Redacted Gift Instrument for UCLA Hotel

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III I Frankli n Street Oakland, California 94607·5200 Phone: (510) 987-9074 Fax :(SIO) 987-9086

December 21, 2010 CHANCELLOR BLOCK Dear Gene: My staff has been working with your campus to refine the language of a pledge agreement from Meyer and Doreen Luskin in the amount of $100,000,000, pledged to The UCLA Foundation, for the following purposes: • •

supporting the construction of the UCLA Residential Conference Center; establishing the Luskin Endowment for Thought Leadership to support academic conferences and other events in the College of Letters and Science; and supporting the UCLA School of Public Affairs through the creation of several new chairs, other endowments and support for capital improvements.

I am pleased to authorize acceptance by The UCLA Foundation of this pledge from Meyer and Doreen Luskin_ In recognition of this generosity and contingent on fulfillment, I approve the naming of the conference center building as the Meyer and Renee Luskin Residential Conference Center at UCLA and the naming of the School of Public Affairs as the Meyer and Renee Luskin School for Public Affairs at UCLA With best wishes, I am, Sincerely yours,

1J.~~!4 President


Provost Pitts Executive Vice President Brostrom Vjce Chancellor Turteltaub vA.ssistant Vice President O'Neill Director Kinse lla

February 2, 2011 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Luskin: I was absolutely thrilled to see the public announcement of your recent gift to UCLA and, on behalf of the entire University of California community, I wish to convey our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your amazing generosity . You have taken our breath away and we all are in awe of your magnanimity, your . foresight, and your vision. The breadth of your gift is incredible and the value cannot be overstated. It goes without saying that generations of students and faculty will reap the benefits of your thoughtfulness. The University is honored and extremely proud, therefore, that the residential conference center building at UCLA and the School of Public Affairs will bear your names in recognition . of your extraordinary support. As I reflect on that support, I take great pride in the fact that I preside over an institution where wonderful friends like you recognize value, and help advance its role as a leader in education, research, and public I?ervice. In these difficult days, when resources are being stretched whisper thin, we treasure such confidence in our efforts. I hope to have the opportunity, before too long, of expressing in person my enduring gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to you both. I am sure it has been said many times before, but it certainly bears repeating, we are so very proud of your association with the University of California, and we look forward to that association flourishing in the years ahead. With warmest regards, I am, Sincerely yours,

lsi Mark G. Yudof cc:


Chancellor Block Provost Pitts Executive Vice President Brostrom Assistant Vice President O'Neill Director Kinsella



CbaoI::cllor UCLA Cbam::ellor's Office 2141 Murphy Hall Los Angeles. California 90095

We. Meyer Luskin ("Meyer; and Donxn Luskin. also known as Renee Luskin (URenee") are pleased to pled. the amourd of$I00.000.000 to The UCLA Foundation (the "Pledp"). The Pledge is to be allocated for the purposes described below and is conditioned upon satisfaetion of the remaining terms of this letter agreement (the "Agreement").

• S40,OOO,OOO to support the construction costs associated with the UCLA Residential Conference Center (to be named as described below). • S10.000,000 to establish the Laslda Eadowmeat for TII.llpt Leadenll., to create an endowment to support aeademic conferences. symposia, colloquia and other academic events in the College of Letters and Science and its use is to be detenniDed by the Chancellor in consultation with the Deans of the College of Letters and Science as W'CII as an annual lecture to be known as TIle Laskla Leetu:re for TIlollpt LeadenlUp. This annual public lecture will be given by a distinguished individual in any field to be chosen by the Chancellor.

• S50,OOO,ooo to support the School of Public Affairs (to be named as described below) to be allocated lIS follows: o Up to S5,OOO,OOO to be used to support capital improvements and immediate needs of the Dean of Public Affairs. If the funds allocated for this purpose arc not used within three yean of fundin& the remaining balance of the fund will be added to the LuldD 'IIDd tor'lulty R.ecntlba.Dt IDd Retentioa, lIS noted below. o SS,ooo.OOO to add to the existing endowment known IS the Lulda C.ater for Iuovltio. (fund number 81692E I S3492). o S3,ooo,OOO to create an endowment to establish the Lulda Eudowed Qatr tor tile Dea. of til. Wool of Public Aft'ain to be held by the Dean of the School of Public Affain. It is not our intent that thac funds be used 10 enhance the personal research of the Dean. but 10 advlDCC the mission of the School of Public Affairs. o $6.000,000 (3 funds ofS2.000,OOO) to create endowments to support the establishment of three Lukla Ead""eeI CII..... (aimed I I follows): • n. Meyer.1Id Re.ft La.kIII"eeI Cbl'r ill SocIII Judee • n. R.... Lulda EIIda"eeI C1latr

• The Meyer LakDI EDcIowed It is our intent to be involved with the furtber description IDd purposes ofne Rea.. Lallda Eadowed CUir and Tlae Meyer LakDI Eltdowed Cbair IDd we retain the right to wort with the Dean of Public Affairs to assist in shaping the purposes of these Chairs. o $12.000,000 to create .. endowment to be known as the Lutda Grad.... FeUewslttp '.1141 to support graduate students in the School of Public Affairs. o S1.000,000 to crate III endowment to support public lectures in the School of Pubtic Affairs. Lect:uret wid be presented .. times per year aDd it is our desire that the followina 1WIlCl be applied to Ibeae Lcturea: • ne GeM Block I.Adve ia Soelal Jutia • TIle ScaU W• • I...ecan .. , . . . PolIeJ • n. Fruk GDUa.. lAdue .. Urha Pia."",

• ne Stepla•• Lecture Ia Sodal Welfare

o $7,000.000 to create .. endowment to be known as the L..1da had 'or Fmdty R.emlibleat ••d ReteDtIIa. Under the direction of the Deaa olPublic .AffiIirs these funds can be used to support faculty recn.dtment and retention and related costs.

o $7.000.000 to create aD endowmeat to be known as the LuIdD .....d 'or SoeW Jwdce. These ftmds UDder Iho direction of the Dean of Public Affairs are to be used to support study. teaching mel raardl in the field of Social Justice. It is our inteDt at such a time that is appIopdate (At determined by the office of tile

ChancelJor) that these ftmda be converted to create/aupport a Center for Sod.. Justice. o $2,000.000 to create .. endowment to be known as the Laskla rllllCl tor Urbaa Stadfet. These f\mda Wider the direction olthe Dean of Public Aff'ain are to be used to support study, teaching and research in the field of Urban Studies. h is our intent at such a time that is appropriate (as detennined by the oftke of the Chancellor) that these ftmda be converted to create/support a Center for Urban Studies. o $2.000,000 to create _ endowment to be known as the Luid. had tor Facwlty Tuelli... aad ReIearcb. These funda under the direction oltha Dean of Public A.ffiIirs are to be available for WJe by tacuIty in the School of PubUc Mairs to wist fKulty membem with their resarch and teaching-


NwlnCRI....: We are maJdnalhiJ Pledae. in pan. upon the commitment oCtho University of CaJifomia. Los Angeles to DIllIe the following (referred to collectivoly u the "namiDp''): The UCLA SdIool ofPubUc Affairs to be known .. the Meyer ud Rill.. LuIdD Sdaool 01 hltlle AfraIn at UCLA The UCLA ResideotiaJ Conference Cencer to be known u the Mey... lad Re... LuIda RaWea .... C.,...... CeDter .. UCLA

We are aware tbIl boCh naminp are subject to the fanal approval of the President of the University ofCaUfom1&, and we are makinl this Pledae, in part. on relilDce upon die President', approval of both namiDp. Once approwd the Office of the the wiU beBin upon the receipt of this siped AlPeerrlCDI


We aarec thai if for any ~ason the Pledge bas not been funded in full and future Pledge forthcoming. The UClA Foundation and the Regents of the University of California ("Regents") shall have the right to revoke the naming(s) related to the unfunded pordoa of the Pledge. For example, once we have ftmdc:d the entire $50 million allocable to the School of Publie Affairs, The UCLA Foundation and Regents cannot ~voke our naming right with respect to the School of Public Affairs (except if the School of Public Affairs cases to exist, as desaibed below), regardless of whetber the entire $40 miUiOft portion of the Pledp allocable to the Residential Conlm:nc:e Ccnccr bas been paid. payments are DOt

The UCLA Foundation and Regents aarec that in the event of changed cin::~ including. without limitafioa. desWdion of or dama,ge to the buildina used to bouse the Meyer and Renee I..usIdn Residential Conference Center. The UCLA Folmdation and Regems must offer us, or in the case of our incapacity or deaths. our appointed representative (as defined below), an alternate pl~ and use of the "Meyer and Renee Lustin Residential Conference Center' name.

We also understand that the naming for the School of Pllblic Affairs will remain during the existence ofme School of Pllblic Affairs. We requesc that The UCLA Foundation consult with WI n:pr:dina the location of the placement oftbe naminp and the size of letterinl for such naming!. EpsItnnpegt hDdt: We understand that establishment and administration of the endowments win oomply with current policia ofThc UCLA Foundation. Althoup me endowments are intended to exist in perpetuity, we recognize that unfOmlCen circumstances may alter or remove the subject area. from tho campus academic plan. In such an event, the Chancellor is authorized to ~csipat.e me purpose of these endowments, after consultation with us or our appointed ~resentative and t.aking into consideration the dcsipared purposes described in this AgreemenL Wo are aware that The UCLA Foundation will manage and invest this Pled., iD accordance with its endowment investment polieics. The total retum earned in excess of the amount approved

annually for payout wiU be retained in the endowment principal to protect &om the effects of inflation and to allow for growth. Furtb.ermore, we audlorize tbe rotum of payout to the endowment fund principal when the payout is not needed for purposes oltho t\md. In addition., in the case of any Chair endowment, during the periods when the Chair is vacant, the funds earned on such Chair endowment sid be accumulated or reinvested into tho principal of tho fund for distribution upon fiUina the vacancy. The is not authorized to utilia the payout amount of such vacant Chafr for other purposes.

wn_RDlm: The Dan will provide an.nual comprehensive and decailed ~ru (both programmatic and financial) on die proaraa oltho Meyer and RencI Luskin School of Public AffiIirs. on the suuus of die completion of the funding orthe Meyer and Rcocc Luskin Residential Conference Center. Oft the use of the endowment to establish the Lakin Endowment for Thought Ladersbip. and as mqucstld tlom lime to time by u. by the Survivor, or by ow- appointed representative. The Cflanc:ellor and the Executive Vice Chancellor will review an.nually the progress of the School of

Pub& Affairs and its progress toward fulfdlina the academk plan as it relates to our intent outJiDed in this AgreemenL

EDdowwat Tn:

As is customary with universities and other non-tm>tit orpninrions across the coun!ry. a 0netime lift kc is applied to to

f!terIfpble Pmr" TU StIIIF

The UCLA Foundation and the Regents Iclcnowtedae that the Pledge wiU be used only for charitable purposes 81 defined from time to time in Internal RevClllUC Code Section SOl(cX3) and equivalent provisions of the laws of the StICe ofCalifomi, ad that no pan thercofwill be used in any attempt to inftuenco teaialatioa. to influence the outcome of any specific: election. or to carry oa, directJy or indirectly. allY voter rqist:ratioIl drive. The UCLA Fouadadon and the Repnta represcm that they are, reepectively. exempt under JntemaI Revenue Code Sectioa SOl(c)(J).1Dd are not private foundaaiona under Intmud Rcveuue Code SÂŤ:tions 509(8)(1) and 11O(bXl )(A).

SDCdfIc PerfO"'RS!: The UCLA FOUDdation and the ROients acknowledae that in the event that any of the tams of this Agreement wae not performed in accordaoce with their specific tennJ or were otherwilC bralched, immediate irreparable injwy would be caused. Accordinai)'. in the event of a failure by The UCLA Foundation or the Reaenu to perform my oftheir respective obliptiona hercundct. the donors. the Survivor. or their appointed representative, will be entitled to specific performance through injunctive relielto prevent breaches of the terms ofthiJ Aereement in .. action instituted in the Superior Court. County of Loa Ansel. . State of California.

Anoia"" Rpwafltftt:

Addillol" Pmlahru:

This Apeement has been entered into and wiD be govef'l'llrCd by the intemallaws of'the State of' California. This Apeemenr will be bindinl and COIII:Jusiw on the ptttieI and dleir rapectiw hein. successors in interest. and assip The pII1.ia win execute. acbowledaa. and deliver any additional documents. and like Ifty further actioas II I'I1IY be RIrIJOnably rerqWod to carry out the fmM and CODditioas of this Asreemaa. T'fI.iJ ~ may be amended oaly by • writatl insbUtnent executed by the donors. The UCLA Foundation. and the Repntl. T'hiI ~ may be executed in counterpartS, each ofwhidl will be deemed an original ottbil AlllIIImIIII&. This AgrNment win constitucelhe entire Apea:ncat between the donon Oil the OM hal. aDd The UCLA Foundation and the RqentI on the other hind. and will supalOdrtl1l prior wrtaea or oral statements or asreemmIL We ate pleased to provide thl.1eadenhJp lift and pwtrw with dUa InsdludoD 1ft advlllCinl tbe UCLA mission of research,. Ilducadoft and public: lJiIllt'IIIce. Sincerely.

of California

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