Hastings or Not Hastings - Part 2 Wednesday, November 03, 2021
Note: Hastings College of Law is connected to the UC Regents, although it has its own board. As we noted going back to 2017, the Hastings name issue has parallels with UCBerkeley's Boalt Hall issue.* Apparently, unlike the Berkeley situation, changing the name of Hastings is a decision for the legislature and governor. Leading law school seeks to remove genocidal founder's name AP 11-2-21 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — The University of California Hastings College of the Law will work on removing the name of its founder, who sponsored massacres of Native Americans in the 1850s, the board of directors voted Tuesday. The vote authorizes one of the nation's leading law schools to work with state lawmakers and others to change the institution's name.
Hastings Law School was founded in 1878 by Serranus Clinton Hastings, a wealthy rancher and former chief justice of the California Supreme Court. Its graduates include Vice President Kamala Harris and former California Assemblyman and San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown. But historians say the school's founder helped orchestrate and finance campaigns by white settlers in Mendocino County to kill and enslave members of the Yuki Indian tribe at a time when California law had legalized lynch mob attacks on Indians along with kidnapping and forced servitude in what some state leaders openly called a war of extermination. The expeditions arranged by Hastings resulted in the deaths of 300 Yuki, and the government reimbursed him for expenses, including ammunition. The attacks were part of a three-year series of slaughters and kidnappings by settlers known as the Round Valley Settler Massacres that by some estimates claimed at least 1,000 Indian lives. The school began to investigate Hastings’ legacy in 2017 and has been working on “restorative justice” initiatives including a free legal aid program for the Yuki and other tribes, founding an Indigenous Law Center and creating a campus memorial to the Yuki UCLA Faculty Association Blog: 4th Quarter 2021