Munger Hall or Munger Hell - Part 3 (International Edition) Friday, November 05, 2021
As can be seen above, the story of the UC-Santa Barbara dorm has gone international; it has now arrived in the British publication, The Guardian. You can read that version of the story at: However, the headline pretty much gives you the tone of the article. So, there is an interesting question. Will the Regents kill this proposal? As we noted in an earlier posting, the closest the Regents ever came in recent times - 2012 specifically - to stopping a campus-level capital construction project was UCLA's Grand Hotel. And yet, in the end, after slamming the project and embarrassing Chancellor Block initially, at a later meeting they blessed it. Yours truly, after the initial regental blocking (pun intended!) - but before the Regents later approved - predicted that in the end they would approve it. You can hear and see that presentation - a report to the UCLA Emeriti Association board - at the link below (which contains excerpts from the Regents meeting): ProjectTo (If you have trouble seeing/hearing it using that link, try a laptop or computer rather than an iPhone.) An (audio) recording of the full Regents initial meeting about the Grand Hotel is at: UniversityOfCaliforniaRegents3 -28-2012Part2 Listeners will note that then-Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom - an ex officio Regent was one of the skeptics.* There are some differences between the Santa Barbara dorm and the UCLA Grand Hotel: UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 4th Quarter 2021