of students Assessment


Towards the Six-Step Process : a recap  Engage in collaborative staff reflection using Fig 3.3 P. 25  Consider questions on pg. 12 to guide discussion  Consult readily available assessment records and results of standardised tests  Select subthemes to be evaluated using the evaluation criteria (Chapter 4)  Begin the six-step school self-evaluation process through the lens of the subthemes selected The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Key steps in the SSE Process Gather evidence

Implement and monitor improvement plan

Devise a 3-year school improvement plan

Analyse the evidence

Make judgments about strengths and areas for development

Write school selfevaluation report

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Considerations Mixture of data • Quantitative • Qualitative

Triangulation of data Teachers Students Parents BOM DES & SEC SC & HSCL NEPS Other agencies

Gather enough that is relevant and sufficiently informs the line of enquiry in order to avoid overload and facilitate effective analysis

The Teaching and Learning Quality Framework


Learner outcomes


Teaching & Learning Learning experiences

Standardised/ STen scores, CAT, SEC, copies, class tests, attitudinal survey

•Questionnaires •Learning log •Observation

Teachers’ practices

• Focus group • Questionnaires

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


• What is this evidence telling us ? • What are our findings? • Any clear areas of strength/areas in need of improvement emerging? • How do our findings fit with our current views? Analyse evidence using evaluation criteria/quality statements

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

• Under the subthemes selected, use the relevant evaluation criteria/quality statement based on identified strengths and areas for improvement • Judge overall quality by indicating the school’s current position along the continuum Judgements made against the criteria or quality statements must be based on the information or evidence gathered The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Page 63

SSE Reports should be no longer than 2 / 3 pages The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

P 68

Page 68

SSE must result in the setting of specific targets towards action for improvement – keep plans short! The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Who? What? When? How?

Building in time for monitoring and review allows for adjustments to be made and ensures SSE is a living process The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Provides direction

Provides focus

Inclusive Schools : fundamental principles • Inclusion • Differentiation

• Team Teaching

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

One school’s story

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Reflection Take time now to consider your school’s current position with regard to SSE. Discuss and share where you are at and share your experiences or plans.

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Key Messages • The primary purpose of school self-evaluation is to improve the quality of learner outcomes • School self-evaluation is an internal, reflective process of school review which requires schools to examine their practice honestly and critically • The gathering of evidence to justify and to inform action planning for improvement is a fundamental principle of school self-evaluation The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

School Self-Evaluation Seminar for Post-Primary School Principals

2012 Session 2

Objectives Session 2 • To illustrate the 6 step SSE process through the lens of a literacy example • To provide specific guidance in the area of Target Setting

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Literacy Literacy includes the capacity to read, understand and critically appreciate various forms of communication including spoken language, printed text, broadcast media, and digital media. (Literacy & Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011, p.8)

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Literacy Worked example School Biography • • • • • • •

All girls voluntary secondary school Under the trusteeship of CEIST 700 students 45 teachers Urban 20 feeder-schools Literacy core team in place

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


SUBJECT DEPARTMENTS Modern Foreign Languages



Careers & SEN

History & Geography Maths

Practical Subjects & PE

SSE Core Team Senior Link Teacher Management Literacy Training The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills SSE Training under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

English & Irish

Literacy example

Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in learning

Teaching approaches

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

What do you want to find out? THEME

Learner Outcomes

Learning experience


Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in Learning

Teaching Approaches


Attainment? Progress? Literacy skills? Attitude to literacy?

Active? Motivated? Collaborative? Independent?

Methods? Resources? ICT?


1. STen scores 2. JC & LC results 3. Students work

4. Questionnaire

5. Questionnaire

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Teachers’ Practice

Guiding staff reflection

Learner outcomes

 Students’ overall attainment, with regard to knowledge, understanding and skills in subjects and programmes, has improved significantly in line with targets; and expected outcomes have been achieved  Students enjoy learning the subject and have developed appropriate attitudes and dispositions

Learning experiences

 Learning settings are safe, well maintained, visually stimulating and supportive of literacy and numeracy  Students have access to appropriate materials, including ICT, to support learning  Students are enabled to engage actively in a range of suitably challenging, relevant and interesting learning opportunities

 Students can meet the literacy and numeracy challenges of the subject

 Students are given support as needed

 Students at risk of underachieving have made good progress

 Students are equipped with tools and skills for learning now and in the future.

 Students’ uptake levels and performance in state examinations compares favourably with national norms, within the school context.

Teachers’ practice

 Teachers prepare thoroughly for lessons; expected learning outcomes including literacy and numeracy development are clearly stated; and necessary resources are in place  Expected learning outcomes are clearly communicated; lessons are suitably paced to enable progression in development of knowledge and skills  Teaching is focused, stimulating and relevant. All aspects of the subject, including subjectspecific language, are thoroughly taught  All students are respected; high but realistic expectations are communicated; and efforts and achievements are affirmed  A range of assessment methods is used effectively to assess progress.

6th class report cards

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

2012 1st Year Reading Sten Score Analysis 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20%




10% 5% 0% 1 to 3 (well below average)


5 to 6 (average)


8 to 10 (well above average)

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Well below average below av



above av

well above average

School National

Other Assessment Data • What most schools are doing? • Click here for an overview of information on standardised testing in primary & postprimary schools in Ireland. • Link to presentation ………………

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Analysis of State Exams

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Analysis of JC & LC Subject X 80% 70% 60% 50% 40%




20% 10% 0% JC taking higher JC obtaining LC taking higher LC Obtaining level paper honours grade level paper honours grade The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Scanning 6th class report cards • Screen shot of report card • Link to circular

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

SEC Chief Examiners Report JC Geography 2011 • Ensure that students are aware of the difference between description, explanation & effects. • To this end students could be encouraged to develop descriptions & explanations both in their class work & homework. The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Sample editing/writing checklist devised by the whole staff Satisfactory

Spelling – fewer than 3 errors Punctuation & Grammar – fewer than 3 errors Sequencing (new paragraphs/bullet point used for new ideas in correct order)

Vocabulary (general & subject specific) Clearly used Structure of sentence/answer – full sentences used/answers developed to the standard required by the question.

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Not satisfactory

Samples of student’s work from a range of subjects

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Analysis of students’ written work from a sample across the curriculum 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30%



Not Satisfactory

10% 0%

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Sample questionnaire for students

Click here for survey

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Student Survey • • • •

Strengths 50% read for more than 1 hr. 60% reading fiction & magazines Students experience a variety of variety of methodologies. Students are confident working in pairs & groups

Priorities for improvement • Very few students believe that their writing is legible & even fewer edit their own work. • More students prefer to write on facebook than other genres. • A general lack of confidence in speaking in class discussions.

Sample questionnaire for teachers

Click here for survey

Teachers Survey •

• •

Strengths 54% of teachers are using comprehension strategies Cooperative learning strategies being used. Use of multiple text types i.e. broadcast & digital media. Clear focused feedback is given to students

Priorities for improvement • Further use of comprehension strategies by all teachers • Agreed success criteria shared with students for improving writing process is clearly needed. • Questioning techniques to improve verbal & written answers.

Activity • Identify strengths and areas for improvement from the evidence you have been allocated • Collate strengths and areas for improvement using the diagnostic window

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Consult appropriate evaluation criteria to support your analysis THEME

Learner Outcomes

Learning Experiences

Teachers’ Practice


Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in learning

Teaching approaches

Evaluation criteria

p. 30

p. 34

p. 40

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Checking In • Recording findings, strengths and areas for improvement • Benchmarking the findings for the identified themes/subthemes with the relevant evaluation criteria/quality statement

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


Improvement targets may relate to any aspect of pupils’ achievement, including their knowledge, skills and their attitudes. ( SSE Guidelines p.61 )

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

SMART Targets • Specific - focus on student learning outcomes • Measurable –clear and precise • Attainable - reflect ability and needs of studentsappropriately challenging / ambitious • Realistic – to both school context, baseline data and specific actions • Timed - allowing time for planned actions to be implemented

Language of targets To increase

To meet

To cut

To raise

To expand

To decrease

To reduce

To complete

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

A useful formula ‌ Verb

Thing affected

From (baseline)

Level intended

By (date)

An example: To increase (verb) the percentage of pupils taking higher level english(thing effected) from 60% (baseline) to 65% (level intended) by the end of year 1 (date), 70% by the end of year 2 and 75% by the end of year 3. TARGETS NEED TO REFLECT A SCHOOLS INTENTION TO IMPROVE ON ITS PREVIOUS BEST The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


Target .


Success Criteria .

School Improvement Plan • Image of report

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Who? What? When? How?

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

One school’s story

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Reflect and discuss In what way has this activity developed your understanding of • use of evaluation methods/tools • data analysis and interpretation • writing an SSE report • devising a school improvement plan to include targets?

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Key Messages • The primary purpose of school self-evaluation is to improve the quality of learner outcomes • School self-evaluation is an internal, reflective process of school review which requires schools to examine their practice honestly and critically • The gathering of evidence to justify and to inform action planning for improvement is a fundamental principle of school self-evaluation The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

School Self-Evaluation Seminar for Post-Primary School Principals 2012

Session 3

Objectives Session 3 • To consolidate the six step SSE process through the lens of a numeracy example • To provide participants with an opportunity to reflect on and consider next steps

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Numeracy Numeracy encompasses the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and meet the demands of day-to-day living in complex social settings. (Literacy & Numeracy for Learning and Life 2011, p.8) The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Numeracy worked example School Biography • • • • • •

DEIS Mixed Urban 300 students 15% EAL students TY & LCA

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


SUBJECT DEPARTMENTS Modern Foreign Languages



Careers & SEN

History & Geography Maths

Practical Subjects

SSE Core Team

Link Teacher

Senior Management The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills Numeracy Training SSE Training under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

English & Irish

Numeracy example

Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in learning

Teaching approaches

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

What do you want to find out? THEME

Learner Outcomes

Learning experience


Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in Learning

Teaching Approaches


Attainment? Progress? Numeracy skills? Attitude to numeracy?

Active? Motivated? Collaborative? Independent?

Methods? Consistency? Whole school approach?


1. CAT scores 2. JC & LC results 3. Maths CRT

4. Questionnaire

5. Focus group with numeracy schedule prompt question

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Teachers’ Practice

Guiding Staff Reflection

Learner outcomes

 Students’ overall attainment, with regard to knowledge, understanding and skills in subjects and programmes, has improved significantly in line with targets; and expected outcomes have been achieved  Students enjoy learning the subject and have developed appropriate attitudes and dispositions

Learning experiences

 Learning settings are safe, well maintained, visually stimulating and supportive of literacy and numeracy  Students have access to appropriate materials, including ICT, to support learning  Students are enabled to engage actively in a range of suitably challenging, relevant and interesting learning opportunities

 Students can meet the literacy and numeracy challenges of the subject

 Students are given support as needed

 Students at risk of underachieving have made good progress

 Students are equipped with tools and skills for learning now and in the future.

 Students’ uptake levels and performance in state examinations compares favourably with national norms, within the school context.

Teachers’ practice

 Teachers prepare thoroughly for lessons; expected learning outcomes including literacy and numeracy development are clearly stated; and necessary resources are in place  Expected learning outcomes are clearly communicated; lessons are suitably paced to enable progression in development of knowledge and skills  Teaching is focused, stimulating and relevant. All aspects of the subject, including subjectspecific language, are thoroughly taught  All students are respected; high but realistic expectations are communicated; and efforts and achievements are affirmed  A range of assessment methods is used effectively to assess progress.

Analysis of CAT scores 30% 25% 20% 15%

School National


5% 0% <74

74 to 82 to 89 to 97 to 104 to 12 to 19 to 126+ 81 88 96 103 111 118 126 The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Well below average…………………………….average….…………………………… well above average

School National

Analysis of State Exams

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Analysis of JC & LC Maths 90%



80% 70% 60%






40% 30% 20% 10%


22% 7%

0% JC taking higher JC obtaining LC taking higher LC obtaining level paper honours grade level paper honours grade The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013


Maths Criterion Referenced Test Bar chart showing the percentage of students who answered questions correctly 120% 100%


Target: 80% of cohort to achieve proficiency

Target: 60% of cohort to achieve proficiency

60% 40%

20% 0%

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Sample questionnaire for students

Click here for survey

Student Survey Strengths • 52% of students like maths • 57% of students check their answers • 79% said there was usually more than one way to work out a problem • Students are engaging in independent & cooperative learning • 81% believe they need maths after school

Priorities for improvement • Only 15% of students felt that teachers had a positive attitude to maths • Only 11% of students said they are good at figuring out questions they have not seen before • 29% of students said they are not good at explaining maths in their own words

Activity • Identify strengths and areas for improvement from the evidence you have been allocated • Collate strengths and areas for improvement using the diagnostic window

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Consult appropriate evaluation criteria to support your analysis THEME

Learner Outcomes

Learner Experiences

Teachers’ Practice


Attainment of curriculum objectives

Engagement in learning

Teaching approaches

Evaluation criteria

p. 30

p. 34

p. 40

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Checking In • Recording findings, strengths and areas for improvement • Identifying themes/subthemes emerging from the findings • Benchmarking the findings for the identified themes/subthemes with the relevant evaluation criteria/quality statement The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013




The focus of the evaluation


School context


The findings


Progress made on previously-identified improvement targets


Summary of school self-evaluation findings


Our school has strengths in the following areas: (List the main strengths of the school with regard to teaching and learning))


Thefollowing areas are prioritised for improvement: (Specify the aspects of teaching and learning that need to be improved)


The following legislative and regulatory requirements need to be addressed. (Specify the aspects that need to be addressed)

SSE Reports should be no longer than 2 / 3 pages The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

School Improvement Plan • Image of report

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Who? What? When? How?

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Broad requirements • build on the existing SDP process • evaluate the quality of teaching and learning in literacy, numeracy and at least one other aspect of T & L over the four year period from 2012/13 to 2015/16 • write a short SSE report for the area examined • devise a SIP for aspects of practice identified for improvement in the area examined • First SIP to be in place by June 2013 • subject departments set targets to improve outcomes for students in the subject and to support and improve the acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

A roadmap for the next 4 years Year 1 2012/13

Year 2 2013/14

Literacy Implement SIP for Gather evidence Literacy SIP in place by June 2013 Numeracy Gather evidence SIP in place by June 2014

Year 3 2014/15

Year 4 2015/16

Implement SIP for Numeracy

Implement SIP for other area

Continue to implement and monitor SIP for Literacy

Continue to implement and monitor SIP for Literacy and SIP for Numeracy

Other Area Gather evidence SIP in place by June 2015

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

One school’s story

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Reflect … what next? In light of today’s seminar what actions do you need consider in the • short term • medium term • long term?

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Remaining Questions

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Link Teacher Seminar

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

SSE: Support for schools Department of Education and Skills: Inspectorate

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Support yourselves • Plan for SSE – link it to your existing school improvement agenda • Integrate SSE into the day to day life of your school • Allow time • Share the tasks • Acknowledge your context The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

SSE: What’s in it for schools? • SSE affirms what is already working • SSE ensures that plans for improvement are rooted in evidence • SSE trusts and supports teachers as professionals • SSE acknowledges school context • SSE provides schools with a logical review framework • SSE is inclusive of all voices • SSE can significantly improve student learning “Self –evaluation is the crucial mechanism for achieving any kind of school improvement” (MacBeath, 1999:153) The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

Key Messages • The primary purpose of school self-evaluation is to improve the quality of learner outcomes • School self-evaluation is an internal, reflective process of school review which requires schools to examine their practice honestly and critically • The gathering of evidence to justify and to inform action planning for improvement is a fundamental principle of school self-evaluation The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

LINKS TO CIRCULARS & DOCUMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

National Strategy for Literacy & Numeracy Summary of Strategy Department Circular 0056/2011 (re: transfer of data) Department Circular 0025/2012 (re: implementation of L & N strategy) Report Card Templates (primary school) NCCA Information re analysing standardised tests NEPS resource pack for PP teachers DES approved post-primary assessments

The PDST is funded by the Department of Education and Skills under the National Development Plan, 2007-2013

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