mitchellmusings 12-20-10

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Mitchell’s Musings 12-20-10 I have been thinking about take-aways of late. We are all aware of the decline in such components of the employment contract as employer-provided health care. The chart below - which focuses on my home state of California - is one of many of its type that readers are likely to have seen. While there is an evident cyclical effect on the chart of the Great Recession (and of the prior housing boom), the secular erosion is also apparent. =========== Job-Based Health Insurance Coverage for the Non-Elderly: U.S. and California

Source: =========== But while take-aways from the employment contract such as health insurance and defined-benefit pensions are the targets of various periodic surveys, there are other workplace ―perks‖ that are often unmeasured. Two items from the Los Angeles Times and one from the Sacramento Bee caught my eye last week. 1

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