Transfers - Part 3 (still waiting for the guv) Wednesday, October 06, 2021
Gov. Newsom has been holding news conferences featuring signing ceremonies in which he signs various bills on various subjects into law. Typically, officials related to the subjects appear at these ceremonies and praise the governor who then makes remarks, signs the bills, and takes questions from the news media.* One bill on which we have previously blogged, has remained in limbo awaiting Newsom's signature or veto.** This bill is AB 928, which is aimed at making the transfer process from the community colleges to CSU or UC easier. The bill is opposed by UC and the governor's own Dept. of Finance (among others) on various grounds. So you might think it would be an easy veto. But as of this moment, no decision by the governor on the bill has been made and the time for a decision is running out. The bill is at: 210AB92892ENR ===== *The most recent example is at: **;
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 4th Quarter 2021