LAO summary of UC budget Tuesday, October 12, 2021
The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) provides a summary of the higher ed state budget for the current fiscal year. UC's budget in particular is summarized. Excerpt:
UC Core Funding Is $10.3 Billion in 2021‑22. Of this amount, $4.8 billion (46 percent) comes from state General Fund, $5.1 billion (50 percent) comes from student tuition and fee revenue, and $424 million (4 percent) comes from other sources. Ongoing General Fund spending increases by $543 billion (16 percent) from 2020‑21 Budget Act levels. The 2021‑22 budget also includes $746 billion in total one-time spending for various initiatives at UC. [The figure below] shows the many specific spending changes for UC in 2021‑22.
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 4th Quarter 2021