Uh Oh Sunday, October 10, 2021
From the Bruin: Trace amounts of COVID-19 were found in on-campus housing wastewater Thursday. The UCLA Office of Environment, Health & Safety found the COVID-19 traces as a part of their residential building wastewater testing program.
The university emailed students living in on-campus housing to notify them of the trace amounts of the virus found Thursday, said UCLA spokesperson Katherine Alvarado. Students were advised to take a COVID-19 test by 11 a.m. Friday and students who were not on campus or those unable to complete a COVID-19 test by that time are recommended to get tested when they return, Alvarado added. The UCLA Exposure Management Team will contact any student who tests positive for COVID-19. The team will also provide students who test positive for COVID-19 with additional information on next steps, Alvarado said. Wastewater testing can detect potential COVID-19 cases days before individuals become symptomatic... Full story at https://dailybruin.com/2021/10/08/ucla-finds-trace-amounts-of-covid-19-inwastewater-of-residential-halls.
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 4th Quarter 2021