Watch the Regents Morning Meetings of March 16, 2022 Saturday, March 19, 2022
The Regents met as a full board on the morning of March 16 and initially took public comments on various topics including putting syllabi online, grading, student funding, labor relations, outsourcing of childcare, pay for childcare, nurse outsourcing, nurse staffing, apprenticeship in the skilled trades, preservation of murals at UC-San Francisco, Cal Grants, ethnic studies, abortion, fossil fuel, interpreters in medical centers, and telecommuting. Noteworthy in the various statements after public comments was that of systemwide Academic Senate Chair Robert Horwitz on student demands for universal online and hybrid courses. Horwitz made the point - which we have made on this blog - that substantial resources would be needed for any such undertaking and that it is, as such, impractical. He also noted privacy concerns for both students and faculty when courses are broadcast and recorded. You can see his statement on this topic below: or direct to The Compliance and Audit committee took up the issue of cybersecurity. Various Regents noted concerns about vulnerability to cyber attack, given the world situation. At Public Engagement and Development, much of the time was devoted to a proposed state constitutional amendment that would require the Regents to appoint two student regents, up from the current one student regent. As always, we preserve the Regents' sessions since the Regents - for unknown reasons delete the recordings after one year. Morning session: Direct to Board plus Compliance and Audit: Direct to Public Engagement and Development: o m p l i a n c e - a n d - a u d i t - c o m m i t t e e - 3 - 1 6 22/Public+Engagement+and+Development+Committee+3-16-22.mp4 UCLA Faculty Association Blog: First Quarter 2022