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Academic Senate Los Angeles Division

Council on Planning and Budget Minutes of Meeting: January 24, 2011 Approved: February 7, 2011 Present:

D. Lopez (Chair), J. Nagy (Vice Chair), J. Aberbach, S. Cochran, T. Drake, N. Garrett, B. Hayes, R. Matzkin, S. Morrison, J. Richardson, N. SooHoo, A. Subrahmanyam, K. Tu, F. Wazzan, G. Davies (ex-officio), Undergraduate Student Representative: R. Nguyen, Graduate Student Representative: S. Thein Absent: M. Morris (sabbatical), Undergraduate Student Representatives: M. Tran, Graduate Student Representative: K. McKinney Staff: D. Ayer, C. Hogg Meeting: The meeting was called to order at approximately 1:05 p.m. Minutes: The January 10, 2011 minutes were approved with minor revisions.

Plans for Temporary and New Permanent Faculty Club Facilities Chancellor Emeritus Norm Abrams, Chair of the advisory committee on the proposed Residential Conference Center & Faculty Club, presented the Council with an overview of the project. CE Abrams explained the charge, given by the Chancellor, of the Advisory Committee:  Provide input on design and various aspects of the project;  Advise on the temporary facility, which will serve as the Faculty Center during construction;  And, to advise on the relations between the Faculty Center, the new Residential Conference Center, and the Administration CE Abrams informed the Council that throughout the course of the project, the Advisory committee has had substantial input. Much consideration has gone into creating a state of the art facility, that will serve needs specific to the UCLA community. CE Abrams explained that “mistakes” made at other campuses were used as an opportunity to design a “better” facility than what is currently out there. For example, faculty at other institutions were concerned about the loss of identity that came with a joint Faculty-Conference Center; UCLA has attempted to avoid this problem by creating a separate entrance for each facility. CE Abrams reported that a location for the temporary Faculty Center has been determined. The temporary facility will be housed at Ackerman. CE Abrams explained that a great benefit of this is that there is already a kitchen; and while renovations will be made, it will not be nearly as costly as having to build an entire facility. CE Abrams reported that neither the Center nor ASUCLA, will pay for the renovations. The temporary facility will have a separate entrance, and will seat just over 200 people (the current facility accommodates just over 300). Meeting space will also be available, using meeting rooms in Ackerman, as well as Kerckhoff. As for evening dining, the details of the location have not been decided, but it will be available. CE Abrams reported that the present financial model of the current Faculty Center is not good; it is heavily dependent upon outside/private events. CE Abrams explained that the Conference

Center will pick-up a great deal of the billing of the future facility (specifics are currently under negotiation), which will place the Faculty Center in a much better financial situation. CE Abrams then entertained questions from the floor. With respect to the expected increased traffic, CE Abrams explained that all deliveries will be done underground, during the evening hours. CE Abrams informed the members that those working on the project have done their best to address the concerns raised by surrounding neighborhoods. As for pricing, CE Abrams explained that he does not think that there will be a substantial increase in price, with respect to the Faculty Center. As for the Conference Center, the plan is to have all-inclusive conference prices, which will be affordable. He also explained that there is a possible gift which will allow for on-campus subsidies, if needed. CE Abrams reinforced the sentiment that this project is not aimed at making money, and has been designed with the mission of the academic units in mind.

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