LAO Report: Like a broken record (with full explanation) Sunday, January 09, 2022
The Legislative Analyst's Office (LAO) recently produced a report on certain agricultural research activities undertaken by UC.* Here is an excerpt: ... State Is a Major Fund Source for Both Programs, but State Now Budgets for Programs Differently. Though receiving funds from several sources, both Agricultural Experiment Stations and Cooperative Extension receive more than half of their ongoing operating support from the state General Fund. Historically, UC determined how much state funding from its main budget appropriation to allocate to these programs. In 2018-19, the state began setting the funding amount for UC ANR (specifically, Cooperative Extension) in the annual budget act. In contrast to Cooperative Extension, UC continues to decide how much of its main General Fund appropriation to provide Agricultural Experiment Stations.
Three Concerns With State Oversight of Programs. First, the state has considerably less information, budgetary control, and oversight of Agricultural Experiment Stations than it does of Cooperative Extension despite the two programs being intended to work in concert to address pressing agricultural and natural resource issues. Second, the Legislature lacks sufficient budgetary information from UC to adjust funding for these programs on an annual basis. Third, the state does not receive regular performance reporting on both programs despite comprising the largest source of ongoing funding. Three Recommendations for Enhancing Legislative Oversight. First, we recommend the Legislature include state General Fund for Agricultural Experiment Stations in the existing UC ANR budget item, thereby budgeting for both programs directly. Second, we recommend the Legislature require UC to submit a budget report in late fall each year providing key information on anticipated operational cost increases. Third, we recommend requiring UC to report periodically to the Legislature on the activities and outcomes of Agricultural Experiment Stations and Cooperative Extension. Together, these actions would improve budget transparency, provide the information needed to make informed budget decisions moving forward, and enhance legislative oversight of 42
UCLA Faculty Association Blog: First Quarter 2022