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LAO summary of UC budget

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) provides a summary of the higher ed state budget for the current fiscal year. UC's budget in particular is summarized. Excerpt:


UC Core Funding Is $10.3 Billion in 2021‑22. Of this amount, $4.8 billion (46 percent) comes from state General Fund, $5.1 billion (50 percent) comes from student tuition and fee revenue, and $424 million (4 percent) comes from other sources. Ongoing General Fund spending increases by $543 billion (16 percent) from 2020‑21 Budget Act levels. The 2021‑22 budget also includes $746 billion in total one-time spending for various initiatives at UC. [The figure below] shows the many specific spending changes for UC in 2021‑22.

aThe base cut was 7.7 percent for campuses and 12.7 percent for the UC Office of the President, UCPath, and ANR division.

bAugmentation is on top of ANR’s restoration funds ($9.2 million) and 5 percent base increase ($3.2 million). These amounts are embedded in the restoration and base augmentation totals.

cMakes one‑time General Fund support provided in previous years ongoing.

dBudget does not list specific projects at specific campuses.

eComponent of the California Institute on Law, Neuroscience, and Education, which is established as part of the California Bench to School Initiative.

Full publication at https://lao.ca.gov/Publications/Report/4461.

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